• Member Since 13th Jun, 2016

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I love reading stuff. That all you need to know ^U^

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A lot of ponies don't really get Applejack.

Mostly because she has a habit of speaking in countryisms even her family doesn't understand.

One day, a strange little dog...critter...thing shows up that's even more country than she is.

They have themselves a nice long talk...

Chapters (1)

When a young trainer is whisked away from an experimental spell from Twilight. Rob, Sammy and his team end up in Equestria having no idea whats going on. Will they ever get home?

Warning: May contain Pokemon and Trainer Relationships and Nudity.
(Picture is only there till a better one is made.)

Chapters (15)

Kicked out of her Brother's wedding and betrayed by her friends, Twilight Sparkle is offered a chance by Arceus to go to the world of pokemon and start her life over. As she arrives, she is found by Ash Ketchum and his partner Pikachu and together they will travel through the Hoenn Region to become the very best like no one ever was.


This story will be based on both the anime and Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. So there will be Mega Evolution and some Pokémon from all the regions will be shown.

Cover Art created by: Mr Tech

Chapters (24)

Princess Twilight Sparkle may never be able to live it down, even if she's immortal.
She writes shipping stories as a stress relief tool, and there are all sorts of ships that she's had sail off to the horizon over the years.
Unfortunately, Spike just had to come in and sneeze on the pile of scrolls that she had written...and they were sent to the addressed parties.
It's going to be a long, long day...
Inspired by Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder and John Ringo. Seriously.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle never thought too hard on love and didn't really contemplate on her experience with romance. She begins to when a conversation with Rarity brings her to think about finding somepony special to love, changing her life résumé. There are complications, though, as she discovers the difficulty with herself and others of maintaining a relationship told to be better than the ones you have with friends. She's supposed to know when she loves somepony, right? The way they look at you, the way they act around you..? The signs become less clear and lines become blurred when Twilight seeks for the thrill of love.

Chapters (1)

As the leader of the Changelings, it's important to Thorax that he has allies within Equestria.

And which better place than the Crystal Empire itself? Where he was first accepted and allowed to roam freely within the land.

All he'd like is for his subjects to be able to rely on the Crystal Empire for friendship and love.

Unfortunately for him, his meeting with Princess Flurry Heart on the matter quickly spins into something a lot less professional then he had initially expected.

Author Notes:
Taken place several years after the current show-time. When Princess Flurry Heart is old enough to handle the bigger meetings regarding the Empire.
Please disregard obvious disbelief suspensions when reading. This story was not written from the show's point of view, meaning there will be minor plot adjustments made for the purpose of the storyline.

Cover art by NorthernLights8.

Chapters (1)

After Applejack asked the ponies who they would date their answers seem to surprise everypony.

Chapters (1)

Following the events of "In Search of the Sun", Discord has returned, seeking citizenship in Equestria. However, he has entered a rather strange condition in the contract...

It is highly advised that you read "In Search of the Sun" first!

If you missed it, here's the skinny: Celestia gets sick, Twilight and the elements (+ Spike) have to travel with Discord to get a cure, ????, Celestia gets better, Discord is set free, and everypony lives happily ever blah blah blah! You're now up to speed, but you're still missing a lot of dynamic!

edit: This story is now has a follow-up, the slice-of-life/comedy fic A Normal Day!

Chapters (3)

Twilight and her fellow Elements of Harmony, along with Spike, must travel outside of Equestria to find a cure for an ailing Princess Celestia. This journey, however, forces them to travel with an old acquaintance they had all but forgotten...


An attempt at writing adventure, and moving myself out of my comfort zone and into dialog-heavy writing. Plus, Discord! Whoo!

edit: This story now has two kinda-sequels; the shipfic Diplomacy and the slice-of-life fic A Normal Day!

Chapters (6)

Equestria never thought they'd see the day. Pinkie Pie, the happiest pony in the world, refuses to smile. Many questions arise. What has caused this state of depression? Will a smile ever cross the pink pony's face? Who can help?
This takes place after the events of I Found Love: Discord and Twilight.

Chapters (5)