• Member Since 13th Jun, 2016

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Twilight Sparkle and friends spend a peaceful evening together playing cards.

That is until their future selves decide to show up to stop them all from ruining their lives.

Chapters (1)

Victory is boring.

Planet after planet I go, searching for any being at all in this universe that could pose a worthy challenge to me. Planet after planet I find only disappointment. Another pretty pearl that hosts life soon comes into my view, and of course I decide to visit it, expecting only failure to blacken my sight once again.

Then I see something that catches my eye. A creature is rampaging across the surface of the world as if it's his own, personal plaything. His power is... positively exuberant! Could this "Lord Tirek" give me the proper, worthy challenge I've waited for so long?

A fun, innocent little crossover starring characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and One Punch Man

Also, sorry about whatever lack of grammar you spot in the first two chapters. I haven't updated it in quite some time

Hey... what're you doing down here? You should turn back, friend. Danger lies below!

Wha- you're still here? I just warned you! Turn back, now!

Th-this... this is my final warning, pal! Turn back now, refresh the page, and don't delve further! I can't warn you any further! You're gonna regret this, I swear!

Are you daft?! Heed my instructions! Heed them! Heed them now!

I warned you.

I am power incarnate.
To my foes, to the brave, and to the puny who merely stand in my way, I am their destructor. None who dwell in this universe have ever come close to the measure of unconcealable, incomparable, and infinite strength and ability I possess.
None ever shall.
For these reasons alone I have been sealed away for all eternity within a prison outside of time and space, waiting patiently for the second to come when I may grace my weapon upon this universe once more.
But now, my bonds have been broken.
I am free.
And all who stand before me shall fall.

Chapters (2)

Update: The story is edited into a proper read without many of the horrors I originally put into it. Enjoy the ride!

Deciding he could be given another chance, Luna and Celestia come to an agreement to release the Chaotic God from his rocky imprisonment, locking his powers with a powerful spell. Magicless and with a chance at redemption, Discord's ways seem less chaotic than ever.

He does cause a lot of chaos though, to the faithful student of Celestia, who had eagerly taken over the task of watching over and teaching Discord by giving him a home under her own roof, in the process hoping to learn more about his species, powers and motives but surprisingly learning much more about both himself and her head... Which puts her in pretty amusing situations most of the time.

An adventure of a silly one sided (???) love and a look into the heart of Twilight Sparkle.

Chapters (27)

Apple Bloom can't help but think about love, now that her big sister is dating, how nice it would be to get a colt friend to hug, wander around with, hug, kiss and snuggle. Or a fillyfriend as it turns out. After getting in trouble for arguing with Diamond Tiara (again), they both have to leave alone, it is there that Tiara reveals the most shocking of feelings for her rival, love! What will Apple Bloom think to do?

Chapters (1)

After the Discord incident, Twilight is feeling guilty for sealing Discord in stone.And, she is growing to have romantic feelings towards him, but they are the exact opposites of each other.

But Twilight wants to make it up to him and tries to help, unknown to her, the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony is habouring romantic feelings for her too.

So will they both admit their feelings as they slowly become friends and maybe become more?

Mixing certain events here and there to make it more interesting and you may find out more secrets about the main pairing soon!

Chapters (4)

When Apple Bloom and the other Cutie Mark Crusaders have an unusual run-in with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon that leaves the farm filly perplexed, she sets out to discover the cause behind Diamond's sudden and unexplained misery.

What does the rich pony, who should be happy with all the worldly possessions she could ever possibly want, have to be depressed about? Is there anything that Apple Bloom can even do about it?

Chapters 1-5 Proofread by MagerBlutooth

Chapters (5)

One night after a crazy Pinkie pie party, the six friends wake up in a forest. They look around to find lots of strange creatures. The friends find a town and almost get mistaken for the local creatures. After a big mix up, the six learn that the creatures are called "Pokemon". Now the set of friends have to find a way back home. The only lead is a local legend, and the knowledge of the champions.

Chapters (4)

Diamond Tiara has always loved Apple Bloom. However, she has never quite felt like she was worthy of having her feelings returned by the farm pony. And so, knowing not how to express herself, she pushed her away through bullying. Hay, she thought to herself, maybe it would make her unrequited love easier to handle. As time goes on, however, she discovers that couldn't be further from the truth.

First place entry into Princeps DiamondBloom Shipping contest. :rainbowderp:

Chapters (1)

Granny Smith, Big Macintosh and Applejack die in an unfortunate cart crash while Apple Bloom is in school. A certain brown earth pony Stallion feels sorry for the orphaned filly and ends up adopting her causing chaos in his peaceful mansion with two arguing fillies.
How will Apple Bloom cope? And will a mysterious relation ship form between Apple Bloom and her new sister?

Chapters (2)

Diamond Tiara and Apple Bloom awaken on their tenth anniversary and spend the day reminiscing about how the unlikely pair came to be.

Special thanks to thechilldude for helping me edit, inspiring me, and being my very special somepony for so many years :heart:

Chapters (2)