• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2016


I created this account to keep track of the stories I read

Princess Cadence 1136 stories
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Welcome to the land of equestria inhabit by multi-colored equines morphs of five types Unicorns, Pegasus, earth ponies, gem ponies and Alicorns. my name is Justice Silverlight I am a dark blue colored unicorn stallion morph Royal investigator for Equestria. Up to about a year ago I was the proud Princess's protector of this land’s ruler one Princess Celestia. During my time in the service of Princess Celestia I not only call her my Princess, but she was my secret lover.

The land of equestria has live in peace and safety under rule of Princess Celestia and her sister Princess Luna for years, now with growth of more ponies and more towns a small dark element started to creep into the land that element is crime. A new word to be speaking in equestrian crime was unheard of in Equestria for hundreds of years, till mysterious unicorn mare kidnapped Applejack little sister apple bloom and follow up that kidnapping by kidnapping Scootaloo a close friend of Rainbow dash. It forced the two element holders to pay the kidnapper to get back apple bloom and scootaloo. After writing a report to Princess Celestia about the two kidnapping Princess Twilight sparkle request a royal investigator to come to ponyville to look into the kidnapping. Princess Celestia sent Royal investigator Justice Silverlight her once loyal solar guard commander and secret boyfriend. After awful misjudgment on the part of Princess Celestia her relationship with Justice Silverlight fell apart, causing heartbreak in the demigoddess of Equestria.

Chapters (10)

Inspired by stories written by the Owtcast and Carapace.

Thorax wasn't a normal changeling. He wanted friends to share love with, not victims to feed off of. He leaves the hive behind and finds himself in the Frozen North at the Crystal Empire. Follow him on his journey to his ultimate goal of being the first changeling to make friends with ponies.

The story takes place during and after the episode The Times They Are A Changeling, but it doesn't transpire the same way.

I have several chapters completed, but will only release each one after I've edited them and feel they are ready to be released. I'm also rating this teen for the time being, but I may change it to mature because of some ideas I have for later chapters.

FEATURED 10/7/2022
FEATURED 10/8/2022
FEATURED 10/9/2022
FEATURED 10/21/22
FEATURED 10/23/22

Chapters (70)

In the ancient past, Faust was the strongest of all alicorns who gave birth to Celestia and Luna. All Faust wanted was to live in peace with her two daughters after their father passed away during the war against darkness that is just known by the name Void. Unfortunately, the void monsters were just slowed down and not banished from their realm.

High Alicorn Council "pleaded" for Faust to help them to banish these void monsters so they could live in peace. Faust had no chance other than to help them. Faust managed to banish these void creatures back to the abyss that spawned them, but with a price. All these years Celestia and Luna thought their mother had died like their father fighting to protect the world, but fate has seen to it that their mother gets to see her foals again.

Chapters (10)

Princess Cadence is a lonely filly who has been shielded and protected all her life as a princess and member of the dwindling race of Sacred Alicorns. She longs for a friend her age to play with, and as a young teen she is sent to stay in Canterlot where her Aunt Celestia would personally mentor her in developing her magic. There she hopes to finally have the freedom she longs for and find somepony to be her friend. Instead, she is asked to foal sit for one of her aunt's royal adviser's fillies who may just be as lonely and reclusive as she.

This is the story of how Princess Cadence learns that the ability to give love cannot be complete without finding love for yourself, and sometimes it is found when you least expect it.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to What Follows Hugs

A foal is found lost in the snow, the tsuki, warm-hearted rabbit folk, take him in just long enough to realize he may belong to the ponies nearby. His name is Harry, and his fate was knocked a little off course.

Set after What Follows Hugs, but we're likely to wander away from our rabbit friends, as a young Harry Potter needs to be taken care of by other ponies. He is a pony, right?

Chapters (41)

This story is a sequel to The Gaps in F r i e n d s h i p

For Twilight Sparkle, the world was a very empty place. While her family helped her bear with it, there was only so much they could do for her. Combine that with Crystal Prep's toxic atmosphere, and it was a small miracle that she hadn't done something drastic a long time ago. As the void surrounding the poor girl continued to grow, that possibility became more and more likely. At least, until the day she found a strange black crystal near the remains of Canter Creek Bridge. Twilight's life was now about to make a drastic change, but would it be for the better, or the absolute worst?

Chapters (31)

This story is a sequel to A Moonlit Transformation

Princess Luna, or rather Jimmy Hook, has succesfully returned to Equestria, and has settled back into her role as Princess of the Night. However, odd circumstances and a strange visitor cause Luna to reconsider whether her fantasy of living as her favourite character is worth it.

NOTE: It is crucial that you read A Moonlit Transformation before reading this, or else the story won't make much sense.

Chapters (5)

An MLP FIM fan fiction writer and super mega nerd who while in her Autumn years wakes up in the ruins of the Castle of the Two Sisters and finds that she is a filly named Kitsumi Nova. The very character she'd created just for fun. Her first obstacle will be to find her way to civilization.

From there the story becomes a slice of life where our former human must live out the life of a pony who is also a young alicorn. And if that's not enough, she is Nightmare Moon's daughter and fears what will happen if she presents herself at court. Will she be reunited with Princess Luna and reconciled with Princess Celestia? Will she go back to earth when the opportunity arises, and who wants Sunset Shimmer dead? OK, there's a long list for that last one.

Yes, this did start out as a blatant self insert. Originally I started it as an exercise in the first-person narrative and really had no intention to publish it. Ever. After a while, the main character morphed into someone older than myself and a bit more accomplished. Reasons for doing this is because, well, let's face it, I'm a deeply private individual and prefer to have that layer of insulation. There is also the issue where many of my life experiences simply don't fit the character I wished to portray.

The story itself is loosely based on my other Kitsumi Nova stories and is its own independent story in its own dimension within the Kitsumi Nova Multiverse. It also predates the Mustang sisters Nova and Summer. There will be comedy, and there will be poignant moments sure to tug at the heartstrings.

The story itself has seen several major rewrites and was even abandoned for a while.

Contains mild swearing and a few f-bombs
There will be one chapter in which the more squeamish may wish to skip over containing borderline gore and outright nightmare fuel. Granted that the more jaded readers probably won't even blink an eye.

Chapters (66)

First you're born, and then you're recorded in triplicate. The end of labor is the start of a very long paper trail, because nopony can exist without being documented. Sending copies of a new foal's documents to the Herdbook Registry is perfectly normal. And of course, in order to make sure there's nothing strange going on, that paperwork gets reviewed. Which is done by bureaucrats who establish absolute control inside their office while having no idea of what's happening in the actual world. So as far as they're concerned, the forms associated with somepony named 'Flurry Heart'...

Don't tell them. It's funnier if they find out on their own.

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages. (Due to minimal story length, this was a pledge freebie.))

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer has hated Cadance since before they even met. After working her tail off for so many years as Princess Celestia's personal protégé, striving for perfection and aiming to eventually earn a royal title of her own, to have some random, two-bit nopony fall out of the sky and steal her crown felt like a kick to the horn.

So you can imagine Sunset's absolute delight when Princess Celestia assigns her to be Cadance's private magic tutor.

While at first it seems like some cruel punishment, Sunset quickly sees a golden opportunity. If she does this right, she might stand to gain far more than a mere grade.

Chapters (9)