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CH.11: Rise of the reaper

~300 - 100 B.D~

The alicornian race despite my efforts has nearly killed itself off leaving only about a hundred per each side. When they weren't killing each other off I was turning them into stone statues. Throughout these two-hundred years I have kept up a pace of defending them from each other to the best of my abilities succeeding in some areas better than others and if it came down to it which often it often did I would end up turning them into stone. They say seeing the death of your fallen comrades numbs you of the pain but that's not true. Experiencing death yourself numbs you to the pain.

I had died more times than I could count in this time. I began to go months even years without a mortal shell simply giving into the flow of being a spirit of death's guidance. Unlike before however I kept up hope for a better future even if it came down the worse of results. I made graves for all who had fallen at the battle fields. At least these fallen forgave each other in the afterlife.

By the end of the fourth century of fighting I finally understood something very important. While gods are all-powerful there is but one power greater than us and that is called willpower. A mortal's wish filled with all the will from the deepest part of his heart is a force no god or goddess can control only guide. These ponies were not influenced by an evil force but instead driven by their own evil motivation to kill each other.

For as long as I have been in the form of the reaper I have had the feeling of chaos inside me. As though It was an old friend now long since known I have come to find that this chaotic feeling is not what would be commonly thought to be evil. Chaos, I have come to know, is more so a being of change, of evolution, of advancement. For while no one wants their nice lives to change, without change life is stagnant. However this feeling that seems to be following me still feels off, as though it is trying to play me for a fool. Whatever it is, It does not seem to appear within the presence of my gems. I have had these for a long time now and still do not seem to understand what is missing from them. For now I keep them with me to ensure my own inner harmony.

Coming onto the fifth century of fighting each side has taken major casualties and have called stalemate for the time being. For me I felt this was a relief and decided to take on a mortal shell again. With my body back I made my way off to the out countries to see what has happened in my absence.

Something of a surprise happened. I was greeted by dignitaries from each races as I entered their countries. Apparently news of the war has been circulating around for the past five hundred years and everyone was especially interested in the news of the earth shaker causing trouble for both sides. I had a time of relief where ever I went but even when everything was going well I had this feeling in the back of my mind that some THING was watching me. As though it knew an event of bad happening was about to occur.

While the Equ nations warred the world around it advanced quite a bit. The griffon nations developed democracy and currently ruled by equal vote councils. The dragon nations or at least the civilized dragon nations have begun doing air trading, transporting goods between countries. The Diamond dogs even though still brutish have managed to construct tools farther along than any creature so far even using precious diamonds to mine through for other gems. The Jungle cats while most still illiterate I saw a few scholars here and there. I found the scene rather adorable having random knee high cats walking around with books on their backs.

On my time out here I felt like it was time to do some research into what the gems I have collected over the millenium could be used for. I searched volume after volume of lore, cross-referenced each manual I could find. There was no known knowledge on what these gems were and seeing as how I did not know of them originally they had to have been made by some other being of intense power, maybe even Gaia herself as a parting gift. I was in need of a new search when a thought crossed my mind. Maybe the magic of the gems are tied to the feelings they give off?

I began my search again looking for whatever ties magic and emotions. I found many a tome on the subject. Most saying that the emotional state of the magical creature can intensify and even magnify it's magical output by ten-fold. Some say that their is an ultimate magic out their tied to the heart that requires certain emotions, where as others say its complete rubbish. In all of the tome that said emotion affected magic said that their was five emotions that were strongest of all, "Giving, Kindness, Humility, Loyalty, and Honesty" as these would give perfect harmony in one's body and allow for the highest of magical ascensions.

I began thinking to myself that this was very similar to the stones I had in my possession when I came upon another tome this one much darker. At first it did not seem to be a bad tome to read but, it began to take an interesting turn for the odd. This tome spoke of the effects of magyks great and powerful and what their side effects may lead to. Two specific articles gave me some worry as I read them.

The first was that of the effects of overly powerful magyks [maw-zheek] and the planet itself.

"According to research done by various 'wizards' (magical creatures), it has been proven that by using overly powerful magyks or just high-tiered magical spells effect the natural flow of the planet in some way. These effect normally are insignificant and go unnoticed by common-folk but there has been a few notable exceptions. If one spent enough time into studying they would know that there are bit of land with common ancestry areas half way across the planet. Not only that but when digging down deep enough to where you hit the original parent material of the land you will find that there are spots where there is completely new parent material with more than ten-thousand year difference than the rest."

"For such a thing to occur could only happen spontaneously and as such magically. While there is still currently no known reason behind this sudden land expansion one thing we know for sure it was caused by an extreme amount of magyk that managed to spread to all corners of the globe. This very same magyk would explain the reasoning behind various odd land formations such as the diamond pillars of gem fido or the great bark bridges of the Hyponia mountains."

After reading this I felt a horrible chill go down my spine in fear at what else I may have caused, whether for better or worse I do not know. The second article just made it worse because it seemed all too real. "Mirror's effect: Magyk and life"

"All creatures know that with life comes death, with the sun comes the moon, with light the shadows. Everything in the universe has a mirrored twin. Every action taken has a result and all effects have a cause. For the greatest priest their is the greatest sinner. For the greatest cook the greatest glutton. For the purest magic of good there is the purest magic of evil. While this is truly something to be feared in its own right, this is still a fact of life and magic and should never be taken out of word and feared. But instead used to ones advantage. If one keeps to a middle line life one can enjoy it without too much backlash of either side. There are those who say that anything evil should be abolished and gotten rid of, but again with the light comes the shadows and when the shadows disappears so does the light."

"Mirror's effect: Magyk. All magics and magyks have a good side and a bad side to them. These are easily put into two groups of harmful and helpful Magiers. [maw-zhee-airs] (magical types) For every healing spell cast a harmful attack spell is cast or will be cast. The reasoning behind this is on a cosmic scale all Magier energy is balanced unto itself and will, if tipped far enough, force a balancing shift to occur stopping certain Magier types to work. For instance, if enough harmful spells were cast in a short enough amount of time the Magier shift will occur and disable all harmful spells and only allow helpful. Now while there is a fine line between what is harmful and what is helpful but to the gods the Magier energy is simply a black and white flow."

"Mirror's effect: Life. Everyone has a mirrored persona. Whether they be real or not their is one for every creature. For every persona of good their is a persona of evil waiting to stab you in the back. While this may seem to be something to fear what should truly be feared are those without. Those who walk through life in the middle ground, and even more so the gods who do so. These are a persona who think naught on emotion but on action and situation. The phrase "Fear the man who has rationalized his feelings. For when one reasons anger and hate has no reason not to kill." is a perfect example."

This final passage set my nerves into a hyper drive. If what it said was true there would be a persona of equal evil to me somewhere out there causing havoc or if anything will someday appear. I thought for a second that maybe the reaper is what my opposite persona was and that settles me down. I was still shaken up at these articles as they seemed to be true on all aspects. I got up from my seat and asked if I could keep the books which I could.

I made my farewell to all those I had met on trip and made my way back to Equ hoping things didn't go to hell while I was away.

A/N blargh blargh honk! honk honk blarghy honk! (i don't have anything to say here)