Fluttershy doesn't worry too much about the strange things happening to her. Coughing up a few petals can't hurt anypony, can it? Hiding an unrequited love won't kill you...will it?

Chapters (1)

Edited by the lovely EverfreePony!! :twilightsmile:

Awoken at ten years old, Mystic remembers nothing about herself other than her name. Alone and confused, she will personally experience how the world, her choices, and the ponies in her life, could make her the pony she will become.

*Mild violence and gore, nothing explicit*

Cover art by Sirzi! An amazing artist! Please go check him out and like all of his artwork! :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (13)

Queen Chrysalis had returned, though not for long as a group of "secondary characters" as Discord would put it teamed up to defeat her, a former minion of the Queen's breaking the cycle by sharing love instead of taking it. The remaining changelings all followed the example of their comrade, reforming themselves and destroying the maddened queen's throne in the process. Isolated and effectively exiled from her own hive, the changeling queen fled, swearing vengeance upon the very pony that caused her isolation.

While the day had been saved, another mystery would soon uncover itself within the confides of the hive, one that could very well change the way the reformed changelings view the world as they know it, cause them to question what is real and what isn't.

All of this, because of a singular changeling mare, claiming she can see life itself.

Takes place during / after the Season 6 finale

((This is my first real attempt at writing a pony-based fanfiction, so any critique / help proofreading and such would be well appreciated~))

Chapters (3)

A soul is forcefully put in an artificial body and now it must survive in a world filled with magic and technology.

If you leave a dislike please tell me why so I can fix it. Thank you.

Chapters (1)

Everypony in the 60s wants a piece of Califawnia's promised dreams. On her way to the shining lights of the Trot of Fame, Pinkie Pie picks up a hitchhiker.

Edited by the enchanting GaraTheAuthor, and pre-read by the awesome user 91: Flashgen. Thanks to the people over The Demesne for their inputs.

Credit to the picture goes to the great Charlie who can be found in GapJaxie's server linked below.

Winner of the 6th Panic Fiction contest for GapJaxie’s Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Group, organized by ROBCakeran53. Originally conceived and written in thirty-eight minutes. This version has undergone some small refinements.

Chapters (1)

Ever since the changeling reformation, Coxa hasn't needed love to survive. That didn't stop it from being addictive.

First place in TheDriderPony's Music Meister's Musical Machwriting Meet on the speedwriting server, where it was conceived and written in 60 minutes.

Thanks to Syke Jr for editing.

Join us on the Discord: https://discord.gg/W45uFDg

Chapters (1)

The battle is over. 

Chrysalis and her co-conspirators have lost, against all odds, defeated once again by the power of friendship (and overwhelming numbers). For their crimes they find themselves imprisoned in stone, petrified and locked away, and it seems as though their punishment will last forever.

But the new Princess of Equestria isn’t finished with them just yet.

Chapters (1)

Chris has lived in Equestria for a few months now, and finally got his own place with help from Twilight and friends! Just one small problem, as he is quick to discover: ponies tend to just walk in unannounced. Can Chris keep his sanity intact as new ponies stop by every day to say hi in thier own special way?

Chapters (3)

What happens when students of Canterlot High School get together with the students of Monster High? That's something Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, and Headmistress Bloodgood wondered. They decided to get together and think up some interesting scenerios.

Chapters (45)

Flurry Heart's Crystaling didn't quite go as planned. After vanishing in a powerful magical surge, she became the most high-profile missing pony case in Equestrian history. Twilight leads the search to find her, before it's too late.

Unbeknownst to her, Flurry has already been found, by an unfortunate human who happened to be hiking near the place she appeared. Flurry Heart's magic is irresistibly powerful, and soon changes all around her to suit her whims. Soon Flurry's rescuer is fighting to reverse the magic, before the authorities notice and separate him from the only possible source of help.

Cover by Zutcha, editing by the Eevees in the hood Two Bit and Sparktail.

Updates most Tuesdays.

Note: This story was written as a commission for the generous patron of the arts Crescent Pulsar. If you'd like one of your own, feel free to PM me.

Chapters (63)