• Published 23rd Jul 2013
  • 2,309 Views, 81 Comments

See No Evil - Masked_Frenchman

A unicorn is allowed to keep his secrets and keep his past unknown, right?

  • ...

(Aftermath) Last and Final Chapter

(I know I said that the last chapter was the final, but I thought for a moment and thought that I should post a little something for those few who might have been wondering what happened afterwards. A short little chapter just explaining what happened after the last chapter. Not much music this time, I wonder if any of you are actually listening to the music while reading, if it helps let me know, I love feed back :twilightsmile: Kiss me-Trance [not sure who the youtuber is again, but it has a crap load of views] and 'Heartbeat' by Stereo Skyline. I thought the last song would be fitting for the credits. I hope you enjoy this last and final chapter, :twilightsmile: )

Chapter 12: The Story Ends

Two years later Keen woke up with the sun in his eyes. He no longer wore his goggles for there was no longer a need. He started to get up to stretch but suddenly felt a pair of hooves grab a hold of him and brought him back to the bed. Keen was shocked for a moment but knew who they belonged to. “Good morning, my love,” greeted a beautiful voice from Keen’s bed. He smiled as he closed his eyes, rubbing the side of his face with her chest.

“Good morning, my Princess Scarlet,” he replied playfully. He opened his eyes to look into her, even though he knew he was blind. Scarlet giggled as his eyes looked for her.

“I thought I told you not to call me that. It is Scarlet Eye now, remember?” she said back, rubbing her wedding band to the side of his face. He chuckled as he leaned down and kissed her passionately.

“That is true, I will try to remember that,” he whispered between kisses. She smiled as she playfully leaned away.

“Shouldn’t you be going to work now?” she asked, nudging him with her muzzle. Keen sighed as he got up and stretched.

“I guess you’re right. Come down when you are ready. Before I go, may I have a glance?” he asked kindly. Scarlet looked away from him shyly as her face flushed ever so slightly.

“I haven’t even groomed my mane yet, and I didn’t shower last night, I’m a mess,” she pleaded. Keen walked over to her slowly as he felt around for her. Once his hooves found her cheeks, he held them gently as he tried to match his eye’s to her face.

“No matter what Scarlet, you will always be beautiful, I just like to be reminded what I work for once in awhile,” he said teasingly as he held her. Scarlet sighed slightly annoyed.

“You are the only pony I know that can make such corny lines work so well on me,” She said as she got up on all fours and led Keen to a mirror. They stood in front of it as Scarlet’s horn began to glow, touching Keen’s forehead as she kept her gaze at him. Keen closed his eyes as he saw it. He saw him and his wife standing in front of the mirror. Her mane was a mess and many strands of it covered her face as if she was trying to hide.

“Can you move your mane out of your eyes, I wish to see all of your beauty?” he asked pleadingly. She sighed and did just that, blushing as she did. He smiled as he saw all that she was, standing in front of the mirror with him. He turned his head back and kissed her one last time as she finished the spell. “Thank you, my love. sixty-three seconds this time, new record!” He exclaimed as he equipped his walking stick and put on his his uniform. She smiled at him with bedroom eyes.

“I always loved a stallion in uniform,” she hinted playfully.

“Who’s using corny lines now?” he replied back with an equally as playful tone. he glanced back at her with a kind smile. “Off to work, see you in a bit,” he called back as he headed for the door, tapping his walking stick as he went. He went downstairs slowly, making sure not to fall. Twilight and Rainbow Dash were already downstairs, working the store. They heard the tapping and turned to him, smiling kindly towards him.

“Good morning, Mr. Keen,” Twilight greeted politely.

“Morning boss,” Rainbow Dash greeted as well, yawning.

“Good morning indeed girls. It is a beautiful, sunny morning today!” Keen exclaimed happily. Twilight giggled as Rainbow Dash looked at him confused.

“But boss, you’re blind. How can you tell it is sunny outside?” she asked puzzled.

“When I woke up, I felt the heat rays on my face,” he explained cheerfully as he tapped his way to the counter, starting to go astray.

“Over here, Mr. Keen,” Twilight called over. Keen turned towards her voice and came to the counter.

“Thank you Twilight,” he said embarrassed. Twilight giggled as she left the cash register as that Keen can walk in.

“Of course, we are here to help you,” Twilight replied with a kind smile. Keen chuckled as he made his way behind the counter, staring off into the store, listening to all the customers looking through his merchandise.

“I will be in the lock up then. We are starting to run low on supplies and I guess I should go and take notes,” Rainbow Dash called out, making her way to the basement. A more graceful set of hoof steps approached Keen from the back room.

“I’ll come with you. You aren’t the very best when it comes to inventory check up,” Twilight replied, following her pegasus friend.

“Will you acquire any assistance, Mr. Eye?” a friendly voice asked who was now next to Keen. He chuckled as he turned to the direction of the polite voice.

“Well, if you don’t mind Fire Hoof, I am expecting a shipment order coming in from the back, can you be outside and bring the supplies in when it arrives?” Keen asked kindly. The pony in question bowed slightly out of respect.

“Of course, sir. I shall attend to the matter personally,” he answered back. He turned around and went to his post.

Keen chuckled listening to everyone as he looked forward to the customers with a blissful expression on his face. ‘It has been two years since the day I lost my horn, two years since Capeskin tried to kill me, two years since my life truly started. Ever since Princess Scarlet found me, my life has gotten only better as the days have passed. We ended up getting married. The day I asked for her hoof in marriage was the happiest day of my life. Her father attended of course, he strongly advised a royal wedding but she only wanted a small wedding, inviting only her father and my friends, as well as her friend Fluttershy. The wedding went amazingly but Scarlet seemed annoyed with her father for bringing too many gifts for them. I thought it wasn’t that bad till she used the mind image spell to show me the leaning tower of presents that King Crimson brought. That was a shocker.

‘The store was fully repaired to it’s former glory and Scarlet even added a few things. She made it bigger and added an extra room for shipping and orders. She gave up her title of being a princess just to be with me. I still tease her a bit by calling her Princess Scarlet. Sometimes she giggles, sometimes she asks me not to do it again, but I still do it. She has been helping out the store as well, doing random things here and there, sweeping, cleaning, organizing special deals and new ideas for the store with Twilight. The shop has made it big. Almost every pony in Equestria has heard of it and half of them travel just to shop here. Rated number three magical supplies store in all of Equestria. I am really proud of my store.

‘Scarlet had a hard time hearing about Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack falling in love with me while she was looking for me. She hid it well, but even without my eyes I could still see that it really bothered her. They are back to normal now. They figured out that they weren’t really in love with me and we started to become friends. Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy visit from time to time to say hi and check to see how the store is doing. Rarity still flirts with me once in a rare while as a playful joke, which Scarlet is not all too amused about. They still work for me and help me out with the store and helped me adjust to my rediscovered blindness.

‘As for my blindness, I have learned to adjust to it. It took me several months to finally be able to let go of the idea, but I have gotten use to it. Life in general has been very pleasant. Scarlet and I have been living together since the event and I believe that we are doing blissfully. We get into small fights now and then, like last week we were fighting over who was gonna make dinner. That was interesting’ Keen thought to himself, entering a flash back.

“Let me make dinner, you shouldn’t try such things while you can not see,” Scarlet stated.

“Just because I am blind, doesn’t mean that I am useless,” Keen replied back, slightly agitated.

“Look, you are not useless, I just do not want you to hurt yourself. Please let me make dinner. I am the wife and it is my job to take care of you!” Scarlet pointed out in a pleading manner. Keen ended his flash back with a chuckle. ‘Yea, she always gets her way.

‘Capeskin has finally changed. I heard his punishment wasn’t too merciful, but I heard he has finally given up on vengeance. He cleaned up his act nicely and is actually set up to marry a changeling princess, finally making him a king, and for once, his father is proud of him. He is trying to make it up to me by visiting once a year, apologizing for an hour at some point in our time together, never alone of course. Scarlet watches him like a hawk every time. He learned to write in braille just to send me letters and tell me how he is doing. I will never forgive him, but maybe someday I can learn to move on and maybe we can start over, not anytime soon, but maybe in the future.

‘Scarlet and I are at the point in our marriage where we are talking about starting a family. I learned from the doctors that since my blindness is due to the curse mark, it will not pass down to the newborn, which is good to hear. We have made love during our time together, that is inevitable. She has always wanted to start a family with the right stallion, which even though I think she may be able to do better than me, I am glad that she chose me for the part. For she is the mare of my life.

“The cutie mark crusaders visits and helps out with a few small tasks. Nothing big, just things like spreading out fliers and sweeping up the shop after hours and setting up decorations for special events. Scarlet’s butler Fire Hoof has decided to move to Ponyville with us to further serve Scarlet and has now considered me part of the family. He is really noble and very kind, always helping out even when not asked to. Master Zecora visits often as well, checking up on me. She always says that she is happy to see that I have found true happiness in my life. She is always looks out for me whenever she can. I can honestly say that I am very content and happy with my life. It is peaceful and full of bliss. I have a growing and thriving business, a beautiful wife who loves me and takes wonderful care of me, amazing friends, I live in a kind community, and have a place I can finally call home. What more can I pony ask for?’ Keen narrated happily to himself, lost in thought and smiling like a fool.

“Howdy partner, how’s the shop comin along today?” Applejack asked, entering the store. Keen snapped back into reality and smiled in her general direction.

“Things are going very nicely. A beautiful day today with a nice start. I am glad to see you so early. What about your chores back at home?” Keen asked concerned. Applejack chuckled to herself.

“Applebloom and ah had a bet to see who could buck the most apples in one pickin. Needless to say, ah won. So she has mah chores and ah have her’s,” she explained, heading into to the back room. Keen chuckled as she left to change. He heard a familiar set of hoof steps coming up from behind him as he felt a pair of gentle hooves wrap around him.

“Hello my dear,” Scarlet whispered as she kissed Keen’s neck. He shivered at the surprised forwardness of his lover. He turned to her and smiled.

“My love, I didn’t expect that,” he stated with a charming smile, kissing her in return. Scarlet giggled as she stared into his ruby eyes.

“I bet you won’t be expecting this as well,” she whispered cheerfully. Keen raised an eyebrow, expecting another kiss or a touch of some sort when instead she gave him a gentle but firm hug. ‘Well, not what I expected alright,’ Keen playfully thought to himself. Scarlet leaned into him until she was right at his ear.

“I’m pregnant,” she whispered. Keen froze there as if time just suddenly halted all around him. She let go of him to see his reaction. He stood there, looking for her with his face frozen in shock for a few moments till a smile spread across his face. “And with recent news, I have a little one on the way’ he thought to himself as he picked her up and spun her around as he cried out in joy in the middle of the store.

THE END (For Real This Time)


The story was completely thought up of by Masked_Frenchman with a few pointers from Randomguy8783.

Music listened to from Youtube

Original Writer: Masked_Frenchman

Special Thanks:
insanitys rules
Galloping Luna

and of course last but not least, you guys!

Thank you everyone for my best run so far, glad you guys gave this series a chance and made it my number one top story in my collection. I ask of you to check out the rest. They aren't as good but as time goes on, I slowly get better for you, and so the stories will get better as well.

Author's Note:

This was a great run. I actually had a lot of fun writing this series. I hope you guys enjoyed the series as much as I enjoyed writing it (but I doubt it rainbowwild: ) This was originally just about experimenting new writing styles, but sadly no one commented on anything except the fact that the series was good, so that kinda sucked ::fluttershysad: I wrote the series to be criticized. I am glad that I at least made a lot of people have something decent to read, I am glad I at least was able to do that for you guys. I decided just because I am on vacation, that doesn't mean that I can't write, so instead of not writing at all, I have decided that I am just gonna take my time with writing while I am playing my new game (by the way, the new Grand Theft Auto V is freaking awesome :raritystarry: totally worth the buy!) So thank you for joining me on this journey and for the very few who helped me with this, thank you so very very much, you guys know who you are, hopefully :derpytongue2: I hope you enjoyed this series as much as I enjoyed writing it for you all. I hope to see you in the future stories. A little more interaction would be lovely, but it is alright. I hope each and everyone of you has a wonderful morning/day/evening :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 25 )

3227758 THANK YOU! This is what I have been begging for for so long. . . THANK YOU!!!! If you don't mind, can you spread your wonderful criticism though out my stories, that would be completely amazing, thank you for finally talking about my story like this, means a lot to me, also sentence structure guidance would be great too, I'm sorry, I am so pumped that some one is finally saying more than just "great series" and "Love it" I love you right now (no homo) I hope you were still able to enjoy the story either way and thank you for your criticism :twilightsmile:

3228096 nice chapter for no music, aswel no homo would be more like no man because homo means man but homosexuality means love of man or gay as some people call it

3237444 An old saying that I grew up around, sorry. What do you mean nice chapter for no music? I am fairly sure that I listed the songs that I listened to while writing the chapter :rainbowhuh:

I love happy endings! :twilightsmile: it is good to see that everything ended up working out for Keen Eye. It sucks to see it end, it was so good! But it was a really good read either way. You should continue it, like tell us where Keen Eye has been through out the years and everything he has been through, that would be really cool :twilightsmile: still, I'm glad to have read this series and it was neat to have those credits there, still a few mistakes but you have gotten alot better :twilightsmile:

3265746 I am glad you enjoyed this series, I really am. This series wasn't supposed to get any good but it just kinda did. I am surprised to see some one so actively commenting on the chapters, almost no one does, if they do it is three words long. So thank you for being so interactive. :twilightsmile:


You gotta make a sequel!

3407510 How does One make a sequel to this? :rainbowhuh:


I don't know maybe continue with keen Eye and Scarlet waiting for their baby to be born.


I don't know maybe continue with Keen Eye and Scarlet waiting for their baby to be born.

3453487 I am not sure I have enough matirial to work with for a sequel. This was an experimental series that went unexpectingly well :rainbowderp:


Well lots of viewers like it so making a sequel will make them like it more.

3457607 but only if I can make it as good as the original or better. But All I have from it is Keen Eye and Scarlet have a foal/filly, that's about it, maybe a little review of the store, but nothing to really make another series on, to be honest this wasn't even supposed to be good, I just wanted to try different writing styles for future stories, just like this new one, Pony of Death, that I am writing that is doing so well, and I still don't understand why, when ever I think a story series is gonna be good, it get's hated, when ever I think a story will do badly, it becomes number one. . . . :facehoof:


Maybe make a story about a Stallion overthrowing Scarlets father and kindom. and maybe the main cahracters and take bakc the kingdom.

3457635 To change from drama, mystery and some fighting to war based would be a very drastic change. I ended this because I believe it can not be completed any further. To make you and anyone else who feels the same as you, I have simular stories in the works, it is just I have been gone for so long I can not write anymore, temperary I am sure, or hope I should say :fluttershysad:


Well at least think about it.

3457697 I think it is not possible, but to a veiwer, I can at least promise that I will give it some thought, serious thought. I can not promise anything but I will do what I can. I am curious, why do you like this series so much? If I can't continue it I can at least make a new story with the same principles and basic structure like this story


All right thanks

bad spelling :pinkiesick: good story :eeyup:

3601003 this was an experimental story, and my spelling is very poor, but I am a writer in training, I hope you were able to enjoy the story either way though :twilightsmile:

3635489 yes very enjoyable

and now cute faces :derpytongue2: :fluttershysad: :rainbowkiss:

3635675 Then I am glad you enjoyed it, my newer stories should be better in the spelling and grammar department, but I plan on fixing up my stories once I have the time

3635693 alright waiting for the next :eeyup:

Haven't read it quite yet but I'm gonna guess. Is he a thaumaturge?:rainbowhuh:

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