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CH.16: Clean-up and Control

~200 years of unrecorded history~

After the battle against Discord we had become very exhausted from using so much energy so I'm sure no one would have blamed us for sleeping a good 3 days straight. We had woken up to a solar eclipse in the sky when it should have been daytime. Remembering their new duties Luna and Celestia restarted the cosmic orbit for the day. We quickly found out if they put just the right amount of magic into it the two celestial bodies will retain the momentum to keep moving on course for a few weeks.

While most of Discord's taint was cleansed from the planet there were still very visible results from its presence. The most important one to be taken care of at this time was the weather issues. While in the past I myself could direct weather patterns when certain areas were in trouble and at those for the most part in worked on its own but now the skies had become stagnant and unmoving not being used to not having constantly moved from the force of magic. What was also unnerving was that clouds could be touched. This broke a few too many physical laws for my liking but its seemed to only work for those with an affinity for the element of air.

That was the second issue on our minds at the time. What this "Wave of elements" that Gaia had mentioned had done to affect the world. I found out that "wave" had infused the three of us with the various elements it had. For me I had gained control over fire and water seeing as I had control over earth and air already. Celestia and Luna too were affected in the same way only with the others elements. After this little discovery we came to find out this happened to all of the other creatures with varying levels of good and bad.

About a month after the battle I went out to the other nations to see how they had fared and found, all for the better, they had warded off the chaotic energies better than the Equestrian races. They were however affected by the "Infusion wave" as we have come to calling it. The various elements went to the various races as followed. The griffons of the Hyponnia mountains gained the element of air. The Diamond dogs of Gem fido gained the element of earth. The dragons of the Draconian badlands gained the element of fire. The jungle cats of the Magna Leo forests gained the element of water.

While difficult each race began to understand their new abilities with the jungle cats drawing the short stick with gaining the ability to control the weakness where as all of the rest gained the ability to control elements they were used to. This allowed for the races to adapt to certain situations better. The Griffon with their affinity for air we able to control and make certain weather where as the Diamond dogs with their affinity for earth could dig through stone as tough as diamond as though it were sand. The Dragons and Jungle cats having elements not as useful just neglected the use of such things and went on about their business.

With all of this element fusion going on for the original races this created an odd effect for Discord's mixed bloods. The six new creatures now freed were actually humbled to simply be allowed to go and live as they were and since than have prospered in small tribes. When the Infusion wave Affected these tribes they were affected by two elements, like them, fusing together and made a new element.

The mixed bloods were as follows.

Diamond cats with a mix of earth and water gained varying control over the workings of time. They were able to show their control over by making objects or areas of space slow down or fast forward in time. No showing of travelling THROUGH time or reversing time were ever shown but one of them acidently killed themselves from speeding up time around themself but instead became aged beyond their lifespan dying on the spot.

Chimaeras with a mix of fire and air control over the invisible energies of physics known as aether. This was first shown when at a meeting two tribe leaders accidently electrocuted each other to death when trying to shake paws. Upon further study It was shown that they can remove add and manipulate these energies to their will. At one point they took a fire in front of them and turned it cold by removing all heat.

Sphinxes, Discord's guard creatures, with the opposing elements of water and fire gained direct control over the forces of entropy or the chaos energies. However unlike discord the Sphinxes used their power for the better good somehow managing to both build and work around the warping and destructive forces.

Serpents, Discord's attack creatures, with a mix of fire and earth became creatures of the shadows and darkness. Already used to living in caves and underground where naught but darkness could be seen the serpents were now able to physical forms from their shadows. While not as useful in actual social situations, if you didn't think the serpents were a force to be reckoned with you would now. They were more powerful when the moon was out.

Nekos with the elements of water and air gained control of light the opposing force of the serpents. Their control over light was similar to that of the serpents and instead of darkness they could use the light instead to blind creatures. Theywere at their strongest when the sun was out.

And finally the harpies with the second of the two opposing elements air and earth were given control over gravitational forces. They are able to make an object weighing a thousand tons light as a feather and even make that very same feather heavier than a mountain. Some of the stronger controllers could even redirect gravity sideways allowing an increase of speeds higher than normal.

With all of this going on the Equestrian race who were closest to the blast were affected much differently. Being so close to the blast they were all blessed with control over all main elements however this was very very small control. So small it was almost non-existent. The only showing of this control was in the select few who would on occasion be found bursting into manifestations of their elements like say a pony bursting into flames.

Because of this being a random event showing up in only few ponies the rest became jealous of their lack of power and separated the ponies that showed signs of these manifestations into banished tribes to roam the wilderness. The banished ponies came to be known as the Elemental tribes. These tribes in their own right survived in their own right helping each tribe out like brothers and sisters. But even though they themselves felt the pain of be banished out they too did it themselves when signs of mixed blood powers began to show themselves. This separated the Elemental tribes into two tribes sectors, The main tribes and the mixed tribes.

Two elemental tribes that were created in all of this racial separation chaos were by far the two most powerful tribes. These were the Vine tribes and the Grave tribes.

The vine tribes were ponies who were effected by my spiritual energies as the Infusion wave passed through me. While nowhere near as strong they two were able to commune with nature to have it do their bidding. Unlike me however was that they had a stronger connection to living creatures. So much so that they ended up having the ability to change into one specific creature aside from their pony form. This creature varied among the various Vine ponies.

The counter weight to the vine ponies would be the Grave ponies. This tribe were the ones who were affected by the spiritual energies of discord as the Infusion wave passed through him. They had control over the afterlife and could summon the undead. Where as the Vine tribe controlled and manipulated life energies the Grave tribe could only take away and animate that which did not have any. The Grave tribe themselves were in fact half-dead being part skeletal somehow surviving with organs missing and only bones for legs.

During these two months of turmoil was the only bad part of the clean-up and as such none too stressful. One question that bothered us was if this was happening on the copy planet but we left it up to Gaia who said that planet would work its own timeline now with events in ours only being similar to its.

A/N Elementals controllers?! interesting no? Also congrats to inoeitall for figuring out that the copy planet is "Killjoy's" universe. Next chapter we tackle the the alicorn twin rulership over the equestrain nation.