• Published 23rd Jul 2013
  • 2,312 Views, 81 Comments

See No Evil - Masked_Frenchman

A unicorn is allowed to keep his secrets and keep his past unknown, right?

  • ...

Chapter 6: Feelings in Bloom

Chapter 6: Feelings in Bloom

Keen Eye took a step back as Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack got closer and closer, their eyes fixed on him with frustration built up in them,"I do not understand, what did I do wrong?" Keen asked in confusion and fear. Twilight stepped forward first, blushing.

"Why didn't you tell me that my friends were working here? I thought I was the only one working here?" Twilight asked with a bit of frustration in here voice with a sign of embarrassment.

"You are an actual employee. They are optional workers. They are helping me put the place together and I am paying them for their troubles," explained Keen in a panic. Rainbow Dash stepped up next.

"So we are optional, huh? Why can't we be real employees?" Rainbow Dash asked a little bit more threatening and more angry than Twilight, her face completely red.

"You girls never asked. I thought you only wanted the temporary work," explained Keen, starting to get more and more nervous as they fired questions at him.

"But you offered me the position when I came in," Twilight stated. Rainbow Dash turned to her.

"You didn't even need to ask?" Rainbow Dash turned back to Keen Eye. "Why didn't she have to ask about it?" she added.

"Please, girls, let's all calm down here, I do not fully understand what I did wrong. I mean the subject never really came up, so I didn't think to say anything. I never thought it would be so bothersome for you girls," Keen tried to explain. Applejack stepped forward.

"Well it would have been nice to have known about somethin' like this," Applejack added in quickly.

"But can you at least tell me why this is so upsetting?" Keen asked politely. All three mares backed away a couple of steps as they looked at the ground, too shy to say anything. "I see, I admit I guess I should have said something, I will remember that for next time if it ever comes to that. For now thou, I am sorry. Do you girls forgive me?" Keen asked innocently, giving a kind smile to them. They looked at each other as if to receive permission from each other. Applejack stepped up first and returned the smile.

"Ah suppose ah over reacted. I'm sorry Keen," Applejack apologized, lowering her head. Twilight stepped up next.

"I think I was in the wrong here as well. I had no right to act the way I did, I don't know what came over me. Can you please forgive me?" Twilight asked. Keen nodded to her with his kind hearted smile and turned to Rainbow Dash, who was kicking a pebble around with her hoof and staring at the ground.

"Well, I- uhh. I guess, I could forgive you, and I guess I could have. . . ummmm, been a little cooler about that. Sorry I guess," Rainbow Dash said hesitantly as her face burned red from blushing. "Ok, there, I said it, now stop staring at me!" she added looking at Keen and quickly looking back at the ground. Keen chuckled to himself as he looked at them all.

"Thank you, so shall we get to work?" Keen asked politely. The three mares looked at the shop and then to Keen, nodding their heads with a smile. "Then let's do this!" Keen exclaimed with motivation. The three girls put their hooves together and looked over at Keen. With a smile, he walked over and joined in on the group, adding his hoof in the circle.

"Then let's work our hardest on this one, together!" Twilight said.

"You can count me in!" Rainbow Dash added in.

"I'm ready if ya'll are ready." Said Applejack.

"Then let's bring this place up, together!" exclaimed Keen with excitement. On that note they threw their hooves in the air with a cry of joy and all went inside. "Ok, Applejack, you can work on the roof like planned, got it?" Keen asked

"Sure thing, sugar cube!" Applejack exclaimed as she started heading outside. Keen turned to Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow Dash, I need you to fly to the nearest hard ware store and buy some paint. I am gonna put a lot of trust in you on this one, so don't blow it, alright?" Keen asked with some authority in his voice.

"You can count on me, boss!" said Rainbow Dash as she gave a crisp and solid salute. She took the money and flew off out the door. Then Keen turned to Twilight.

"Alright Twilight, for right now you can organize the books in what ever order you see fit. I am gonna start bring out some of the other merchandise out and set them up," instructed Keen. Twilight nodded her head with a smile.

"Of course, boss" Twilight said with a giggle on the word boss and she went over to the book shelves. "Oh, by the way, I brought over some books I don't really use anymore, so I brought them over if you want them," Twilight informed.

"That is awfully sweet of you, thank you. Just place them with the rest of the books, I will look at them later," Keen instructed kindly. Twilight nodded her head and went over to the book shelves. Keen smiled at them working hard as he went down stairs. Once in there he looked around some boxes and noticed something odd was out of place. "Something is missing, but what?" Keen asked himself. He looked everything over a couple of times and noticed a certain box was gone. "My personal box, I left it siting here next to the boxes of books that needed to be placed in the shelves, were did it go?" Keen asked himself again. He opened one of them and found it was full of books. "that's odd, why is there a box- oh no!" Keen exclaimed in fear. He ran upstairs as fast as he could.

"There we go, one box left!" Twilight exclaimed in excitement as she opened the last box. the first book had no words on it, no picture, nothing but a blank hard cover. When she looked into the box she found what looked like picture frames and other smaller boxes and books inside. "What is all of this stuff?" Twilight asked herself. She picked up the book with her magic and started to open it.

"NOOOO!!!!!" Keen yelled out. Twilight turned to him fast enough to see him dive for the book, grabbed it in mid air, and fell onto the floor, sliding till he hit the wall, protecting the book in his hooves wearing an expression of complete fear on his face. After Keen caught his breath he looked up at Twilight and his face started to flush a little.

"Ummm, Keen, are you ok? Is something wrong?" Twilight asked confused and concerned. Keen nodded his head and smiled.

"Yes, I am fine. This is my photo album. Lot's of embarrassing pictures no pony should ever have to look at. I mixed up two boxes down stairs and I brought the wrong one up. So I am sorry for the scene," Keen explained as he finally caught up with his breath.

"Are you ok Keen? It seems a little more than that," Twilight asked cautiously. Keen nodded as he got up to dust himself off.

"It is fine. It's just that if anyone saw these pictures, I do not think I could show myself to the world for weeks," Keen explained with a chuckle at the end and he looked back up to Twilight. "Relax, it is nothing to worry about, I promise," he assured her. Twilight looked at him for a bit longer as she finally nodded her head.

"Ok, I'm sorry for it then. I didn't mean to get you so worked up," Twilight apologized to Keen. He smiled and shook his head.

"It is fine. You didn't know anything. Now let me go get the other box for you," Keen offered as he headed back downstairs, carrying his personal box with his magic. Twilight waited at the top of the stairs for him and grabbed the box for him while he was carrying the box.

"I got it, Keen," said Twilight as she walked over to the shelves she was working on. "I just thought of something. Should I be calling you Mr. Eye or Mr Keen, Or maybe I should call you Mr. Keen Eye or boss, or am I supposed to call you-" Twilight started saying quickly before Keen put his hoof to her mouth to make her stop.

"Call me what ever you wish miss Twilight. I am more than sure that what ever you call me, I will be more than happy to receive the title," Keen explained in a dreamy voice. Twilight felt her heart melt right out of her body as she stared into his goggles. "Such a mystery, such an amazing voice, such a gentlecolt. My heart is pounding in my chest!' Twilight thought to herself. Keen took away his hoof from her mouth and smiled. "So please ma'am, do not worry about about it, sometimes you must slow the world down in order to take in the view, speed it up and you will miss it," Keen explained with a different tone in his voice. Twilight couldn't figure it out what that extra tone was. Sadness? Loneliness? Content? She just couldn't put her hoof on it. Applejack watched them for a moment longer before saying something.

"Hey Keen, I need a hammer," Applejack called over, slightly annoyed. Keen looked over to her with a smile.

"Of course, sorry about that. I will get the tool box right now," Keen replied as he went behind the counter and pulled out a blue tool box and brought it over to Applejack. "Here you go miss Applejack," he said politely. Applejack took the box into her mouth blushing and nodded her head.

"`Hanks `Een," Applejack said with her mouth full and ran back out. Rainbow Dash came back in with 8 paint cans tied around herself and she landed softly right out side of the door.

"Hey boss, I'm back!" Rainbow Dash called out. Keen met her outside, leaving Twilight to organize the books.

"Very nice, you are a very loyal worker, aren't you?" Keen asked playfully, helping Rainbow Dash untie the paint cans.

"well, yea, you can always count on me!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash. Applejack chuckled to herself.

"Well it is her element, so ah hope she is," said Applejack as she hammered away. Keen turned to her.

"Her element? What do you mean by that?" Keen asked confused.

"Well, Rainbow Dash is one of the elements of harmony, the element of loyalty," Applejack explained. Keen looked at her in disbelief and then teleported to Rainbow Dash, wearing a face of excitement.

"Oh my sweet Celestia, is it true Rainbow Dash?! Are you the legendary element of loyalty?!" Keen asked excited. Rainbow Dash's face burned red as she looked at Keen.

"Umm, yea, yes I am. Why?" Rainbow Dash replied.

"Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh, I can't believe this! I never thought in a thousand life times would I ever meet you in person, and your working for me! When I lived back at the castle, you were my idol! This is a dream come true!" Keen exclaimed as he hugged Rainbow Dash. Her whole face was blood red and her heart started pounding through her chest. Each pump was like an explosion in her chest. 'Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh, he's hugging me!!!' Rainbow Dash thought to herself as she started to feel light headed. Keen let go of her with a concerned look on his face. "Are you ok Rainbow Dash, your body is burning up, and your heart is racing," Keen asked as he placed a hoof to her fore head.

"Y-y-yea, I'm f-f-fine. I-I just flew here p-p-pretty f-fast, yea. So i'm a l-little w-w-worn out," Rainbow Dash struggled to say. Keen looked at her concerned but shrugged it off, believing her.

"Well, if you say so, take a seat then till you catch your breath, your stuttering like crazy from exhaustion," Keen instructed, which she did. Keen started to head back inside. "When you are ready, I need you to set up some flyers around town, I'll leave the stack by the door for you with some water, try to take it easy ok?" Keen asked as he turned to her with a smile and went inside.

"Wow, he knows how to make a mare's heart explode twice," Rainbow Dash whispered to herself. She suddenly heard Applejack laughing from the roof. She glared at her. "What are you laughing about?!" she asked defensively. Applejack simply looked back at her with a coy smile.

"Well what's wrong Rainbow? Feeling a little under the weather, are we?" Applejack teased. Rainbow Dash turned away from her stare.

"I'm fine, I just didn't expect that from him. He took me by surprise is all," she said annoyed. Applejack giggled to herself a bit more and turned back to her work. A by the end of the day, Keen put together the last test dummy and set them all up in the sparing room. Wiping the sweat from his brow, Keen looked around at the work he managed to do.

"Test dummies, check. Nature elements-" looked around at the pool of water, fire place, pebbles and boulders. "-check. Safety gear, check. First aid station, check. I think that is everything. This room is complete. Now let's go check on the girls," Keen said to himself as he closed up the room and walked down the hallway. Once he turned the corner into the main store, he saw everything was perfectly organized. All the aisles were perfectly spaced for two ponies to go down side by side. All of his merchandise was already in the correct aisle and neatly and tidy. It was as if he went away for a few months and came back to someone else running his store. "What is all of this?" Keen asked surprised. Twilight poked her head from the other side of the store and shortly after Rainbow Dash followed suit.

"Oh, hey boss. Great timing, we are almost done painting!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash. Keen looked confused for a moment and looked around.

"Painting?" he whispered to himself. The walls were mythic purple and dark pink zig-zag stripped. Keen focused on the walls, his horn glowing. Rainbow Dash already ducked down to continue painting. Twilight watched Keen for a moment longer.

"Are you ok Keen?" she asked worried. Keen turned back to Twilight and smiled, his horn stopped glowing.

"Yes, sorry, I was trying to use a memory spell on myself. I feel as if I have forgotten something," Keen explained quickly. Twilight smiled back.

"Oh, ok then. Anyway, Applejack is done as well, finished right before you came in, she hurt herself though and is in the bathroom," Twilight explained. Keen nodded.

"Thank you for telling me, I will see if she needs any assistance then," Keen replied back as he headed over to the bathroom. Applejack was fumbling around with the bandaging as she tried to aim it towards her upper leg.

"Come on ya stupid tap. Go were ah tell ya to!" Applejack said to herself agitated. There was a knock on the door. "Ahm good, come in," Applejack replied. The door opened and Applejack saw in the reflection of the mirror that it was Keen as he closed the door behind him. She turned around and he was staring right at her with a serious look on his face. "Uh, Keen. What are ya doing here?" she asked confused and worried. Keen picked up her hoof and looked up to the wound. It appeared that she cut herself on one of the tiles. By the looks of it, it got her good.

"Sit down," Keen instructed. Applejack did just that. Keen pulled out the first aid kit box and opened it, pulling out rubbing alcohol and a cloth. putting some of the cloth and placing it on her wound, which stung at the touch, he pulled out the bandaging and started patching it up, all while using his magic and wearing a stern look on his face.

"How do you know all of this?" Applejack asked as she watched him work. It was like every little movement he made was was done billions of times. His movement was fluid and swift. Within minutes, her injury no longer hurt and was completely covered up. Once done, Keen then looked up at her and smiled.

"Sorry, I had to focus. Medical magic is not my best suite," Keen explained.

"Well ya sure could have fooled me then. Ya did great, sugar cube," Applejack complimented. Keen blushed sightly at her comment as he put the box away.

"Well then, let's go back to the others, shall we ma'am?" Keen asked, opening the door for her. She bowed her head and walked through it. Once they got back to the store, they saw Rainbow Dash and Twilight looking around the place at their handy paint job.

"Why I'll be, you girls did a great job at the paintin'. It matches very well I reckon. What do you think Keen?" Applejack asked. Keen looked around with a nervous smile.

"Well, I think it looks amazing. I love it. I can tell you girls worked hard to do this," Keen said politely. Rainbow Dash did a flip in the air in excitement and Twilight looked around the room again, smiling to herself.

"Thank you Keen," replied Twilight.

"Thanks boss, you should have known I would have done an awesome job!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash.

"You all did a wonderful job. This place can now open two days early if needed. So thank you everyone, you really helped me out far more than you girls could know. So I have been thinking, maybe I could hire you all as full time employees. We can work out your pay and time schedules as you wish, so what do you girls say?" Keen asked with a little anticipation. Applejack and Rainbow Dash looked at each other in excitement and turned back to Keen.

"Oh buck yes!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed out loud in excitement.

"That would be mighty fine with me," Applejack said. Twilight looked at her friends excitement and it brought a smile to her face.

"Excellent, tomorrow we will work out all the details. Till then, you girls have the rest of the day off, not that there is much of it left. So go ahead and get ready, I'll get today's pay for you," said Keen with a smile on his face as he headed behind the counter. He pulled out his large bag of bits and three smaller bags as he started counting them up. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight were in the back room getting their stuff together.

"You did a really good job with the roof today Applejack. I noticed it when I came flying in after getting us some grub. You out did yourself," complimented Rainbow Dash. Applejack chuckled.

"Aw shucks, it wasn't that good. The roof was in fair shape anyway. Ah just fixed a few spots and straightn' other's is all ah did," she explained being humble.

"That lunch you brought over thou Rainbow Dash was delicious! Where did you get those burritos?" Twilight asked. Rainbow Dash was splashing some cold water on her face as she turned to face Twilight.

"A new food stand opened up a few days ago. They make food like super quick and it's not that bad. I normally get the bean sprout burrito with extra dandelions and swish cheese. Great way to get some good food while on a lunch break. You should check the place out sometime Twilight," encouraged Rainbow Dash, now putting her saddle on.

"It was some mighty good grub, ah'll give it that. By the way, what do ya'll think of Keen?" Applejack asked innocently. Once those words left her mouth, all three of them started blushing.

"Well, he seems pretty cool. Laid back, polite, cool. I guess I like him," replied Rainbow Dash.

"Well, I guess I am a little found of him. He's smart, kind, and handsome. I think he is a good pony over all," explained Twilight.

"Well, I reckon he is a good honest worker. For a unicorn he's strong, observant, and well mannered. Not many colts raised like that now," Applejack added.

"All though I have to admit, he can be weird sometimes," Rainbow Dash added as she finished setting up her saddle. Twilight and Applejack quickly turned towards her.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked, now all her focus on Rainbow Dash.

"Well, when I first saw him, I offered helping him for a price. But during me talking to him, I got up close to his face and he totally freaked and fell away from me as if he was trying to get away," she explained.

"Well, that is understandable, not a lot of ponies will act calm when approached like that," Twilight explained calmly, turning some attention back to fixing up her saddle.

"Yea, but it happened at the flick of a switch, like as if he didn't know I was in front of him till I got up in his face or something," Rainbow Dash added, making Twilight freeze again.

"That is a little strange I guess," Twilight replied quietly, thinking to herself.

"He acted a bit strange with me too. When ah was working here yesterday, we were sitting down drinkin' some refreshments when he figured me out perfectly be looking at me. He picked up so many little things just to see if ah would perfer lemonade or tea. Ah didn't pick it up at fist but he said something about his eyes aren't that good or somethin' like that, but then he was able to patch me up as if he were a doctor or somethin'," Applejack explained. Twilight took all the information in and organized it in her head.

"Yes, and today I was about to open a book with no label, no title and he dove for it and grabbed it. He said it was just embarrassing pictures but I am not sure. He is definitely keeping secrets, but I just can't put a hoof on him. He sure is mysteries," Twilight thought out loud. They all thought about it all for a moment longer until Twilight shrugged her shoulders. "Ether way, we shouldn't be getting into his personal life too much. If he doesn't want to tell us right now, then it is fine, we will let him tell us when he feels he is ready," she added. Applejack looked to her friend and smiled.

'Ya know what, yer right. We shouldn't try to pry into his life. If he doesn't want to talk about it, ah reckon we should just leave it be," Applejack said in agreement. Rainbow Dash looked towards the main lobby where Keen was counting the bits and turned back to her friends.

"Yea, I guess your right. We shouldn't push him away. I mean, we shouldn't be rude or anything I guess," Rainbow Dash added. With a quick nod they go meet up with Keen who finished counting their bits and placed them into the three seprate bags.

"Hey girls, here is your pays. Hope to see you tomorrow. Have a safe trip back home," Keen said, handing them their bags, with a quick good bye they left for home. Making sure they were gone, Keen blew out all the candles and went over to his sleeping bag. "I need to work on my room tomorrow. Sleeping on the floor is fine but only to a certain extent," Keen said to himself. He walked to the back and grabbed some water from the back. A shadowed figure approached the door while he was in the back.

"How could I forget my ink and quills. I never forget them. I hope Keen doesn't mind. It looks like he is sleeping thou," Twilight said quietly to herself. She tried to open the door and found it unlocked. "That's odd, I think he forgot to lock up before heading to bed, I better do that for him before I left," she said to herself. She quietly entered and went into the back room. "It's pitch black in here, I can't see anything," she whispered to herself as she fumbled around. "I hope he doesn't catch me and think that I am breaking in to steal something".

"No, I didn't think that at all," said a voice from the darkness. Twilight jumped a mile high from the voice and fell down on Celestia knows what, making some slam and clang on top something else many times. Twilight tried to focuse her eyes but still couldn't see anything. "Are you ok miss Twilight?" the voice asked, this time, sounding very familiar.

"Keen?" Twilight asked puzzled. She lit up her horn and saw him staring down at her confused and concerned. "I thought you went asleep, why is it so dark in here?" Twilight asked. Keen offered a hoof for her which she accepted. once on her hooves, she saw she fell onto some cleaning supplies.

"Every night, I turn off the lights to save candles," Keen explained.

"How can you see in here?" Twilight asked puzzled. Keen smiled as he turned around and headed back to the lobby, signaling her to follow. She followed him around, lighting her way with her horn.

"I learned a spell long ago. I started learning it because my teacher at the time believed it may be useful at some point in time. At first I thought it be pointless. But then I found a use, so I focused and mastered it. Now it takes little to no magic for me to use it. The spell sounds out a small sound wave so faint only certain animals can hear it. The sound waves bounce around and come back to me and tell me all of my surroundings. I can see with out seeing sort of speak," Keen explained. Twilight stared at him completely amazed and astonished.

"Just like a bat. It's your very own sonar. With a spell like this, you could save up money on candles. Easily saving over 50% of your bits on candles since you don't depend on it," twilight said impressed. Keen chuckled to himself.

"I haven't bought candles in 6 years. I have had these very candles since," he explained while chuckling. Twilight looked around, they were a bit low, but to make them last that long is incredible.

"Wow, that is amazing!" exclaimed Twilight shocked. Keen handed her a small plastic bag.

"I believe these are yours, am I wrong?" Keen asked. Twilight looked into the bag and saw her ink and quills.

"Oh, thank you, I forgot these here," she replied as she placed them into her saddle. Keen smiled to her.

"Of course, no if you do not mind miss Twilight, I must retair for the night," Keen said politely. Twilight nodded her head and started to head out the door.

"Of course, I'll see you tomorrow," she called back as she left, locking the door behind her.

"Such a sweet mare, and I dare say, just is very attractive as well. Twilight is wise and intelligent, Applejack is such a hard and honest worker, and Rainbow Dash is full of energy and very amusing. I have a nice little team here now don't I?" Keen said to himself, ending with a chuckle. "Now, time for bed," he added. Keen went to his sleeping bag and laid down into it. Taking a deep breath and releasing it before allowing his body to completely relax and fall into slumber.

(This next part may get a little weird, so I am gonna use their initials, just imagine screen shots and the screen keeps switching between them, experimentation is all)

(AJ) "Oh my, such a hard day, but it was worth every bit"

(TS) "But what really made this day"

(AJ) "Was seeing him again"

(RD) "But Twilight,"

(TS) "Applejack,"

(AJ) "And Rainbow Dash like Keen Eye too"

(RD) "There is no denying it"

(TS) "I love him, But there is no way"

(RD) "That he returns the same feelings"

(AJ) "But for now"

(TS) "I don't want to loose my friends over a crush"

(RD) "So I'll keep my feelings to myself"

(AJ) "For now"

(TS)(RD)(AJ) "I just hope I can hide these feelings for now"

Author's Note:

Since this series is an experiment, I decided to do some experimental writing. So for now just one thing is up, if you do not like it, tell me and I will find a different way how to do it or just ditch it in general. I always stride to become a better writer. I will listen to everything and anything, so message me or comment if you have ideas or do not like something I did, this whole series is just an experiment to see if I can write this style of stories. So tell me how I am doing, I look forward to talking to my fans :twilightsmile: (If I am allowed to call you guys that, if it is ok with you I mean) So I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing this. I hope to see you in the future chapters, have a good morning/day/evening ^_^