• Published 23rd Jul 2013
  • 2,309 Views, 81 Comments

See No Evil - Masked_Frenchman

A unicorn is allowed to keep his secrets and keep his past unknown, right?

  • ...

Chapter 3: A Dream Not His Own

Chapter 3: A Dream Not His Own

The sun was high up as Keen was setting up his room up sleeping bag on the floor behind the counter, brushing the dust off of it. With a cough he placed it down nicely and looked back to see how Applejack was doing. She managed to fix up five book shelves and placed them near a wall for him to place later. Keen walked over to her as she organized which pieces goes with which set since most of them were different sizes, so mixing them up was pretty easy. "How are you doing there miss Applejack?" Keen asked checking up on her. Applejack wiped some seat off of her brow as she turned over to him.

"Ah'm doing swell their Keen. You got some high quality wood here for your book shelves. Strong wood so ah have to hit it in pretty good. Some of these book shelves are pretty good sizes too. So for what I am working on, ah think ah'm doing pretty good. Thanks for checking up on me thou." explained Applejack. Keen walked over to a box and pulled out a few kitchen supplies using his magic. He pulled out a silver tray and a pitcher. Applejack looked over to what he was doing with a slight puzzled look on her face. "Whatcha doin over there partner?" She asked curiously. Keen smiled as he pulled a few more items out.

"Preparing some beverages for us. Do you prefer tea or lemonade?" asked Keen as he pulled both out. Applejack looked at the lemons and sugar as she slightly blushed.

"Ah shucks there sugar cube, ya don't have to do that for me." Applejack said slightly embarrassed. Keen chuckled to himself.

"So, your friend is, how to put it bluntly, slightly full of herself. While you on the other hand are humble. Both are interesting personalities. So I am just assuming you would like some lemonade then?" Keen offered with a small smile on his face. Applejack looked over to him with a slightly surprised look on her face.

"Wait a second, how did you know I wanted lemonade?" Applejack asked surprised. Keen laughed a bit to himself.

"I didn't. I had a thought that you may prefer lemonade over tea, and now it is confirmed." Keen explained as he prepared Applejack's lemonade and himself tea. Applejack blushed to herself embarrassingly, knowing she just got out smarted so easily.

"So, what gave ya the idea that I like lemonade more than tea, if ya don't mind me asking?" Applejack asked politely. Keen turned back to her as he levitated the tray of their beverages. He pulled over a sturdy box and placed the tray on the box and two more smaller boxes over in front of the boxes as he sat down. Keen pointed at the other box closest to her, making a jester for her to sit down. Applejack sat down and sipped at her lemonade, staring into his goggles, trying to see his eyes.

"I made the assumption that you would prefer lemonade over tea by observing you. Your attire suggests you work on a farm of some sorts. Judging by the scent that comes off from you, you work at a farm growing most likely fruits of some sorts, judging by your name that fruit would most likely be apples. By your accent I can tell your blood line is more southern or that you were raised by them. A common drink favored by them after a hard days work is lemonade due to the fact that it is sweet, all natural, and still able to quench one's thirst effectively. Judging by your humbleness and your tone you were brought up by a loving and caring family who did well at their job. A common drink for family house holds would be lemonade as well. So judging by all of those assumption, I tried to make an accurate guess based upon the information I could gather with out asking and poking into your personal . Did I get close miss Applejack?" Keen finished as he sipped his tea calmly, savoring the flavor before swallowing it. Applejack almost dropped her glass as her jaw almost dropped to the floor if it could as she was completely dumb struck.

"How in the hay did ya figure all that stuff out just by looking at me?" Applejack asked puzzled and highly confused. Keen chuckled to himself as he looked into her emerald green eyes. with a kind smile.

"Well miss Applejack, observation is just something I picked up from my travels. It comes in handy from time to time." Keen briefly explained as he continued to sip at his tea. Applejack shook her head, hoping to shake out the confusion inside her thoughts. She looked back up at him as she felt herself blushing.

"Well then, you have some mighty fine eyes then, sugar cube." Applejack said bashfully as she sipped her lemonade. Keen's smile dimmed down a bit but still remained.

"My eyes aren't that good these days. I learned to a different form of observation. Some times, looks can be deceiving." explained Keen with a lowered tone as he took a swig of his tea. Applejack didn't notice his tone change as she drank down the lemonade in one big gulp.

"Wohh wee, that was the best lemonade ah have ever had in mah . Where did you get this stuff? Ah have never had lemonade that tasted anything like this before!" Applejack exclaimed, looking at her now empty cup. Keen looked back up to her and grinned at her expression.

"Care for some more?" Keen asked politely. Applejack looked up and nodded her head, handing over the empty cup. Keen levitated the pitcher over and poured more into her cup and sat the pitcher on the box with them and took another sip of his tea.

"The lemons used for that lemonade are grow in my home town. If you can time the picking just right, they come out very well and have their own faint taste to it. Some of the best lemons in the world. Same goes for tea leaves, although I must say they are not quite the best." Keen explained, finishing his tea and pouring some more into his cup.

"Oh, where are ya from?" Applejack asked innocently. Keen's smile disappeared quickly as he stared into his cup. Applejack noticed his new facial expression and frowned herself, feeling that she hit a bad subject. "Oh, shoot, sorry. You don't have to answer that if ya don't want to." She quickly added. Keen looked back up into her eyes and smiled softly again.

"Thank you. I am sorry, but that is something I wish not to talk about. It's not you, it is just that I moved here in Ponyville to get away from my past mistakes and start over. So I hope you understand." explained Keen as he took a sip from his new cup of tea. Applejack felt awful, making her new friend feel uncomfortable.

"Gosh, ah'm sorry, ah didn't mean-" Applejack started apologizing but Keen lifted his hoof in front of her and showed a friendly smile.

"You didn't know, I do not blame you in any sort. Now, do you wish for another cup, I have enough lemonade in the pitcher for one more cup." explained Keen. Applejack looked down at her cup and noticed she drank down the delicious beverage once again, this time with out realizing it. Alittle embarrassed, she raised her cup to him as he happily filled the cup again. after some more small talk, they finished their cups off and went back to work.

"So, what else do ya need me to do?" asked Applejack with some spunk. Keen took a quick look around the room.

"Well, there is some more shelves that need to be made.After that some of the windows are still boarded up, so after the shelves just take those down carefully. Once you made the shelves, just leave them their, I will put them where they need to be. Sound good?" Keen asked Applejack. She looked at the piles of wooden planks and then at the boarded windows and then back to him.

"That sounds mighty fine with me partner." Applejack smiled as she trotted over to her work station happily. Keen shook his head smiling to himself. 'I think I am gonna enjoy living here in Ponyville.' Keen thought to himself.

The sun started to set over the horizon as Applejack leaned onto the wall, panting a bit as she looked over at her work and smiled to herself, feeling proud of herself. "You did an amazing job there miss Applejack!" exclaimed Keen happily from the other side of the room. As he walked over to Applejack, she looked over to him. She could tell she was not the only one hurting. During their working session, Keen had to stop using magic for he was starting to loose magic power. So he had to resort using his muscles, which he does not due very often, in return, he was not use to physical labor.

"You did might fine work for a unicorn not using his horn." Applejack replied playfully. Keen chuckled to himself at the joke as he brushed off a good amount of sweat from his forehead.

"I must admit, I am not use to using my muscles. But I made sure to work on that alittle, just to make sure that I would be prepared to some extent in case I were to run out of magic, as I did." explained Keen. He took one last look around the place, looking at everything that they accomplished. The store was nice and clean, the windows unboarded and opened. All of the book shelves were made and placed where they were supposed to be. All that was needed was a new paint job, replacing the roof, set up the merchandise, and advertise and his shop will be fully opened. Smiling to himself, feeling accomplished as did Applejack, he turned back to her with a kind smile that he normally wore. "Well then, I guess that will be all for today. Thank you very much for the help." said Keen as he turned back and went behind the counter. He pulled out his large bag of bits and started to count them up, placing them in a different bag. Once finished he walked back over to applejack and placed the bag by her feet. "their you go, 40 bits, you did such a good job today, thank you for your hard work today." said Keen politely, looking at Applejack. She rubbed the back of her head and her cheeks redden alittle bit.

"Oh, come on now. Ah didn't do all that much, and ah am getting paid for this. So ah should be saying thanks to you." Applejack explained bashfully. Keen laughed to himself as he walked her out. "So, if I can get down early tomorrow, do you want some more help?" asked Applejack with a hint of hope in her voice.

"Well, there is still alot of work to be done, so I guess so. I will see you tomorrow then if you by chance get your work done early back home." explained Keen with a friendly but tired smile. Applejack chuckled to herself as she started to leave with her bits on her back.

"Ah look forward to working with ya partner. Catch ya later." called out Applejack as she waved Keen good-bye and walked back home. Keen watched her for alittle bit as she walked towards home. Once she turned the corner, Keen closed the doors and locked it. As soon as the key was out of the key hole, he turned around and collapsed onto the door, letting himself fall down slowly to the floor.

"Now that was hard. I almost lost all of my magic." Keen said to himself as he slowly walked to his bed and fell down upon it. He turned to his back and looked up onto the ceiling and smiled. "If you could see me, I know you would be happy and proud. After all, it was your dream to own a shop like this. I hope you are happy now, where ever you are." Keen said to himself as he smiled up at the ceiling. A single tear fell down his cheek as he closed his eyes, exhausted from the day's worth of work and wanting to fall to sleep. He was granted his wish as he fell into a deep slumber shortly after that.

Author's Note:

Alrighty, another chapter for you guys. Hope you like it, we start seeing a few things about Keen, some touchy stuff with his past, hmmmm. . . . . I wonder why? Well, I mean I know why, but you guys don't. So I hope you are liking it so far and I hope you like my other stories if you decide to give those a try too. I hope you liked this chapter and I hope to see you in the next chapters. See ya later then ^_^