• Member Since 13th Jun, 2016

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Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara bump into each other in the cemetery and talk.

Family. Family is important.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy is known far and wide for her kind heart but what will they do when they find out it was all one big lie from the start?
The true one pulling at the strings, The will of the hive-mind....The bride of evil, Fluttershy.

'A heart can only take so much sorrow before it sinks into darkness.'

---inspired by my friend 'zalgano'

Chapters (1)

While, the mane 6 and Spike are gone to some weird dimension, Celestia has brought some of the gang as the new mane 6. Their job is to do what the mane 6 do, before they left.

Note: this is before Twilight became an alicorn, around what happened in Magicial Mystery Cure. Also, this is after Junko killed herself, and the suriviors were leaving the school.

Chapters (8)

The changelings are content with their recent change, but they're all still working to adjust to the full scope of these changes.

Thorax, however, finds there was one personal change he's somehow overlooked.

Rated Teen for implied subject material...but I was able to avoid discussing it directly so much so that it's probably overkill on my part.

Obviously, spoilers for the season 6 finale.

Featured (for some reason) on 10/29/2016

Chapters (1)

Diamond Tiara is off sick with a cold, and Apple Bloom sees it as an oppurtunity to both help her out, and earn her Cutie Mark at the same time.

Contains traces of DiamondBloom.

Chapters (1)

Diamond Tiara, with the encouragement of Silver Spoon goes to Ponyville's local pawn shop to do some shopping. There, she finds a mysterious artifact that allows her to see into another pony's mind! Sadly, everything comes crashing down as she learns one pony's deep, dark secret.

Pre-read by: Theo Vellum

Chapters (2)

Apple Bloom sees a vision of the future, one so horrifying she'll do anything to stop it, even if it means having Diamond Tiara fall in love with her. Will Apple Bloom succeed in this endeavor? And if she does what will her friends say?

Edited by Telaros

Chapters (8)

The Cutie Mark Crusader's attempt to get Big McIntosh and Miss Cheerilee together with the concoction of a "love potion", however, Diamond Tiara ruins their plans by drinking the "potion" herself!

This is an alternate take on the episode "Hearts and Hooves Day", with just a dash of shipping.

Chapters (4)

Apple Bloom has the perfect prank: trick Diamond Tiara into thinking a spell was put on her to make her Apple Bloom's slave.

"What could possibly go wrong?"

Well, when the prank works...


Note: This story was conceived pre "Crusaders of the Lost Mark."

Chapters (1)

Several years later, after Twilight has become an Alicorn, the Academy of Magic and Friendship makes it's grand opening at last.

Sixteen ponies, former students of Cheerilee's class of fillies and colts, are summoned to attend the new high school on a tour. However, things turn sour quickly when the tour is taken over by a strange, black and white teddy bear, who declares that the ponies have to commit a perfect murder in order to go home.

In this edition of Dangan Ronpa, the events will stray from the canon series, but stay faithful to the character driven, dark humor style of Dangan Ronpa, so it'll be written as if it started in Equestria! No need to have played the games at all to understand the story, but it'll add to the experience if you're watching the anime/play(ed) the game.

But I Pinkie Promise that there will be NO SPOILERS of the Dangan Ronpa games.

Q&A'd by PigeonSmall
Proofread by thegreenone.

Also a TV Tropes page. Go nuts.

Chapters (25)