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Rainbow Dash is gone.
Two Years ago she performed a trick to eclipse all others, and vanished without a trace. Everypony has started to get over it, although for five ponies the loss is to great even now. In respect the Wonderbolts do a performance for her at the site of her death. However, a certain Cyan mare is hard to kill, and is loyal to the ends of the universe, she can say that with certainty now, she’s been, and now she’s back. But what is she wearing, and where did she go for two years? Buckle up, for in Equestria there may be peace, but in the 41st Millennium, there is only war.

Now with a sequel: The Descent into Madness

Featured: 06/05/2014. Thanks so much to you guys.

Rated Teen for Violence and Grim dark references

This story is similar in ideas to Into the Black: A mares tale, Diamond of the Capital Wasteland and Halo: On the wings of Angels

New cover art done by Reapers Inc

WARNING: Comments contain spoilers. Proceed into that section at your own risk.

Chapters (52)

Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria, found a small child of another species in the Royal Gardens. After tense thinking, she decided to take the creature under her wing, becoming his guardian. This child, later named Onyx, will try to follow in the path of his adoptive mother. Will he be able to make her proud? Will being a unique creature affect how he’s treated or his personality?
A story of love and family between a mother and her son.


(Begins before season one)

edited by xIMPERSONATORx
cover art by Shinonigga

Chapters (53)

"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them."—William Shakespeare.

This story is about the latter. Alan Williams, a man trying to take a peaceful camping trip, finds himself in Equestria. Forcing to accept the idea that the show he has watched is not, in fact, fictional has taken a massive toll on his brain, torn as he is between the awesomeness of the situation as well as it's absurdity. What's worse, it seems he is not the first human to be teleported to Equestria, and now he has some big shoes to fill.

Greatness follows.

[...]To those just finding this 'un, ya found genuine gem. Keep your heads inside the respective chapter-comments. Watch out for spoilers. Buckle your seatbelt, fillies and gentlecolts. It's gonna be a wild ride.--Runcible Spoon

Approved by Twilight's Library

Book 1 of the Harmony for All Trilogy

Chapters (35)

Twilight Sparkle was presumed to be dead. Destroyed without even a body to bury, the young victim of a deadly magical surge that claimed the lives of many others along side her. More than a decade later, reports of a violent murder by a pony bearing her name are brought to Celestia and Luna's attention. A trail of carnage leading directly towards Canterlot's doorstep, brought by a pony who strikes without mercy. As Twilight approaches, in service to an unknown master, the Alicorn Sisters desperately try to uncover what happened all those years ago.

Edited by Zintegy and The Pink Mugsy

Chapter Heading Art by KirillK
All Sketches and Artworks can be found HERE

Chapters (67)

"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..."

-Friedrich Nietzsche.

A soldier trained since his youth to fight for honor and country finds that his world is racing towards its own end. While exploring the ruins of a once grand city, he finds himself in a world similar to his long before the war errupted. Can he use his skills to end a war before it begins and find himself a new life, or will he be rejected from this new place called "Equestria" and be treated as an outcast?

Note that this is my first piece and any comments or criticism would be helpful. But please no emotional outbreaks

Also Tags will be added as the story progress

Chapters (15)

When the UNSC learns that the Covenant has discoved a new planet for resources. The UNSC sends Spartan-107 to explore the planet and see to if the natives will join forces woth them. But Equestria has never seen this kind of warfare in their history. With their small knowlage of war Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are now forced to raise the army to protect their loyal subects along with the United Nations Space Command.

Chapters (12)

A thousand of years of life experience would no doubt teach Princess Celestia much about romantic relationships, and that is exactly what Twilight wishes to learn from her beloved mentor. When Princess Luna catches wind of these lessons, however, she sees a chance to relight the fires of love within her sister again. But when a “one-time fling” turns into a life-long infatuation, Luna and a reluctant Cadance must race to reverse the effects of their meddling before Twilight finds herself in a most compromising position!

But can she truly resist the total affection of a goddess?

Chapters (6)

Portal jumping is never a good idea, especially if it lands you in the middle of cultists and conspiracy. Peter isn't exactly happy with where his life has taken him, but now whether he likes it or not he's going to have to solve these problems if he's ever going home... that is if he wants to go home.

A Human in Equestria Cthulhu-mythos crossover. Some light comedy here and there.

Cover art is by me, any other art I add is by Wildfire unless stated otherwise.

Chapters (8)

When Captain Price and the remnants of Task Force 141 get transported through space and time while looking for Makarov, they end up in a strange land called 'Equestria.' While they all just want to go home to finish their own war, will a new war in this mystical place keep them from going?

Chapters (8)

When Ra'zaan, a mercenary Khajiit known for taking difficult jobs from the higher ups in Cyrodill, takes a job from the Mage's Guild's Arch-Mage to go investigate a disturbance near Anvil, he gladly excepts. what happens next is something that not even the Mage that sent him on this quest could see coming. Ra'zaan seemingly falls off the face of Nirn! He wakes up in a very unfamiliar place, and sees no way to return home. Where is he? How did he get here? ...How can he get home?....

(Warning! I plan to have quite a few instances of violence and blood-shed in this. If this is not your thing, please, do not read this story.)

(About Image: I had an extremely hard time doing this. I couldn't find any pictures that I thought would work. Instead, I drew the Khajiit in paint (Not too bad is it?) and edited him into a picture of Ponyville from a distance. If anyone wants to try and find/make a better picture, please feel free, because I'm no artist.)

Chapters (14)