• Published 23rd Jul 2013
  • 2,309 Views, 81 Comments

See No Evil - Masked_Frenchman

A unicorn is allowed to keep his secrets and keep his past unknown, right?

  • ...

Chapter 9: Wanted Alive

(Music that I was listening to while writing this was "God is a Girl" nightcore (do not have youtube user name on this one, sorry) "Punk Rock 101" by Bowling for Soup, "Life as we Know it" by Alex S., "Bruises and Bite marks" by Good with Grenades" and lastly "It's my Life" by Bon Jovi. If you choose to look up these songs I hope you enjoy it, if not, enjoy your reading in quiet or through your own selection of music :twilightsmile: )

Chapter 9: Wanted Alive

Twilight Stood there shocked and her jaw wide open as she just witnessed her boss kneel down before her zebra friend Zecora. “What?! Master Zecora?!” Twilight whispered to herself in question. So many questions raced inside her head, trying to understand how they know each other, and when they could have met.

“There is no need to kneel before my presence. The times then and now have a great difference,” Zecora explained to Keen as her face turned a faint pink. He got up and looked into his her eyes.

“Master Zecora, it is an honor to see you again. I am so glad to see you again,” Keen explained with a large smile on his face which she returned the gester.

“It is indeed a pleasure to see you again. Time seems to be kind to you, my friend. Many years it has been, since I first found you by the river bed,” Zecora replied with her usual rhythmic speech. Keen chuckled to himself.

“You haven’t changed the way you speak, that’s for sure. I missed it to be honest but what are you doing in Ponyville?” Keen asked with curiosity.

“You still know how to bring me a smile. I have been living here for quite awhile. After your training was complete, the need to stay there became obsolete,” Zecora explained. Twilight watched them talk for a while longer before an idea came to her head.

“They seem like they have known each other for a long time. They seem to be good friends. I wonder if Zecora could tell me something about him. Maybe I could learn more about him now,” she thought out loud as they talked. Twilight started walking quietly up to the two when Keen’s ear twitched.

“Hello Twilight, I would like to introduce you to someone,” Keen called back to her. Twilight stood there confused for a second before walking up to the normally. ‘How did he hear me while talking to Zecora?’ she thought to herself.

“I have already met Zecora. We met about a year ago from now I believe, but how did you two know each other?" Twilight asked confused. Zecora was about to speak when Keen quickly turned to hear and she stopped, then looking back at Twilight.

“We meet a long time ago. Around eight years or so. I was in need of help and so she taught me and helped me learn the magic spells that I know to this day. She helped me very much and thanks to her, I was able to become the stallion I am to this day,” Keen explained smiling towards Zecora.

“Sadly I do not have much time and must take my leave, but I am happy to see all that you have achieved. I look forward to our next visit my old friend, just remember that this story does not yet end,” She spoke mysteriously and started to take her leave. Keen bowed respect, not questioning her motives and watched her leave. Twilight Hesitated for a moment and took off for her. Once outside, she called out for her.

“Zecora!” Twilight called out. Zecora turned around to see Twilight catching up to her.

“Twilight? What is it?” she asked concerned. Twilight walked over to her and looked behind her to see if Keen went after her as well, which he was not.

“I was wondering if you could tell me anything about Keen Eye?” Twilight asked politely.

“Keen Eye?” Zecora confirmed. “What is it you wish to know about him?”

“I was wondering if you can tell me where he is from. Why he wears those goggles, why he came all the way here. There is just so much that doesn’t add up about him, but he doesn’t talk about himself. Can you please tell me something, anything, about him?” Twilight pleaded. Zecora thought for a moment but smiled at her, both apologetic and sympathetic.

“Well Twilight, I know that you mean well. I’ve known you since the blue joke virus from you fell, but if he does not wish to tell his story, then I should say nothing as well, sorry,” Zecora explained. Twilight sighed, somewhat knowing she would say something among those words.

“It’s ok, I didn;t think you would say anything anyway, I am just so desperate to know something about him,” Twilight said, turning back to her. “I guess I better get back to work. Thanks anyway Zecora, I hope to see you later sometime,” Twilight said, starting to make her way back to the store.

“I can not tell you his past, but there is something I can say. Something that will not reveal his secrets but put some light in your views of grey,” Zecora explained. Twilight stopped and turned around, listening intently and with a kind smile.

“Thank you Zecora,” Twilight replied.

“I know you will not abuse the information I will give you. I know your heart will always be kind and true. Keen Eye has been through many events throughout the years. He shows confidence and courage when his heart is shrouded by fear. Betrayal and humility are not unfamiliar to his conscience. Although he has learned to ignore the pain through tolerance. It would be wise to tread carefully around his history. For now, that will remain a mystery. Now if you do not mind Twilight, I must take my leave. Heed my words carefully, because one feeling he hasn’t felt in many years, is relief,” Zecora explained in her usual rhythmic and mystery manner. Twilight stood there, confused and puzzled after what Zecora said.

“Thank you Zecora, although I don’t understand now, I am sure I can figure it out. Thank you for telling me this. Have a safe walk back home,” Twilight thanked with a smile as she turned back to walk to the shop.

“Good night, Twilight,” Zecora replied as she left. Twilight smiled to herself as she stopped for a moment. Thinking everything over. What felt like a few minutes, she finally kept walking, thinking as she walked through the doors of the shop. ‘Why can’t she explain something normal for once,’ she thought to herself playfully, lightly shaking her head.

“Is something wrong, miss Twilight?” Keen asked concerned. Twilight snapped into focus and saw Keen looking over at her. She put her hoof to the back of her head and looked away nervously.

“Oh, it’s nothing,” she said quickly as she looked around and saw that everyone was gone. “Where is everypony?” she asked slightly confused. Keen chuckled to himself.

“Well miss Twilight, it’s closing time,” Keen pointed out. Twilight stood there confused as she looked outside. He was right, the moon was already coming out. When she turned back around she saw Rainbow Dash and Applejack on the other side of the room, Applejack leaning on the wall and Rainbow Dash hovering over her, both snickering and looking at Twilight.

“How is it already night time?” Twilight asked, confused and starting to panic.

“Well you were standing outside and just pacing around like an egghead, as always,” Rainbow Dash explained, still smirking at her playfully. Twilight looked back over in disbelief.

“I was? I thought that I was just standing out there for a few minutes. Did that much time really pass by?” Twilight asked, trying to figure out how much time really did go by. ‘I must have been out there for a few hours!’ Twilight thought to herself.

“Well sugar cube, ya do tend to daze out like a Granny Smith trying to remember where her knitting kit is,” Applejack added. Keen looked over to her slightly surprised.

“A very interesting comparison there, Applejack,” he replied as he returned his gaze towards Twilight.”So, will you be alright?” he asked again. Twilight blushed slightly as she felt his eyes on her.

“Yea, I’m alright, I guess I got carried away. I’m sorry for ditching most of work today,” said Twilight as she lowered her head, disappointed in herself. Keen smiled and walked over to her and raised her face too meet his, still keeping a safe and friendly distance.

“Twilight, it is fine, we weren’t that busy anyway. So calm down and relax. You worry too much Twilight,” Keen explained with a friendly smile. Twilight stared at him and felt all the blood rush to her face.

“Ok, thank you Keen,” she said faintly as she looked into his goggles she saw something. It was very faint, almost unnoticeable but she could see a pair of ruby eyes looking back at her. She couldn’t see too well because it was so tinted, but she could see red eyes. Applejack and Rainbow Dash quietly snickered to themselves as they watched Twilight looking into his goggles.. Keen let go and walked over to the counter.

“You all did good, you may go home now, I will close up the shop,” Keen explained as he blew out the first candle. Applejack and Rainbow Dash already had their uniforms put away as they started to walk out the door.

“Yo Twilight, we are gonna head out to Rarity’s for a bit, meet us up ok?” Rainbow Dash called out. Twilight waved them out as she headed towards the back room to change and grab her stuff.

“Alright, see you there,” she replied. She went into the back and heard her friends go on ahead to Rarity’s place. While she wa back there she took off her uniform and getting her saddle ready. she heard the door open and close and someone approaching. When she turned around to see who it was, she saw Keen with an odd look. “Keen? What are you-” she started. Keen put a hoof in her mouth.

“Shhh,” he whispered. Twilight was confused as she felt her face getting red again. Keen removed his hoof from her move as he looked down at her, only a few inches away. “What did you and Zecora talk about?” he asked firmly. He was acting much different as she felt her face getting red, but it felt different from before, like as if it was a different reason for it.

“Umm, well. . . W-we, I-I-I mean I was asking about y-you,” Twilight asked, panicking. Keen leaned forward, pinning Twilight to the wall behind her, inches away from her face. Her face felt like it was going to burst into flames at any moment, getting scared but slightly aroused at the sametime.

“Really, what did you ask her then?” Keen asked in a whisper smoothly into her ear.Twilight’s ears went straight down as she struggled to break free from his grip but not trying very hard. If she wanted to she could just simply teleport away but she just couldn’t make her body listen.

“I-I-I j-just asked her i-if she could t-t-tell me anything about y-you,” she stuttered, trying to get her emotions under control. Keen leaned in, only an inch away from her lips.

“And what did she tell you?” he whispered so quietly that Twilight almost didn’t hear as he was breathing down her neck.

“N-n-nothing, just one of her usual r-r-riddles, saying she c-can’t s-s-say anything a-about you,” Twilight tried to explain. Keen pressed his body onto hers for a split second as he lightly nipped at her neck, her body flaring up as he did. She felt herself relax a little as he let go. He looked into her eyes as he finally let go of her.

“I believe you then, you can go. Also, can you do me a favor Twilight?” Keen asked politely. Twilight tried to stand but she fell as her legs were too wobbly at the moment, but she looked up as she looked up at him, dazzed and light headed.

“O-of course, w-what is it?” she asked nervously.

“Do not tell anyone else about this. Keep this as our little secret. I’ll explain why tomorrow night, ok? Can you promise me not to tell the other two girls?” he asked with a kind but seductive smile. “Also, if you liked that, I may present to you a little ‘bonus’ pay when no one is around. Either way, come talk to me tomorrow night,” he added. Twilight found her strength as she slowly got up and looked at him with a love struck and confused stare on her face.

“You mean Applejack and Rainbow Dash? Of course, Mr. Keen. I understand,” Twilight agreed as she slowly made her way out.

“Here, I shall show you out miss Twilight,” Keen offered as he opened the door. While heading for the front door, Keen looked back cautiously behind him, scanning the room. Twilight noticed this, as she felt her blood return to her body.

"Are you ok?" she asked nervously. Keen quickly looked back.

“Oh yes, I am fine, now hurry on home and please be safe,” he instructed. Twilight nodded and started walking out through the doors.”And remember, do not tell anyone about our little, fun, ok? We will talk about it tomorrow, I promise,” he added in a pleading tone, her face turned red again as she thought about what just happened.

“I-I promise,” Twilight called back, trying to calm herself down again as she headed for Rarity’s house. Keen stood there smiling as he started walking around back, smirking to himself as he did so. Keen opened the door from the basement and looked around the store.

“How odd, I could have sworn that I heard Twilight talking to someone up here. Hmph, I must have been hearing things. I guess it is time to lock up then,” Keen said to himself. He blew out the remaining candles and locked up the front doors. Doing a quick check he went up the stairs back up to his room. Around the back of the store by a tall tree, Keen walked towards it, making sure no one was around.

“Did, anypony see you?” a voice asked from the tree. Keen looked up and smirked, kneeling down before the tree.

“No your highness. I made sure no one saw me,” Keen explained. He took off his goggles and smiled his eyes turned green and his horn grow longer and curvier with holes in it. He grew taller and bulkier and his legs showed holes and insect wings sprung out of his back.

“Good work. You never disappoint me, Saber. Now tell me, what are their names?” the mysteries figure asked from the tree, looking down at the changling.

“The orange one’s name is Applejack and the other one is a pegasus is named Rainbow Dash. I watched them for a while from outside to confirm the names,” Saber explained, never looking up from his kneeling position. The figure chuckled as two more changlings of the same size as Saber ran up to the tree quietly and knelt down as well.

“Stain and Dagger, reporting in my lord,” the first one said.

“So, what happened?” the shadowed figure asked.

“Just like you instructed us, we let him win. Our ranged attacks did nothing to him. We aimed dead on and we still missed. Our attacks curved away at the last second,” Stain explained with a light almost squeaky voice.

“When we engaged in close quarters, we experienced severe dizziness and it felt like our brains were vibrating from the inside of our heads, as well as our organs in our body. Also, I sensed something the whole time, my heart was pumping wildly. I couldn’t think all that well. Also my blood was rushing around my face, ” Dagger explained, sounding a bit heftier and sturdier.

“Excellent, good work everyone. Now it is time to put everything together. I have heard that ‘she’ is on her way to Ponyville with Alpha Company escorting her,” the shadowed figure explained. Stain looked up.

“The princess? Why is she coming here of all places?” he asked confused.

“She has heard a rumor that Keen Eye is here and is on her way. She comes from Surge City, so it will take three days to get here. We must move ahead of schedule and perform Operation: Cloak and Dagger tomorrow night,” the shadowed figure explained to the three confused changlings while Saber chuckled to himself.

“Nice timing then, but my lord, why is Alpha Company with her? I thought they were a war group, not an escort service?” Saber asked puzzled.

“Because she needed to travel in enemy territory to get here. Now enough about the princess. Stain, I need to you prepare the dungeon. We have four guests coming over for the night tomorrow,” the figure explained calmly. The changling got up and bowed to the figure.

“Yes my lord!” he exclaimed and then teleported away.

“Saber, I need you to make sure our escape route is clear and ready for us for when we get there, understand?” the figure ordered. Saber got up and bowed before him.

“Yes my lord, it will be done,” he said and then teleported away like the one before him.

“And lastly, Dagger. I need you to make the final changes for the sheath ward. Make sure it is ready to hold of alicorn magic by tomorrow, or else things will get ugly,” the figure explained. Dagger got up and bowed like the others did.

“Of course my lord, I shall make the last few calculations as you command,” he stated as he teleported away. The hidden figure stared back at Keen’s open window with a hatred glare from his green eyes.

“I have waited years for this day. To see your body lie dead before my hooves. I hope you are prepared for the darkness, for you will be begging for death when I show it to you yet again. Tomorrow night, will be your last,” he said to himself as he stared off.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity sat around a table sipping some tea and talking about the store. “You should stop by sometime. It is so awesome!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed excitedly. Rarity smiled as she sipped her tea.

“So where has Fluttershy been these past few days? I miss her,” Twilight asked concerned.

“She is in Cloudsdale for the week. She said something about an old friend of hers coming to meet up with her or something,” Rainbow Dash explained blankly.

“Yup, thats what I heard too, I hope she brings them to Ponyville, cuss I wanna meet them too and welcome them to Ponyville!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, agreeing with Rainbow Dash.

“Rainbow Dash, I must agree. I only worked with him for a short while, but I must say, he is so dreamy!” Rarity exclaimed as she fluttered her eyes, dazing off. Applejack chuckled to herself as she glanced at Rarity.

“So ah reckon you like him Rarity?” she asked playfully. Rarity snapped back to reality as she pouted at Applejack.

“Well, I am not afraid to admit it, yes I do. He is observant, smooth, polite and well mannered, well groomed, smart, and absolutely charming. I must say almost everything about him is a true gentle colt of my dreams. My prince charming,” Rarity sighed away as she returned to her day dream, giggling like a little school filly. Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but laugh.

“So what, are you gonna marry him or something?” she asked, messing around with her.Rarity looked at her with a coy smile.

“Well if he asked, I wouldn’t refuse. I am surprised that you girls haven’t made a move on him yet,” she stated. Rainbow Dash’s smile disappeared as she glared at her and turned away. Applejack shifted uneasy and Twilight looked at her cup. Rarity looked at her three friends confused. “What is wrong? Was it something I said?” she asked confused and slightly concerned.

“They all like him,” Pinkie Pie blurted out. the three mares turned to her shocked and surprised.

“How did you know?” Twilight asked confused. Pinkie Pie just giggled.

“I didn’t need a hunch to know that, you silly fillies,” she said playfully. Rarity giggled as well.

“It’s true, I could see it when we were all working together when we were opening the shop,” she explained.

“To be honest, I like him to,” Pinkie Pie added. Everyone turned to her surprised.

“Pinkie? You are actually interested in dating?” Rainbow Dash asked shocked.

“Well yea Dashie. I have been. I just didn’t see any pony that looked like fun to date. Lot’s of fun friends, but not dating fun, you know?” the party pony asked her friends. They all looked at each other and all giggled.

“So, we all wish to date Keen Eye then, huh?” Rarity spoke up. They all looked nervously at each other, except Pinkie Pie, and suddenly burst out laughing.

“Wow, we look so pathetic!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Yea, ah mean all of us got the hots for the same stallion. This is as wild as Pinkie Pie in a cupcake factory,” Applejack added, slapping her hoof on the table, laughing as she went. Pinkie Pie turned to her at that comment

“Hey, I was not that bad. I only taste tested a few cupcakes and only got chased out three times,” she explained, making everyone in the room laugh even more. Pinkie Pie glanced over at the counter in the kitchen and saw a single letter. ‘Hey, what’s that?!” Pinkie Pie asked curiously as she darted for the kitchen. They all turned to Pinkie Pie as she read the front of the letter.

“Oh yes, I forgot that I asked Sweetie Belle to bring in the mail. Who is it from?” Rarity asked.

“It says Fluttershy. It says urgent on it,” Pinkie Pie answered back sounding concerned. They all got up and walked over to Pinkie Pie as she opened it and read it out loud. “Dear Rarity, I am at Cloudsdale at the moment but I should be coming back soon. I managed to meet my friend who is staying here for the night. She asked me to send you this flyer to see if you have seen it the pony in the picture anywhere and if so to send a letter back as soon as you can. I’m sorry to make you stop what you are doing to look at it but my friend begged me to send it and I can’t let her down. Love Fluttershy,” Pinkie Pie finished. Rarity took the envelope and looked inside to find a thick piece of parchment. When she turned it over, she gasped as she dropped it to the floor. She took a few steps back as she fell onto her sofa with her right hoof on her forehead.

“Rarity!” Twilight shouted. Rarity jumped off the couch and looked with an embarrassed look on her face.

“Sorry, old habits die hard,” she explained. Twilight rolled her eyes as she picked up the parchment and she gasped as well. She put the parchment on the table for them all to see. It was a wanted poster for a 80,000 bits reward. The pony on the poster is what surprised them all.

“Keen Eye wanted for 80,000 bits alive?! What in tarnation did he do?!” Applejack asked shocked and surprised. Twilight stood there in disbelief as she questioned the posters existence. Suddenly, Keen’s words echoed in her head. ‘Do not judge some pony so quickly’ his words echoed. Twilight thought for a second as the others started wondering about the poster. Twilight looked at the poster again.

“But it doesn’t say what he did to deserve this,” Pinkie Pie pointed out. She was right, it was left blank. Twilight read everything on the wanted poster.

“If found, please report the last seen location of this pony immediately to the castle of Savange in France by the order of Princess Scarlet. France? That is almost on the other side of the world!” Twilight stated as she read the poster. They all were shocked as they read that part over and over again, just to make sure they were reading it right.

“This doesn’t make any sense, what did he do? I mean we have been working with him for awhile now and he seems like such a gentlecolt. There is no way he could hurt some pony!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, flaring her wings in frustration and confusion.

“Somethin ain’t right here, and who is this Scarlet pony? Ah’ve never heard of her,” Applejack asked getting riled up.

“I’m not sure, I will ask Princess Celestia about this tomorrow morning and find out what this is all about,” Twilight declared.

“Whatever is going on, I believe Keen is in trouble and may need our help,” Rarity stated.

“But what should we do about Keen? I mean we have to do something, but what?” Pinkie PIe asked, mostly to herself, thinking out loud. Pinkie Pie smiled and was about to say something.

“No Pinkie, no party!” Rainbow Dash pointed out before she could speak. Pinkie Pie slumped into her seat.Twilight looked out the window and stared at the moon.

“Whatever is going on here, we need to be careful. We can’t be so quick to judge him,” Twilight whispered to herself.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, I worked all day to work on this. I had a lot of this done and I was just finishing it up today. I have been having some really bad writers block lately. Anyway, so what is going on with Keen Eye? A wanted poster out for him, and 80,000 bits at that. Who is this Princess Scarlet? What is this Operation: Cloak and Dagger? When is the next chapter going to come out? Why am I asking you all these questions when I know all the answers already? We shall find out, in the next chapter: Chapter 10: Operation: Cloak and Dagger. I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it and I hope to see you in the future chapters ahead. As always, have a good morning/day/evening :twilightsmile: