• Member Since 20th Mar, 2012


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Stop me if you’ve heard this before. A man wakes up with a blinding headache and no knowledge of where he is or how he got there. Furthermore, it turns out that the world that he’s found himself in is populated by Technicolor ponies. However, there’s a glitch in the matrix. This world is not the Equestria of old where peace and harmony reigned supreme. No, this is the Equestrian Wasteland. A place where ponies struggle for their survival against bands of murderous raiders, xenophobic Enclave pegasi, and mutated monsters of all shapes and sizes. Luckily, this man’s name is Ethan Smith, aka The Lone Wanderer, aka that Crazy Son of a Bitch. Join him on his crazy quest to find a way back to his home in the Capital Wasteland, and with any luck make Equestria a brighter place along the way.

A side story to Light Wanderings and Dark Wanderings but neither have to be read in order to enjoy this.

Chapters (14)

I learned to fight to mask my own weakness. Never to hurt but to help. Or at least that's what I use to tell myself.
An unknown warrior from another world arrives against his will.

I plan on making this a long one so sit back and enjoy the show.
The story starts off a little slow but picks up later I promise.
It is also my first fic so criticism is welcomed.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to No, I Am Not A Brony, Get Me Outta Equestria!

After leaving Ponyville, the human TD Harrison Powell finds himself in even stranger territory than the land of the ponies. Will he find his way home? Or will he find out that he should have stayed in Ponyville under the watchful eyes of the Royal Sisters after all?

Edited by the amazing Jack Kellar and Marioland1

Special thanks to MyHobby for the cover art!!

Chapters (28)

A rewrite is coming soon. Please don't read this how it stands, it's bad.

T for Teen. Violence, and Major swearing. Fallout 3 crossover, because it hasn't been done before.

Chapters (31)

Some say reality and the physical world are tied into a series of strings. That space and time are woven into an unbreachable fabric, a thick sheet that separates an unthinkable amount of worlds and realities. None of this is true, yet at the same time, it is. With a little influence and the right amount of force and energy, holes can be created, passages through which one may slip through. This isn't the only way, however. There are other ways. Naturally occurring tears and rifts that fit perfectly in the order of the universe.

The Battle of the Western Coast has been over for years now .Treaties have been signed and alliances formed, but the land has fallen into a restless peace. Trouble brews in Equestria. While most of the Lotkin tribes have settled on land granted to them by The Royal Sisters, renegade bands still roam the land, driven by some unknown force.

A fighting legend, a leader and the founder of Equestria's elite Royal Special Tasks Group has disappeared without a trace. His legacy is carried on by those he trusted most, running and expanding the unit he started, but can they continue without the experience and guidance he provided?

Another may have arrived to help. A man on a continuous search for his lost brother-in-arms stumbles onto the path his friend had previously walked, quite by accident. With luck, he may find what he was looking for.

This is a sequel to the first. If you don't read the first, you wont understand half of it.

OC Iron Defense created by: Shawn820

OC Howitzer created by: Cyber

OC Swift Paws created by: Danish Adonis

OC Blackjack created by: Reignbow

OC Redflare created by: Radical Prescott

OC Cray inspired from an idea by: It911

OC Kai Silverblade created by: Gale Force

Chapters (52)

A young video game loving, guns a blazing, and closet Brony, Airman on leave guy goes on a shooting trip that was supposed to be relaxing. But fate sends him to an unlikely place... The Everfree Forest! Can he use his military training to get home? Can he help a young filly and a misunderstood Princess get home? Will he help a restless ghost receive justice and peace? Will he rid Equestria of the Blanks and the Bloody Hooves? And will he just accept being a brony? Takes place in CreepyPasta universe of Story of the Blanks and Super Filly adventure fan games.

NOTE!!: This story is currently in the process of being re-written/heavily edited. Many of the flaws of the story will get fixed in the following months. The story ( while technically complete ) will be labeled as incomplete. I'm also adding a new scene and I'm thinking of adding non-canon endings but as of now, misspellings, grammar mistakes, multiple POVs, and any other areas that need fixing will be my main focus for this. Chapters that have been edited with be marked with an asterisk. Whether a chapter has been redone or not redone, I hope you'll enjoy the story either way. If you have any questions or comments, please let me know. Thanks!!

Chapters (41)

Alex is your average guy; average family, good job, and a bunch of great friends. After a night of crazy partying he wakes up in a field and a world of talking technicolor horses. None too please with this rapid change in his life he retreats to the Everfree to wait out what surely must have been a spiked drink.

Chapters (10)

'What is it about humans that urges them seek out so many endeavors in order to feed their desires? Greed, power, family, friends, philosophy, knowledge; infinite goals and infinite reasons behind them. Whoever or whatever created these beings are either cunning; to create self motivating creatures that will constantly push the limits of what's possible, or downright cruel; never truly allowing them to feel true fulfillment or satisfaction. The point is humans were created with a void, a missing piece left intentionally empty never to be filled, an undying hunger.'

A bit grim right? The names Rodney, and in case you're wondering, this is the story of my life. A life of Magic, Gods, and regrettably, Ponies. Yeah, freakin-multi-techno-collored-goody-ponies.
But it's not all bad really, got way healthier with a more green diet. Though the lack of meat can be painful at times, that one landed me in less than desired situations. I get to screw with innocent ponies on a regular basis. Didn't kill myself or everyone else with me either. So not a bad deal really, even ended up retiring as teacher.

Teen for language and some adult themes.
This takes place before season 3.

HIATUS: Currently at a programmer's boot camp. Will be done late June 2015.

AN: If you can see past my cruddy writing skills there's plenty to tickle your funny bones, I hope. First attempt at writing a fic.

Chapters (49)


After her disappearance three months prior, Rarity finds her way back home. Of course, this raises several important questions. Where was she? What did she do? Why is she wearing bloodstained armour? And who is this "Wanderer" she traveled with?

Chapters (8)

Off shoot of: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Off the Record.

Alex is teleported 3 months in to the future, where he finds that winter has passed, and Rainbow Dash is gone.
Now, he and Spike must set out to Manehattan in an effort to make things go back to the way they used to be.

On the way, they meet all sorts of new ponies. From a cheeky butler, to a creepy middle aged pony named Cuddly.

Can they catch the Rainbow before they run out of time?

Chapters (1)