• Member Since 20th Mar, 2012


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[General Description At the Bottom]

Omnipotence was truly… Beautiful. But the 'holier-than-thou,' attitude sorta ruined it for him.

“Tell me,” She asked, her tone nothing but condescending, as she leaned toward the face of the entrapped pony in front of her, “You think yourself important?”

“Important?” Alex asked, scratching his chin as best he could inside the levitation spell that held him in place, “Maybe?”

“Truly an impressive answer,” She scoffed, an ugly scowl plastered across her face, “You assume, that slightly altering the chain of events in a universe, could ever make you worth something? Pathetic.”

“That hurts!” Alex half-grinned, feigning shock to her, “Between the time travel, the split personality, and the big wedding, I think I’ve made some sort of impact.”

“You couldn’t be more wrong,” She laughed, squinting lightly at him for just a moment, “Dust in the wind, was it?”

“Great song, but inappropriate use, if you ask me,” Alex smiled, unsure if her prodding through the events in his head was something he should praise her for, “But, if you’re so sure that I lack importance, you need to start from the beginning. Not when you showed up last week. Not when Scootaloo and her friends saved Equestria. Not when King Sombra was turned to dust in front of his old subjects... Not even when Discord was freed from his stone imprisonment, and tried to take over Equestria again. The very beginning. Nightmare Moon, and the return of Princess Luna.”

She gave him a sick smile, entertaining the idea. Perhaps it would be interesting to see things from such a... puny perspective. To see the series of events unfold. Of course, it could also be a waste of her time…

“Fine.” She said, slowly placing him on the ground, and resting her horn against his, “Let’s start from the beginning.”

“Get ready sweet heart,” Alex said, licking his lips and winking at her, as she closed her eyes and focused deeply, “It’s one heck of a trip.”


Basically, a guy goes to Equestria to episode 1 of the series, and he changes the whole playout of the series, adding a bunch of side stories and different paths for some characters to take.

And, he's an alicorn OC.

Yeah yeah, I get it.

Off you run and cry about it. I've heard about it twelve million times. Literally. Not Hyperbolically.

If you insist on calling him a Gary Stu, and a self-insert, I'll assume you're flirting with me, and calling me perfect, since a Gary Stu tends to have no flaws .

So unless you plan on taking me out, and maybe getting some wine in me, don't go calling me perfect.



Cover art was done by Famosity! Here is a link:


Chapters (194)

The following transcripts are of a journal found in Ponyville on April 16th of this year. The last recorded contact with the town had been 3 days prior, on the 13th, when a team under orders from Princess Celestia was sent to look into several missing pony reports in the area. When another group of investigators were sent on the 16th, the town was found deserted. The journal’s owner is believed to be the princess’s personal student, Twilight Sparkle. None of the town’s inhabitants have been located in the weeks since.

Nimbus Productions
Scribbler Productions

I highly recommend both of them.

A print version of all the stories in this series can be found here.

Chapters (1)

Where the HELL am I? Last thing I knew me and my spotter were providing overwatch for a convoy but now I'm in a forest that was no where near my position. I know this because with all that green it would easily stand out in all the sand. Is there any possible way that I can get home or am I going to be stuck here with all these weird talking horse things?

Chapters (16)

I have always been an antisocial, colorless guy who just liked to stay outta people's way and not stand out. But after encountering a strange light and being brought to the world of Equus in the land of Equestria I may have a bit of a problem. While there I see and do many things I thought could only happen in fantasy. I don't know why I've been brought to Equestria, and I have a feeling Celestia knows more than she's letting on, but I try to make the best of it and think of it as a chance to reinvent myself.

(If you came here expecting action, good. Gore? Has that too. Has some sexual themes but they vary and won't be frequent.
This will be written in 1st person and I will inform you when the POV changes.
If you are confused or lost please comment so I can better write the story for following chapters and gain experience for future stories).

Chapters (11)

When a group of mages gather to set in motion their own events, they find a creature of grey.

When Nightmare Moon was cleansed, it was not defeated, only sealed away in the armor that was ruined in the cleansing power of the Elements of Harmony. With the help of a group of Mages she now plans to conquer not just Equestria, but also the world that a new creature she pulled in to help her as well.

There is just one small problem to that plan. The Spell misfired, she got the creature she wanted, but it had the gumption to exercise free-will and follow his own morals, it doesn't help that he has vanished. After all, how can one hide A Human in a world of Ponies? What is a nightmare to do?

Chapters (22)

James Kaughn is a member of the world's most elite fighting force, but when his team is sent in to rescue a captive family in Afghanistan the mission hits a snag. He stays behind to allow the others to escape, fully expecting to die, but ends up in an unfamiliar place. Join him as he meets new challenges and struggles with his worsening PTSD. Will he be able to actually make friends and not just teammates?

Chapters (68)

Trent's life sucks. His parents don't understand him, so he moved out. His used-to-be friends all think he's strange for being a brony, except one. The only time he ever really gets to talk to people is over the internet on My Little Pony themed forums. He is lonely and sad, even when his friend is around. But all of that changes on one stormy night, when he finds something incredible hidden on the side of the road.

A My Little Dashie Spin-off, I guess you could call it.

Also, this story was edited by this guy: http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Coeus
So, if you wanna go and give him props for a great job, or even to ask him for help, there he is.

Chapters (3)

An inventor with an odd specialty in gears and cogs teleports himself to Equestria many years after Earth is ravaged by death and decay from a nuclear armageddon. He then proceeds to muddle things up with his fancy mathematics and twisted morals.

Chapters (10)

(This story is being reworked and the spelling and punctuation can be a bit...Atrocitus, at times? Pfffpbth. I'm working on the first three chapters for that, though.)

This is a collab between me and LucidTech (ex: N64fan). For me, this is a new thing, as I've never been too good with collabs. Perhaps this'll help me in the future when people ask to do collabs with me.
The characters come from Steamlord, as well as Techno Babble in Equestria.)

Two men with shockingly similar backgrounds find the cogs they both know so well turning uncontrollably around them while time forces its movements through the world. Forcing the men to make their choices. Live with their past or die from their future.

Chapters (4)

A slightly insane inventor who survived the atomic destruction of all living things on the Earth escapes to Equestria using his most advanced device yet with his only goal being that of escaping his past. Will the inventor be able to achieve his goal and overcome the dark past that haunts him or will the madman drag everyone he meets down to the self same darkness?

MLP is owned by Hasbro
Pic is not mine. (check the source if interested)
(Pic was changed due to copy right issues)

Chapters (16)