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CH.23: Fireflies

~800 C.R.~

Peace has come at last. The Nations, no the world is now at peace with itself. The great evils of the past are now gone imprisoned in their ancient prisons known only through little fairy tales. True war hasn't been known for more than a millennium. Creatures have gotten over racial differences to the point that the Elemental tribes live together as one sole tribe. Once malicious dragons have become guardians for those smaller than them protecting the Gryphon and Diamond dogs from the beasts of the wild while they teach the great beasts about the outside world.

The earth itself was at peace with itself. Once barren fields now flowed like the ocean as grassy plains. Farm crops produced more than they ever had, apple trees blooming twice as many apples. The creatures themselves became more friendly to other and themselves showing themselves by helping others with various tasks from carrying packages and being pets.

In towns creatures would go about their business in peace. Criminal activity was near non-existent and anyone caught almost always turned themselves in because of guilt. You could walk into the nearest tavern and hear ponies and diamond dogs getting along joyously over a pint of beer while a drunk gryphon and neko danced together.

Miced bloods and Main bloods considered each other kin despite their backgrounds. Races put aside past relations and came together to make each race better for themselves. Everything was in harmony and at peace as though the pastnever happened. It was as though everything had become the perfect dream.

Just a dream.

A dream two beings could not enjoy. No matter how hard they tried to fake it anyone who spent long enough around them would know something was keeping their spirits down. It was because they had gone through trials and tribulations that no creature should have gone through. They had knowledge of danger and destruction no creature could imagine. They knew the truth about myths and legends, fairy tales and bedtime stories. And they couldn't talk to any creature of this not even each other.

Celestia, The sole ruler of Equestria the nation of the three remaining Equ races The Solar Princess. She who had lived through the birth of the Nightmare and and defeat his creation Discord. She who, along with her sister, overtook the tyranny of the greedy pony Gold-hoof and became the First and only Alicornian rulers of Equestria. She who with the return if the Nightmare had to banish her own sister to the moon when she became possessed by the very same Nightmare.

Vinetion, The daughter of Gaia, this world's creator, and adoptive mother of Celestia and Luna. She who holds sway over the very Elements of creation and nature itself. She who save the world from killing itself off by the poison of the Smooze. She who took down a Lupus Major to save a poor helpless town simply out of care. She who banished the Nightmare to Tarturus. She who along with her daughters Celestia and Luna defeated Discord and turned him to stone. She who in a state of powerlessness failed to stop the Nightmare for the second time brought about the 7 months of darkness.

In a world of peace and perfection these two beings live lives of sorrow and grief, painful memories of past mistakes resurfacing to torture them and neither can tell of these secrets or regret the panic that shall ensue.

The only relief these two find are in their respective jobs, Celestia ruling Equestria and interacting with its citizens and Vinetion with the planet itself and whatever bar she found herself in at the end of the day. It was in one of these bars that she met an odd pink colored pegasus with black bat wings sitting off in a darkened corner. On impulse she got up and sat next to her.

"Might I ask why you have disrubed my privacy?" The pink mare asked.

"I was just wondering why someone would sit off in the dark when their is such raucous merrymaking being made out there." I say kindly.

"I was never one for such frivolties and my life has been filled with sadness more often than happiness so such occasions are not my forte." She deadpanned.

"Fate has an odd sense of humor for creatures. It works to make the world better as it is now, but always chooses those who take the consequences worse when it makes a choice." I say sincerely.

"I know that all too well. Wars, bloodshed, and death is surely a way to make any creature look at life as though it were a joke." The mare said.

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Call me skeptical but the world hasn't known Warfare or confrontation for 800 years. Pray tell how would one such as you know of this or even experience it?"

"You could say I'm much older than I look. There's the added fact that THIS world hasn't seen warfare for 800 years." She responded.

"You wouldn't happen to know someone named Omnius would you?" She shook her head. "Well than I won't pry how you got here, but I will let you know this, I have shared your experience ten-fold and no matter how hard life gets I have learned one thing, never give up hope. Even if you live through a thousand lives and a million deaths, once you give up hope life gives up on you, and and not even the fates can save you." The two of us were looking down at our drinks solemnly.

"I...believe we should go spend some time with the other patrons. I can only stay here before heading back to the mansion anyways so might as well live for the moent right?" The pink mare said with a smile.

I returned the smile. "Yes let's. This darkness does nothing to help with our spirits" I began to head back to the bar counter as the pink mare pulled out a locket with a picture of a smaller pink mare with odd jewel looking wings on her back. The pink mare simply said "Flan" as she head over to the counter to join me.

~scene shift~

High in the Canterlot castle Celestia stood by one of the massive windows in the throne room staring at the night sky. She would go about this every night, every time wishing for her sister's well-being. She would continue this up to all hours of the night depriving herself of sleep as though to spend as much time with herself absent sister. This deteriated her health slowly over the years and every creature in the castle could see it. After enough generations passed and the story of Nightmare Moon became "just an old foal's tale" they all just put it up to her having a stressful life.

It was on one of these night's one her many maid ponies walked by and saw the sad look on her highness' face and thought something should be done. If anything she should be given someone to confine in to relieve what ever is making her life a wreck. As she went back to work she began to plan on how to bring about her idea.

The next afternoon was the citizen's day where any citizen wanting to could come in and express their problems in hopes that they would be fixed, which they more often than not do. Nearing the end of the pony line a pony wearing a black cloak with her hood down to reveal a green face with a short grey mane walked up and bowed before the princess.

"Rise my child, Pray tell what is that ails you this fine day" Celestia said with the same faux smile as everyday.

"I wish to inform upon you that, through my many travels, there are many ponies out there beginning to fear the thought of a sole ruler making all the choices. They fear that if you were to...go insane with power like their long gone ruler Gold-Hoof they would be put under worse torment." the Mare said.

"I can assure you that I would do no such thing. But that's not all you have to say is it?" Celestia said intrigued now.

"While I myself am in complete confidence in your ruling ability other are not as so. I have come with a proposition that will alleviate these fears that your citizens have developed." The mare said.

"Go on this idea of my citizens fearing me does not bode well." Celestia said acting serious.

"My suggestion is that you assign a Personal advisor, who you would bring with you to meeting and events to show the ponies that you are not alone in decision making. Now of course you would still be the sole decider of any action taken but this Advisor could be someone to give you an outside opinion on a situation, someone you could confide in about secrets, or simply someone to talk to." The mare said.

"The prospect intrigues me. I thank you young one for your wise knowledge. Prey tell, would you wish to dine with me at a later time today?" Celestia offered.

"I am sorry my highness but I have prior arrangements to take care of but I'm sure you'll do fine." The mare said as she left the throne room. Once the mare had made her way outside of the castle she changed back into her maid outfit and went back in through the workers entrance.

The next day Celestia had called in for ponies willing to be her personal advisor and only one was willing. There in the middle of the throne room stood a dark grey earth pony with a black suit and monocle. He was sporting a striped white and black tail with a gray mane with black tips. (Lazy Way)

"So tell me fair Stallion who and why have you decided to take upon the job as my personal advisor?" Celestia asked.

"You may call me Seraph your highness. As to why I chose to be your advisor is that I have been far and wide in this world and have become widely knowledgeable about how things work. Even if my opinions are ignored I would be fine to at least my leader with her daily troubles." Seraph responded.

"You seem to be very kind. I would gladly take you as my Advisor and consultant. You shall be given a room in the castle to live. By the way do you not have a last name?" Celestia asked.

"I don't like to give it often but I come from the family Chaos. My full name is Chaos Seraph." Seraph answered as a guard took him to his room.

And that was how the Royal advisory council first started. Celestia and her new advisor went about business like normal and the sight of somepony to confide in made the populous less frightened of her decisions. And Celestia did use her new advisor to her advantage. He gave very good ideas and decisions and even stopped a small rebellion that was beginning to form. While she still had trouble talking about it she soon began to confide in Seraph about her troubles over the millennium.

Seraph took in the knowledge and knew that no other should know and found out what troubled her so. As time went on Seraph knew that he wouldn't be able to last forever so he made the Royal Advisory Council where any creature willing would be come the wise sages for the princess to call upon. They would all be sworn to discretion letting not a secret told to them by the princess to let slip. Seraph himself would always stay Celestia personal advisor as he had grown to be her friend.

As Seraph grew on in age he eventually got married and had a son. At this Celestia was overjoyed for Seraph and offered him a leave that he declined. He said that "He was the first and his son shall continue his legacy". And so every Generation of Chaos sons would become the leader when the last died off. By the time Seraph died off and his son Chaos Cherub took over there was a total of 20 advisors each one a specialist.

Celestia now has someone to confide in and Vinetion had made a new friend. Fate can be cruel but fate can also be generous. Fate works in strange ways as it always does and it never wishes evil upon anything.

A/N Points to whoever guesses who i was talking to in the bar. I know iron and Killjoy might get it. Also we're coming close to the end. In fact there's one last chapter before the end after this. But dont worry i have a few epilouge chapters to write also so we aren't done yet.