• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2021


Funnily enough, I only have 1 pet rabbit {new stories in the works :) - watch this space!}

AppleDash 151 stories
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Rainbow helps Applejack in an applebuck season she'll never forget!
written by me with help from "Krazygal" (my grammer is terrible)
Be honest but gentle, it's my first fic for many a year

Chapters (1)

It started out innocently enough. Rainbow Dash received a prank love letter, and decided to laugh about it with Applejack. Problem is, it wasn't a prank; and Applejack had been the one who sent it.

Now Applejack has disappeared, and Rainbow Dash is determined to find her and bring her back.

Because they're friends. Yeah. Friends.

Special thanks to TwilightUCrazy for the idea and invaluable suggestions for this story.

Chapters (9)

Rainbow Dash has a question, a burning, nagging question, and there's really only one way to answer it. The question? Does her marefriend really smell like apples? Trouble is, the way to answering that question could potentially ruin her reputation as Ponyville's most awesome mare and make her... (Gasp) 20% less cooler. But will an unexpected late night flight lead to an answer?

Chapters (1)

Co-written with Merc The Jerk

Applejack's friend Dash took off for the fast life of the big city years ago, but now she's shown up back on the farm with some big city problems. She knows Applejack will always help her out, and Applejack knows it too; she's always been fond of Dash... maybe a little too fond.

Luckily, the Pomme family has a solution to Dash's problem right in their basement. It ain't exactly legal, and ain't exactly safe, but for a friend like Dash, Applejack is willing to risk her reputation, her neck, and, if the cards fall right, her heart.

Warning for strong language.

Cover art by Eve Ashgrove

Chapters (5)

A hard, long day leads Dash to her best friend, Applejack's home, There she finds her friend in a very similar pickle. Both sit down and have a little heart to heart talk with one another; something neither prefeed doing on a normal bases. Both discus what tired them out, and how one is meant to overcome this.

The amazing cover art and inspiration for this little fic was by Jamescorck

Chapters (1)

Applejack and Rainbow Dash get stuck together in the Apple family cabin when a freak snow storm prevents them from leaving during a weekend get away. Alone. As time passes, the two begin to learn things they never knew about eachother... And themselves. Appledash shipping. Humanized.

All credit for the cover image goes to Domented-inc56 on Deviantart!! Go praise this artist!

Chapters (10)

Applejack's tired of Rainbow's antics so she decides to do something about them.

Chapters (1)

Applejack is not quite ready for her latest friendship mission.

She has to get sucked through an interdimensional vacuum cleaner, have her entire body re-shaped, and get dumped in an alien world she's only heard about secondhoof from Twilight.

It certainly doesn't help that she has no idea what her mission will be. And since the map only summoned AJ, she has to go alone.

Not that she's scared or anything!

Written in one half hour for a Quills and Sofas PANIC! Authors were given a very specific prompt that fit a very specific genre, then required to NOT write in that genre. This came out of that mess.

Chapters (1)

Set a couple decades in the future, Applejack is on death's doorstep. Having been confined to the hospital, she wants to spend her last night with her wife, Rainbow Dash, outside of the walls of the hospital—as a free pony.

This story could use a re-write. That probably won't ever happen, but on the off chance that it does, I'll let people know.

Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash is retrieved from the ruins of her cloud house after Applejack accidentally and mysteriously destroys it. How she survived, as well as how the house was destroyed, remains unclear. Sorting through the facts and attempting to mend the friendship between Rainbow and Applejack, Twilight and her other friends learn that there's possibly more to the argument than the simple matter of property destruction.

A semi-comedic Appledash, rated teen for sex themes and very little else.

Chapters (1)