• Published 23rd Jul 2013
  • 2,312 Views, 81 Comments

See No Evil - Masked_Frenchman

A unicorn is allowed to keep his secrets and keep his past unknown, right?

  • ...

Chapter 11: It All Comes Together

(Alright, I listened to a lot of good music, so I am just gonna pick the best ones for this story, here we go. 'Memories' by Within Temptation, 'Make a Move' and 'Off with her Head' by Icon for Hire, 'Young' by Hollywood Undead, 'Courtesy Call' by Thousand Foot Clutch, 'Just let me Die' by Hollywood Undead, 'How to save a life' by The Fray, 'I feel alive' [I am unable to get the music artist for some strange reason, sorry] 'Fight to Win' by Your Favorite martian, and lastly 'Derpy's Dream' by Aviators. Lot's of music this time around for the final chapter, enjoy :twilightsmile:

Chapter 11: It All Comes Together

Keen started to feel his consciousness return as he felt himself being dragged around. Darkness flooded his vision as he could hear voices around him. He felt himself raised and felt cold metal clamped around his four hooves. His vision started coming back and he could see Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and twilight standing before him. “Where am I? What have you done to me?” he asked faintly, his strength very slowly returning to him. They looked back at him, scared and worried. He looked at them with rage building in his eyes. Dozens of questions flooded his mind as he tried to steady his vision. He tried to move but found his movement restricted. He saw that he was chained to two stone posts, forcing him to stand on his two hind legs as he partially dangled from them. He looked at them carefully as he noticed they were chained up as well in the same manner he was. They appeared to be in some underground cave dimly light by a few dozen torches but the area they were in was quite large in size.. Twilight had some sort of sheath wrapped around her horn. It had glowing runes on it and it appeared to be draining Twilight’s strength. He was confused and scared as his memory started coming back. “Capeskin!” he whispered angrily to himself. A menacing laugh could be heard from behind Keen.

“Yes, have no fear, I am here dear old Keen Eye,” the voice answered. Keen turned towards the voice and saw Capeskin standing a good ten feet away from him with Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Twilight standing next to him, all of them snickering and staring at him with cruel stares.

“What is the meaning of this, Capeskin?!” Keen demanded as he started to struggle but felt pain wash over his entire body, crippling his movements

“Oh, don’t move around so much, you might make your poor wittle boo boos worse. So just sit back, relax, watch, and listen,” Capeskin instructed, making his way towards Keen. “You see, my old friend, I have been waiting for this day for six years. I have dreamt of this day since the day you disappeared from the face of the Earth. I have been waiting, planning, and day dreamed this very moment, and here you are, chained up like a good for nothing servant that you are, waiting for his punishment to come,” he explained. A deranged smile spread from his face as he got closer.

“Why are you doing this?” Keen asked, feeling his rage build up. Capeskin’s twisted smile disappeared from his face as he glared down at Keen.

“Remember when you were still a simple dog trainer for the princess? Remember when she choose you over me?!” he asked enraged, getting closer and closer to Keen.

“Are you still mad about that? I had no power over that, and you punished me enough for what you did to me!” Keen shouted back.

“SILENCE YOUR DISGUSTING MOUTH YOU FILTHY DOG!!” Capeskin barked back in a loud shout. Keen fell silent and the three imprisoned mares flinched at Capeskin’s shout. Satisfied with their reactions, he take another step closer, now able to reach Keen in arms length. “Now, I am going to show you what happens to those you makes a fool out of me,” he added with a sinister smile and murderous passion burning in his eyes. He pulled back his hoof and clocked Keen straight at his mouth, reopening sealed cuts. Keen spit out a little bit of blood, staring back up at him. The three mares behind Keen laughed hysterically as there forms changed. Where the three attackers were standing now stood three changelings, Saber, Stain, and Dagger. Smiling at Keen menacingly, snickering to one another.Keen stared confused and hurt.

“So, my workers didn’t actually attack me?” Keen questioned, shocked. Capeskin snickered at him.

“Yes, today they captured your workers and brought them down here so they wouldn’t interfere with our plans. I knew you wouldn’t try to fight your own friends,” he explained. He stared into his goggles as his mouth twisted into the form of a deviant smile. “Anything else you wish to ask before we begin? You at least deserve to know everything that I have done,” Capeskin offered. Keen thought for a moment. ‘Where to begin?’ he thought to himself.

“All this time about wanting forgiveness, was it all a lie?” he asked.

“Yes, I only said that to get close to you without you questioning,”

“What happened to Snails? What have you done to him?”

“Nothing. He was never part of your little group. It was me the whole time so I could get a closer look at you without being detected,”

“What about the two unicorns that challenged me? Where they your agents?”

“Yes, in fact, I sent Stain and Saber to fight you to give me a full battle report on your performance. Which thanks to them, I know how to fight you and how to avoid all your little ‘special’ tricks,”

“You came in and asked for ingredients. Snails was with me, so how were you in two places at once, and why did you buy those?”

“In order, that was Dagger, my best impersonator. I showed him my traveling form and he just simply copied it. The ingredients he bought were needed to complete the sheath of Sombra. A device he created to imprison alicorns and unicorns, preventing them the ability to use magic so he could torture them later,”

“What have I done for you to do this?” Capeskin finally dropped his anger and psychotic personality and his face turned to that of regret and pain.

“When me and my father returned from that meeting in Savange, he punished me for my actions. I was locked away in the torture chambers along with all the other prisoners and treated equally as them. My own father came down and whipped me with a thorned bull whip for an hour twice a day. I was given just enough food and water to live, but just barely. I was treated like this for three weeks, my father making sure that I learned my lesson. After that day, I was brought all over the world, trying to find a princess to mate with and to combine forces with, trying to create an alliance of some sort. Everypony in all of the nations heard about what I have done, and refused to even see me. My father blames me for what you made me do, so I made sure that if you were still alive, I would kill you for the humiliation that you have brought upon me and my family!” capeskin shouted angrily at Keen. He looked at him with sympathy and turned away, closing his eyes.

“Do what you want, I don’t care anymore,” he said, feeling defeated. Capeskin smirked down at him, looking at the three restrained mares as tears started to roll down their faces.

“Why do you three cry, you don’t actually care for him, do you?” he asked harshly. Rainbow Dash stared up at him and struggled violently with her restraints.

“When I get out of her, I am gonna clobber you into the ground!” she threatened. Capeskin smiled at her, returning his gaze back down at Keen.

“She has a lot of spunk, huh? I can see why you developed a little crush on her,” he said with a cocky grin. Keen looked at him with rage and flushed cheeks.

“Don’t you dare touch her!” he barked back with a threatening tone. Rainbow Dash stopped and stared at Keen surprised and her cheeks slightly flushed.

“Oh please, you can’t sound intimidating while chained up, you idiot,” Capeskin laughed as he kicked Keen in his side. He grunted upon the impact, trying to flex his muscles before the blow. Twilight stared at him with angered eyes.

“When Princess Celestia hears about this, she’ll-” twilight started. Capeskin came over and punched her in her mouth, grabbing a hold of her chin to force her to stare into his crazed eyes.

“She’ll what? Punish me? Go to war against me? Please, I am not afraid of her pathetic army. I have already planned on her going to war against me. Let her declare war, I don’t care! I want her to. Killing Keen Eye AND gaining new territory for my hive? Sounds like a combo deal to me, and Queen Crysalis will more than happily join my army to destroy this pathetic piece of land. So silence your mouth, or I will do it for you!” Capeskin threatened, releasing his powerful grip from Twilight who’s tears started to trail down her face shamefully. He smiled as he punched her right in the gut, full force, making her cough up a small bit of blood. Keen struggled again with his restraints, this time ignoring the pain.

“Don’t you dare touch her!” Keen yelled. Capeskin chuckled as he spun around to him.

“I told you not to sound intimidating you worthless-” he started, flailing a back kick at Keen. The hoof stopped inches away from his chest.

“If you dare hurt them again-” Keen started. A magical mist started to swirl around Keen, raising him an inch of the ground. “-If you threaten them again-” he continued. His chains rattled around violently as the air swirled around the room. The three changelings started to back away from Keen. Capeskin smiled as he backed away from him as well. The chains shattered as red light shined brightly through his goggles like lasers. He landed on the ground, his wounds very slowly starting to reform as his well groomed mane was messed up and started to glow faintly red. His horn’s aura changed from green to ruby red. “-I swear to the gods, I’LL KILL YOU!!!” Keen threatened in a booming voice that echoed in the cave. The changelings stared fearfully at Keen and glanced over at Capeskin, who started to laugh psychotically.

“This is what I have been waiting for. I real fight to the death! I love it. Come my minions, let us take care of this foe!” he ordered. The stood frozen in place, unable to move. “Relax, this is a stage all unicorns have the ability to use. It makes their magic level spike up for a short while. So we have the advantage here for time!” he tried to encourage his agents. They hesitated but ran up to stand by their master’s side. Keen stared the four changelings down with hatred in his eyes. “Come on, what are you waiting for, the clock is ticking,” Capeskin taunted confidently.

Keen charged his horn and fired off a powerful shock wave, launching the four to the other side of the room. stunned for the moment, Keen teleported over and grabbed two of the smaller changelings and threw them across the hard, cold floor. As he turned back to the remaining two, Capeskin came up and sucker punched Keen right in the face, cracking the other lense on his goggles. He backed off for a split second and came for a punch, Capeskin easily blocking it. “Come on Keen, kick his flank!” Rainbow Dash called out, cheering him on. Capeskin chuckled as him and Keen struggled for dominance.

“Yea Keen Eye, kick my flank, if you can,” he said with a cocky smile. Keen jumped up and kicked him right in the face, and punched him in the gut. Capeskin quickly recovered and socked Keen back in the face, kicking him with both hind hooves, sending him flying. The two Changelings behind Keen lined up for a duel kick and knocked him back at Capeskin. His horn started to glow as he had a stone wall come up in front of him. Keen slammed his front side upon the side of the wall. The wall buckled over and fell on top of him with a satisfying crunch.

“That was a bit too easy, don’t you think my lord?” Stain said confidently. He walked up and stood on top of the fallen wall as he posed, flexing his muscles. The stone rock exploded, launching the unexpected changeling as he was launched into the ceiling. Keen stood up as his magic swirled, one of his lenses broke off completely but he kept that eye closed as he stared Capeskin down.

“Crap, he is a lot stronger now. What do you do my lord? Nothing is slowing him down!” Dagger asked as fear started to return. Keen teleported, but this time it was different. As soon as he disappeared, he reappeared in front of them both, kicking them in the face. they were launched into the air as they flew. Keen teleported again towards Dagger and gave off a series of quick punches and kicks while he was still flying into the air. With a final kick launching him into the ground, he quickly teleported again to Capeskin and gave off the same punishment, grabbing him in the end and slammed him into the hard stone wall, cracking it upon impact. Saber was on the other side of the room, backing away slowly. He watched him as a small stream of electricity was sparking around the room where Keen was teleporting.

“What the hell is all of this?!” he questioned fearfully. Keen turned to him with murderous intention and teleported to him. As quickly he vanished he reappeared in front of Saber and pounded him into the ground and throwing him to the other side of the room. He teleported in quick sessions, throwing the poor changeling all over the room. Capeskin got up and teleported to Keen and grabbed him, holding him tightly.

“That’s enough of that now,” he said teasingly as he tightened his grip, squeezing the air out of his lungs. Keen was unable to move his arms or legs as Capeskin locked his joints, restraining him completely. His horn flared to life as he aimed it at Capeskin, he flinched but held his grip. “It’s no use, your little sonar spell is impressive, i will give you that, but it is easy to counteract against it once you do a little research on the subject,” he said, tightening his grip even more. Keen could feel his joints cracking from the pressure and his bones starting to strain. He thought quickly as he teleported, bring Capeskin with him. “You idiot, as long as I am making physical contact with you, I go where-” he started. Keen teleported to the top of the ceiling and launched downwards at the ground, slamming Capeskin’s back onto the floor with a thundering crack. The ground broke apart as blood rushed out of his mouth. With a victorious smile, he shook off Capeskin’s limp arms off of him and stood back up, getting tackled by Stain, who had blood running down from the top of his head.

“This needs to end, now!” He yelled as he raised his hoof. Keen smiled.

“So be it!” he exclaimed back as he shoot out a shock wave of magic at him, launching him back at the ceiling. He crashed onto it and fell back to the ground with a loud thump. Keen jumped back onto his hooves and looked around for another target. Dagger charged up an attack, this time long range. He gathered up shards from the ground and aimed them at Keen. With a silent push, he launched them at him, flying at an accelerating velocity. The shards shattered before contact and broke apart into dust. Keen slightly turned towards Dagger with a sinister smirk.

“Oh crap,” Dagger whispered, as he turned to run Keen was already in front of him, static sparked around his body and kicked him in the face, projectilling blood out of his mouth and the rest of the body followed, hurdling him through a stone pillar. Keen spun around to kick Capeskin who came at him. He caught the kick and smiled, grabbing it and throwing him. Keen teleported as soon as he let go and appeared behind Capeskin, coming in for a punch. Capeskin spun around and kicked him in the face, creating another crack on the remaining lense on Keen’s goggles. Keen teleported again to the side of Capeskin and came in for a kick to the side, which he grabbed with relative ease.

“How?!” Keen asked confused and startled. Capeskin smiled a cruel and harsh smile back at him as he picked him up above his head and slammed him back into the ground.

“Highly impressive. I had no Idea you went to Surge City. I am surprised. How did you get them to teach you that spell?” he asked with a pleasantly confused smiley on his face. Keen got up and teleported again, this time in front of Capeskin, rearing up for a kick. He smiled side stepped and grabbed his other leg, throwing him back onto the ground. “Electrical teleport, if I am not mistaken. The spell similar to the teleport spell that a lot of unicorns learn through time, this version allows it’s user to teleport at the speed of light, or so they would have you believe. It is just a mimic. What the spell actually does it makes you move so fast that you appear to be teleporting, only works in short distances but as much as you want, no cool down. Down sodes are it’s lack of range and the fact that to use this spell, it needs at least seven times as much magic to cast. Also, once the opponent watches the user for a short amount of time, they can figure out the pattern and be able to easily counter it. Impressive, but if that is the best you got, then I have bad news for you,” Capeskin smiled as he looked down at Keen. Applejack tried to fiddle with the lock using a harden strand of hay. Rainbow Dash and Twilight looked at her confused.

“What are you doing?” Twilight whispered confused.

“Don’t worry ya’ll, I got this. I have seen this done so many times before, I think I got it,” Applejack whispered back with confidence. “Once I bust out of here, ah’m gonna help him out,” she added as she felt something click. She smiled and pulled the strand of hay back only to realize that the strand broke off. “Darn it,” she said out loud. Capeskin looked over towards Applejack.

“I see, trying to escape huh? Let’s break a limb to show them that-” he started. Keen jumped up and kicked him in the face. Capeskin fell to the ground and Keen rose to his hooves. The red aura around him turned back to green and started to fade. Capeskin’s agents started getting up slowly, aching. They looked over at Keen and smiled confidently.

“Now’s our chance!” Stain called out as they charged at him, one by one. Keen turned back behind him and took a stance, his wounds started to reopen and the new ones started returning. ‘No, I’m out of time’ he thought to himself as his aura started to fade away. Saber jumped up and went to super man punch Keen in the face, he managed to duck and shot a shock of upwards, launching him into the ceiling. As he came back down, Keen kicked him in the stomach and sent him to the ground. Stain tackled him to the ground and charged up a fireball on top of him. Keen spun his body onto his stomach and pushed off from the ground, throwing him off. Saber grabbed Keen and shoved him into a wall, having wooden vines come out of the wall, holding him in place. He smiled as he jumped out of the way as Stain charged up a fireball and launched it at Keen. He struggled to get out before the fireball hit him but was too late and it exploded on impact.

“KEEN EYE!” Twilight called out, struggling to get free from her restraints. Rainbow Dash and Applejack joined her, trying to break free, but to no success. Capeskin cast a similar shock wave to put out the flames. He laid on the hard floor, not moving, his fur burnt and a few small flames still ignited. He laid there still, not evening his chest moved to the rhythm of breathing. the three mares started crying as they saw his body. Capeskin laughed as he looked back at his changeling agents, and nodded his head towards Keen. They creeped up to him and pulled him up by his front hooves. He was breathing, but just barely. His goggles completely broken off, leaving his eyes bare but his eyes laid shut.

“What should we do your highness?” Stain asked humbly. Capeskin started to laugh at the seemingly lifeless Keen Eye.

“We move to the final act. Place him at the altar, no need for chains, just get the final stage ready,” he instructed. The changelings snickered and smiled sinisterly as they wiped off their blood from their previous battle.

“Yes, as you command, my lord,” Dagger said, bowing before him as him and the other changelings dragged him to his original chained position as they laid him down and held him still. Keen started to open his eyes but felt his goggles missing and closed them back quickly. Capeskin had him facing the three restrained mares. He walked up to stand in front of Keen and chuckled.

“Are you still trying to hide your eyes? Come on, show them those pretty ruby eyes that you are so proud of,” Capeskin taunted. He grabbed a hold of Keen’s face and forced him to look in their direction while pulling at his hair, getting a low grunt past his lips. He forced his eyes shut, resisting him. “Oh come on, don’t tell me you never showed them! Oh come now Keen, now is the perfect time to show them, while you still have life in your eyes,” Capeskin explained, trying to force Keen’s eyes open. He continued to squeeze his eyes shut as Capeskin continued to pull at his hair and shaking his head around. “Geez, he is stubborn,” he added. The three stared in fear, their eyes dried up from all the tears they have shed and have spread out all over into their fur. They watched with pleading eyes as they stood there helplessly watching Keen’s abuse.

“Please, just stop,” Rainbow Dash whispered. Capeskin’s ear perked up by the sudden noise as he turned his gaze at her.

“We’ll do anything you want, just please stop it and leave him alone,” Twilight pleaded.

“He is our boss, and our friend. We won’t tell no pony, just stop,” begged Applejack. capeskin looked at them with a crooked smile as he returned his gaze back to Keen.

“You have quite the group here. I see they believe they are in love with you, just like the others did,” Capeskin said harshly.

“Others?” Applejack asked confused. Capeskin didn’t turn but he laughed out loud.

“You didn’t tell them anything at all, did you? Oh my, you kept all of your secrets to yourself this time. How cruel of you, keeping them in the dark,” Capeskin said, teasingly as he turned his gaze to the three mares once again. “This isn’t the first time one or more mares have fallen so madly in love with him,” he started to explain. Keen tried to struggle but the combination of the two changelings and all the cuts and bruises the cover his whole body made it very difficult to move.

“Stop, don’t say anything,” Keen pleaded.

“You see, one of the side effects to the sonar spell that he uses causes any pony near him to have their blood start very lightly vibrating, causing flushed cheeks, rapid heart beat, and unclear thoughts. So many ponies are thinking that they are in love,” Capeskin explained. They stared back shocked and in disbelief, but Twilight shook her head.

“But we are around him a lot during the day, he only uses the sonar spell during the night to see in the dark. We are only around him during the day,” Twilight protested. Capeskin snickered to the reply as he stared into her eyes.

“I will show you why, my dear ‘Princess’ Twilight,” he said as he grabbed a gentle hold of Twilights chin with his hoof and smiled sincerely. He released her and went up to Keen, he aimed a hoof right at the center of Keen’s back and with all his force, stomped on it. A loud crack echoed from the cave which was followed up by Keen’s screaming. The three imprisoned mares flinched away at the sound as they squeezed their eyes shut for the moment, slowly opening them. “Relax, I did not break it, just need some reshifting is all, like this,” Capeskin assured as he placed his hoof at a certain part of keen’s back and pushed upward harshly, another loud snap echoed. Keen continued to keep his eyes close.

“Please, stop it,” Keen begged. Capeskin snickered to himself as he looked up at Dagger he stood close by, awaiting his master’s orders. He nodded his head at him. Dagger smiled cruelly as his horn glowed green. A sharp, flat rock levitated from a pile of rubble as it was slowly brought to in front of Keen’s head.

“What are you doing?!” Rainbow Dash asked, frightened and confused.

“Introducing him back into the darkness,” Capeskin replied coldly as he turned to Dagger, nodding his head to him. With a cruel and cold smile, he aimed the sharp stone above Keen’s horn and dropped it. The rubble came down and with a loud crack and severed Keen’s horn. The cut was rough as it simply broke off at the end. Keen uttered an ear piercing scream of both pain and terror as blood started running from his horn and onto his face. Capeskin smiled coldly down at Keen as he signaled his agents to let go of the defenseless

This time, Keen opened his eyes widely which Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash dropped their jaws when they saw them. Keen’s eyes were a ruby red, but the pupils were a dark grey redish color.

“Keen, you’re. . . . you’re. . . you’re blind?!” Twilight exclaimed in disbelief. Keen’s eye’s darted around, looking for the source of the voice.

"Why did you hide it?" Rainbow Dash asked confused and in disbelief.

"Most likely as an attempt to feel normal. He doesn't like special treatment, so I have heard," Capeskin explained in Keen's place, snickering to himself.

“Twilight, Rainbow Dash, where are you?” he asked confused and frighten. He tried to stand up but fell back down, his body was past it’s limits from all the blood lose and all of the injuries. His eyes continued darting around, desperately trying to find something in it’s sights.Twilight and her friends glared up at Capeskin.

“What have ya done to him?!” Applejack demanded. Capeskin simply smiled coy back at her.

“This is why he had the sonar spell on the whole time. This is how he was able to see all this time, fooling every pony who came his way into believing his little act. I have done nothing but reintroduce him into the darkness. After all, I was the one who introduced him to it in the first place,” he explained with a harsh smile looking down at Keen. “What’s wrong old friend, you seem a little lost?” he added harshly as he kicked Keen in the face, laughing as he did it.

“Why would you do such a thing to him?” Twilight asked, heartbroken. Capeskin turned back to her his smile turning to a calm one.

“Before I kill him, I will tell you of his story. You mares deserve that at the least,” Capeskin started as he pulled a mound of stone from the ground using his magic and took a seat, signaling his changeling agents to take a seat as well and to watch Keen. “It all started about eight years ago, in the grand castle of Scavange, all the way in France. . . . “ Capeskin started his story

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It was a bright and sunny day in the city of Scavange. As the Princess looked out from her balcony to see the rising sun, she took a deep breath to smell the crisp morning air. There was a knock on her door and she turned her head slightly towards the door. “Come in,” she said firm but kindly. An earth pony with a black tuxedo and glasses on opened the door and came in.

“Madam Scarlet, I have today’s schedule if you would lend me your ears for just a few moments,” the earth pony announced, holding a scroll perfectly balanced on top of his head. The princess giggled.

“Of course Fire Hoof. Please continue,” she replied with a kind hearted smile. Princess Scarlet was the usual height for a sixteen year old alicorn. She had a scarlet red mane and a light blond body and deep ocean blue eyes. Her wings were a bit smaller than most alicorns but she was still as good as the average flyer. She was of age to be with a prince. Today was the day she met the two candidates, her father’s choice of course, but at least she got to choose who she would marry. She listened to the schedule which everything was already what she knew, but she pretended to listen otherwise. Once he was finished, she nodded, acknowledging that she was listening. “Alright, can you make some spare time for me to visit the dog breeder today? I wish to check on how Lady is recovering,” she pleaded with puppy dog eyes towards the Fire Hoof. The butler looked at her for a moment and sighed in defeat, smiling softly down at her.

“Well, I guess you don’t need to see the grand art museum today. It’s not necessarily going anywhere. I suppose we can push that back for tomorrow,” he said as he pulled out a pony and crossed it out on the scroll. Princess Scarlet jumped up and hugged him excitedly.

“Thank you Hoofy, you’re the best!” she exclaimed. Fire Hoof was taken back by the sudden intrusion but smiled softly as he returned the gester.

“Of course Madam Scarlet. It is my job to make your daily duties a tad more organized. That is my purpose here in the castle,” he explained humbly. Scarlet giggled and let go of him. “Now I shall be down in the main halls to await your arrival and to introduce you to the newcomers,” he added. Scarlet rolled her eyes and went behind a thick curtain were only her shadow could be seen and undressed to put on her usual attire.

“So, that really is today huh? The day I choose my prince charming?” Scarlet asked with a hint of sarcasm.

“Madam, I know you are not very fond of the idea of getting married, but every prince and princess at some point in their live’s have to find a certain pony to share the throne room, sort of speak,” Fire Hoof explained. Princess Scarlet came out from behind the curtain wearing a dress that was both casual and elegant at the same time. “A beautiful choice, comfortable and graceful in the motion,” he added. Scarlet smiled as she playfully bumped his shoulder.

“Come on, I want to get this over with,” she said as she led the way. After she had breakfast she went to the throne room to find her father sitting in the throne.

“Scarlet, here I have two fine princes, both have much promise, wealth, power, and both are sharp stallions. To my left is Prince Solar Frost of Serge City,” the colt in question took a step forward and bowed low and gracefully before her, but looked very shy. He was a pegasus who had ice blue fur and a deep blue mane Who stood next to his father he watched him closely, he looked a lot like each other except The king had an ice blue beard. “and to my right is Prince Capeskin from the Master Hive capital,” the pony in question wasn’t even a pony, but a tall and toned changeling. He stood what appeared to be his father, they looked similar but the King looked cruel and cold, and watched Capeskin like he was about to commit a crime at any moment. He had a confident and charming smile as he bowed before the princess.

“Madam, it is a true pleasure, in meeting you,” he said, flashing bedroom eyes in her direction. She smiled politely but looked at her father like ‘Really?’ The whole day was spent spending time with each of the princes, getting to know them personally. First was Prince Capeskin. He only really talked about himself and he great he was and he powerful his army was and all about his hunting trips. She dreaded the day spent with him as he seemed only interested to get up her skirt, which he made a few grabs from time to time, although they seemed harmless, she did not like that. Once their time was up, she bowed respectfully and went on to spend the day with Solar Frost. He seemed a bit too shy and let her do most of the talking, which she didn’t mind. the sun was starting to set as she remembered the time.

“Oh, I have to check up on my dog, come on, let me introduce you to my dog trainer!” Princess Scarlet exclaimed as she had him follow her as they jumped at the window to fly down. As they landed, by a barn with many separated wooden fences cutting off certain groups of dogs. “Keen Eye!” she called out. The unicorn came out with a bit of dirt on his cheeks as he poked his head out, his ruby eyes sparkling in the light of the setting sun.

“Princess Scarlet, what a pleasant surprise, I am assuming that you are here check on miss Lady, am I correct?” he asked humbly as he kneeled before her. Princess Scarlet giggled as she playfully jabbed his shoulder.

“Hey, come on, I told you to just call me Scarlet, now get up,” she instructed. Keen rose back to his hooves and turned inside. Prince Solar watched them interact the whole time. As he was explaining what was wrong with Scarlet’s dog, as they both joked around playfully. He knew who she was gonna choose in the end. Solar started listening as they were talking about dogs again.

“If you do not mind me asking, sir Keen, but how do you know so much about dogs?” Prince Solar asked humbly. Keen turned to him with a kind and gentle smile.

“Why Prince Solar, you just have to look is all. Every little thing they do is a sign,” he explained, smiling the whole time. Solar looked at him confused. “The reason I am good at what I do is because I observe everything. What you think is nothing, tells me everything I need to know,” he added, putting the little poodle that was Lady. Scarlet snuggled her nose up to her which the small dog returned the gester happily. Solar smiled at him.

“Those are some amazing eyes then. Your name is really fitting,” Solar complemented.

“My eyes aren’t that good, Prince Solar Frost. I just simply know how to use them to the fullest. For my job needs my eyes. Without them, I would no longer be useful to the family,” Keen said with a sad tone, even though he wore a smile. Solar looked at him, surprised at his humbleness and kindness. That night, Princess Scarlet said her goodbyes to Keen as her and Prince Solar Frost flew back up to the castle as everyone gathered to hear who she was choosing.

“So, my daughter, have you chosen a Prince to wed?” The King asked Princess Scarlet. She stood before her father. As she looked at both Prince Capeskin who winked at her and Prince Solar Frost who shyly at her. She liked Solar Frost, but as a husband she just couldn’t see. She wasn’t opposed to a changeling for a husband, but Capeskin seemed full of himself but he seemed like he could provide for her and protect her, if he is as good as he says he is. Prince Solar could see that she was struggling with her choice.

“King Crimson, may I say something to hear quickly?” he asked politely. The King looked down and nodded. Solar left his fathers side and rushed over to Scarlet to whisper in her ear. “If I may be so bold to speak these words to you. Do not choose either of us, your heart as already decided on a certain pony, you love him. So choose a pony who will make you happy, since you are allowed a choice,” Solar explained in a faint whisper so that only Scarlet could hear. He pulled away and nodded at her, returning to his position next to his father. Capeskin chuckled.

“What, had to make some sort of last bride there, Solar?” he called over in a playful manner.

“I have decided!” Scarlet called out. All the ponies, and some changelings, in the courtroom looked at her. Capeskin smiled as he fixed his mane up. “I shall marry Keen Eye!” she announced. Everyone gasped in shock and surprise. Capeskin froze as he turned to her in disgust.

“The dog trainer? Why this is an outrage! I lost the heart of a princess by a- ow, ow ow ow,” Capeskin complained. His father grabbed him by his ear and pulled him away.

“Enough, child. You will not make enemies here. Now shut your trap, we are done here,” he instructed as he pulled him away. Solar sighed as his father placed a gentle hoof on his shoulder.

“It is fine, I am sure you did your best, come on, we will schedule another meeting in a different castle,” he said kindly. With a soft smile, they walked off, leaving the Princess with her father, who was mildly upset.

“Now sweetheart, I know this is your choice, that was our agreement, but marrying a peasant? It has never been heard of, please, I will find another set of Princes and we can-” he started.

“I am sorry father, but no. My heart already belongs to him. I wish to obey you, father, but I just can’t be happy with anypony else besides Keen Eye, I beg of you to bless our marriage. Either way we will,” Scarlet demanded. Her father got up from his seat, anger building in his chest but then he smiled, softly chuckling to himself.

“My my, you remind me so much of your mother. Stubborn as a mule and won’t take no for an answer, even if she had to go against her family. That is how you were born, so saying that this isn’t possible would be contradictory,” he explained. He looked outside and then back to her. “Then tell him tomorrow, he is fast asleep by now,” he advised. Scarlet smiled from ear to ear as she rushed over and hugged her father tightly in her arms.

“Thank you father!” she exclaimed. Capeskin watched from a crack with a sickening face.

“By the gods, this is revolting. I must share some words with this dog trainer,” he said to himself as he teleported. Keen was down by his dog stables as he gave each and every one of them fresh food and water.

“There you go guys. Enjoy while you can, you guys go into the guard posts tomorrow afternoon, so get a good nights sleep,” he said while petting a group of dogs in one pen, he gave them all a good pat down as he started making his way towards his barn for sleep. One of the dog’s ears twitched in a different direction that made Keen stop dead in his tracks. He took a deep breath and looked behind him, seeing Prince Capeskin walking towards him with a small group of changelings following closely behind him. “Prince Capeskin, it is good to see you this fine evening,” Keen said with a friendly smile. Capeskin flashed a smile at him as he looked at the dogs in their pen.

“So, do you train these dogs yourself, peasant?” Capeskin asked harshly. Keen kept his composure and nodded.

“Yes my lord. I have trained them all,” he replied. Capeskin nodded, slightly impressed, looking at them all.

“They are lovely dogs, I must say. So tell me peasant, how often do you see Scarlet?” he asked, getting straight to the point.

“Well, Princess Scarlet comes by to check her dogs injuries three to five times a week. Miss Lady unfortunately twisted her ankle, so I am nursing her back to good health, for it is my duty to take care of all the dogs,” Keen explained.

“So, you see Scarlet fairly often? I mean you saw her today, right?” Capeskin asked, circling Keen as his personal body guards formed a loose circle around Keen as well.

“Yes my lord. I happened to see her today,” Keen replied bluntly.

“Tell me peasant, do you love Princess Scarlet?”

“My lord, it has never been heard of for a peasant to be with a princess, I would never corrupt her image by such deluded thoughts,”

“Oh really? What if she was in love with you, hypothetically of course?”

“Well, I am not sure then, my lord. I have never thought about it,”

“I see. Then she really is nothing but filth,” Capeskin snarled as he started to walk away.

“Please, my lord, do not insult her in such ways,” Keen pleaded, feeling a spark of anger ignite. Capeskin turned back to him with a cruel smile.

“Or what, peasant?! Are you threatening me?!” Capeskin shouted. He pushed Keen to the ground and glared down at him.

“I would never threaten you my lord, It’s just that-” he started. Capeskin kicked him in the face, spitting on him.

“I care not of your reason. You and that filth of a princess fit well with each other,” he interrupted, leaving him on the ground.

Keen felt his rage built up out of control, he always had good control of his anger, but hearing those words, he lost it quickly. He grabbed a bucket with his magic and threw it at Capeskin. The bucket simply had water in it, but it covered the arrogant prince head to hoof. he turned with a murderous smile as he teleported to him and suckered punched him in the face.

“You are going to regret that, you filthy swine!” Capeskin threatened as he kept clocking Keen in his face, over and over again. Keen tried to block and defend himself, but he didn’t know any spells, so he kicked him off. He ran at Capeskin but he teleported behind him and knocked him back down. He would grab Keen with his magic and would swing him around, slamming him into the ground and into trees. The dogs started barking out loudly, trying to get to their master. Capeskin stood over Keen as blood ran down his face.

“My lord, He must hurry before some pony finds us?” one of Capeskin’s guards advised.

“Shut it Saber! He has some really amazing eyes, if you actually take a look at them, now tell me, what would happen if I removed your gift of sight?” Capeskin asked, staring down at him with a crazed smile. Keen started to panic as he tried to push the mad prince off of him, but to no success.

“Please, my lord, don’t-” he started. Capeskin’s horn glowed green as it shot green lightning straight into Keen’s eyes. He screamed in pain and agony as he fought to get Capeskin off of him. One of the guards finally rushed over and pushed him off of keen. A small group held their weapons towards Capeskin’s personal guards.

“How dare you-” he started. Princess Scarlet grabbed him with her magic and threw him into a boulder in front of the house.

“No, how dare you! You knew I choose him and yet you attacked him!” Scarlet yelled as she kept her grip on him. A guard rushed over to Keen and brought him to the infirmary. Scarlet watched Keen for a moment before returning a hatred gaze back at Capeskin.

“He attacked me, I was defending myself,” Capeskin pleaded.

“If you were defending yourself, then a curse mark is not necessary. You went too far!” Said a dark voice from behind the boulder. Capeskin looked to one side and saw nothing, then the other to see his father glaring him down as if death was looking at him.

“Oh no,” Capeskin whispered. His father grabbed him and marched him off.

“Please leave the punishing to me, there is no need for war. I will personally see to it that he will think twice about doing this ever again,” Capeskin’s father said, dragging him away by his hair with his magic. Scarlet nodded as she watched them pass. The next morning, Scarlet rushed over to see Keen. The doctor stopped her.

“Princess, please understand something. I know of your announcement. I personally think he is good for you, but there is nothing I can do for him. The curse that was placed upon him has taken his sense of sight, for good,” the doctor explained. Scarlet stared back at him coldly.

“Let me see him,” she ordered. the doctor nodded and stepped out of the way. She walked on over to Keen and sat by his side. Keen had bandages wrapped around his eyes as he laid in bed, steadily breathing. Scarlet looked down at him with a worried stare. “No matter what Keen, I will always love you the same,” she whispered as she leaned down to him, kissing his forehead.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“Sometime after that, I heard news that Keen couldn’t take it anymore and he threw himself of a waterfall. They never found his body, and now I see why. You survived all this time and even learned to work around it. Very impressive,” Capeskin explained, finishing his story. Twilight, rainbow Dash, and Applejack looked at Keen with sadness in their eyes as tears started to form back again. “To this day, Princess Scarlet is looking for him. She has been searching all over the world, but luckily for me, I found you first,” he added with a cold smile. He stood back up and stretched himself out.

“What now my lord?” Stain asked, holding down Keen.

“Well, story time is over and it is about time to end this once and for all. Saber, is our escape rout ready?” Capeskin asked quickly.

“Yes your highness. Everything is ready. We would be able to get out of here without any pony knowing we were ever here,” Saber explained humbly.

“Good, let’s get moving then. Stain, Dagger, dispose of Keen. I am down toying with him,” Capeskin ordered coldly. Dagger and Stain turned to him with crazed smiles, slowly approaching him.

“What about the three mares?” Saber asked, looking back at them.

“They are no problem. I have no quarrel with them. Let them stay right where they are, I am sure that some pony will find them sooner or later. Once someone realizes that Princess Twilight Sparkle is missing and nowhere to be found, they will finally do a search for her. Just kill off Keen Eye and we will get out of here,” Capeskin explained. Stain held Keen down as Saber levitated a shard from the side and raised it past Keen’s head. He didn’t need his sonar spell to realize that this was his end.

“Please, just be quick,” he begged. With a snicker, they looked down at him, smiling sinister smiles at him. Saber brought the shard high above Keen and dropped it. The three mares watched as time slowed down as the shard came down at Keen, who closed his eyes, accepting his fate. It came came and pierced him in the back, a small bit of blood running down his spine.

“Huh?” Stain said with a confused expression. The shard glowed red and seemed to have completely stopped. It rose out of him and was thrown to the side with a loud crack from it breaking apart. Capeskin felt a shiver down his spine as he looked behind him to see the shard.

“No,” he whispered. He turned his gaze at the entrance. A mare stood there, hidden and cloaked as a light yellow horn could be seen glowing red. “No, no no no no! Agents, attack!” capeskin yelled out in a panic. The agents turned to the entrance and charged at full force, each preparing their best spell. A large group a heavily armored pegasi of colors of crimson red and gold rushed past the cloaked mare and charged at the changelings. The changelings fired off their spells, but their attacks simply bounced off the guards armor. Before they could turn around, the guards tackled them, pinning them to the ground and aimed their spears at their throats.

“What is going on here?” Twilight asked puzzled but slightly relieved. Capeskin backed away from the guards as they turned their gaze to him.

“Capture him, alive!” one of the guards called out. Capeskin spun towards another exit down the other side and noticed that Canterlot unicorn guards rushed in from that exit.

“What the hell?!” he stuttered out. In a panic he skidded to a sharp turn towards a hole at the very edge of the cave. The cave led to the surface straight up. He smiled as he got to it.

“Remember this day as the day you started a war with the changeling armies. remember this as the day you destined all your lives to the grave, remember this day as the day you almost cau-” he started. A large figure fell down from the hole and landed on top of Capeskin.

“You talk too much, you stupid fool,” said the figure. Capeskin looked up to see his capturer and gulped down fear.

“F-f-f-father?!” he stuttered in fear. He stared down at him with hatred burning in his eyes.

“Thank you for assisting me, King Deathskin. I wouldn’t have been able to capture him without your help,” the cloaked mare called out as she approached the three captured mares dangling from their restraints. “Release them immediately,” she ordered. The guards in red nodded and rushed over to them. With a swift swing, they would sever the chains. Once they were on all four hooves again, they rushed over to Keen.

“Keen, are you ok?” Twilight asked worried. He was breathing but didn’t say anything and his eyes remained closed.

“Hey, come on now. Your tougher than that, boss. Come on, get up,” Rainbow Dash encouraged. he still did not respond.

“Hey there, sugar cube. Are ya just gonna leave yes here or are ya gonna get us out of this gloomy place?” Applejack asked playfully. The cloaked mare stepped up to the group.

“Please, if I may?” she asked kindly. They looked up to her and made room for her to sit by them and Keen. She cradled him in her arms as she slowly rocked him back and forth as she hummed a tune foreign to the others. after a few moments, Keen stirred as he slowly opened his eyes. They glance around as he suddenly remembered that he has lost his sight.

“That tune, I’ve heard it before,” he whispered. He felt himself gently rocking back and forth, the heat that came off from the mare. “This fur,” he inhaled through his nose as he looked up at her. “That scent. . . . I know who you are,” he whispered. She smiled down at her as she pulled her hood down. “Princess. . . Scarlet,” he added. The once cloaked mare sat there with him in her arms, her long red mane hanging down from her face as tears fell from her face.

“Hello my love, it has been many years since I have last seen you,” Scarlet replied in a soft whisper. Keen tried to push himself away gently.

“Please, Princess, I am covered in filth, I do not wish-” he started. Scarlet grabbed a hold of him and buried her muzzle into his neck, letting her tears out as she cried deeply into his fur.

“The last thing I would care about right now is my attire. I thought you were dead for so long. I heard rumors of you walking from town to town all by yourself. I posted a bounty for you hoping that would get ponies to tell me where you were. I had an old friend of mine tell me that she thought she saw a changeling that matched Capeskin’s description, so I rushed over here as fast as I could. I am sorry that I was too late,” Scarlet said, crying out loud into Keen’s neck. He was frozen in shock. Twilight and her friends watched as they let a few last tears fall from their eyes as they watched the reunion of them.

“I, I don’t know what to say,” Keen whispered, confused and yet, happy. He smiled as he slowly lifted his hooves around the crying princess, sharing her embrace. Keen felt himself drift off into slumber. He didn’t know when but everything was fuzzy after that and he couldn’t remember anything after that.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A few days later, Scarlet received a letter from her father, it was him replying to her request to stay in Ponyville. It read:

“Dear Princess Scarlet,

My dear sweetheart, now normally I would refuse this request in a heartbeat, but I know that this is what your mother would have wanted, if she was still among us. After thinking about it, I believe that you deserve it. You never really liked the life of royalty in the first place. I am glad to hear that you finally found Keen Eye, he may not be royalty, but he is quite the prince. I am coming down to Ponyville myself to help plan for the wedding if you so wish it. It has been many years since I have last seen you. Please take care.
With much love
King Crimson.” Scarlet smiled as she read the marking. She found it funny how he could never end it with “Your loving father” or something like that. She sighed and placed the paper a side. She looked out the window from the hospital. The sun was shining, and a gentle breeze traveled through with the wind. She turned back to see a sleeping Keen Eye who laid in a hospital bed, covered almost completely with bandages. She was able to convince the hospital stuff to allow her to remain by his side, and so she never budged. All though she has now given up her title of princess, her father ordered Alpha Company to remain in the area around her to protect her until he arrived.

“Hey, how is he doing?” asked a shy voice from the doorway of the room. Scarlet turned towards the voice but knew exactly who it was.

“He is good, come on in Fluttershy,” Fluttershy softly flew in and sat next to Scarlet, looking over at Keen.

“Any progress?”

“None yet, you should have seen him, I got there right in the nick of time but I was still too late, I saved his life, but just barely. I am so happy to see him, but I am worried,” Scarlet explained, thinking out loud. Fluttershy turned to her with a concerned smile.

“Listen, I know that it has been a while, but I am sure that he still cares about you,” Fluttershy assured.

“I never knew if he actually loved me. I mean he treated me so nicely and I was certain that he might have felt something back for me, but now I am not sure. Maybe he found some other mare to keep his bed warm and his stomach full. Maybe he already has a family. I don’t want to break that apart from him,” Scarlet pointed out. Fluttershy looked at her with kind eyes as she leaned in for a hug. Scarlet leaned to her and embraced her.

“There there, it’s ok. I am sure that everything is going to work itself out in the end. You just need to have some faith in yourself and talk to him when he walks up,” Fluttershy explained.

“I am glad that you have made a friend, Princess Scarlet,” stated Keen. The two mares broke their embrace and turned to Keen, who had his eyes open and was staring up at the ceiling, his eyes shifting around. “She sounds really nice,” he added with a soft smile.

“How long have you been awake?” Scarlet asked curiously. Keen chuckled to himself.

“I don’t have a special somepony nor a family, if you were wondering if I was available,” Keen replied playfully. Scarlet looked away, blushing to herself.

“So, that much, huh?” she asked nervously.

“Honestly, it just never felt right. I’ve tried to be with somepony else, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I have always wanted to be with you,” Keen explained with a heart warming smile. “How are the others?” he added.

“They are just fine, shaken up but they recovered and have been watching over your store. You have been napping for four days now,” Scarlet explain in a teasing manner. Keen chuckled as he turned towards her direction.

“So, do you have a special somepony?” Keen asked playfully. Scarlet smiled as she leaned forward towards him.

“I have actually,” she whispered. Keen’s smile faded a little.

“Oh, well, knowing you, I am sure that-” he started. Scarlet came in for a kiss while he was talking, interrupting him in mid sentence. Shocked at first but happily returned the kiss.


Author's Note:

Alrighty, let me start this off being saying how sorry I am. I started panicking near the end of this and I started messing up. I went back to try to fix a few things, but this is just not gonna be my best work, I am sorry. I did my best though, to try to make it work, I hope it wasn't too terrible. I am still looking for strong criticism though. I honestly want it, and don't hold back. This is the end, now tell me, and be honest, how many actually thought that ending was gonna happen, about him being blind? I would like to know if you found out before this chapter and tell me what gave it away. I might make another chapter, kinda like as an add-on of some sorts. Kinda like what happens afterwards. I hope you enjoyed this series as much as I enjoyed writing. I hope to see you in the future stories ahead. As always, have a good morning/day/evening :twilightsmile: