• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Fluttershy 231 stories
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Sam was leading a peaceful and quiet life ever since he emerged in Equestria. Making his home in Ponyville, he even managed to find himself a marefriend in Fluttershy. But then Celestia comes up with the Villian Reformation Programme that puts him in quite the predicament. Three former villainesses are now living with him and Fluttershy, as the alternative for two of them was spending an eternity in Tartarus. Should be fine, right?

Just a note, R63 Sombra by the name of Umbra. Because why the hell not...
Had to get this one started before I do anything else.
It's a crossover with another property which I will not name until it's the proper time.
I know the cover art is a very sloppy paste job but it'll do for now.

Featured on October 26th! It's true I saw it! :rainbowlaugh:
A huge thank you to my readers!
Aaaaand it's gone...

Chapters (8)

It's been three months since Discord died and Fluttershy still didn't move on looking for a way to bring him back.
One day she found out about mystery witch who gave her what she desired.
But is it really possible to cheat death once it has taken someone's life?

This story is based on the comic and audio drama The last adventure. It's related to the one of the two endings. So If you want to fully understand the story, read the comic or watch the audio drama version.



Chapters (6)

Daniel, a disciplined member of the secret service, is stuck with one of those jobs. You know, the one where he has to watch over some secondary personnel when his buddies are hitting it big protecting alien royalty itself, especially when one of his is jealous of her friend and keeps pouting about it. Regardless, he occupies the annoying Rainbow Dash as best he can. Well, until a yellow silicon mask falls from the ceiling and the flight takes a turn for the worse.

And when the pilots pass out, someone’s gotta fly the plane.

Finally, a new entry into the 24-hour fics shelf. It’s not a true 24-hour fic again, but it’s close enough for me to include it among the list.

Rated T for a decent amount of profanity.

Proofread by LordJanitor, shalrath, and TheManFromAnotherTime.

Chapters (1)

Anastasia loves almost everything about My Little Pony. She also loves Fluttershy, her favourite pony from the show. One morning, Anastasia wakes up and discovers that she has transformed overnight into Fluttershy. In amidst the shock, Anastasia learns what it's like to be a pony.

Editor: Wand3r3r3

💜 Featured 22/04/19 - 24/04/19! Thank you all for the support!

Chapters (1)

The wheels of fate turn in mysterious ways. When a unicorn colt has an accident on the edge of the Everfree, nopony knows who he is. Assuming his brain was jostled by the accident, they ignore his absurdist notions of not being from this world, and not being a pony at all. However, when he is involved a terrible incident that threatens the lives of his only friends in the world—Ponyville's three most rambunctious fillies—their friends and family begin to pay more credence to his claims.

For Warren Ashland, the clock is ticking as a chain of events that was set into motion the moment he woke in Equestria comes to a vicious head. The time will come when he must decide whether he wishes to stand alone as a human in the Equestrian world, or give it all up for his newfound friends. His actions will shape the lives of those around him.

Cover art by - GMEiden

Chapters (25)

When a lone baby draconequus happens to stumble into Cheerilee's class one day, the caring mare can't help but take it upon herself to attempt raising it.

But as time goes on, Cheerilee soon learns the risks of taking in a draconequus. Risks, that could cost the both of them, everything.

(Much loved Editor: The11thWonder, + Revision Chapters 9 & 10: Jokie155)

Chapters (12)

Rainbow Dash is a carefree stuntsmare who lives for danger. But it hits too close to home when she is diagnosed with a fatal disease. Zecora has a potion that can save her life but is the price for the cure too much for her to bear?

Just a little one-shot I wrote to prove I could. Hope you like it and I hope it gives you the feels.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy has been running her grand animal hospital for a few years now. But she has also found her calling in travelling Equestria to give motivational speeches on how to give The Gentle No. Iron Will has been the lynch pin to her success, managing her tour, giving her the support she needed to be successful. It has been a wonderful professional relationship. But what about Discord? Is he okay with Fluttershy spending so much time with her tour manager?

Set in the Universe of The Amulet of Shades, this will be a stand-alone story. You don't need to read Amulet to enjoy this one. So.. enjoy!

Also featured on Equestria Daily...:eeyup:

Chapters (3)

Three weeks have passed since Twilight Sparkle was crowned a Princess of Equestria; but many things have not changed. For instance, one hour every day, all of the animals at Fluttershy's home take a nap, and she has tea.

One day, though, her routine is spontaneously interrupted by the least spontaneous mare she knows, eager to talk about anything, except what brought on her visit in the first place. Fluttershy is left to wonder: Just what is going on in Twilight's mind, and can she help her unravel it?

Chapters (1)

"Oh, um, hello. As you know, I am Fluttershy and I teach kindness.

The key to being kind to everycreature is knowing what every creature needs. So in this class I will be introducing you to the many creatures we share our world with, and how they live."

Rated T for potential discussion about predation, parasitism, reproduction, and other fascinating things animals do.

Has a badly neglected Twitter account with a similar premise.

Chapters (10)