Twilight Stories 434 stories
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"Every normal pony must be tempted, at times, to spit on her hooves, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.”

Over brunch, Twilight Sparkle lines out her plans to turn to a life of villainy. For the most part, her friends are all for it.

It makes sense in context, honest.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Advanced Lessons

After stumbling upon the secret history between her mentor and the Queen of the Changelings, Twilight now finds herself in a position to put an end to the Pony-Changeling conflict...if she can just deal with all the craziness around her.

Alongside Chrysalis herself, Prince Blueblood, and her friends, Twilight must now visit the home of Chrysalis' Changelings, to ascertain for herself, whether or not the Changelings can live alongside ponies peacefully. Are the Changelings just a bunch of monsters? Or do they have more in-common with Ponies than anypony thought?

By popular demand (At least one person :}) here's the story detailing Twilight's visit to the Changelings. This is an interquel, that takes place during the timeskip between Ch.2 and Ch.3 of my earlier story Advanced Lessons. In this case, you're probably going to need to read that first, to be able to follow everything. Hopefully everyone enjoys reading it. -Featured: 6/29/14-

Chapters (13)

Who knew Princess Celestia had formal control over all aspects of language in Equestria? Who knew she would randomly ban a critical punctuation mark? Twilight Sparkle sure didn't. Now with Equestria as she knew it collapsing around her without the almighty comma she must try to convince the Princess to restore sanity to the written word.

Warning: Contains fourth-wall breakage and meta humor plus intentional grammar mauling.

Chapters (1)

Twilight had planned to visit Sunset Shimmer and her friends over in the other world for a nice, quiet weekend, away from all the worries and problems associated with being a Princess of Equestria. Unfortunately, things rarely go as planned.

After an accident cuts her off from Equestria, Twilight finds herself stuck in the human world until the gateway between the two worlds can be fixed. Which wouldn't normally be a problem...

...If she wasn't still a pony.

Now with TvTropes page!

Cover art
Proofread by Dusty Old Qrow, RQK, Dusty Tomes (Ch. 2), Emtu, and Doctor Candor.

Chapters (15)

When Twilight was younger, she would sometimes be privately tutored when Celestia was occupied. Once a professor attempted to teach Twilight Military Strategy. It didn't go well.

-Made it into the Feature box for a few short days in November 2016. Thanks all!-

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Rainbow Dash, HEEL!

You don't need to read the previous story :twilightsheepish:

Twilight makes a mistake in casting a spell, resulting in her switching places with a small kitten, and it's up to Fluttershy to take care of her in the meantime.

I couldn't help but make a sequel to my other similar story. This one is going to be a bit more thorough and longer :twilightsheepish:

Chapters (3)

Twilight discovers that she has a massive outstanding loan from the Equestrian government. Desperate to rectify it, she travels to Canterlot and leaves Starlight Glimmer and Spike unattended.

Chapters (3)

Evil is as evil does. Therefore, King Sombra is a monster, and there's no debating it. So when Sombra is discovered alive it should be obvious that he's up to nothing good and needs to be taken down... So why isn't he doing anything? Twilight Sparkle is sent in to try to answer this question by talking to him, while she also tries to determine what the future will hold for the ex-king. Is there even a chance for Sombra's future? Or is the shadow of his actions destined to destroy him?

Cover art by Flam3Zero used with permission.

Chapters (1)

Twilight attempts to lose her virginity at a party during her college years.

The keyword being 'attempts'.

An entry into FanOfMostEverything's Imposing Sovereigns contest.

Chapters (1)

The anniversary of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor’s wedding is a special occasion for everypony. For Cadance and Shining Armor, it would be the very first anniversary they celebrate with Flurry Heart. For Flurry Heart, it would be a wonderful night to enjoy in the company of her loving parents. And for Twilight Sparkle, it would be an opportunity to help a friend present a perfect heartwarming anniversary gift for the royal couple.

Cover art by Sunset-at-Midnight

Chapters (1)