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I’ll never forget the look in her eyes, the desperation in her voice. She didn’t want to die, but she also wanted me to live. 

Unfortunately, I can’t be certain what I am anymore and where my heart lays. The cruel world of reality and life, or the torment of death. 

Can you feel my heart, my love, do you know where I am?

Content Warnings - Death, suicide.

Written for the fabulous Rice! She's a really great writer/artist and you guys should definitely check out her stuff too.

Cover art by me!

(If you are a writer looking for cover art, send me a PM!)

Chapters (1)
by Eyes

A long time ago, Luna found a boy. The boy was lost and alone, covered in snot and tears. The boy, named Issac, followed the blue Alicorn and found a home in a castle full of ponies. A castle of two sisters. Lost but no longer alone. His story starts here, but begins much, much, later.

I really don't want to ruin the story for you too much. So, my apologies for the less than descriptive description. Guess you'll just have to read it to find out. Also, the first three chapters are the prologue. After that the style is more like the narratives we all know and love.

Also, that Alt-U tag is important. Twilight finding about Issac completely changes the "Mare in the Moon" opening, leading her to research into the Elements thus figuring out she'll return.

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to A Butterfly's Kiss

On a night like many other night's after it happened. You awake in a cold sweat, heart pounding in your chest, almost threatening to stop dead. But at this point, you'd almost welcome it...

This was written a long time ago, back in the summer. I was starting a new job the next day, but I woke with terrible anxiety the day before. This is the results of it. I do NOT condone suicide. It is never the answer. If you or anyone you know has these feelings, talk to someone.

This is largely un-edited, I wrote it in a hour or so and never touched it since. While not written originally as a sequel to A Butterflies Kiss, it could be considered as one. As this story was never meant to be seen by anyone, take it how you will.

Chapters (1)

Twilight finds out something isn't quite right about the crystal castle and herself. When she learns that something has changed about her and she isn't who she thinks she is, she tries to find out why and how that came to pass.
The answers isn't what she expected, but now that she knows, what will she do with that information? Will she change, continue, or end it all?

Chapters (5)

Sunset's going through a lot after everything that happened in wake of the Fall Formal. She's struggling, and she finds less than desirable ways to cope.

Takes place in between EQG and Rainbow Rocks. Not the journal Sunset talks to Twilight with, just a regular journal.

Chapters (6)

Black Paint starts relapsing into depression for the first time in several years, restarting his old habit of cutting and even seriously contemplating suicide. After failing to go through with an attempt, he accidentally gives Flutttershy his suicide note at her birthday party. When she confronts him about it, she gets him to open up about his thoughts and find another way to cope with the pain.

Chapters (1)

After the event of Friendship Games, Twilight wasn't the only Crystal Prep student who came to CHS. Sky Armor was a student who witnessed all of Cinch's actions. Following the Games, he dropped out of CPA and moved to CHS. However, the burdens of his past still haunt him...

This story is part of the NDSB Universe

Chapters (12)

Ever since her encounters with the Plunderseeds and Lord Tirek, Twilight had been left with emotional scars from both events and Celestia offers her words of wisdom to help overcome them.

Chapters (1)

In our thoughts, we are always alone. So what do you do when your mind becomes your prison?

Big thanks to Shachza for proofreading. Twice!

There's a blogpost.

Chapters (2)

Applejack knew how to buck apples tie lasso's and save Ponyville multiple times...Twilight one day was working on a spell...and created life...four cold-hearted evil TimberWoves...Applejack run to Twilight to save her....but at a cost...her life..

This is AppleJack's tale..from when she faced the TimberWolves...this is Apple's Sacrifice

(I don't own this picture!! It will forever be by nimaru)

Chapters (1)