Twilight Stories 434 stories
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Dash visits Twilight to get another set of Daring Do books.

This was a short exercise in descriptive writing that isn't meant to amount to anything serious.

Image credit goes to colinmlp.

Chapters (1)

"My name is Rainbow Dash... and I am an egghead"

A/N: Boredom: Biggest cause of random fictions since I made up this statistic.

Chapters (1)

Twilight had always been a diligent researcher. She would routinely pour over every book she had at her disposal in preparation for every royal assignment. Except, sometimes books can only teach one so much. With this heretical idea in mind, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash decide to take it upon themselves to make sure Twilight keeps her wings clean, and doesn't embarrass herself in the sky.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is a headstrong, athletic pony who is utterly faithful to her friends and doesn't keep any secrets from them. Or so she pretends. Yet a surprise visit from Twilight Sparkle is about to blow the secret wide open, and the multi-hued pegasus will find out just how strong their friendship is.

Note: This story was written in the week following the airing of "May The Best Pet Win", and well before "Read It and Weep" was even known about. As such it haws since been overtaken by canon, but most folk tend to like it still so I will upload it here so I have a bit of a presence on FIMfiction beyond "lurker #347,921".

This story also includes "The Unrelated Epilogue" which is a mini-story based on a loose bit in the main one that I felt did not stand on its own, but that I wanted up nonetheless. It has Luna, but not RD or TS.
Cover image is a screencap from the show.

Chapters (2)

Twilight is restrained, unable to fight back the horrible words that Rainbow Dash is telling her.

Chapters (1)

Twilight and Rainbow Dash are visiting Rarity. However, when the first snows of winter suddenly fall--rather than let her friends trudge through the cold on their way home--Rarity invites the two to stay the night at her place.

What started off as a fun night for the three will soon spiral into an embarrassing evening for Rainbow Dash, especially after Rarity unveils to them her newest line of animal-inspired sleepwear.

Commissioned by Anonymous who wanted a story written around the cover art here that was drawn by Raridashdoodles
Click here for a reading!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow has a fever. Unfortunately for her, the cure is not simply 'more cowbell'. It's up to Twilight and Rarity to figure out a cure, and bring their friend back from the brink of birdom.

Chapters (1)

Twilight was slowly coming to grips with the fact that her side-job of 'Ponyville Private Investigator' was never going to pan out. Now, though, the biggest whodunit of her unimpressive career falls into her lap. With the dubious 'help' of her assistant, Pinkie Pie, she sets out to solve one last mystery.

Contest: The first person to correctly guess the identity of the Kingpin in the comments wins a one-shot fanfic commission by me! (Won by jeray2000, See the completed story.)

A comedy-mystery full of suspense and fun Twilight vs. Pinkie bickering! Minds will be blown. Chapter lengths may be erratic and sometimes very short, but I will be adding two chapters every day. (24 chapters and 14,800 words total.)

Proofreading by RaylanKrios.

Chapters (24)

Staying up until midnight to wait on a beautiful mare never felt so right.

On another beautiful winter night, lovingly crafted by her girlfriend, Twilight awaits her with bated breath and takes the time to appreciate Luna's work. Midnight was always her hour, and winter always her season.

She might pine for her home in Ponyville, but her heart belongs to the Princess of the Night.

Preread by Timaeus
Art by MagnaLuna

Chapters (1)