• Published 15th May 2013
  • 3,012 Views, 110 Comments

A Boy and a Bunch of Cute Ponies - Rupertthered

You are Anon, and Celestia has promised to send you a pony to spend the day with you once a week.

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Upon opening the door, you see a very light shade of aqua unicorn standing there. She was new to you; none of the six from before mentioned her. She looks up at you her eyes growing wider and wider, as her mouth became a big grin.

“Oh my Celestia, an actual human, I was right all along, wait till Bon Bon hears about this.” She began to ramble off about how her research finally paid off and how no pony will make fun of her now. “Oh my, I’m sorry. My name is Lyra, Lyra Heartstrings. Celestia told me you are named Anon? Kinda a weird name for a human, but I’ve only done research mostly on your hands. How is it like to have hands?”

She creeped you out a bit to be honest. A pony knowing so much about the human race? Not even the six knew what your kind was, not even Celestia (was that her name?) even knew what humans were? You decided to play along, since a week had passed by Celestia had promised something for you ever since she took them away. Those memories still hurt you, but life had been a little better actually. You decided to let this “Lyra” in to see what would happen. She happily entered and began to look around.

“Wow, everything here is so different from my place.” She was amazed by every single thing, even a candle amazed her. “It’s like everything is meant for your hands, back in Equestria the most effective way to do things is by being a unicorn since we can manipulate objects with our magic.” She trots around the living room a bit, and sits down on your couch. “Wow what a comfy place.” This shocked you, she was actually sitting as if she was a person, normally a pony would lie down with their legs under their body, but no Lyra was sitting with her bottom down and back straight.

You weren’t sure how to react, one minute you’re with an average unicorn, next thing you know she knows how the human body works as if it’s second nature to her. You walk up to her and sit next to her, to try and compare her sitting style to yours. Everything seemed normal, well other than the obvious parts but that’s a given. But for whatever reason, it just seemed cute to you, seeing a pony trying to act like a human, very different. Her light shades of aqua were quite a match also, never expecting so many light shades to help complement each color.

“Hey Anon, you alright? You seem to be staring.” It was true, her silliness got the best of you, and you simply chuckle and wave it off. “Good then. Umm if it isn’t much of a bother, may I see your hand? I haven’t gotten to touch one in person.” You quite expected that, considering their universe was surrounded by ponies, none of them would have a hand to give one another. But you finally accept her request and stretch out your hand, she begins to grab it and feel with her hooves. Small and delicate hooves went over your hand; she knew what she was doing. “This is so amazing.” She was truly in a trance at having the opportunity to get a feel.

Her curiosity was probably the best part about her really. She just seemed cuter then she normally should be. “Hey Anon, do you happen to have a lyre? That be sweet if you do.” A lyre? That seemed random to you, until you noticed the mark on her. A unicorn that was talented with a lyre? Guess she would use their magic to pull the strings. Going back to the question she had asked you, you shake your head no, this sadden her for a second. “Aww that sucks, oh well good thing I brought my own.” She magically brought out a lyre, where it came from you had no idea; these ponies seemed to make their own rules with reality at times, especially Pinkie Pie.

You’ve seen lyres before, many many times, it was an often used instrument back in your school actually. Though it was mostly guys playing it cause they wanted to learn the Zelda songs. You wondered how similar pony music and human music were. If anything you would probably expect the same. As expected she began to play the lyre with her magic. It didn’t really see the same as playing it with your hands, but you were no music expert so you couldn’t tell. Maybe this is what they enjoyed back in her universe, you weren’t the judge of interspecies music.

After playing for a few minutes she stops and looks at you. “Wanna give it a try? I wanna see what hands can do with this.” You look at her with a worried glance, not sure how to react. But her pleading eyes wouldn’t stop staring at you. Finally you gave in and grabbed the lyre and tried to remember what you saw back in high school. Trying to replicate the same movements, but your memory failed you as you would either pull the string to hard or to softly. “Oh my, you don’t have any experience do you?” You shake your nod, confirming her suspensions. “Well why didn’t you say so? Here let me show you.”

She gave you a music lesson in about an hour showing you the ups and downs of a lyre, what each string sounds like; how they connect anything you needed to know really. She was truly an expert on lyres. Guess that’s why she is called Lyra Heartstrings, a really fitting name.

Your thoughts are interrupeted when you feel her nuzzle you. “I’m sorry Anon but I gotta go, Celestia would only let me stay for so long. I wished I could have stayed. Humans are just simply amazing.” With that a portal appeared in front of the door prompting her to return home. She gave you one final hug as she left, but she did leave behind a gift for you. Still in your hands was her lyre, she left it with you on purpose. Maybe you will use it one day.

Author's Note:

I was going to wait a week before deciding if I wanted a prequel or sequel but I got too impatient and wanted to write something. Anyways, what I'm hoping will happen is you guys will comment who gets the spend the day with Anon, and I will randomly choose one character from the comments. I will try to write once a week for this story, and will continue till everyone is done or till I get bored. So have fun guys, hope this is good.