• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2015

Nui rake

i write about cartoon horse's come at me

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Erin and Riley are two orphaned children who live with their adoptive Uncle on the outskirts of Melbourne. They are attacked by a mysterious organisation known as the KAE, teleported to Equestria by an unknown force and taken in by a caring Fluttershy.

Note: Anthro tag is only for Fluttershy. The ponies are still ponies in this story.

Hey everypony. This is an idea that I've had in my head for a while now and I thought I'd get it out there.

I have added some references to video games in this story so any reference that I use belongs to the creators of that particular game.

I do not own My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.

Big thanks to my editor:

Also a big thanks to my cover artist:

And my friends: (Xbox)

If there is anything that any of you want to know or have in the story, leave a comment and I'll incorporate your ideas.

Chapters (13)

Based on the Transformers Prime: Rage of the Dinobots comics and Fall of cybertron

Arc 1 summery (chapters 1-5)

After helping all the remaining Autobots escape Cybertron, the Dinobots are the last Autobots on their home planet, they must leave but when they do so an accident puts them in stasis for thousands of years, motionless until a cretin sonic rainboom wakes Grimlock up. Now the Autobots must learn to survive on this new world. however the Decepticons soon arrive and start to make problems for the ponies while keeping their existence a secret.

Arc 2 summery (chapters 6-11)
The cybertronians are no longer a secret, now they must locate the fabled Allspark, the source of all cybertronian life while battling a new enemy, Thunderwing who has a mysterious agenda of his own.

Arc 3 Summery (chapters 11-20)

Unicron has awakened, and the Autobots and ponies must work together if they have a chance of defeating him, will they succeed, or fail? The final chapters in this mind blowing story will end in a way it began.

Wiki page for this story right here.

Chapters (20)

The war between the Autobots and Decepticons ravaged their home world of Cybertron, four million years ago in a battle that lead to the loss of many lives the two factions landed on earth through a space bridge, now only recently reactivated their war has been reignited on our world. Several years into the conflict Decepticons have began to attack human resources at an alarming rate, prompting Optimus Prime to believe that they are building another space bridge. With Autobots and resources at an all-time low he reluctantly calls upon the aid of the Dinobots. In the cold land of Greenland Grimlock notices the monster that made him, the mad scientist Shockwave, losing all control he attacks him head on, sending Shockwave, himself and several other Decepticons through the portal. Now Grimlock is in a world full of colorful, magical ponies... THIS should be interesting...
(ERNEHGAWD! It's on the popular stories list!)
Rated Teen: For sequences of violent robot fighting action and some possible adult humor further on, not sure if I should add dark tag, maybe if someone says I need it I'll put it up.

P.S. if you give it a thumbs down please tell me why you didn't like it, that would be appreciated.

Chapters (14)


Nightshade, (OC, originally Davis) has a rather unique power, one that many with less than selfless intentions will give anything to get a hold of. He is on the run, and just when he appears to be caught, he finds himself in a new world entirely. Called a monster by his fellow humans, how will he fare in a world where ALL humans are considered as such? And can he stop the darkness within himself? An HiE story, no the main character will not be ponified, because then it would lose the whole point. Also my first fanfic, so commentary is appreciated. Mild Swearing, Gratuitous Violence, Rated T for Teen. I do not own any of the characters, except Davis because I made him up, and I really don't care if you use him in your fic or not just s long as you make sure to direct back here so everypony knows where he came from. All things pony related are the property of Hasbro (insert proper legal jargon here)

Chapters (35)

Edit: on advice, changed the name.

(AU equestria)

Ok, so here I am in Equestria, AWESOME! Living the dream my fellow bronies! The minor problem? Instead of the ponies in the show the inhabitants are all anthro versions of themselves. Good news? Twilight and her friends are willing to give me a benefit of a doubt. Bad news? Celestia and Luna despise me, the reason for that? I was brought to Equestria as one of the awesome ones in video game villain history, complete with triforce of power and immense dark magic, the powerhouse, ganondorf! As a result of our first meeting, I wound up petrified for 1500 years, thankfully I figured out a way to keep myself from going insane. But now that I am awake, I have one goal.... "Twilight? What does this symbol here say?"

(T for now but depending on how this goes it may go up, EDIT: added sex tag for upcoming refernces.)

Chapters (13)

Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria, found a small child of another species in the Royal Gardens. After tense thinking, she decided to take the creature under her wing, becoming his guardian. This child, later named Onyx, will try to follow in the path of his adoptive mother. Will he be able to make her proud? Will being a unique creature affect how he’s treated or his personality?
A story of love and family between a mother and her son.


(Begins before season one)

edited by xIMPERSONATORx
cover art by Shinonigga

Chapters (53)

"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them."—William Shakespeare.

This story is about the latter. Alan Williams, a man trying to take a peaceful camping trip, finds himself in Equestria. Forcing to accept the idea that the show he has watched is not, in fact, fictional has taken a massive toll on his brain, torn as he is between the awesomeness of the situation as well as it's absurdity. What's worse, it seems he is not the first human to be teleported to Equestria, and now he has some big shoes to fill.

Greatness follows.

[...]To those just finding this 'un, ya found genuine gem. Keep your heads inside the respective chapter-comments. Watch out for spoilers. Buckle your seatbelt, fillies and gentlecolts. It's gonna be a wild ride.--Runcible Spoon

Approved by Twilight's Library

Book 1 of the Harmony for All Trilogy

Chapters (35)