• Published 15th May 2013
  • 3,011 Views, 110 Comments

A Boy and a Bunch of Cute Ponies - Rupertthered

You are Anon, and Celestia has promised to send you a pony to spend the day with you once a week.

  • ...

Doctor Whooves

It has been a rough week for you, nothing has gone right, everything has gone quite downhill. You did everything you could, but everyone decided it wasn't good or anything. The only thing you were able to look forward to was a new pony this week. Though it was already three in the afternoon and nothing has happened. Was Celestia mad at you? Maybe she has been watching you and felt disappointed with how you acted this week, and felt you didn't deserve her ponies.

The more you thought about it, the more likely it kept becoming in your head. It was until you heard a whooshing noise behind you. You turn around to see a big blue box begin to appear slowly in your living room. Until it eventually became whole, you quite recognized it as a phone booth back in the old days, but nothing beyond that. Where did it come from?

Soon enough your worries about Celestia were washed away as one of the doors opened to reveal a brown pony step out. "Oh my, the Tardis appeared to have teleported me into somepony's home," he spoke with a British accent, "now why would it do that?"

He begins to look around until his eyes land on you, as he begins to look you over. "Hmm interesting, where am I?" He pulls out a small device in his mouth and walks over to you. The device opens slightly and begins to glow green as he points it at you moving it up and down. You try to explain to him that he was on Earth, but it seems like it fell on deaf ears. "Yes, I had a feeling, I'm back on Earth, aren't I? This is certainly new, I never thought I would end up back here."

He begins to trot around your home, the sound of his clopping hooves sounding throughout the room, he sounds to be heavier then your other guests that for sure. He began to use his device across everything he came upon. He even passed the objects the other ponies have left behind, Lyra's lyre, Octavia's cello, and finally Derpy's bag.

"Did Derpy give you this?" He attempts to hold the bag in his hooves. You nod your head. "I see, so I suppose I'm not the only one from Equestria that has visited you, yes?" Again you nod your head. "Do excuse my manners. I'm the Doctor, you've already met my assistant Derpy. Her and me quite travel a bit, through time and space. Very fascinating might I say." He trots over to you. "Now has anything happened unusual happened recently that I should know about? The tardis must have detected something wrong, but my sonic screwdriver isn't picking up anything."

You weren't sure whether or no to tell him about what happened to you, but you had non one else to tell, so you decided to. You began to tell him what happened, and how you have felt depressed since. "Hmm I see, now that's a big problem, and I don't like big problems. But you have to understand, time is always changing. Everything you do now will affect the future making its own timeline. Going back to the past to change it will change that timeline and create a new one. There is no such thing as a right future."

The Doctor keeps talking about time and space. You tried to keep up, but he didn't seem like an average pony to you, especially after seeing his Tardis, and "sonic screwdriver." Most things did make sense to you, and though it seemed sad at how you can't change the past, but you can always change the future with at least and hope for the best.

The Doctor walks over to his Tardis, "Here let me show you something actually." He opens the door and walks in, as you get up from your spot and walk over. Upon entering the Tardis, you can tell it wasn't an ordinary Tardis, but instead a space ship or something. "Yes, I know, its bigger on the inside, I've been told that a million times before, and possibly a million times in the future. Now then, you said this accident of yours happened earlier this week. So by doing this and that," he begins to press buttons and pull levers all around him. "ahh much better, we can see what would happened if things didn't turn out the way they did."

The Tardis begins to shake inside until eventually it stops after a short while. "Alright, open up the door, and make sure no one sees you while you're looking, It's very important." You begin to feel nervous hoping to not upset the timeline that was made here. You begin to walk over to the door, and open it, looking out. It looked like your house, but all burnt up, everything was black and crisped. What happened you thought? You step out slightly to see firefighters cleaning up the kitchen, seems like a house fire you overhear. You couldn't take it, seeing what happened to your house as you step back in.

"There there Anon, this is one of the many possible futures that could have happened. I would be glad this isn't the future you chose for yourself, instead you stayed as strong as you could right?" He tries to hug you as you sat down on the floor, wondering how it could have happened, but he was right. you did stay strong and your still alive. "Now then, lets get you home, don't want your friends to worry about you, look here." As he trots over back to where he did his work earlier, in a screen you were able to see a few of your friends knocking on your door, asking you to come back to them.

This brought a smile on your face as you nodded your head to the Doctor. The rumble in the Tardis started again and stopped as it did before. "Well here we are. Have a good one Anon, and remember, time only changes with you." He shouted as you stepped outside the Tardis back into your living room, hearing the door knock. You turn around to find the Tardis gone. Though you knew him for a short time, the Doctor was right, you can't fix the past, but you can fix the future. You begin to head to your door to greet your friends.

Author's Note:

Well I am back to writing it seems. I have to say this chapter is a little based on me I'll admit, but not all of it. I say I made quite a fast recovery if I do say so myself. But anyways, I already know who I will write next, and hopefully I'll do it tomorrow. A lot of things have helped me get past my downtime. My fans (even though some disliked and unfaved) who wished me luck, my friends, and watching Doctor Who actually. Matt Smith said 1 quote that quite inspired me, and I just wanted to write something similar to it. So thank you all for being patient with me, and whoever has stayed.