• Published 23rd Jul 2013
  • 2,312 Views, 81 Comments

See No Evil - Masked_Frenchman

A unicorn is allowed to keep his secrets and keep his past unknown, right?

  • ...

Chapter 8: Master and Student

Chapter 8: Master and Student

(The music that I was listening to while I was writing this was 'FIGHT TO WIN' by Your Favorite Martian, 'Make a Move' by Icon for Hire, 'Disconnected' by My Little Visuals [at least that is were I was listening from it] and 'Proud to be a Brony' by SonicRainboomBrony [again, this is all from youtube, that is just my playlist from there] I hope that if you choose to listen to the music while reading that it makes it better for you, if not, enjoy the chapter through ether silence or your own music :twilightsmile:)

Keen woke up on a Thursday morning with the sun shining down on his face. He stretched out his sleeping kinks and got up to look outside. It was a bright and sunny day, not a cloud in sight. He heard a noise coming from downstairs. adjusting his goggles, he went downstairs and looked around. Twilight worked the counter, organizing prices and sales of the past few days as Rainbow Dash was leaning on a broomstick, chatting away to Twilight, both wearing their uniforms. “And then I came down like WHOOSH! When the dust cleared, every pony saw me with the young filly in my hooves, inches away from the ground. Once again I saved the day and that little fillies life!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she replied the scene with the broom. Twilight giggled as she watched her flying friend bragged about her fearless act of justice.

“So, you girls are early,” Keen added in, waiting for Rainbow Dash to have ended her little play. Rainbow Dash dropped the broom and Twilight jumped a little by the sudden voice of her boss.

“Oh, hey boss, I was just. . . uhh, cleaning, yea!” Rainbow Dash said quickly as she quickly picked up her broom and continued to sweep away as if she was doing that.

“Morning Mr. Keen. We were just talking about one of her amazing saves. We haven’t been here long,” Twilight explained. Keen chuckled to himself as he came down and started to get some coffee ready, seeing that it was already made. “It’s still fresh,” she added. Keen smiled kindly towards her as he poured himself a cup of coffee. As he fixed his coffee just as he liked it, he heard a knock at the door.

“Right on time,” he whispered to himself as he made his way towards the door. When he opened the doors, Snails stood right outside, yawning to himself. “Good morning Snails, you are right on time. Are you ready to start training?” Keen asked kindly Snails looked up to him and smiled.

“Yes sir, I mean master,” Snails said quickly. Keen chuckled to himself.

“Good, then come in,” Keen instructed. Snails walked in as Keen held it open for him. Keen guided him towards the back but stopped him before they entered the training area, lowering himself to Snail’s level. “Now, I have to ask before we start, and I expect you to be honest with me, understand?” Keen asked in a whisper, looking up to see if Twilight or Rainbow Dash was listening, which they weren’t.

“Of course Master, anything!” Snails exclaimed. Keen looked directly into his eyes as he lowered his voice.

“Why do you wish to improve your magical skills so much? I mean you must know that your skills with magic are poor, so why do you strive to become better?” Keen asked in a whisper. Snails looked towards the ground for a moment as his face started blushing.

“Well, there’s this mare in my class that I really like, but she doesn’t notice me at all. I’ve tried to write her a letter, but she thought it was a joke. So I want her to notice me and maybe, well, give me a chance, even though I am not very smart and I am falling behind in my magical studies, also, something happened-” Snails started to explain. Keen stared intently as he listened to every word the young filly explained. “She was getting picked on at school when she was alone. I wanted to stand up for her, but I was too scared, but then they started pushing her around. I stepped in to try to defend her, but they started to beat me up. I don’t know magic so I just rolled up into a ball and coward away. When they were done, they were all gone, even her. I made a fool of myself. So I wanted to learn magic from a real teacher so then I could protect her,” Snails finished explaining, a tear rolling down his cheek. Keen smiled towards him as he lifted his chin to look at him.

“It is always important to protect those that we love and care for. I am touched by your story and I will teach you these ways. Know this, this will not be easy nor quick. You must study hard and train even harder. If you truly wish to protect the ones you love and care for, you must put everything on the line. I understand why you do this for that is the same reason why I trained so hard,” Keen explained. Snails looked into his goggles as a smile started to form on his face.

“Really?” he asked.

“Yes, now be ready, a path opens before you. I can only show you the door, you are the one that must walk through it,” Keen explained.

“Which door?” Snails asked as he looked around. Keen shook his head as he got back up.

“We will work on that, for now, follow me,” Keen instructed as he guided him into the training arena. Before he could completely walk through it, he heard a commotion at the front door. “Wait here,” he said as he quickly rushed over to the door. Two unicorns stood there, talking to Twilight.

“We do not care if he is busy, if he has any honor, he will accept our challenge or he shall forfeit the title as master!” one of the unicorns exclaimed, with authority in his voice.

“Indeed, he will accept our challenge or face the consequences!” the other explained. Keen walked into the room.

“What is going on here, can I help you two?” Keen asked politely. The three turned to him.

“Mr. Keen! These two just walked in and started talking about challenging you to some magic battle,” Twilight explained. Keen looked to the other side of the two unicorns and saw Rainbow Dash with a stern look on her face as if she was ready to pounce on the two.

“We challenge you to a magic duel!” the one on the right exclaimed.

“What is your names?” Keen asked calmly.

“My name is Skyfall!” the one on the right exclaimed.

“And I am Shadowface!” the other added. Keen looked at the two. Skyfall was a brown unicorn with a longer horn than usual. He had a black mane with brown highlights with blue eyes. The other was dark blue with a red mane and red eyes. Skyfall had a staff surrounded with sparkles for a cutie mark and the other had a dark mask shrouded in mist.

“What is the challenge?” Keen asked calmly and politely. Skyfall smiled.

“You must duel against the both of us. If we win, you must shut down this establishment!” he declared.

“And if I win, you will kneel down before me and my workers and say you are sorry,” Keen declared.

“Mr. Keen, even if you are better, two against one is very unfair!” Twilight stated.

“Fine, then student against student, one on one,” Shadowface insisted, looking past Keen. He frowned as he turned to look behind him and saw Snails standing there.

“I told you to stay put!” Keen said with a stern tone in his voice, making Snails take a step back.

“I’m sorry master,” he replied. Keen sighed and looked back.

“I accept to these terms!” Keen declared with confidence.

“Are you crazy!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. The two unicorns smiled and walked towards him.

“Follow me then, we will use my training area,” Keen offered, leading them to the back. Twilight and Rainbow Dash followed them. Keen walked in and lit the room. The two stood in the opposite ends of the room, smiling at him with a cruel grin.

“Shall we begin?” Shadowface asked with a cocky grin. Keen prepared himself as he shifted his goggles.

“You may have the first move,” Keen offered. Shadowface looked over to Skyfall and nodded, with him returning the gester. Skyfall gathered up a fireball the size of his head while Shadowface brought up wood from the ground and sharpened them into spears.

“Keen, watch out, these guys are seriously good!” Twilight called out. Snails hid behind Twilight as he watched his master. Rainbow Dash watched intently as she was starting to feel fear build up inside of her for the first time. Keen watched them prepare their spells calmly as he tensed his body, his horn glowing dark blue. Shadowface shot out his wooden spears as Skyfall threw his fireball onto the spear, engulfing them in fire. Keen smiled as the spears completely missed him without even moving.

“That was supposed to be a direct hit!” Shadowface stated in anger. Keen smiled faintly.

“Really? It doesn’t look like it,” Keen replied. Skyfall looked at Keen with hatred building in his eyes as he looked at Shadowface with a nod and charged up another fireball. Shadowface charged at Keen with his horn glowing green and teleported behind Keen. Roots shot out and grabbed him and threw him onto the ground, pinning him down.

“What?!” Shadowface exclaimed in question as the roots wrapped around his body, tightening their grip. Skyfall threw another fire attack, the ball of fire splitting up into eight arrows of fire and spread out, aiming right at Keen who stood still just like before. The arrows split off at the last minute and hit the ground all around him, setting off small explosions.

“How is he doing this without casting a spell?” Twilight asked herself as he watched Keen’s every move. Skyfall took a step back confused before he stood his ground.

“Fine! Close combat then!” he declared as he charged right at Keen, setting his entire body in fire. As Keen got ready, Shadowface broke the grip of the vines and head butt him into his back. Keen flipped around and landed behind Shadowface and his horn started glowing brightly. Shadowface turned towards him and started stumbling around as if he was drunk, unable to stand still. Skyfall continued to charge and suddenly fell to the ground, his fire suddenly going out. Keen stood over them, aiming his horn at them as they tried to get up.

“It feels like, my brain is shaking in my head,” Shadowface stated as he kept falling down, trying to get up. Skyfall managed to get up and charged again at Keen with his body engulfed in fire again. As Keen aimed his horn at him but he teleported. Skyfall appeared about 20 feet behind Keen and smiled.

“BEHIND YOU!” Rainbow Dash cried out. Skyfall charged up the fire more and threw it, the fire wave easily bigger than Keen. The fire hit him directly and flooded the area around him in fire. “NOOO!” she cried out. Twilight froze in place as she dropped to her knees. Shadowface and Skyfall got up and danced around.

“We got him!” they cried in cheer. The fire started stirring and swirling around Where Keen was. They turned to him and saw the fire go out with Keen untouched and his horn glowing even brighter.

“No way?!” Skyfall whispered. Keen shot up wood from the ground and sharpened them quickly to make 12 spears and hovered them near them. Skyfall tried to charge up another fireball but he did not have enough time. The spears shot straight down from right over them. Once they landed, blood ran down the spears and onto the ground. Twilight, Snails, and Rainbow Dash stared in fear as they saw that the two unicorns didn’t move. Keen’s noise started to bleed lightly as he looked at them without moving and a cold stare.

“How, how could you?” Twilight whispered as she felt tears building up. Keen looked towards her.

“Do not judge some pony so quickly,” he replied and looked back.

“You just killed them! How could you?!” Rainbow Dash cried out.

“Dame you,” a voice said quietly from the two. Everyone looked over to see that they were alive.

“Oh thank Celestia,” Twilight whispered, calming down.

“Dame you Keen to the nine circles of hell!” Skyfall cried out, trying to get out. Shadowface opened his eyes and saw the spears just grazed him.

“I have won this challenge,” Keen stated as he turn his back, dropping to his knee to catch his breath, his horn stopped glowing.

“Oh no you don’t!” Skyfall whispered angrily as he pulled out one of the spears and aimed it at Rainbow Dash. With a burst of magic he shot it at her. Keen turned quickly to her but the spear stopped, it surrounded with a yellow aura. Keen looked over and saw Snails’ eyes closed tightly and his horn glowing brightly. Snails released his magic grip and dropped the spear.

“Good catch Snails,” Keen commented impressed. He turned to the two unicorns with an angry glare. “Now I understand you can not accept defeat so well, but attacking my employees? Ponies I care about very much, it’s unforgivable!” Keen stated as he approached them. They shook in terror as they watched him. Keen pulled the spears out and shot them back into the ground. “Leave, and never return, you have overstayed your welcome!” he declared. They nodded their heads and took off, running off out the store. Twilight looked at Snails and smiled down at the frightened filly.

“That was really brave of you!” she stated. he looked down at the ground and blushed.

“I couldn’t let them hurt her. I didn’t think I could do it though, but I knew I had to try,” Snails explained humbly. Keen walked up to him with a proud smile on his face.

“You did an amazing job, great work,” Keen added. Rainbow Dash shook herself out of shock and looked down at him.

“Thanks alot. If it weren’t for you, I would be, well. . . you know. Anyway, thank you, I guess I owe you one,” Rainbow Dash said bashfully. Twilight turned over to Keen with a curious look on her face.

“How did you do that? Those attacks were gonna hit you dead on, but they missed, and them falling to the ground like they were drunk, how did you do all of that?” she asked puzzled. Keen smiled at her.

“I used a spell that you know of already. My sonar spell,” he explained. She looked at him now even more confused.

“But that only helps you see at night?” Twilight stated.

“Yes, but when it is amplified, it can be used to send short ranged shock waves to disturb magical energy, making it unpredictable. Now guiding the shock waves, I can make them spread out or gather to either deflect incoming ranged attacks or to disorient close range attackers. I can sorta make their brains rattle around a bit,” Keen explained. Twilight stood there, mouth open wide as Snails looked up at him with a big smile on his face. “Only down side is that it is not made for multiple attackers,” he added.

“Wow master, you are really amazing! I mean that was so awesome!” he exclaimed. Keen patted him with his hoof and smiled.

“With enough practice and training, a simple spell could be your greatest weapon. Remember that,” Keen instructed. Snails nodded his head up and down excited as he looked around the room.

“What are we going to do about your room?” he asked. Keen looked around and smiled.

“Hey Twilight, Rainbow Dash, I have a project for you two,” he said calmly. Rainbow Dash grunted with annoyance as she went to go get the broom and Twilight looked around with a displeased look on her face.

“I understand sir,” she said as she started levitating debri around. Keen guided Snails out the room and into the front of the shop.

“Now, I guess today we will be taking it easy and study mentally today,” Keen stated. Snails nodded his head happily.

“I’m ok with that master,” he replied. Keen chuckled and brought him to the counter.

“Yea, I guess you would be,” he added, laughing. They sat down at the counter as they started studying from the books. Keen trying to teach him the levitation spell.

“Master Keen, why do I have to learn this one? I mean I thought we were gonna learn advanced magic and all of that,” Snails asked confused.

“Because Snails, this is the foundation of all magic. If you can not master this spell, you can not learn any other. The basics of magic are the stairway to magic. You can’t get to the top without climbing up,” Keen explained.

“Oh, I get it,” Snails replied, looking back at the book, flipping to the next page with his hoof.

“Also, for now on to this day, you can never flip a page like that,” Keen declared. Snails turned to him and frowned. “For now on, you have to flip the page using magic, meaning inside and outside of here,” he added.

“Oh crud, I can’t do that, I barely know that spell!” Snails stated, panicking a little bit.

“Then try it, right now. You saved miss Rainbow Dash with that spell, I know you can do it. Just try to focus,” Keen instructed with encouragement. Snails looked into Keen’s goggles and nodded.

“Ok master, I’ll try,” he said. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Keen watched as the young unicorn focused with his horn as it started to spark to life. After a few moments, the horn glowed yellow as he gripped the page with his magic and flipped it over to the next page. “I did it!” Snails declared happily.

“Very good, but just remember that this is only the very beginning. Many challenges are up ahead,” Keen explained. Snails nodded as he continued to work. The bell rang as it lightly swung open. Keen frowned as he looked up towards the pony who walked in. A male earth pony with sky blue eyes, sky blue mane, and a blood red body. “What do you want capeskin?” Keen asked sternly. Capeskin smiled nervously as he walked up to Keen.

“Well, I was wondering if you had any, well. . . . any sunflower seeds and improot. I am working on a potion and I noticed that I did not have. So since you just recently opened a magic shop, so I thought I would come on over, but I didn’t want to come here on the grand opening day since you still do not like my presence, which is reasonable,” Capeskin explained with his head down low. Snails poked his head from behind the counter and looked over towards Capeskin.

“Who is he?” he asked curiously. Keen and Capeskin looked down to him and back at each other.

“So, you really do teach. He looks like a challenge,” Capeskin said playfully. Keen glared at him but couldn’t help but smile.

“Yes, but he has heart and potential. I believe he will be great one day,” Keen explained, placing a hoof on Snails’ head and rubbed his mane playfully. Capeskin smiled and nodded.

“He looks like he could be great one day. I wish you the best of luck. So do you run this store alone or do you have help?” he asked curiously. Keen nodded back and looked around.

“Yea, they are in the back room cleaning up a bit. Twilight helps keep things organized while Rainbow Dash does all the heavy stuff. I also have Applejack who comes around whenever she can and does some heavy lifting and repair whenever it’s needed. They are a really helpful bunch,” Keen explained. He looked around as a group of unicorns walked in, looking around. “Welcome to The Mythic Owl. Just tell me if you need anything,” Keen called out in a friendly tone of voice and turned back to Capeskin. “So, what did you need?” he asked.

“I need sunflower seeds and improot,” Capeskin repeated with a kind smile. Keen nodded and pointed to a certain aisle.

“Anything I would have on potion making would be in that aisle. If you need help, let me know,” he instructed. Capeskin smiled and quickly bowed before walking over to the aisle that Keen pointed out. Keen looked down at Snails as he watched Capeskin walk away.

“Do you not like him?” he asked innocently.

“That is not the case. He and I have a history between us, not the best of one. He feels bad about what he did and has said sorry, but I can not forgive him just yet,” Keen added. He looked at the book they were reading and smiled. “Don’t worry about it, everything is fine. Now, go read pages 23 through 31 by yourself for awhile, come get me if you need any help, alright?” Keen instructed. Snails nodded his head and got down, grabbing the book with his mouth. “Remember, if you are picking something up, you are only allowed to use magic!” Keen called back. Snails stopped and dropped the book. After a minute of concentrating he picked the book up with his magic and continued down the hall, smiling with pride. Keen turned back towards the store with a kind and polite smile as he watched as more customers came in.

“Excuse me, do you have any cave spider eyes?” one of the unicorns asked. Keen thought for a moment and looked around.

“I believe dark arts studies would be the aisle you are looking for,” Keen explained. The unicorn nodded and walked on over there. Keen heard the bell chine again and turned to see Applejack. “Miss Applejack, it is a pleasure to see you. We could use your help,” Keen explained. Applejack smiled and nodded towards him.

“Ah’m glad to be here Keen, sorry it took me so long,” she apologized as she went into the back room. Keen waited till she got back. Once she entered with her uniform on, she walked up to Keen with a smile. “So, whatcha need me for sugar cube?” she asked with a kind smile.

“I need you in the training room, I happened to make a big mess and I need to get it cleaned up, can you give Twilight and Rainbow Dash a hoof with it and tell Twilight to come out when she is done,” Keen instructed. Applejack nodded and headed over.

“Sure thing, sugar cube, be right back,” she called out as she went down the hallway. Once she entered she was greeted by her friends and a big room with a big mess. “Why Keen wasn’t joking when he said he made a big mess, phew. What happened in here?” she asked surprised. Twilight shook her head and continued to rearrange the room, moving the big pieces of burnt wood around. Rainbow Dash dropped her broom and started to reenact the battle.

“So these two unicorns were all like ‘I wanna fight Keen’ and Keen came in like ‘challenge accepted’. So he brought them here and they were fighting like throwing fireballs and these wooden spike things, but Keen was standing still all tough and stuff. They threw flaming spikes and fireballs but they kept missing. Then on of them charged at him like ‘I’m gonna kill you’ and Keen just stood there like ‘Yea right’ and just made him fall to the ground like BAM! Then one of them set himself on fire and charged at Keen, but once Keen got ready, the other one teleported behind him and was like ‘now I’m gonna throw a fireball bigger than you’ and I was all like ‘dude, behind you’ but he already knew and then he threw the-” Rainbow Dash continued. Twilight put her hoof in her mouth and looked over at Applejack

“Long story short, some unicorns picked a fight with Keen and he won,” she said bluntly and simply. Rainbow Dash took Twilight’s hoof out of her mouth and glared down at her.

“Oh come on, I was getting to the best part!” Rainbow Dash whined, glaring at her.

“Well we have work to do, remember?” Twilight replied as she continued.

“Oh right, opps,” she said as she picked her broom back up and kept sweeping away. Applejack chuckled to herself as she walked on over and started moving things around.

“By the way Twi, Keen said when you were done here, he needs ya up front,” Applejack explained as she started cleaning up.

“Oh, thanks Applejack,” Twilight replied as she kept cleaning.

“Keen really is somethin, huh? Ah mean, got into a fight and came out without a scratch. Ah reckon he could hold his own in a rodeo, don’t cha think girls?” Applejack asked. Twilight and Rainbow Dash giggled to themselves.

“Yea, you can say that again,” Rainbow Dash replied shortly.

“I’ll tell you what, though. A lot of things are a mystery about him,” Twilight added.“I guess that’s what makes him so attractive,” she added.

“Well, ah gotta admit, that does make me want to get tah know him,” Applejack agreed.

“Yea, but I feel like he is hiding something, remember when he found out that I was the element of loyalty? He said something like ‘back at the castle’ it took me awhile to realize he said that, but do you think he is a prince or something?” Rainbow Dash asked out loud. Twilight and Applejack stopped for a moment and thought that through.

“Well, ah don’t think that he is a prince, but-” Applejack started.

“But that would explained why he acts the way he does. So modest, so polite, so kind and honest. He is good with words and is very observant. Do you think that maybe-” Twilight continued off.

“He is like some runaway prince or something?” Rainbow Dash finished off. They all thought it over of the idea to see if it would make sense.

“You know, the idea isn’t all that crazy. How else does he have access and knowledge of herbs that are in a faraway land?” Twilight pointed out.

“Why else would he act like such a gentle colt like no other pony we have ever met?” Rainbow Dash added in.

“An’ why else would he have such a large sum of money as soon as he get’s here?” Applejack added on as well. They all thought it out till Twilight shook her head.

“Girls, we shouldn’t be judgmental here. I am more than sure that he has his reasons for acting the way he does. We should just ask him about it before we assume something that may not be true,” Twilight advised.

“Yea, I guess you’re right. Maybe we should talk to him,” Rainbow Dash agreed, grabbing the broom and continued sweeping. Applejack nodded and continued to pick up as well.

“Ah reckon you got a point there Twi. We should ask him about it before we jump the hay or else things can get messier than Spike trying to help me out,” Applejack added with a chuckle with Twilight following suit.

“Yea, that was bad, so after work, we will ask him about it, agreed?” Twilight asked her friends.

“You bet!” Rainbow Dash barked out excited, flaring her wings.

“Ah’m in,” Applejack added, flexing her arms, smirking up at Rainbow Dash. She smirked back down and looked Applejack into her eyes inches away.

“Last one to clean up their side has to get food!” Rainbow Dash declared.

“You got yerself a deal there little missy,” Applejack agreed. they rushed over to their own sides and started to quickly clean up their own messes. Twilight face hoofed herself and walked out to see Keen if he needed any help since those two got it covered. Back up front Keen was running some items that a customer was paying for.

“Have a good day,” he called out as they left out the door. A few customers were still in the store when a grey and black zebra walked in and walked up and down the aisles before walking up to Keen. “May I help you?” Keen asked politely. The zebra chuckled to herself.

“An old friend is what I seek, I see your memory is still quite bleek,” she said in a rhyme. Keen’s jaw dropped down.

“No, it can’t be!” Keen exclaimed. Twilight walked around to see a familiar zebra and Keen talking, but he looked surprised.

“What’s going on?” Twilight asked herself quietly as she slowly and quietly walked closer to get a better view.

“Long it has been, since I last saw you, Keen,” she spoke again. Keen stepped out from behind the counter and got down and he got down and kneeled before her.

“Master Zecora, It has been so long, I did not expect to see you in a place such as this,” Keen said humbly as he knelt down and staring at the ground. Twilight stood there shocked and her jaw dropped.

“What? Master Zecora?!” Twilight exclaimed confused and puzzled.

Author's Note:

Alrighty, my thumbs are killing me! I had to do this on my phone and took three days :ajsleepy: ether way, I am visiting more family so I can not post chapters very often at the moment, so sorry for taking so long. I will continue to try to post chapters as often as I can. If you see spelling mistakes or typos, sorry, my spell check is a little angry with me at the moment, hard to explain :derpyderp2: This story was thought of and made by me, I actually have full credit this time. This is all experimental so if things happen to change on you, sorry. Both style and story techniques will change here and there. I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it for you guys. I hope to see you in the future chapters ahead. As always, have a good morning/day/evening :twilightsmile: