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CH.13: Orchestrated chaos

~unrecorded time lapse~

(musical recommendation)

I'm not going to sugar coat it, when the nightmare released Discord everything went to shit. As if planning this for years Discord made his way to the Equ fallen capital. As he touched down at the base of the old castle he began wrapping it with a purple magic. As the magic fully wrapped around the base of the castle it lifted it into the air turning it into a floating castle. With his new place power in hand he began his conquest of chaos over the world. He began with his closest targets of the new land of Equestria taking over with little resistance. The rest of the world however put up a better fight but was useless against the spirit of chaos and dis-harmony.

Me for the time being knew I couldn't face him now in my weakened state so I made my way back to the Gaian tree. When I touched back down Celestia and Luna confronted me over what the evil magic they felt was. Seeing how I was cornered I confessed to them what had happened on the battlefield. They were saddened but knew that a great evil was ahoof. I Had the two of them help me make preparation for what I knew was surely going to be one hell of a time.

~5 D.R.~ (Discord's Reign)

Discord has taken full control over every known civilization on the planet now. There are only a few places left untouched by his taint the Gaian tree being one of them. Creatures have been turned insane from the amount of chaos the land itself is a warped figure of what is was before. There are ocean's floating miles up in the sky, mountains have been overturned, the ground itself has begun to swallow itself. He regularly's torments his subjects playing various tricks or more severely warps them into some hideous creature.

I have come up with a plan on how to stop discord once and for all but it will require both a great sacrifice on my part and on celestia and Luna's. In my studies I have figured out that the gems of harmony I collected so long ago must be the key to defeating Discord. The tome that told me of 'the state of magical ascension' was correct. The gems of harmony being pure manifestations of these emotions just need to be harnessed to defeat him but need to be under certain requirements.

I myself am not strong enough to harness all of the magic at once and so will need another's help. From what I could tell only an immortal can harness the power which means I'll need another immortal...or two. But that will have to wait. With Discord in power the only job I have is to either tick him off or cleanse area of chaos. Even if he just re-chaotifies it I still feel the need to help in some way.

When dealing with a spirit of chaos and disharmony you need to be crafty as the being you are dealing with is crafty and sly to the core. I began to purify areas such as a lagoon far away so that when he left I would than purify the area behind him. When he tried to prank some creature I would appear out of nowhere and pull a prank of my own. While even though we both hated each other we had begun to take a pleasure in our antics against us. If anything it made the years of his coming defeat fly by faster.

It was unsaid that the Gaian tree and his castle were safe zones. Don't bother me and i won't bother you. At one point in one of our little shenanigans where I took his pie and smashed mine and his into his face he said I was a some kind of "Master Troll". As odd as it sounds if Discord wasn't so cruel to the creatures under him he would have made an excellent leader to follow under. In fact at one point for about two hundred years he did rule in peace.

During Discord's reign I traveled around collecting as many magical tomes as I could so that I could train Luna and Celestia to be ready for when we take on discord. At some point Luna managed to create her own spell. She said that by concentrating her magic onto a point far away from here and than having herself appear where her magic was she ended up disappearing in a puff of black smoke and actually teleported away from us. The thought of being able to teleport was amazing and we both copied Luna's example with Celestia learning it faster than me being part unicorn.

~200 D.R.~

Discord has reigned over the land for two hundred years now and is in a peace period. Discord for the most part seems content to simply watch over the creatures as they go about their daily lives. While under discord's reign you would think creatures would go about trying to kill each other. But he wouldn't allow that, for where would the chaotic fun be if his toys broke themselves. There has however been a rise in crime and change in common norm.

There is something about Discord that never seemed right. He himself never seemed evil like how the Nightmare that created him was evil. He seemed to be more of a lost child in a foreign land. I began to feel bad about what I would have to end up doing to him but knew it would be for the better of the world. Now that I think about it Discord was created from smooze. From what I know the smooze has been here as long as I have. Given manifestation Discord would be my persona opposition on the cosmic balance.

Training with Celestia and Luna has been going well as ever except that they chaotic energies of the world have been making them feel depressed. To make them feel better I had us celebrate there 210st birthdays early. This was normally the age of adulthood for the average alicorn, but going through the lives the have they became adult long before now. These are dark times we live in, but it can only get better from here on out. The three of us head to bed to begin the next chaotic day. As I drift off to sleep I remember the passage that gave me both fear and hope.

"...with the light comes the shadows, with evil comes good, fear only those who tread in between in entropy and chaos..."

A/N YES! I DID IT! 4 chapters one day. I feel good about myself now. Also we're nearing the end now unfortunately, but oh well I may or may not try writing again afterwards who knows.