• Member Since 17th Feb, 2014


Don't worry, things are always in the works with me.

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It's been more than a thousand years since the Mane Six's adventures in Ponyville, and things look very different. Equestria is gone, devoured by chaos. Nightmare creatures roam the lands, changelings prey on the few remaining pony settlements, and all trace of the peace and harmony during Princess Celestia's reign has vanished.

Until, that is, a small group of ponies set out to map the Tangle, and find a slumbering dragon inside. Now Spike, a millenium out of his time and with only his memories to comfort him, is ponykind's only hope. Together, he and his new friends set out to find the one pony who can set things right: Twilight Sparkle.

Cover art by the inestimable TheAuthorGl1m0.

Featured by The Royal Guard on February 4th, 2014.


- Beware of spoilers in the comment section!
- Currently undergoing heavy revision for chapters nineteen and onward. The "lost" chapters - that is, the story as it was originally published - can be found here.

Chapters (32)

Comet takes his job too seriously. Angel doesn't take anything seriously.

Comet joined to protect kingdom and princess(es). Angel joined for adventure and danger.

Comet isn't interested in mares. Angel can't stop talking about stallions.

Comet is a pegasus. Angel is a bat pony.

Together, this unlikely duo goes through life as Royal Guards from basic training to fully fledged guardsponies. Who knows? Maybe they'll even start to get along.

Cover art by slawomiro.

Chapters (30)

After a brief spat with Spike over a seemingly trivial matter Twilight decides that in order to learn more about dragons she should try to become one. With a simple spell she transforms her little pony self into a larger dragon and quickly realizes that she has no way to change back available to her....

Chapters (2)

What would you do if you woke up one day to find an Alicorn Princess Goddess passed out drunk on your doorstep, unable to be awoken? Rainbow Dash certainly has her hooves full with this one. How is she going to handle this??

Chapters (1)

King Sombra came from an old age, a time where darkness and evil were prevalent across the land. The Princesse's power and influence were weaker in those days, for the land of Equestria was divided amongst many kingdoms of lesser Princesses and Princes. But out of all their ruling neighbors, The Four Shepherds held the most power of all, even threatening Celestia and Luna's kingdom. However, all of that changed when they vanished for a thousand years, ushering in a new era of peace and prosperity. Until that is, when the Crystal Kingdom reappeared, along with one of the Shepherds. King Sombra, however, was thankfully vanquished swiftly, but the following peace of his defeat would not last as long as anypony might think. A new force sets its eyes on the recently coronated Princess Twilight Sparkle, one that seeks to restore a lost heritage and remind the land of who is the true owner of the night. For when one evil is smitten, another appears in its place. And King Sombra was only the first in line.


Set before Season 4

Note: Dark tag is meant for Light Dark

Special thanks to my editor Ladrian for his diligent and superb work. I wish I had him when I first started this story because maybe then the early chapters would have been much better.

Special thanks to Stanku for revisions and prereading this story. It would be at a much worse state had it not been for his detailed opinions to each and every chapter, and letting me know where I can improve.

10/2/2014 : Woah... it's on the featured list... *cue squealing and fist pumping* THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!

Chapters (55)

At the end of the world, Princess Twilight Sparkle is hidden away in order to survive. All that she has to keep herself sane is a single old computer-turned-journal, and she has no intention of giving in to madness just yet.

Thanks to NaarPuni for the cover art! (DeviantArt Link)

Now has a dramatic reading thanks to ObabScribbler!

Now has continuations: Fade and Falter

Warnings for apocalypse scenarios and strange grammatical choices.

This was written in about an hour for a myriad of reasons, including a want to actually get some writing done, a personal goal of trying to write a short story in about 1,000 words, and for fun.

This story has received some major edits as of April 22, including beefing up the content of several logs, adding some new logs, and other alterations throughout the story, both plot-wise and grammatical.

Chapters (1)

All of Equestria is united in celebration for the return of their beloved Princess Nightmare Moon. But when Celestia and everypony else recieve her she's skeletally starved, filthy, and very nearly dead. Meanwhile, while everypony's eye is turned, a lusty Blueblood pursues Twilight Sparkle, intent on adding her bloodline to his own so his family might step closer to godhood. (Alternate Universe, there never was a Princess Luna)

Chapters (23)

Over time we lose our friends; those we love, those who we share a piece of our heart with, but do we ever really lose them for good? Sometimes, true friendship and heartfelt love can transcend even death itself, and with a little magic, a shattered life can be made whole once again. Follow the after-years of Twilight Sparkle, centuries after the end of the show, and find out if a friend lost is a friend gone.... or just somepony waiting to step back into your life.

Note: If you enjoy this story, please comment on why, and if you dislike it, please specify how you would improve it. Enjoy!

Thanks to: Cream Puff for proofreading Chapters 1-7, and Golden Apple for proofreading 6-8.

Chapters (9)

What if Twilight was orphaned before her acceptance into Celestia's school for gifted unicorns?
what if she and the princess of the sun became inseparable? What if Twilight starts calling Celestia mommy after their lessons?
What if Celestia loves it?
Inspired by the cover photo

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to Power Surge

Takes place ten years after the events of "Power Surge"

There may come a time when the powers we gained so long ago, the skills we fought to refine and keep at their peak will need to be put to the test. That time has come, and Twilight must show that she is ready to push herself to her limits and beyond. For if she does not, everything will be lost.

Thanks to This guy! for the new and awesome cover art :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (1)