• Published 15th May 2013
  • 3,011 Views, 110 Comments

A Boy and a Bunch of Cute Ponies - Rupertthered

You are Anon, and Celestia has promised to send you a pony to spend the day with you once a week.

  • ...

Silver Spoon

Seeing Applejack really made your week. Not that you were having a bad week or anything, but it felt good to know she was safe after such events. She was a strong mare, no doubt about it. You never doubted her, but enough of that. It was time for a new pony, so many unique and different like humans. It was funny at times to think that somewhere in a different timeline or something ponies acted just like humans. You waited at the door patiently for the knock. It got tiring at times you had to admit, but it was always worth it in the end. Each one has brought a smile to your face never letting it go down. You knew Pinkie wouldn't like that. Soon enough though the knock came, though it seemed off, like it was forced. You walked up to the door waiting again to hear it, and soon enough it came with a quicker pace.

You opened the door to see a tiny pony with silver white hair and a dark silver body. She seemed scared the poor thing, even in her voice you can tell. "Umm h-hello mister. You aren't going to hurt me are you?" Now what would make her think that? You opened the door wider an presented her inside. Hoping to show her she was invited in with no problem. At first she hesitated not sure what action to take. But what other choice did she have? She began to trot in slowly taking in her new environment.

"Are you suppose to be Anon?" She asked as she walked in, still some fear in her voice. You look at her and nod your head, trying to be calm, you didn't want to scare to filly to death. "Really?" Her spirits rose up rather quickly. "People in Ponyville have talked about you. Diamond Tiara thinks your a fake. You aren't fake are you Mister Anon?" You were taken by surprised that you were talked about. Not even in the human world are you talked about, so why would another species talk about you? Did they really care that much?

"Mister Anon?" Her voice broke you out of your mental thoughts. You shake your head confirming you aren't fake. You tried to explain to her what has happened recently. At least only from Lyra to Applejack visiting you, she didn't need to know what exactly happened in each visit. She was young after all, some things might have been complicated. She seemed fascinated by your visitors, some she even knew since they came from Ponyville just like her. She gave a little history for each one. Funny that the first one to visit you was crazy about humans and now she isn't so crazy it seems.

"Diamond Tiara was wrong for sure, wait till I tell her about you. Oh...wait." Her demeanor all of a sudden went down. You looked at her confused unsure what the problem was. "I follow Diamond Tiara around like a puppet. I don't really do anything unless she tells me. It's the only way I can remain popular, and everyone wants to be popular right?" You chuckled a little bit at what she said. It was funny, cause you use to believe that yourself for a while, till you figured it was pointless.

You tried telling her your stories of when you were back in school and how life was. Sure being popular was cool, you had friends but did they really care for you personally? Nope they just talked and talked. Nothing special. She seemed amazed at your story, your life. She never thought it possible at times she would say. She always figured be popular and people would respect you. Turns out in the end it won't matter, and her and Diamond Tiara have been doing the wrong thing the whole time.

She just hoped it wasn't too late to turn over a new leaf. She quite liked the term, made it sound nice. There was still plenty of time after your story telling. She decided to wanted to explore a bit if that was fine. Of course being cautions since she was still a filly. You decided to let her walk around the house a bit, it was normally safe and nothing ever happens. But you still didn't want to risk her by going into the city or too far into the forest area. Though you did go into the forest from time to time. Visiting that spot you found Fluttershy at.

It was then you felt the filly nudging at your leg. "Sorry Anon, but I never said my name. I'm Silver Spoon, I was so scared when I came in I forgot my manners. Though it wouldn't be the first time honestly." Poor little filly, so scared and nervous. You decided to do what you thought best. You bent down, picked her up, and hugged her softly. Not knowing what the true purpose was of it, you felt it was necessary. Her tiny body was quite different from a grown mare that you are use too, but nevertheless it felt right at the moment. You were able to tell by her as well, feeling her relax in your arms.

"Thank you Mister Anon, I really needed that. I just hope everypony back home will accept the new me. I know it'll be hard at first, but I'm sure I can change." She gave you a quick peck at the cheek. Soon enough the portal back to their land opened up. "I suppose that's for me." She jumped off and stopped in front of the portal. You weren't sure but you thought you saw a tear or two fall from her face, but you couldn't tell as her back was facing you. She finally stepped through, leaving you alone like every week.

Author's Note:

One of the earliest votes for the story, so I finally decided to do it. Going to be honest, I forgot how Silver Spoon talks really. So probably a bad idea to write her, but I think it came out decent. Least I hope so. Remember to write in comments who should be next, I'm running out of ponies to write about. Think I got like 3-4 votes. I need to check again.