• Member Since 13th Jun, 2016

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I love reading stuff. That all you need to know ^U^

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A week has passed after the canterlot wedding. When a living pile of black slime appears at twilight's house. It reminds her of when her friends, her brother, spike, and her mentor did not believe her when she know that something was up with cadence. Now the monster makes her believe that one day they will turn away from her and leave her all alone. Anger will become her weapon, Anger will make them pay. Soon all will know to never turn there back on...VENOM!!!

Story inspired by vampdash's venom rising
edited by King of Kings

Chapters (7)

One of the endless possibility of the continuum shift finds six unique girls brought into to the world of Blazblue.

Separated, the girls must navigate their way through the 13th hierarchical city of Kagutsuchi and possibly receive some help or hindrance from the Blazblue cast along the way in order to find each other and get back home.

Chapters (14)

A unstable newly evolved Chandelure takes residence in a abandoned house in Manehatten. His name is Soul Light, with his mental acquaintance 'The Basilisk' who is known as Fang. The house however isn't as abandoned as he had thought. Instead a friendly ghost has decided to be friends with the soul burning chandelier. Something strange ensures.

Sequel to the Lampents Lament in Equestria book which can be found here

Chapters (10)

Eevee wakes up in a part of kanto he doesn't recognize. But later finds out that humans don't rule this world and that Pokemon aren't here either what makes it even weirder that ponies are the dominate species. Will he ever get back to kanto or will he learn to accept it and live in equestria.

The romance begins around the 8th chapter

Chapters (23)

After discovering Sunny Town and its dark secret, Apple Bloom flees with zombies in hot pursuit. One of the Sunny Towners try to protect her and allow her escape. Apparently, it isn't enough. Twilight comes to the rescue, only to see poor Apple Bloom face a horrible death at the hooves of her attackers. Apple Bloom becomes one of them, and is now forced to live as one of the Blanks. She didn't want this. How will she deal with the new life, and how will Ponyville take the devastating news, especially the victim's own sister?

This story is based off Donitz's Story of the Blanks. It takes place in the middle of Season 2.

Note: The [Gore] tag only applies to Chapter 1, and even then, it's only light gore. Nothing like Cupcakes or anything like that. It's a T-rated fic anyway.

Chapters (14)

Inspired by Prince Luna's adaptation of the MLP VS...

Discord finds another realm, filled with powerful and unique creatures. So, what better option than to pit the six mares who defeated him against these monsters for fun?

Chapters (14)

Team Trailblazers is hard to beat. They are quick, strong, and work together to accomplish more than even Guild Master Wigglytuff could have thought. Since a new mystery dungeon appearing is a big deal, they go off with several teams to go explore it. But when they get sucked through a portal to a brand new world, they find that they need to stick together or fall apart. As more Pokemon get crossed over, they discover that them being brought over wasn't as accidental as they thought.

Now has an ask blog!

Chapters (25)

Gallade, the psychic and fighting type, and Bisharp, the dark and steel type have been great friends for their entire lives. When they were sparring, a large blimp began to pass over them, it was all to familiar, Team Plasma. Bisharp and Gallade were soon blasted with a device that sent them into a strange place. They must survive together in this world and they find a strange town. Not inhabited by humans, nor Pokemon, but small ponies.

What problems shall ensue?

Chapters (6)

I was never the most well liked pokemon around town, being unable to talk more then your species name dosen't help explain that your here to collect souls to send them to a better place either. Did not know it would result in my death again though. Luckily, the creator of pokemon has given me another chance... again. Though this time in someplace called Equestria. . . Wait, what? Technicolor ponies are the dominate race here? huh.

Chapters (26)

After she escaped from a world where nightmare moon ruled equestria, she thought it was over. But nightmare had fallen in love with everyone's favorite purple alicorn, and nightmare is two things when it comes to her lovers, obsessive, and persistent. Lets see what happens when she follows her back, shall we?

Chapters (5)