This story is a sequel to Closing Time

Since Trixie presented Starlight with a necklace and the two went out, they became closer and closer as each day passed, soon venturing into a happy, healthy relationship. Now, with tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala, Starlight is excited to take her marefriend along and have a romantic night together.

However, midway through the Gala, a rumor spreads that Trixie has went up to Prince Blueblood's bedroom and is having an affair with him.

So long, relaxing evening.

Minor spoilers for season 7

Chapters (1)

Prince Blueblood, after hitting rock bottom meets a mare that spends a single night with him that helps him steer himself into a better life.

Major Overhaul from the original plot but same concept and better writing. (Hopefully)

Chapters (6)

Twilight is absolutely over the moon that Sunset Shimmer has found her true love.

Now if she could just do it somewhere else...

A dual entrant to Sunset Shimmer x EG/MLP Villains Shipper's Group and Operation: Crackfic-Storm

Featured on 30/3/2023

Chapters (1)

Prince Blueblood is known as the first legitimate Crown Prince of Equestria, in a country that is experiencing its latest cultural and technological change. While he is known to many one of the most eligible bachelor in Equestria, many do not know he's also an owner of an up and coming company developing advanced technology.

After an annual show, Prince Blueblood and companion Gear Match are shot down and kidnapped by a mysterious group wanting him to help them build an advanced weapon of destruction Equestria's public has never seen before. Facing the possibility of being disposed once useless and the threat to his Country, Blueblood plans to build an elaborate suit of armor to help him and his companion escape captivity.

Unbeknownst to him, he took his first step in a larger world he had not known existed.

Chapters (8)

Celestia was away for a few years and came back to a world in ruins. Death, destruction, chaos, the endless fighting—it was like Harmony had never existed. Things were worse than ever. So I stopped it. And I did it my way this time. No more negotiating. No more promises. No more second chances. And I did it alone. Because I had to.

And it worked.

Thanks to Foxinshadow for the title image, had to crop it to fit the site's 1mb max file size so check out the whole image here: What the future has brought

Chapters (5)

Warning: the comments are rife with spoilers!

Starlight Glimmer's attempts to stop the Rainboom pulled Twilight Sparkle into many possible timestreams.

In one, Rarity and Rainbow Dash survived Nightmare Moon's victory over the forces of light, eventually attaining positions of prominence and comfort in the Nightmare's service. But when the unexpected visit of an Alicorn and Dragon sheds light on a growing conspiracy against the wicked mistress of the night, Rarity and Rainbow Dash may yet be inspired to risk what they have gained to join the fight for a better world.

Yet darkness lingers even in the hearts of some who would oppose the Nightmare, and not all agree on what a better world would look like...

This story would not have been possible without the indescribably vast help and unwavering support of Moosetasm, the pre-reading assistance of I-A-M and Waxworks, as well as the editing prowess of OnionPie and Pascoite! Cover by Novel Idea, using Rarity by miracle32 and background by Drakizora! Featured on Equestria Daily 17Jul.2016! :pinkiegasp: Featured on FimFiction 2Feb.2017 and many times thereafter! :heart:

Chapters (40)

Twilight wakes up with a serious head-ache caused by her horn spontaneously growing due to a sudden increase in her magical power. Nopony seems to have an answer for it, but it has attracted the attention of an unusually powerful militant foreign nation intent on her capture and execution. When a string of events lands Twilight before Celestia's father himself he tasks her and her newfound magic with tying up some loose ends he'd left behind long ago, ultimately connecting with this foreign nation's goals. With their powerful enemy baring down on Equestria, intent on taking it in a stranglehold, Twilight and her friends have little other choice than to travel the world and hunt for the rest of Celestia's family and end several thousands of years worth of feuding to prevent the war coming to Equestria before they themselves are caught.

Image Picture by Lostzilla of DeviantArt.
(find him yourselves)

Ech is a whiny bitch, but he helped edit a little I guess. (you too bats)

Chapters (28)

Princess Luna reveals a truth to Spike that a dragon's nature wholly pertains to greed and coveting shiny objects. Never have dragons been known to be caring and/or yielding albeit at only one time in the past. Rarity's giving personality presents itself in many ways by unconditionally helping friends. However, there comes a time when an important decision needs to be made. This decision is better known as the ultimate act of generosity—giving away one's self. Luna has made it clear that Spike's intended relationship is detrimental to Rarity's future. Will (or should) he let her go?

Only Generosity's true nature will dictate the outcome.

Lyrics in the story are from Megaphoric's song, The Diamond because the song is awesome and contains one of THE most powerful messages about greed, envy, and generosity!

Many individuals have, like uncut diamonds, shining qualities beneath a rough exterior - Juvenal

The Story's Sequel: Peeled Apart and Affairs of the Heart

Chapters (3)

V, what does it mean? A letter, a number? Or perhaps an idea which nobody saw coming. Created from tragedy and shaped through countless hours of training, a new figure makes his appearance in Centerlot, hoping to reveal the truth...

Crossover with V for Vendetta

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Derpy Intentionally A Portal Gun

Or, Derpy Accidentally a Presidential Campaign

Due to a rather strange clause in electoral process added by Thomas Jefferson, ponies turn out to actually be a large voting bloc in the American Presidential primary.

Upon discovering Equestria, the current candidates begin campaigning in Equestria.

It doesn't go as well as you'd expect.

This is the worst thing I have ever read
--Theodore Roosevelt

Chapters (7)