• Member Since 7th Mar, 2014

The Zebra Hybrid

Be who you are and strive who you want to be

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Nearly all of humanity has been converted and all that remains is a small, but well armed resistance. They are mounting an assault on Equestria to, one way or another, send Celestia a message.

"We will not go quietly into the night!
We will not vanish without a fight!"
President Thomas J. Whitmore, Independence Day

Chapters (1)

When the ponies came, they tried to convert humanity with words and kindness, saying that they were misguided beings and the princesses would help them on the path to Harmony. When that failed, the ponies tried the potion, only for it's magic to be countered by humanity's science. Then they tried force and failed completely at that.
Finally they decided to let the Barrier defeat humanity and it seemed to work! Nearly 50% of the planet was covered with humanity doing it's best to find a solution.
Unfortunately, the ponies of Equestria are about to learn a harsh lesson that humanity learnt long ago. The Earth can be paradise for those who tame it, but to others it is hell.

Chapters (1)

Limitless Technologies has been part of the leading scientific teams of America ever since their lead researcher Phillip Hadger discovered a limitless supply of energy for the world. They spent the next few years developing 'The Dream Machine', a device that can grant wishes. A contest was held, and a lucky winner was able to find himself at the building of Limitless Technologies.

Kevin Akiyama is your average asian-american, a simple mechanic if you will. All he wanted to do was his job and his hobbies. He entered himself in the contest to use the machine, hoping to become his new favorite manga character Saitama, from One Punch Man. The machine had a price when it was used on him, it turned him into pre-training Saitama and sent him to Equestria. After a minor freak out after meeting his first monster, he spent three years training his body and mind.

Now he has everything Saitama has, and will turn the hero world upside down... Or not bother with that at all and just do this hero stuff so he can actually buy groceries in this horse world, being a car mechanic doesn't really work when all the inhabitants still use carriages.

Chapters (5)

Have you ever wondered "Where did Spike come from? Where did Celestia get his egg?" Well, what if that question was a mystery no longer? When visiting Princess Cadence, Shining armor and their little baby, Flurry heart, Spike stumbles across a particular crystal statue in a closet in the Crystal castle. When he asks about it he discovers something that prompts him to run into the arctic north without telling Twilight.

There he meets a stranger, someone he never thought he would in the ruins of the Dragon's Quarry.

Chapters (19)

What did you expect when a two hundred and fifty pound horse hits you at the speed of sound?

Chapters (1)

You are a Pegasus that is going through possibly the worst day anypony could ever have, and it is punctuated by your death. Unbeknownst to you, you will find kindness and beauty in the one mare who could pull you back from the end of all things. So, without even a cutie mark on your flank, you move forward into the unknown to discover who you are and what it is to be a stallion with literally nothing from your past to help you.

SFG Rating of: [Romantic] / (With an itty bitty 4 letter instance of [Cheeky] )
Aditional tags:(To aide in searches) Nurse Redheart, You, 2nd Person, PTSD, Amnesia.

Cover Art is 'Good Morning Nurse Redheart ' by the immensely talented John Joseco (Used with permission).

All MLP;FIM Characters and settings depicted are © Hasbro, Lauren Faust, etc.
All Fanart, Fanfics, inserts, and excerpts featured in this story are © thier respective owners.

Chapters (18)

"Wait wait wait. Let me get this straight. The first time you meet this girl she nearly gets you put in prison. The second time you meet you both nearly kill each other. Did I get that right?"
"Pretty much, yeah."
"So you like a girl that almost ruined your life. Are you an idiot?"
"Don't think so."
"Then how the heck did you end up dating this girl, much less even liking her?!"
"Hmm... how about I start from the beginning?"

(A 'you' story written in 1st person. I hope you enjoy. Starting off with a low character count, will add more as necessary)

Wow! Featured yet again! Thank you all so much!

Chapters (22)

I came to them with a good heart.

And they broken it by what I look like and called me a monster.

so I'll give them one and make them regret that day.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to First appearance

After five years of endless nightmares and regrets of leaving his home world. The human who renamed himself Dynol is now prepared for his revenge.

But does he wants this, a full conflict with their race or will he rise above them and forget it?

Only his new appearance will decided that.

Artwork created by Thresha8

If you are new to the story please now that the other chapters before Preparation were some of my early works and will be of great need of grammar correction. It'll be rewriting after the story is completed. Thank you and I know...

Chapters (25)

Killing the undead. Those three words accurately summed Barry's life. After all, his plant army was practically built for it. The remaining weeks of the zombie apocalypse was a breeze. But now that it's all over, Barry finds himself to be unsatisfied with his life. That is, until he buys a magical amulet from Crazy Dave.

Now, Barry is trapped in a strange land where he makes unexpected enemies. Can Barry defend his pride and himself?

(A Plants vs Zombies Crossover)

Chapters (9)