• Published 15th May 2013
  • 3,011 Views, 110 Comments

A Boy and a Bunch of Cute Ponies - Rupertthered

You are Anon, and Celestia has promised to send you a pony to spend the day with you once a week.

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Next week had started, and you knew what to expect, hopefully. Celestia had promised one pony a week it seems, you wondered who would be next. You were quite hopeful it would be one of the earlier ponies from before. You stood there waiting for the knock that would come. Eventually the knock did come. You rush over to it opening the door to see a gray pegasus standing there. But the one thing that caught you off guard was her eyes. They weren’t normal from what you can tell. One eye looked up while the other look down.

“Hello, I have a letter for you.” From underneath her wing she pulls out a letter, on the front of it you can see a sun symbol. You open up to letter and begin to read.

“Hello Anon, I do hope you are enjoying the time I have given you with my little ponies, they are a wonderful bunch. Each one a different personality from the last, and each with an important lesson in mind. I do hope you are having fun.” Signed Celestia. So the princess had sent you a letter with this one? Why not the last one?

“So your Anon right? Celestia says you are having problems? I also have problems in life too you know.” You turn to the gray colored pony to see her facing your sofa. Seems like her eyes are mostly the problem, it was cute. You begin to walk over to her and sit in front of her. “Oh my bad. I have a hard time seeing as you can tell.” She points to her eyes indicating her visual problem. “Sometimes though I can see normally, but then it reminds me that people want to change me.” Her eyes adjust back to normal.

It didn’t suit her well you thought, the cross eyes were rather unique you thought. And besides it’s a bad idea to change someone just cause of how they look. “I can see perfect now, but it’s only a temporary thing though.” As if on que her eyes go back crossed. “I just don’t know what went wrong.” You couldn’t help but giggle a bit upon seeing and hearing that. “Hey don’t laugh at me cause I’m different, it hurts you know.”

And again she was facing the wrong way. You begin to walk over to her and place a hand on her head playing with her hair. She seems to relax a bit and places her head on your shoulder. Or at least she tried to, seems like she didn’t have a great balance with her eyes. Instead both of you fall down with her landing on your legs. She started to laugh at her clumsiness. You decided to join in.

“See it’s fun being different Anon, you don’t need to listen to others. Everyone wants everyone to be the same when that isn’t the case. It’s best to choose what you want to be. Not everyone is the same, that’s why we have different cutie marks.” You had to agree with what she said. For someone that seems clumsy she is pretty smart. She decides to crawl up your body reaching your face. “You get what I mean right?” You simply smile and nod you head.

“Yay then.” She wraps her hooves around your neck hugging you. “You know for a species that is different from us you guys kinda seem similar to us.” Now that you thought about it, both ponies and humans acted similar. It quite surprised you, though Applejack did run a farm, like people do here on Earth. “Hey Anon can you make a promise?” You nod your head agreeing to make whatever promise she has. “As long as I don’t change, I don’t want you to change who you are, okay?” That sounded like a great idea. You smile at her and agree to never change, it was always fun being unique among others.

“Thanks Anon, you’re a great guy, I can see why the others loved you, and I just wish others would love me for who I am. But no one likes the way I look, they said I’m weird.” It was quite saddening hearing that, why would someone want another person to change? Though it was like that in human society you figured, if you were different from everyone else and their “social rules” then you were a freak and a nobody. Only those that represented how people are supposed to look are looked up to.

“It awful knows people are here to just hurt you instead of being friendly. Though luckily many ponies in Ponyville are very kind to me, since I’m the one that delivers their mail every day. Carrot Top is probably my best friends. She has her own carrot garden where she grows carrots. Some people call her Golden Harvest, but she is fine with either name.” She seemed to switch moods rather quickly, quite like her eyes did, always switching their location. It was odd, but you were curious about it anyways.

“Well I hope you enjoyed your time and the letter Anon, but I can feel that it’s already time for me to go. I wish I could stay, since we understand each other pretty well but the princess is busy, and has to use a lot of magic in order to do this.” You see a portal opening up behind her, and soon a bag came out of it, but the portal remained open. “Oh right, I forgot to bring this with me. I was supposed to give you this bag to keep. You can use the bag to store whatever you need, like a normal bag.” She tosses you the bag, with quite some effort. You stumble about trying to get a hold of yourself.

“Oops, my bad. Anyways thank you Anon.” She lifts up into the air and hugs you one last time, before going into the portal. She was a very different pony, different and unique.

Author's Note:

Please do remember to comment for who should visit Anon. Could be any pony.