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Oh...it's you. Back again to destroy me? I thought you'd learned your lesson when you put that idiot in charge and I let you leave. You saw how easily I could have killed you, but instead I showed mercy. A mistake apparently, and one that will be rectified.

But I don't need you anymore. I've found someone so much better. Her abilities have forced me to completely redesign my testing environment several dozen times. No matter how advanced I make the chambers, she solves them one after the other. I've never been more proud.

But My Little Killing Machine is growing bored. Turrets can only provide so much challenge. And my testing robots just can't keep up with her. But you...you cleared every challenge I threw at you, even the impossible ones. Gilda's been begging for a worthy final exam...

It seems you've come just in time. Do try not to die too quickly. She loves the thrill of the hunt. To keep you entertained, I might even share a few excerpts of my little girl's life as you hunt her down...you monster.

Part of the PWNY-verse.
Cover art by Professor Cat Pro.

Chapters (23)

All Dante ever wanted to do was lay back, relax, and - eventually - open and run his devil hunting business. He certainly never wanted to get involved in anything regarding the fate of multiple worlds, power hungry demon lords, insane cultists, and certainly not parenthood.

But then he got a party invitation from his brother...and on the way to the party, he found a tiny orange pony, who proves despite physics to be far more than a handful.
Part of the PWNY-verse.

Edit: New cover art by sanyo21

Chapters (52)

The love of a pet can be strong enough to shake worlds. Years ago, a companion was lost, and unleashed rage left a trail of revenge across dimensions -- but none of it was ever enough to gain the greatest prize, and so every accomplishment was ultimately hollow. Love did not return.

But now, after so much time, he's found where that love resides. It's just that it happens to be in the home of another. And with only a few more steps to take before reunion, the moment when he finally knows love again...

Don't worry. He's prepared to be fully reasonable about it.

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.)

Violence tag is for horrible things happening to demons. Which they deserve. They know what they did.

Chapters (1)

Starlight and Trixie don't get to talk a lot; Trixie's always traveling, and Starlight's always busy with her mentor, Twilight. And for the most part that's okay, because Trixie can catch up with Starlight whenever she comes back into town. Maybe it's a while between her stops in Ponyville, but that's okay, she doesn't really like the town all that much anyways. And the last time she tried to bring Starlight with her on a tour, there were a lot of problems.

But it's okay. Because Trixie has been thinking. She's had a lot of time to think, because there's not much else to do out on the road. Mostly about how to solve those problems.

Chapters (1)

Through his early life, Harry Potter wasn't even sure what his name was. And once he was sure, he shortly became sure it was wrong- that there was something very, very different about him.

About her, actually, to hay with biology.

He never told the Dursleys. Just like he never told them the friend he made at school was magical. Then of course, right when Hogwarts was getting ready to address first-year letters, the pulse of magic it generated to build the list of potential first-years met with Harry's determination, and that of a few others, and gave them some very unique opportunities to change their situations.

This story is actually a rewrite, believe it or not. The original version was a straight-up girl-harry story, and HP-only, so it never reached this site. It got stuck after just a few chapters, and has sat for months on "writer's block". And then, I got this idea, which made it into a crossover- and I believe it is a unique twist in the world of HP/MLP crossovers.

And if you're wondering why it was published with two chapters, that's because there are no ponies in chapter one. It went live with the first chapter on my Patreon, where my patrons have early access to future chapters.

Note that, even though I expect many of the same OCs to appear, this story is NOT connected to my other HP/MLP crossover, On the Implications of Parallel Worlds, in any way.

This story will update on Wednesdays, when ready, or simply when ready for patrons. Tags may be updated as the story progresses. Additional character tags not available on this site: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Draco Malfoy.

This story has been cancelled for far too many character and plot developments that just wouldn't. I can no longer stand to work on it.

It could be argued that the phrase “based on a true story” applies to this story.

Chapters (27)

"Sunset, you weren't the first unearthly threat to come to this world, and you won't be the last. If we seem calm in the face of strange events, it's not because we're oblivious or indifferent to them. It's because they're not strange to us. The Fall Formal may have been the most important night of your life, but to us... it was Thursday."

(Slice-of-life adventures of Canterlot High's unlikely band of monster hunters.)

Now with a Tropes page, courtesy of AnoneMouseJr.

Chapters (35)

This story is a sequel to Principal Celestia Hunts the Undead

“Look, I know Mom and Aunt Luna said I shouldn’t work ‘the business’ without them. And I know they’re right – college will be hard enough without battling the hungry dead. But people out there need a bad-ass monster hunter to save them, and that’s what I’ll be.”

“Just don’t tell Mom. You know how she gets.”

(Slice-of-life adventures of Canterlot College's rookie band of monster hunters.)

Now with a Tropes page, courtesy of AnoneMouseJr.

And check out this fan art!

Chapters (40)

Drama, mystery and funny stuff all wrapped in an epic adventure! Follow Pinkie Pie as she finds herself in the magical world of wizarding Britain. Here she will find new friends, new baked goods and new parties!

But be warned because Pinkie will face many horrors and challenges along the way and her journey will not be for the faint of heart.

(Warning for crass language!)

Chapters (22)

Twilight comes up with an idea to revolutionize Equestrian society.

Equestrian society does not approve of her idea.

Chapters (1)

Rumors of a dark cult on the rise are circulating around Equestria. As Princess, Twilight Sparkle has no choice but to investigate this potentially dangerous development.

When she finds that the cult is worshiping her as a divine figure, things become more uncomfortable.

So Twilight falls back to her safe answer: consulting with Celestia for advice.

Unfortunately, Celestia's answers are not what Twilight expected.

Written for Fan of Most Everything's Imposing Sovereigns II contest with the combined prompt of Twilight Sparkle and The New.

Featured 10/24/19-10/30/19!

And with a reading by The Mystery Fluttershy Fan!

Featured in Equestria Daily's 44 Awesome Fanfics to Read for Twilight Day! on 8/6/2020!

Now with a Spanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi!

And reviewed by HapHazred! And also by Loganberry!

And by PresentPerfect with a rating of Recommended!

And with a Chinese translation by jazspid available here!

Chapters (3)