• Published 15th May 2013
  • 3,010 Views, 110 Comments

A Boy and a Bunch of Cute Ponies - Rupertthered

You are Anon, and Celestia has promised to send you a pony to spend the day with you once a week.

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The last two weeks have been interesting. Meeting two fillies and both of them were sisters to one of the original pony you had met back then. You wonder if there was another sister, but you don’t recall any being mentioned before. You think Rainbow Dash mentioned someone that was like a sister. But that was long ago. Oh well you thought didn’t matter at the moment.

You were glad the week had finally passed. You worked at a retail story recently, and they needed you for Black Friday. What a horrible day to work you thought. Swarms of people came in trying to buy the best deal they could get their hands on. But you were able to sell a lot, so that’s some extra income you are getting when you get paid, you were happy for that.

It could have been far worse you thought, but customers were relatively calm you thought. But that weekend has passed. You had the day off once again to yourself and the pony of choice you thought. It always made you happy on the inside knowing you had a visitor every week. No one ever visits your house, but you didn’t mind, it was surrounded by forest anyways.

The day went on a bit for an hour or so. Finally the knock was knocked on repeatedly. Someone was in a hurry it seemed. You quickly walk over and open the door to see a flash of orange appear and go by you. You turn around and see another filly, but a pegasus this time. Her wings seemed tiny though, was she able to fly?

“Hey dude, I heard I get to spend some time with you. I think that’s pretty awesome. You are seeing the second coolest pony in Ponyville. Right after Rainbow Dash of course.” She was a lot more energetic than Applebloom was. And Rainbow Dash huh? Maybe this is the filly Rainbow mentioned.

You look at her a bit surprised honestly at how fast she was able to move. She didn’t seem like much of a flyer, just like Fluttershy. She preferred staying on the ground. But this one seemed to zip everywhere she went. The filly would be here and then there, and everywhere. She couldn’t stay in one spot; it was like seeing a kid on coffee. Which isn’t a pretty sight.

“So do you wanna see any tricks? I know a lot. Always gotta impress people with that you got, or else no one is gonna notice you.” She said standing in front of you doing nothing. “Umm actually, I don’t know if that’s really true.”

You look at her worried at what she meant. She seemed similar to Rainbow Dash before, but nothing of the colors matched the same. She was probably a big fan of hers that wanted to be the same. That didn’t worry you too much, she is young and is learning.
“Umm I really don’t know anything great, Rainbow Dash was the one who taught me how to be fast on my feet, since my wings don’t support me. I normally ride around a scooter to pretend I can fly.” She looked sad, that wasn’t a good thing. She was so happy when she first came in.

You look at her with a concerned look. You thought for a moment. Close by there are a few trees she could probably do a few tricks on. You gesture her to follow you. You two begin to walk out into the forest to find the spot you had in mind.

Finally arriving at the spot, you see a few trees bent and twisted. You weren’t sure what happened exactly here, you always assumed it was like this. But never paid any attention to it. Scootaloo looked at you with glee in her face. You nod your head at her giving her to okay to go ahead.

She began to glide around the trunks, doing tricks like this and like that. Some of which aren’t possible for humans, or for horses for that matter. Maybe it’s because she isn’t from this world. Their universe is different from here, so they have different rules and such. It is amazing how two different worlds can connect in a few ways, but be completely different in another way.

Finally after some time of playing around she gets off and comes towards you. Back to being happy again “Woo that was a lot of fun, I’m so glad I got to do that. Thank you so much. Now I have a bunch of new stuff to show off.” But then a questioning face came on her. “But I really don’t need to know these to be cool do I?”

You shake your head, showing off isn’t something that is great, usually gets people into trouble. You never enjoyed it.

“Yea you’re right, Rainbow Dash only does it cause she loves it. But she always knows when it’s time to be serious and when to goof off,” more goofing off then being serious you thought, “I need to learn from her how to keep my cool, she is like my older sister. I’m glad I have her to teach me.” She looks determined again. “I’m sorry for the way I came in to your house, I just wanted to make myself look cool, like Rainbow Dash always does. She is my idol, but she is also my mentor, I have a lot to learn from her.”

With that you two head on back to your house. You didn’t realize how long you’ve been out. It wasn’t dark, but it was turning a dark shade, seems like you two were out for about an hour or two. She arrived pretty late compared to the others. Once entering the house you noticed that the portal was already ready for her. Which was fine with you, she actually learned a bit of a lesson instead of you learning a lesson. You don’t need to show off to people to get attention, just be yourself and someone is bound to notice.
With that you two hug and say your good byes. As she steps on through, you can’t help but feel a little tired and decide to take a nap.

Comments ( 3 )

Spike should come in at some point, angry - jealous of anon of hearing that he made out with Rarity.

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