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The Friendship Games are over. Crystal Prep has failed to trounce CHS, Cinch's manipulation of her best student is out in the open, as is the fact that the principal's actions nearly led to the fabric of the universe being torn apart.

Before Cinch can begin dealing with the aftermath, a certain someone invites her for a visit into a land of magic and friendship.

Special thanks to Vikonaut for his incredible patience and thoroughness in his proofreading, and to 7th Outpost for the initial criticism that opened my eyes to the fact that the story required heavy revising.

13.11.2015: Second day straight! Thanks everyone!

Chapters (3)

Will you go out with me?

Rainbow Dash wants to ask Applejack to go out with her. The problem is that every pony seems to know her feelings EXCEPT Applejack. She enlists the help of her friends. Luckily they have their own ideas as to how to confess.

Warning: Get ready for a lot of face hoofs.

Chapters (16)

You've had your eyes set on Applejack for a long time. Maybe your best friend Rainbow Dash can help you earn Applejack's heart. You wouldn't see why not. Besides, she's your best bro. Right?

Previous Cover Art

Chinese Translation on Fimtale
Spanish Translation by Spaniard Kiwi

This story is contained in my book "Dash Tries to Win Your Heart and Other Short Pony Stories"

If you have interest in purchasing this non-profit book, check out my online store at this link:

Chapters (16)

Celestia receives a letter from Twilight, the first in a long time.

A letter about the Cutie Mark Crusaders and how Twilight has changed since her arrival in Ponyville.

It makes a seemingly solitary Celestia think...

Edited by the fantastic GaleSinger

Art belongs Nadnerbd

Chapters (1)

Centuries after most of her friends have all passed away, Twilight decides to make one last trip into the past. No interacting, no greeting deceased friends, no reunion with her beloved marefriend. Just one quick glance at a life long lost.

However, for better or worse, she'll end up getting much, much more than that.

This story has a prequel entitled The Last Train Home.
Cover art by Swan Song

Chapters (6)

When a small filly calling herself Sonata Dusk emerged from the mysterious portal within the castle, Princess Luna expected many things. What she didn't expect was for the filly to claim that she was actually a siren, banished from Equestria a thousand years ago. Despite her initial surprise, Luna makes an unexpected decision, and takes the filly under her wing.

Several years later, with the impending return of an ancient evil, Luna sends Sonata off to the humble little town of Ponyville, in the hopes that she will be able to learn the true value of the magic of friendship.

But Sonata isn't quite keen on interacting with other ponies. After all, ponies would never accept a singing sea monster as a true friend... right?

First story of the Sonataverse.

Edited by Retirw-Tsitra. Cover art done by Violise.

Chapters (17)

The first time it happened, Sunset didn’t pay it any mind due to the circumstances. The second time it happened, she noticed it and brushed it off as the action of a concerned friend. The third time it happened, she finally figured out that Rarity was flirting with her.

6/20/2016: Now with cover art designed by the very generous Novel-Idea! Thank you so much!

Chapters (1)

After taking her first bath in a thousand years, Luna discovers that her cutie mark has been a horrible lie. It turns out she isn't Princess of the Moon after all. In fact, she's actually Princess of Uranus.

Is Uranus ready for this?

Probably not.

Big ups to Masked Ferret for prereading.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle. Princess of Friendship, manifold savior of the world, accomplished scholar, pillar of the community, devoted friend.

Sometimes it gets a bit much. Sometimes, you need a little break.

Cover art by Xishka, used with permission.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle and Rarity meet up at a cafe for tea. Everything seems to be going well, until Rarity asks a rather alarming question.

Inspired by, though not very similar to, GaPJaxie's Would it matter if I was?

Reading by Illya Leonov, Scribbler and Keyframe

Chapters (1)