• Published 23rd Jul 2013
  • 2,312 Views, 81 Comments

See No Evil - Masked_Frenchman

A unicorn is allowed to keep his secrets and keep his past unknown, right?

  • ...

Chapter 1: A new start

See No Evil

Chapter 1: A start

As Celestia set the sun to the horizon over Equestria, a unicorn stood over a hill looking down onto the city of Ponyville. The pony in question put his pitch black goggles on and smiled. "I hope this time, it is different," The pony said to himself as he walked down to the town, tugging a cart along behind him. As he entered town he looked around to see if anyone can direct him. As he looked around he found an alicorn with a dark blue mane with purple and pink high lights still walking around at night. "Excuse me ma'am, I was told that my shop was in this city, can you help me in pointing me to the right direction?" The pony asked respectfully, although he found it odd to see an alicorn in a town like this. Normally you saw them in castles and places of royalty. He did not dwell on that thought for long, she must have her reasons. She looked at him carefully and then smiled.

"Depends, what is the store?" asked the magenta unicorn politely.

"It is a magic store ma'am, it is a fairly nice plot of land. I believe the business before cleared out, leaving the building at it's place bare," explained the mystery pony. The other pony was alittle confused for a moment as she thought about the description and her eyes lite up.

"Oh yea, I know what you're talking about now. Yea, there is an empty building near Sugar Cube Corner. I'll take you there. My name is Twilight Sparkle by the way," explained the pony.

"My name is Keen Eye ma'am. It is a pleasure to meet you," introduced the other unicorn. Twilight turned toward the opposite direction to lead the way and Keen followed. After a short walk they came across an empty building with boarded up windows and a sign saying sold. Twilight turned to Keen and smiled at him politely.

"Well, I think this is you, right?" Twilight asked, looking back to the empty building. Keen looked around the building and inside one of the windows and smiled.

"Well this is most likely me. Thank you so much ma'am for guiding me here. I do not know much about this town, so this was awfully kind of you," Keen explained gratefully, pulling his cart next to the building. Twilight took a glance at the cart and noticed a few training dummies and some old books.

"So, what kinda of business are you opening?" Twilight asked curiously, taking a step closer to the cart. Keen chuckled to himself.

"I am opening up a magic training and tutoring facility ma'am. There was a deal on this place and I just could not say no to it. So I bought it, a little smaller than I hoped, but it will do just nicely. I also sell things for potions and rent out books for ponies to read at home." explained Keen with a calm and polite tone in his voice. Twilight looked back over to him with a friendly smile. 'Wow, he is such a gentlecolt. Such manners as if he was a prince or something.' Twilight thought to herself impressed.

"Well, I would like to visit your store some time, and maybe take a look at your tutoring as well, if that is ok of course." Twilight suggested. Keen turned to her and smiled kindly.

"Why of course ma'am. I would be more than happy to receive you as a customer in my store." Keen said with a kind hearted smile. Twilight looked up at the moon and then back to Keen.

"Well, I need to get some sleep. I will see you some other time then." said Twilight as she started to trot away. Keen waved her good bye.

"Very well miss Twilight. I wish you a safe trip back home and a good and restful night." called back Keen as he waited till she was around the corner. He unlocked the door and walked in. The insides was a eye sore for him. His horn started to glow ever so lightly in the darkness of the room, making it the only light source in the darkened room. Keen took a deep breath and pulled out a broom and dust pan. "Well, this place won't clean it'self now will it?" Keen asked himself with a cheerful attitude. As Keen started to sweep off the floors and dusting everything he started humming a little tune to himself.

Keen was tall and lean for a unicorn. He has long sky blue mane with a coal black trim that he normally slicked back past his shoulders. His eyes were always hidden with his midnight black goggles. His fur was navy blue and a little thicker than most with a cutie mark of a book and quill. His horn always seemed to glow a faint blue. His hooves where a darkened blue, but appeared to be light blue at one point. As Keen looked inside the store he smiled. "A brand new start, maybe I can be useful once again." he said cheerfully to himself as he continued to hum his little melody.

The morning sun rose from the horizon and Keen was asleep on his floor, holding the broom and dust pan close to himself. He felt the warm rays of the sun graze over his body that shuddered at the sudden touch. But that is not what made him wake up, but instead a tapping at the door. Keen quickly got up and fixed his goggles over his eyes properly and rushed to the door. A cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane was at the door with a look of curiosity on her face as she peered through the boards of the window, which some of them was taken off. Keen opened the door and poked his head at the pegasus who was hovering in front of the window. "Good morning miss, can I help you with anything?" he asked with a cheerful and polite tone, wearing his usual heart warming smile. The pegasus turned to him with a look of confusion.

"Yea, what is this place supposed to be? I saw the cart outside so I thought someone was trying to open this place up or somethin'." the pegasus explained. Keen came outside and looked at the front of the store.

"Well, I guess it does not look like much now does it? But I plan to fix that up. Might take me a fair few days, but I am sure that I can turn this place around. I plan on turning this place into a magic training and tutoring facility. I will also being selling some magical supplies as well. But I never knew that it would take so much work to clean this place up. The store is in a dreadful state." explained Keen. He turned around to see her looking through his cart.

"Yup, definitely looks like magical do-hickies and what nots." she claimed as she came out of the pile of boxes. "You look like you have a lot of work ahead of you. Now I normally do not offer this to just any pony, but you seem alright. But I will help you unpack all this stuff for you." the pegasus offered with a smirk.

"I am sorry, but I can not accept such a kind offer ma'am. The very idea to have you working for me for free is just-" Keen started bashfully.

"What? Oh no, no ,no. I ain't working for free now. I plan on getting paid for my hard work if you do not mind." she interrupted with a smirk. Keen smiled and lightly face hoofed himself.

"Why silly me then. If you offer your services in exchange for currency, then I would be more than happy to do that miss. My name is Keen Eye. What is your name?" Keen asked politely as always. The pegasus flew up to him and puffed out her chest.

"The name's Rainbow Dash. Nice to meet you." she said with a high self esteem, lending out a hoof to shake. Keen smiled and lightly chuckled to himself as he raised his hoof to meet hers and shook it.

"Like wise. How about four bits an hour, work as long as you want by the half hour, sound fair?" asked Keen. Rainbow Dash tried to contain her excitement as she failed to hid a joyful smile.

"I guess that will do. So what you want me to do then, boss?" Rainbow Dash asked respectfully with a quick salute. Keen couldn't help but broke into laughter.

"I like you miss Rainbow. You are such full of joy full energy." Keen complimented, trying to contain his laughter. Rainbow Dash looked away, slightly blushing.

"Well, don't be weird about it or anything. I-I was just trying to be polite." Rainbow Dash explained, trying to not show her flushed cheeks. Keen didn't notice her cheeks as he stopped his laughing.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to make it seem like I was laughing at you. I just love that energy of yours. Now if you wish to start right now, I could use some help in clearing away those broken boards inside so I can sweep properly." explained Keen, keeping his gentle and kind smile.

"You got it boss!" Rainbow Dash said with a final salute and took off inside, never placing her hooves on the ground. Keen shook his head and smiled. 'What is with this one. She is a strange one and a little full of herself. Still, working with her is gonna make this a lot more interesting. It might even get fun." Keen thought to himself as he grabbed his dust pan and broom again as he went back into the store.

"Ether way-" Keen stopped and looked up at the sun. "-I have a feeling that this is the start of something beautiful." he said to himself as he went into the store and started his clean up in his brand new store.

Author's Note:

This first chapter is gonna be short, just to introduce the idea, but I plan on making them longer much much longer. I am stuck on my more popular stories so I will make a one till I can break through this stupid writers block, until then, I hope you enjoy this until then. I am actually using my actual idealist of me as an OC, if I was a pony, I guess this would be me, just a few changes is all. Anyway, Hope to see you in the future chapters ;)