• Published 15th May 2013
  • 3,010 Views, 110 Comments

A Boy and a Bunch of Cute Ponies - Rupertthered

You are Anon, and Celestia has promised to send you a pony to spend the day with you once a week.

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Sweetie Belle

Time passed by quickly this week you were glad, but sad too. It was a fun week with friends, but you were getting paid soon, so that made you happy. You got paid decently, nothing crazy high but nothing crazy low. It was enough for your life style. That’s about it really.

Same day as usual though, a day a pony or filly would visit you and teach you something and spend time with you. It felt wonderful. You always enjoyed the visit, each one unique in its own way. Last week Applebloom visited you. An energetic filly, the sister of Applejack. You were glad she reminded you of your friends. It’s always nice being able to spend time with them.

To clear your train of thought you decided to clean the couch up a bit, since everypony used it apparently. As you just started to clean up a knock came and a squeaky voice can be heard. “Hello? Is anyone there?” it sounded scared. You quickly go over and open the door. Again seeing no one.

You close the door and turn around to see a white unicorn filly sitting on your couch. Really they need to stop using it as soon as they come in you thought. Maybe they were just use to it. “Oh sorry mister. I was just sent here, and I didn’t know what was going on. I saw you open the door and I came in.” She was shivering a bit. It wasn’t cold, maybe she just felt lonely at the moment is all.
You begin to walk over to her and sit down next to her and she hesitates a bit, unsure of how to react. She continues to look at you and then away, repeating this pattern for some time and finally asks. “Do you know anything about my sister Rarity? Is she here by any chance?” This is Rarity’s sister? She didn’t look similar much to her really.

You shake your head indicating she isn’t here, but you do mention you know of her. Sweetie Belle has a mix of emotions going through her. It seems like she has no idea why she is here, but she is glad her sister is safe. Or at least she hopes she is.

“I’m worried mister, this place is new, I don’t know anything about this place. Rarity always protected me, since I would visit her house very often in Ponyville, since I usually live with our parents. You’ll protect me for now won’t you?” How did Celestia send this filly without telling her anything?

You nod your head, you had to protect her till her time was up. You were sure your time was short with her as was with every pony. But you wanted to make sure she was safe. Sure you just met her, but she was Rarity’s sister and you were good friends with Rarity, she was like a sister to you, and now her sister is here.

“Oh right my name is Sweetie Belle, I forgot to mention. But thank you mister. Rarity must be worried about me, she probably has Twilight trying to look for me. Twilight can do it. I believe in her, she is a really powerful unicorn. If she can’t do it, then Celestia can, she is an alicorn and a princess.” Sweetie Belle seems to be happy all of a sudden now that you are protecting her.

It felt good, watching over a friend like her as if she was family. You were never really close with your family, but friends felt just as close, and you didn’t want anything happening to them. Friends were probably the brothers and sisters your parents didn’t have you thought. That’s a lot of kids your parents would have had you thought, smiling to yourself.

Sweetie Belle moved close to you without you noticing. “My sister isn’t really powerful in magic, she is a fashionetta, she loves making dresses, but I am always her first priority. There are times when she feels like I’m in the way, but after spending some time together she realizes just how wonderful family really is. And I love her for that.” She smiles boldly at you; her eyes brighten up a bit.
She was right. There are times when you are too busy to deal with other stuff that you ignore others at times. But once you realize how important the person you are ignoring is, you stop everything you are doing and help them out. Cause that’s what family does, even if you aren’t blood related. It’s always important to be there for the other when you need them the most. Friends and family is what matters, protecting each other and spending time with the other. Nothing should stop that.

She speaks up again. “Sometimes my sister feels like I’m a bother, because sometimes I ruin her designs but I always make up to her. I’m still learning magic and both Rarity and Twilight are teaching me how to cast spells and it has been a lot of fun so far. She is a great sister.” She backs up a bit and looks at you. “Do you have any siblings?” she quietly asks you.

It usually bothered you when people asked you think. But you told her that you had quite a few. She looked at you with wide eyes saying you were lucky to have so many. She loved being with family, they meant so much to her.

A little time had passed by, nothing happen just some talking of some past events that she’s had with Rarity. You would understand why Rarity would get mad at times, but it was always nice for the sisters to reunite together when everything was fixed. It was touching. You were glad she got to share such stories.

But finally the time came, as a portal opened up with Rarity’s face on it with a look of concern on it. “That’s my sister. I’m sorry mister, I have to go my sister is looking for me.” With that she leapt through the portal closing behind her. What a sweet filly. She is lucky for having a real sister look after her, but you were lucky having friends who cared for you, as you received a text asking if everything was fine.