• Published 15th May 2013
  • 3,011 Views, 110 Comments

A Boy and a Bunch of Cute Ponies - Rupertthered

You are Anon, and Celestia has promised to send you a pony to spend the day with you once a week.

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Author's Note:

Sorry for not having written in forever. I just got bored of writing, and wasn't really in the mood. But recently I had a friend make me write something for him, and it felt really good. I'm still very busy with school and work, so I hope to try and update every week when I can. Sorry for the long wait! To make up for it, I'm writing Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo now. I probably have forgotten some of my own history with the story, so please point out any possible mistakes I made.

Another week has passed by. The week has been terrible. Work always demanding so much from you. You are just one person, why can't they get other people to help. It was always stressful trying to manage work and school at the same time. You would always request your school days off since you have school those days, but they make you work anyways. It made you mad at times. But you learned to dealt with it.

One thing you were glad for though was they always gave you the one day of the week off when a pony would visit you. It was amazing how it was timed perfectly. Sometimes you wondered if it was cosmic powers that gave you today off or was a really big coincidence that it’s the same day.

Ever since the rest were taken away from you, you’ve meant so many new ponies each with a lesson. And you took them all to the heart, knowing they meant well. Everyone from their world seemed to know a lot about friendship. It was amazing; almost no one here knew anything. It’s very saddening to try to make new friends and no one wants to.

Finally the door knocked as it usually does. Filled with joy you rush over and peep out. But, you don’t see any pony, nothing is there. Strange; did you imagine the door knock in hopes of a pony? Sometimes you were a little too excited to meet someone new. And again the knock came. You look out and see no one.

You decide to swing the door open, and see no one still, weird…

“Hay mister, you look like you having some trouble trying to find me.” A young southern voice is says. You look down and see a yellow filly with a bow tie. You wave your hand at her. “I’m Applebloom, pleased to meet you sir.” You smile at her, you remember Applejack mentioning her a few times.

You move to the side and let her in. She trots in quite quickly excited to see what there is. “Woah so you live by yourself? That’s so cool. I sometimes wish I could live by myself, but my family won’t let me. I would probably live with my friends anyways, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. I always have so much fun with them. They are the bestest friends a filly can ask for mister.”

She jumped on the couch and walked back and forth on it. Why did every pony love that couch? You never felt comfortable in it. Well at least recently, only your bed seemed amazing. Your train of thought broke as she spoke up again. “Do you have any best friends mister? I would sure love to meet them.” You smiled, before meeting them you didn’t have any friends, but now you have quite a bit of friends. At least enough for now, maybe later you can make more. You nod your head at her.

“I suppose I wouldn’t be able to meet them would I? Celestia told me not to talk to others. But do you like spending time with them? I love spending time with Sweetie Belle and Scootalo. We even have a treehouse together for our secret club, well except it isn’t really a secret since everyone knows we are the Cutie Mark Crusaders. You know what a Cutie Mark is?”

She was so energetic it. Then again she was a filly. But you recalled a few things about a Cutie Mark but don’t remember everything. You shake your head and wait for her reply.

“Oh darn, I thought my sister would have told you. Anyways a Cutie Mark is a pony’s special talent. It basically tells them what they are good at. Everyone in my class has one but me and my friends. So we teamed up to work together to find out what our special talent is.” She looks sad for a moment, “Sometimes I just wish me and my friends can find our talents already, but it’s always fun to spend time with my friends.” She smiles brightly.

She jumps off and gallops towards you jumping up into your arms. She is so tiny you thought, able to fit completely in your arms. It was funny you thought. The others were always so big they couldn’t fit so you had to crouch down and hug them. It felt nice being able to hold a filly. But she did have a point. She is going through a lot trying to find her special talent, and she is having fun with her friends. Maybe you need to do the same. Even if you are having a hard time, at least have fun spending time with the people you are with. Not everyone is a bad person you thought.

“Only bad thing is that there are these two girls who pick on us. Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara. Diamond is the leader of the two, and Silver Spoon just follows.” Silver Spoon? She visited you not too long ago, she didn’t seem too bad from what you remember. “Sometimes I feel like Silver Spoon doesn’t want to be with Diamond Tiara, but we aren’t sure. She always breaks away from us. I just want to see her happy for once is all mister.”

You understood what she meant. Sometimes there are just people that won’t change, or leave stuff behind. You knew a few people. But there are times you still feel like they can change. It just takes a long time to do it is all.

She jumped from your arms. “Well it was a lot of fun mister. I hope to be able to visit you again soon. I hope you and your friends have a lot of fun together. You always need friends, they help out a lot, that’s what I learn. You could do so much together, never forget mister.” With that she begins to walk out the door, which was still open. A mistake you made.

And as usual the portal outside waiting for the filly to go back home. But she was right, friends do make stuff better. With that you close the door and grab your phone.