• Published 23rd Jul 2013
  • 2,313 Views, 81 Comments

See No Evil - Masked_Frenchman

A unicorn is allowed to keep his secrets and keep his past unknown, right?

  • ...

Chapter 7: The First Student

Chapter 7: The First Student

A few days later, Keen Eye prepared for the grand opening event for his magic shop. He decided to call his establishment ‘The Mythic Owl’, Twilight’s idea but Keen liked the sound of it. For the past few days, nothing has happened except a few blush moments. All in all though, the three mares have kept their feelings to themselves. Keen kept his focus in his work, as did the mares, but they always kept an eye on him, waiting for him to do something that may seem odd and/or different. Keen looked over some plans for their grand opening to the store, which Rarity and Pinkie Pie joined in to help preparations for the grand event. “Alright, so does that sound possible?” Keen asked the group around him.

“Well, last minute changes like this might be tricky, but I can do it!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie excitedly. Keen nodded and turned to Rarity.

“I will be ready on my part by the time the grand opening starts. The uniforms will look simply glamorous on you girls, and of course I have a suit for you that will make you simply dashing Mr. Keen,” Rarity explained. Keen nodded and turned to Twilight next.

“All of the events are all planned out and organized. As for the display’s and brochures are all placed exactly as they should be and ready for the ponies,” Twilight explained professionally. Keen chuckled to himself and then turned to Rainbow Dash.

“I spread all of the fliers all over Ponyville and some even managed to reach Canterlot by accident. every pony in Ponyville and every pony near by knows about it. So I think you’re gonna get a big crowd,” Rainbow Dash assured. Keen smiled to her and finally turned to Applejack.

“Ya won’t have to worry about grub. The Apple Family’s got your back. We’ll set up food and drink stands around for everyone. Ah reckon we should have enough for everyone to grab somethin’,” Applejack explained. Keen closed his eyes as he thought everything through.

“Now I know this is irrelevant, but why do you wear those goggles indoors? It looks like you wouldn’t be able to see anything,” Rarity asked. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Twilight quickly looked at Rarity and then to Keen worried who simply smiled.

“Oh, do not worry, I can see perfectly fine. These were a gift to me from my master. I cherish them very much. So do not worry about me. Now, as long as everything goes according to plan, everything should get along smoothly. I Now we just need to set everything up tomorrow morning. So get here around dawn and we will begin,” Keen explained. Rainbow Dash grunted.

“Oh man, really? Do we really have to get up that early?” Rainbow Dash complained. Keen shook his head.

“Yes, it is the only way to make sure that we will be able to have enough time to set everything up. I know it is early for you, but we have to have everything ready,” explained Keen. Rainbow Dash grunted again but nodded her head.

“Fine,” she mumbled. Keen chuckled at her replied as she faced every pony.

“Alright, let’s meet here at dawn, any pony need coffee, I will provide coffee while Pinkie Pie will provide snacks. So go back home, get a good night’s sleep, and get ready for a busy day. Got it?” Keen said politely but with authority in his voice.

“Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, jumping up and down with excitement.

“I’ll be here at dawn,” Twilight said confidently.

“Yea, yea, I guess I’ll be here. You can count on me!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, trying to sound excited but dreaded the idea on waking up so early.

“I will be here with the uniforms,” Rarity replied calmly.

“I’ll bring mah family here with me when ah get here,” Applejack finished. Keen nodded his head with a smile as he escorted them to the door. After a few quick good byes, Keen shut and locked the door.

I really love this town. I wanna try really hard to make sure I never have to leave this one,” Keen said to himself. He blew out all of the candles in the store and went upstairs where he finally finished setting up his room. He looked up out the window next to his bed and smiled. “If you could see me now, I believe you would be happy,” he whispered. After a deep sigh, he allowed his body to relax and fall asleep. The next morning the sound of birds chirping could be heard outside Keen’s window as they started waking him up from his slumber. “Well good morning to you too,” he called out to them, who chirped back in return. He got out and went downstairs to start making coffee. The sun was starting to rise from the horizon but has not poked over the land quite yet. Keen started the coffee machine and turned to look out the front doors to see Pinkie Pie pressed up onto the glass, trying to look in. Keen was a little surprised but happily walked on over to the double doors and unlocked them.

“Good morning Keen Eye! How are you this beautiful morning?” Pinkie Pie asked as soon as the doors opened and she walked on in.

“I am good, thank you for asking miss Pinkie Pie, and how are you this morning?” Keen asked in return.

“I am good. I woke up this morning and I was like ‘Why am I up, I should go back to bed’ so I did. But when I did I remembered that I was supposed to wake up and make treats for every pony. So I jumped out of bed and rushed to the kitchen quietly, which is hard to do by the way since the Cakes were still sleeping, and then I had to make the snacks and bake them without making any noise and I was super duper excited so I wanted to jump up and down and just cry out in excitement but then that would have woken them all up. So I had to hold it all back till I got here so while I was coming here-” Pinkie Pie continued on explaining. Keen grabbed a hold on her shoulders and shook her a bit to get here to stop.

“Pinkie PIe, breathe!” Keen instructed in a panic. Pinkie Pie’s face was turning a light purple till she remembered to breathe. After taking a huge inhale of air, her face returned to normal.

“Sorry, I forgot to breathe. Happens when I get too excited like right now. So anyway, I brought the morning snacks for every pony,” Pinkie Pie said while jumping around excited. Keen laughed to himself as he watched Pinkie Pie jumping around.

“I see you are happy and full of energy as usual. It is nice, it’s like you bring a happy cloud with you wherever you go. It’s nice to have you with us, and thank you for helping,” said Keen politely while bowing to her. She smiled and bowed quickly in return.

“Of course, your my friend, so of course I am gonna help you silly!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she bounced around Keen in a circle. Keen helped her bring in the trays of snacks in the store, waiting for the others to come on by.

“You haven’t started without me, right?” asked a voice from the doorway. Without turning around Keen smiled to himself.

“Of course not miss Twilight. We are simply setting up. Do you require any coffee and/or breakfast?” Keen offered to her.

“Actually, some coffee would be nice,” Twilight replied back, smelling the coffee from outside.

“Then come on in, it’s still fresh,” Keen advised playfully. As Twilight started walking over, she heard a crash right behind her. As she turned to see what happened, Rainbow Dash was laying on the ground, not moving. Keen teleported to her.

“Miss Rainbow Dash, are you ok? Please say something, anything!” Keen called out. He could feel her breathing, which was good, but she wasn’t responding to anything he was saying. When Keen focused carefully on her, he could hear her snoring. Keen couldn’t help but smile down at her as he lifted her up and brought her inside.

“Is she ok?” Pinkie Pie asked concerned.

“Oh yes, miss Rainbow Dash is just fine. She must have fallen asleep while flying,” explained Keen.

“That sounds like her alright,” Twilight replied with a playful smile. Keen set Rainbow Dash down inside and turned to Twilight.

“What do you mean? Does she do this often?” Keen asked confused and slightly concerned.

“Not too often. Only when she really cares about the pony she is trying to be there for. Like she rushed over to come to my birthday party once and fell asleep at my door once she got there,” Pinkie Pie explained. Keen smiled down at Rainbow Dash.

“Then I am flattered. Thank you Rainbow Dash,” Keen whispered to Rainbow Dash, who mumbled in her sleep.

“Ah hope ya’ll weren’t waitin’ too long,” called a familiar southern pony from outside. Every pony turned to see Applejack and her family coming up, pulling in wagons for the grand opening.

“Nope, we were just getting everything started up. So this is your family?” Keen asked curiously.

“Eeyup,” replied the big red pony pulling a wagon much larger than the others.

“That’s mah big brother, Big Macintosh-” Applejack started.

“Hey sis, what should I do about this one?” said a light voice from behind Applejack. She turned around to see a blond filly with a red mane come up behind her with a small wagon being pulled right behind her.

“Oh, and this is mah little sis. Applebloom,” Applejack introduced. “Alright, bring that one over there, next to the boxes, you got it Applebloom?” Applejack asked a little worried.

“Ah got it big sis. Ya don’t have to worry about me,” the little pony said with confidence. She pulled the cart where Applejack instructed, next to the boxes stacked neatly outside of the shop.

“Alright, now all we need to do is wait for Rarity,” Keen said with a smile on his face.

“Who wants cupcakes?!” Pinkie Pie asked happily. Applejack chuckled as she was about to raise her hoof.

“Me, me, me, me!” Applebloom exclaimed excitedly as she ran over to Pinkie Pie.

“Ah shucks, I guess me too, you want any Big Mac?” Applejack asked.

“Eeyup,” Big Mac replied.

“Is Granny Smith up yet?” she asked. He turned back to the back of the cart to see an elderly pony snoozing away.

“Enope,” he called back. Applejack giggled to herself.

“Ah should have known. Oh well, just bring the cart next to the boxes,” she replied, walking over to Pinkie Pie. Big Mac nodded and did as instructed. Every pony started digging into the cup cakes that Pinkie Pie made for everyone. As Keen was about to grab a cupcake, he noticed a familiar scent in the air. As he sniffed around for the source, he saw the fudge and the other end of the trail.

“What are these?” Keen asked curiously. Pinkie Pie turned around and bounced over to him

“Oh, those? Those are my special fudge squares. They are packed with energy to help you throughout the day and help ease any pain you may be feeling,” Pinkie Pie said calmly and professionally. Twilight looked over at Pinkie Pie with an astonished look on her face.

“Pinkie, you actually sounded professional. I’m a little shocked. Good job,” Twilight complemented. Pinkie Pie just smiled at her friend.

“I can do that sometimes you know,” Pinkie Pie replied with a cheerful smile. Keen took a whiff of the fudge and noticed a very familiar scent to it. He has smelt it before and knows it very well.

“What is the main ingredient for this fudge?” Keen asked concerned.

“Oh, these? I got some seeds from a passing merchant. He said that if I planted them, the leaves could be used for energy and as a natural pain reliever. Why do you ask?” Pinkie Pie asked slightly puzzled look on her face.

“The herb used in these is a common plant only from my home land. It’s very rare in the world and I am surprised that it found it’s way all the way here. Do you have more of this herb?” Keen asked curiously.

“Why of course you silly filly. I grow it back home. I planted the seeds and I always take good care of them,” Pinkie Pie explained with her usual cheerful smile on her face and full of pride.

“I see, I would like to buy some of those plants from you someday, if you do not mind,” Keen offered.

“Of course not! You’re my friend, so of course I’ll sell some to you!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, giving Keen Eye a big hug, which he returned to her happily.

“Hey Applebloom!” called out a voice from outside. Applebloom was the first to turn around and see two fillies walking up to the store. One was a white unicorn with a pink and velvet mane and the other looked to be a pegasus with a maroon mane, but her wings looked to be small, even for her size and apparent age. When the rest turned to see who called out, Applebloom was already trotting over to them.

“Hey Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, thanks for coming over,” Applebloom greeted the two fillies happily.

“Hey, anytime. We couldn’t miss a chance like this to get our cutie marks, now could we?” Sweetie Belle asked with a smile.

“Yea with *yawn* so many things to do to get this ready, there must be something that we are destined to be,” Scootaloo added, trying to wake up.

“Too early for ya there, Scootaloo?” Applebloom asked playfully.

“Yea, I’m not really use to getting up this early,” she explained.

“Friends of yours Applebloom?” Keen asked kindly.

“Yea, ah told them ah would be helping ya get ready for your grand opening today and they wanted to join in, is that ok?” she asked, making a sweet an innocent puppy dog look up at him. Keen stared into her eyes and smiled from ear to ear.

“Oh why not,” Keen replied back. The three young fillies jumped around in excitement like Pinkie Pie and he turned back, looking at the rest of them, snickering to themselves. “What?” he asked confused and puzzled.

“Oh, nothing,” Twilight said first.

“Yea, good luck with them three,” Applejack added.

“Oh come now, they can’t be that bad,” Keen replied with a pleasant smile, looking back at them.

“You would be surprised,” said Rarity, standing in front of Keen.

“Hello Rarity, we are happy to see that you have come. Would you like some tea?” Keen asked. Rarity looked at him with a coy smile.

“Why yes, I would love some,” Rarity replied, pulling a cart from behind her. She brought the cart next to Applejack’s cart and walked on in. Keen already had some tea ready when she walked in and placed in front of her. She took it using her levitation magic. “Why thank you Mr. Keen,” she said politely. She took the tea and took a sip. Her eyes widened in surprise as she pulled the cup away and looked into it.

“Is there something wrong miss Rarity?” Keen asked like the gentle colt he was. Rarity looked up into his goggles in shock.

“This is jasmine tea, not just any kind of jasmine tea, but imperial jasmine tea. A tea with one of the most delicate of all taste. So fine, so exquisite, so amazing. “How did you know this is my favorite tea? Only Fluttershy and Twilight know that this is my absolute favorite!” Rarity exclaimed. Applejack lowered her hat and smiled as Keen looked into Rarity’s eyes and sipped at his cup of coffee.

“I did not know, but now I do,” Keen replied simply.

“It could not have been a simple guess, did Twilight tell you?” Rarity asked with in disbelief. Keen took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

“Very well,” Keen started. Applejack nudged Twilight and woke up Rainbow Dash and pointed towards Keen.

“Watch this,” she said, giggling to herself.

“I observed you yesterday in case of this sort of situation. Jasmine tea is very popular among ponies of all ages, sex, and classes. The taste is very smooth and delicate and also is known for inner peace and helps a lot with thinking and concentration, something needed since you work in the department of fashion. I too prefer this tea when I do drink it. When we met yesterday for the planning, I could smell your perfume on you, the brand in which you use is a brand for those that wish to smell sophisticated, but to those that have a keen sense of smell, they can tell it is the easier to get brand. You try to stay in the latest of fashions and you are most likely grown up this way in a life of fancy. A sophisticated family normal drink jasmine tea such as this. If one prefers jasmine tea, then imperial jasmine tea is usual their favorite, was I wrong in any part there?” Keen asked, finishing up his deep explanation. Rarity stood there blushing to herself and staring at the ground.

“Yup, that sounds like Rarity alright!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie bluntly. Twilight and Rainbow Dash stared at Keen with open jaws and Applejack stood there with a smug look.

“yea, he did that tah me when ah first worked for him,” Applejack said, giggling to herself.

“L-l-let’s just get to work then, shall we?” Rarity asked, trying to change the subject.

The whole morning they worked hard to try to get everything ready. Pinkie Pie set up her party cannon and fired away to set up streamers and confetti. Rainbow Dash made sure that it was gonna be a clear day all day long. Applejack and her family were setting up the stands to sell their apples of all kinds with Granny Smith still sleeping soundly in the cart. The three fillies were putting up fliers and the brochures since they ended up causing a lot of havoc for Keen with setting up food, decorations, and anything else they did.. Rarity had Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash try on their new work uniforms, which they looked splendid in it, using the main colors of the shop (mythic purple and dark pink). Rarity had Keen going in the back and have him try on his new work suit. When he came out, Rarity started at him with her jaw dropped. Twilight, who was with her discussing about the mobility of the uniforms and asking if the skirt part was necessary, saw Keen and did the same. Keen wore a full black suit with eletric blue stripes.

“Well, how do I look?” Keen asked, blushing lightly. “I’m not really use to wearing so much, it's been a while,” he added. Twilight glanced over at Rarity who held a tissue to her nose.

“Umm, you look great, truly amazing,” Rarity explained quickly. “ Now if you would excuse me, I need to use the restroom,” she added as she somewhat rushed over to the restrooms.

“Well Keen, you look dashing, and very handsome. You now look like a real gentle colt now,” Twilight explained as she slowly approached him, noticing they were all alone now.

“Why thank you miss Twilight. I am glad to hear that this looks good on me,” Keen said humbly.

“Trust me, you look far more that good. I think you look amazing!” Twilight exclaimed, making him blush even more.

“Why thank you miss Twilight, come on, let’s get back with the others,” Keen said quickly as he trotted out side. Twilight gave a frustrated grown and followed suit. The rest of the day went well. The grand opening exploded, one from the fire works that Rainbow Dash secretly set up near the end of the event and from all the orders they got. The Apples family got a lot of business and made an amazing profit as well as Pinkie Pie, which they were having a friendly competition about it. Even Rarity was able to get some credit for the outfits. Everything went along beautifully. All though a lot of ponies preordered a lot of merchandise, no one signed up for classes. By the end of the day, Pinkie Pie and Rarity left, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Keen stayed back to clean up the rest. It was getting late as they started closing, but as Twilight was about to close the doors to lock, a young unicorn walked up to her looking very tired and worn out.

“Uhh, excuse me, are you guys still open?” the foal asked in a slightly derpy manner (don’t get the wrong idea now), looking up at Twilight.

“Well, we are closing and cleaning up at the moment,” Twilight explained with a sadden expression on her face. It looked like he was caught up in something and tried to get here as fast as he could.

“But we can certainly stay open, for just a little bit longer. Come on in,” Keen greeted kindly, showing the little foal his gentle smile. The young unicorn looked up with hope as he trotted inside, falling down on his face from tripping on the welcome mat. Before Keen could say anything, he got right back up and continued in. He was a little taller than most ponies his age and seemed, how to put it kindly, not so bright. He had a sea green mane and a goldish body. “My name is Keen Eye, what is your name little fella?” Keen asked politely.

“My name is Snails. I read on yer flier that you teach magic to unicorns?” the unicorn asked.

“Hey, don’t cha got to school with mah little sister?” Applejack asked.

“Why yes I do ma’am. She is really kind to me,” Snails replied, slightly blushing.

“Yes I do teach, but I mostly teach advanced magic for students who wish to broaden their knowledge of the ways of magic. Elemental magic, advanced light magic, and summoning magic. You look as if to be still in grade school,” Keen explained. Snails looked at the ground shy and hurt.

“Listen, I know I’m not very smart. I know I am bad with magic. I know I am clumsy. I know I’m not good at studying, but can you please give me a chance. I need to catch up with every pony in my grade. I thought that if I could learn from you, maybe I could make my parents proud fer once. I promise to train and study the best I can!” Snails exclaimed. Keen looked at him with a concerned look as he stared at him, looked at his figure, and then back to him.

“It won’t be easy. The training will be very difficult and you will have to push past your comfort zone. You will need to train well over twice as hard as your whole class just to keep up with my teachings, But you already knew this, didn’t you?” Keen asked with a confident smile on his face. “You didn’t come here to see if you could do it, you came here to see if I would let you in, isn’t that right?” he added. Snails nodded with a determined look across his face.

“Thats right, I know it won’t be easy, but that won’t stop me!” he exclaimed. With a chuckle he went around the counter and pulled out a clip board and hoovered it toward Snails.

“Then sign at the bottom,” Keen said, handing over the clip board. Snails happily took it and wrote down his signature with his mouth. Once done, he handed it over back to Keen with once again his mouth. “I can already tell this is not gonna be easy for the both of us, either way, I expect to see you Thursday bright and early. Understand?” Keen asked sternly but with a smile. Snails saluted up to Keen.

“I understand fully Mr. Keen!” Snails exclaimed with a solid look of determination on his face, as if looking more and more convincing as he stood there.

“Good, then go on off home, get some rest, eat good foods, and I will see you Thursday morning, good night Snails,” Keen said kindly and gently with a small bow. Snails returned the favor and walked out the door, first into it then pulled it open to leave. “He is gonna be some fun,” Keen said sarcastically.

“He’ll be a lot if mah sis’ description of the young feller is true, but ah'm sure ya can handle it,” Applejack said confidently.

“I hope so, for his sake,” Keen whispered to himself. After the clean up, Keen sent his workers home early and locked the shop up. Once he blew out the candles, he went up the stairs in the back that led to his room, finally furnished. He laid in bed in the darkness as he relaxed his bed. “Scarlet, what would you have done in my position?” Keen asked himself before falling asleep. A shadow moved away from his window and fell to the ground a good distance away from the building and ducked under a tree.

“What did you find out?” another shadow asked in a tree over the first shadow.

“Three workers. I don’t know the other two, but one of them is Princess Twilight Sparkle. Any harm to her will start a war,” explained the first shadow.

“Hmm, I guess it is time for war, tell Stain and Dagger to get ready, I need you to learn the other two, I need to know everything about them, and I need you to prove a theory of mine either right or wrong,” explained the other shadow.

“What is it, your highness?” the first shadow asked. A smirk formed from the other shadow's lips as he showed a row of sharp teeth and green eyes that pierced through the darkness and glared down towards Keen’s open window.

“Test how good his eyes are. Let’s see if they are as “Keen” as his reputation claims,” ordered the other shadow.

“As you command,” the first shadow said then ran off into the night. The other shadow stared down the Keen’s room.

“Soon K9, soon you will be reminded, of the darkness,” the other shadow said with a sinister smile.

Author's Note:

I have been having computer problems, I fixed most of it thou, but good enough for now, sorry for making everyone wait, I am back in business! still, I hope you guys do not mind the wait and I hope you believe this was worth the wait. I am still throwing new stuff around in this chapter to see what would be good to use or not to use. This is a learning experience for me. Ether way, I hope you enjoy reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed reading it. I hope to see you in the future chapters, and as always, have a good morning/day/evening :twightlight: