• Published 15th May 2013
  • 3,010 Views, 110 Comments

A Boy and a Bunch of Cute Ponies - Rupertthered

You are Anon, and Celestia has promised to send you a pony to spend the day with you once a week.

  • ...

Fleur de Lis

The last two weeks were different you admitted to yourself. Being visited by two colts was new, and you never expected such an event to happen honestly. From what you have seen you assumed almost everypony was a mare. Though Applejack did mention her brother, but you didn't pay it much attention. All you knew was you were expecting somepony new today. You were getting too used to say pony instead of one in your words. You mostly blamed the ponies but you didn't mind.

From what you remember you have been visited by two musically talented ponies, a cross eyed one, a time traveler, and an older brother of a farmer. And Rainbow Dash but you already met her before this all started. The possibilities were endless of who could appear next. Until a light tap came about, it was time you thought.

You walked over to the door and began to open it. Behind the door you see a rather tall white unicorn with light pink hair. "It's very rude to keep a lady waiting you know. Especially with the heat going on outside. I knew I should have brought an umbrella with me." She spoke with quite a fancy tone in her voice. No doubt Rarity and Octavia knew her in some way. As she steps in she begins to look around the room examining different areas at a time.

"Hmm not bad for a human I say, you seem to have acquired taste for design here, even though your place is different from ours." She steps over to your couch that isn't properly made at the moment. She looks disgusted by this. "You expect a proper lady such as myself to sit on this? Tsk tsk tsk, dear Anon, however did Rarity and Octavia fall for you I shall never know." That sounded very new to you.

Her horn lights up as she fixes the couch and makes it very neat. She breaths out a sigh of relive, and begins to climb and rest on it. "Much better, if I do say so myself. Wouldn't you agree Anon? Surely you have learned from two of my clients yes?" You weren't sure how to react but you assumed that Rarity and Octavia have worked or are working for this new unicorn. "Do excuse me dear, my name Is Fleur de Lis, but please call me Fleur."

You still weren't sure how to react to what she said, she seemed very top class with the way she acts. "Are you going to answer my question?" Oh right her question, you figured you give her a quick answer by nodding your head. "Hmm I see. I assume Rarity was the one that taught you?" This was true, Rarity was mostly the one that helped redecorate your house to the way it is. All Octavia did really was compliment the work done. So again you nod your head.

"Typical of her to help others in head. A generous one she is I say. It gives hope for her future career wouldn't you agree?" She gets off the couch and walks over to you. "But enough about that, its time to teach you something. How to treat a lady properly. Now remember this, not every lady deserves or wants to be treated like this. So do bear in mind who should and shouldn't be treated as such. Follow me dear." She begins to walk into your kitchen hoping to start the lesson there.

You weren't sure if you liked the idea or not, but you figured you would go through with it. She began the lesson with the basics, how to approach, how to act, talk, body movements, everything possible in appearance. You two went over this for about an hour, until she deemed you good in that sense. Next lesson was the time spent together. A rather quick lesson compared to the first one. She told you key locations to go to, and why they are important location, and reasons why she would want to go. She suggested other areas for women that were outside her "class" and fell into another.

As the day passed by, she asked you to practice what you had learned on her, and she would react normally back depending on what you did. To say it was easy, was probably not a good choice of words. She always had a reason to say no, and explained what you did wrong. Almost seemed like you didn't learn anything. You sat in a corner thinking what you could have possibly done wrong.

Till Fleur came over to you, and looked you in the eyes. She begins to hug you and cries a few tears. "Congratulations, you learned one thing. To never give up on someone you care for. I may have told you a dozen times or so, but you kept coming back anyways. Yes I know that was the purpose. But you have no idea how many people would give up on just a few tries. I've done this for years, and only a few won't give up. Good job Anon." A smile wide across her face, as she begins to nuzzle your neck.

It was starting to get dark. You do believe she has stayed the longest out of everypony that has visited you. "Well if you excuse me. Fancy Pants is waiting for me, my husband. I've been gone the whole day, and he worries ever so much for me, and would try and try to do anything for me. Something I truly love in a man, he won't give up for someone he cares." She gives a quick kiss on your cheek as she steps through the door. "Do not worry Anon, I'll say Hi to Rarity and Octavia for you." She says as she walks back through the portal.

You never realized that time had flown like that, but you were quite happy with the results. Trying something over and over again sometimes proves that you care, a good lesson to learn.

Author's Note:

Well my laptop is breaking on me, so I need to get it repaired. I have to start writing on my actual computer, and don't quite like that, since it's public to my family. I'm hoping to get laptop fixed soon though makes me feel better. Anyways I'm thinking next chapter should be one of the mane 6. I already wrote Rainbow Dash, so I will not write another. I know I've seen a few Applejack votes I believe, so I might do that, unless people vote.