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The Element of Magic is lost, the portal to Equestria is closed, and Sunset Shimmer is staring down 30 more moons in the human world with despair. But from the ruins of her plans comes hope in the form of Star Swirl the Bearded, a ghostly guide left behind by the Elements of Harmony. Can Sunset Shimmer learn from her failures and earn the friendship of a few friends? Or will the demon one day come back? Who is Sunset Shimmer now?

Fills in the gap from Equestria Girls to Rainbow Rocks, diverging slightly from continuity to tell a more complete story, slowly building Sunset Shimmer back up as a character worthy of having the HuMane 6 as her friends.

Planned to continue on to fill the gaps to the Friendship Games, but that is still TBD.

*** SIGNIFICANT RE-WRITE: Yes, I completely removed the first Arc of the story and integrated parts of it into the second. This has, in my opinion, significantly improved the focus of the tale and creates a more complete story. I apologize for making such a drastic change, but as I continued to edit and re-edit it, I kept coming back to the idea that the first Arc simply wasn't contributing anything exciting to the story.

Chapters (11)

Tyler Reece, a Paleontologist, who has lived a rather boring life, fins the discovery of the century. An evolved Tyrannosaurus Rex. Larger, meaner, and more predatory. It dwarfs the previous incarnation, by becoming slightly larger than a Spinosaurus, and having the weight to match. Of course there was only so much to gauge from the bones, but of course, while Tyler is trying to bask in his short glory, he is taken to a far off world.

However, luckily for Tyler he's not defenseless, as he controls the body of the most powerful predator in that world: the world of Equus.

A world filled with colorful....talking ponies....who are herbivores....Yep....

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Home is Where Your Curse is

The sorcerers have been defeated. Their artifact stolen from their grasp, their partnership ruined, their presumptive "rebellion" stamped out, and their base destroyed. Although the revolutionaries were not captured, their every plan fell apart to nothing before the arcane wit of Trixie Lulamoon and the martial prowess of Ranma Saotome. Even the mighty dragon prince Kamikazan, the last gambit of the dastardly unicorns, fled before the conquering heroes.
Yet Ranma and Trixie return to Equestria not as heroes, but as fugitives from Equestrian law. The great Serpent King has been weakened and humbled, but still roams the sky once more, seeking his former glory. Blood Rite hides in the shadows, seething with new hatred, his list of grievances running longer as his patience withers. Ever more enemies join the struggle to bring down the mysterious stallion known as "Havoc," leaving a veritable trail of destruction across the countryside. As the old threats fall silent, new ones emerge at pace, and peace seems more distant than ever.
It's a week just like any other for the Wild Horse.

Chapters (12)

The heart. Such a mysterious source of power. Those with weak ones soon find their hearts lost to darkness. Those with strong ones have shown to unleash the most powerful of lights. But what makes a heart strong? What makes the darkness so attracted to it? I must know.

Twilight. Applejack. Rarity. Rainbow Dash. Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy. These six posses the strongest hearts in all of Equestria. They may show me the answer to my questions. But to unlock the secrets within them, I will need a key. A key that no one will miss if it vanishes...or perhaps, a key that no one knows to exist at all. I need a keyblade. I need her.

Xion will be based on her game and manga counterpart.

Chapters (37)

"I clean this slate."

Bryan Herring is born again into a world just a tiny bit different to his own. Burdened with the past's shackles, and daunted by the future's intentions; how will Quantum deal with his life and its tales of reincarnations, Time, great evils, princesses, siblings, and love?

Fate could really be a bitch sometimes.

Chapters (15)

An ordinary afternoon at Canterlot's Summer Sun Faire becomes extraordinary when a young filly gets too curious and Princess Cadence experiences every foalsitter's worst nightmare. This is how one Princess discovered there is more to Twilight Sparkle than she ever imagined, and realized she is truly anything but "a regular old unicorn."

EDIT: Featured on Equestria Daily on 12/31/12. It's a New Year's miracle!

Chapters (1)

Having learned much about Equestria from both Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer, the two principals from CHS have always been curious about what the world is really like. Luna finally proposes the idea that the two should find out themselves just what its like to be a pony...and not just any pony but royalty as well. What could possibly go wrong in this situation?

Twilight could probably name about thirty of them.

Chapters (18)

Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns is famous across Equestria as a center of academic excellence. Only the best and brightest unicorns are offered places, selected by their academic merit, magical ability and passion for study. To make the admissions process as fair and reliable as possible, all candidates are given three exams by different teams of examiners, who then meet in private to decide which students are most deserving of a place.

Winner of the December 2014 Writeoff competition: Behind Closed Doors.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has always been frustrated with Discord. His ability to do anything, with no more effort than a snap of his claw. It shouldn't be possible. His power had to come from somewhere.
Then, one day, Twilight lets slip how she feels. Surprisingly Discord agrees to explain it to her. To give her the secret to all of his powers. If she's willing to pay the price that knowing it all will bring.

Chapters (1)

On a visit to the Everfree forest, Fluttershy encounters a creature she has never seen before. It’s tall, it wears clothes and nopony can understand it. Can the ponies of Ponyville make friends with this new creature, even when they do not understand eachother?

(28.1.2017) Did I...Did I get featured? :rainbowhuh: I think I got featured! :pinkiegasp:

Huge thanks to lordelliott for helping me proofread and edit. :twilightsmile:

Chapters (37)