• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2014


What's the meaning of life? Well its to live it to the the fullest, we only have one life after all.

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This story is a sequel to Dust Bowl Dance

It's been three years since Spike and Big Macintosh joined the war. Spike has a secret that is the cause of his joining the war that he feels would destroy his friendships, but can it stay hidden? King Sombra has returned and has joined forces with the duke of the drakos. The Elements of Harmony are called in to defeat Sombra who is turning the war in favor for the drakos, and Spike's squad is called in to protect them. Sombra has a grudge against the purple drakos, and leverage.

Chapters (10)

Spike left three years ago, and nopony knew where he went. He has finally come back home, back to Ponyville, but it's not the same. Only Rainbow Dash and Rarity remain in the town and a gangster now runs the town, Bloody Rich. Spike takes it as his mission to save the town and chase Bloody out, and maybe patch things up with his friends, but can he? A secret lurks in Spike's heart that Rarity cannot dig out, and if it does come out, could they still look at him?

Chapters (5)

Equestrian Academy, a school full of strict rules, magical fights, and shenanigans all around. When Spike arrives to the school on the note of his friend, Sweetie Belle, he'll find out exactly what makes this school special........In more ways than he could ever imagine!!!!!!

First ever Fic that I typed myself. Prologue is when they're 13, and everything else is 18+ Hope you all enjoy it and comment on anything you think is either good or bad. HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!

Chapters (10)

After coming to Canterlot with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Spike attempts to help them with one of their plans to earn their cutie marks. However, after Scootaloo and Apple Bloom cause massive damages to Canterlot Castle and three stallions, Spike must spend the next week keeping Sweetie Belle from causing irreparable damage to herself, others, or the city while Cheerilee deals with Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and any other foals unfortunate enough to get in trouble.

Rated Teen because of some mild language and alcoholic references.

Chapters (10)

Sweetie Belle has developed a bit of a crush. But to her, its too weird and trying to deal with it confuses her. One day, Rarity comes with news though that will force her to come to terms with it and try to sort it out or lose him.

So this turned out to be way more popular then I thought. Originally it was going to be one part that got turned in for hearts and hooves day contest over at EQD. Them being the guys they are did not accept it. That being said, at over 500 views this is my most popular story so far. And alot of folks have asked me to expand it. So Thats what I plan to do. I hope you guys enjoy it.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to The Gemmed Satyr

The third episode of the Gems Trilogy. Rated Teen for sexual implications, minor violence, and some dark themes.

It’s been three months since the events of The Sweetest Gem and The Gemmed Satyr, and everypony is in emotional turmoil.

Can Fluttershy stomach up the courage to take her relationship with Rarity to the next level? When Rainbow Dash finds out a dark secret about Applejack’s boyfriend Caramel, can she hold a promise not to tell her friend, or will her conscience make her do the right thing?

Does Sweetie Belle really have good reason to worry about her and Spike's future together? And just why has Pinkie Pie been so keen to hang out with Twilight lately, and what does she mean by the "prophecies" coming true'?

But their problems are only beginning. Trouble is brewing in Equestria. Strange things are happening all over the land: one of the royal sisters has mysteriously disappeared, a familiar evil is about to rise again, and the fate of all the hearts in Equestria will lie in these six ponies’ own troubled hearts as they search for a mystical place talked about only in myth.

Chapters (27)

The first episode of The Gems Trilogy.

Sweetie Belle attempts to deal with the realization that she's developed a crush on Spike. Meanwhile, Spike's own feelings are in flux.

Chapters (12)

This takes place before "Twilight's Kingdom".

When one gets abused, neglected, and unnoticed too much it can affect them massively. This is what a small dragon living among ponies had to face, sadly. And sometimes, consequences can be brutal, and coincidences can be frightening.

Follow Spike, Twilight, and the rest as all of their lives change.

Cover Art is from yours truely.

Chapters (51)

An ancient evil is about to rise from a third alicorn, and our only hope lies in the claws of a young dragon. Will he be able to stop this evil? Or will he die without telling the one he loves how he truly feels.

Chapters (28)

This story is a sequel to TwiSpike

Twilight and Spike have been dating in secrecy since the lustful night they shared. For nearly a month the two have hidden from the town, blissfully unaware that their lives and the lives of all of their friends is on a collision course.

Cover art once again by: EeveePikachuChan

Chapters (7)