• Member Since 20th Mar, 2012


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This story is a sequel to When the Man Comes Around

The seventh story in The Journey of Graves.

The Grand Galloping Gala. A night of social grace and fantastic delights for many. A night of traumatic memories best forgotten for many more. Nobody knows why, but when Twilight calls the girls together and shows them a letter plus six tickets, the conclusion is clear: they're being invited to have one more go at making it the best night ever.

Everyone's got a plan, everyone except for the reluctant Rarity. How's she supposed even enjoy herself after such a heartbreaking debacle with the horrendous Prince Blueblood? Can she still have a good time? Can a certain steely-eyed soldier help?

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to When the Man Comes Around

The sixth story in The Journey of Graves.

Spring has come and gone, Graves remains in Ponyville, and for once, all is well. No monsters to slay, no damsels to rescue, nothing: just nice, relaxing days passing in easy leisure. Or, at least as relaxing as Ponyville ever gets. A collection of short stories, the marshal takes a break from fighting and learns a little more about his friends and neighbors, one lazy summer day at a time.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to When the Man Comes Around

The fifth story in The Journey of Graves.

A week has passed since the ill-fated events in Rarity's boutique. The encounter has left a deep impression on Graves as he grows colder and more distant than ever before. Rarity, feeling responsible, wants desperately to make amends, but the multitude of fears and worries plaguing her have made this next to impossible. Even with the help of their friends, it's going to take a miracle to untangle this knot.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to When the Man Comes Around

The fourth story in The Journey of Graves.

After their little trolling adventure, Sweetie Belle has decided that Graves would make a great big brother. Of course adoption's out of the question (after all, parents always say no), so that just means the Cutie Mark Crusaders will have to get creative.

Meanwhile, Rarity has taken an interest in Graves for completely different reasons. Just what does the prettiest girl in Ponyville see in the gruff, stern faced soldier? He has no idea and frankly, isn't sure he wants to find out.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to When the Man Comes Around

The third story in The Journey of Graves.

Graves is finally getting settled into Ponyville: his things have arrived, and many of his new friends are helping him move in. However, the housewarming will just have to wait, as the marshal receives word that there's trouble brewing in the Everfree Forest. Simple enough really, except for one minor problem: Graves has already promised Rarity he'd take care of Sweetie Belle for the day. What will the marshal do when his troublesome job meets the walking disaster?

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to When the Man Comes Around

The second story in The Journey of Graves.

With the rogue marshals dealt with and order restored, Graves has received instructions to stay and protect the town from wild creatures that have moved into the Everfree Forest. Only, what's a man of action supposed to do when there's absolutely nothing to do? With some help from his new friends, Graves will learn what it means to settle down in Ponyville.

Chapters (4)

The first story in The Journey of Graves.

Ponyville is getting ready for the arrival of Princess Celestia's marshals, elite of royal guard and travelling heroes of the people. But in all the hustle and bustle of party preparations, a lone traveler slips into town, a young man with business concerning Twilight Sparkle. What that business is remains to be seen, but you can be sure Ponyville won't make it easy for him.
After all, where would be the fun in that?

Chapters (8)

My name is James Clark, and I am a Private Military Contractor. No, not Mercenary. Yes, there is a difference, but that's beside the point.

Ok, where was I? Ah yes, I was just entering my office in Downtown Houston one afternoon to hear a job offer. When I got there, I found a beautiful, robe-wearing woman waiting for me. Now, in this day and age, most people would find that strange. I didn't for two reasons.

1) In this line of work, you run into a few crazies. If I had a dollar for every nut-job I turned away, I could buy a small European country.

2) It was Halloween. Hell, I was on my way to a party dressed in a replica suit of Veteran Ranger Armor from Fallout: New Vegas, complete with gas mask and real riot gear I borrowed from a friend on the SWAT team. I was gonna win the costume contest for sure!

I'm getting off topic, aren't I? Anyways, this weirdo offered me a job without going into much detail. No location, no objective, not even a dollar amount The only thing I got out of her was the promise that I would be saving thousands, if not millions of lives.

Every instinct told me to turn the job down, and yet I still accepted it. Maybe the idea of playing hero again had its appeal.

God, I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

Chapters (6)

When Twilight was young, she used to sit on the balcony and look down at the statues in the royal garden. At the strange creatures of fur and armour and feathers and horns, and just...wonder on them.
And out of all of them, out of the unique draconequus and the rare Cyclops and the terrifying Invention Monkey, one particular statue always caught her eye.
Four...blocky, for lack of a better word, knights. Frozen in perfect formation, their heads hidden deep within the confines of their helmets. Each one stuck in the same pose, for as long as she'd known them.
And beneath them, engraved into the stone they were a part of, was a simple message.
"Wake us when something fun happens or Celestia stops being a bitch, whichever comes first."

Now with tropes page, all thanks to Eyeshield. Good work, buddy.

Chapters (7)

Revised as of 06/06/2013
Felix Jackson died saving a little girl from a train. Fortunately, it wasn't his time to go and Death was just about to send him back. But Felix pulls a fast one and tricks Death into sending him to Equestria. And Death is none to pleased about this. It's tough enough to avoid death on earth; but when you're the only human in a world of miniature technicolor ponies, hiding becomes all but impossible.

Revision editing done by HoovesMcCoy, AuthorGenesis, and Anonymous

Pre-reading done by Hortense, Wazaga, Fantoche the 13th, Sallythemanatee, and munomana.

Chapters (8)