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CH.1: Darkened earth and sunny rays

~5,000 B.D~ (First-person Vinetion)

I woke up this morning feeling refreshed as always, ready to get my daily chores done, ‘Hmmm... Today I have a rainstorm scheduled to cover the northern continent of Griffin tribal lands. After that, I need to raze the southern Equ forests to make room for the volcano of the blaze dragons. Ughh! So much work today!' I thought as I made my way out of the grand tree home in which I had lived in since birth.

I made myself a quick breakfast of berries and morning dew which I then, gave the leftovers to my familiars always ready to serve me. I grabbed my charts and launched to the skies, "Okay according to my time table, the rainstorm isn’t due till tonight so I should make my way to the forest. Says here I'm going to pass by a village called ‘Trotters’? I may be thousands of years old but, even I know that sounds stupid! Oh well let’s just get this over with," I said as I flew towards the forest. I started to wonder how far along the Equs have become since last I had met them one hundred years ago. My thoughts were interrupted as I heard the scream of a young foal.

As I looked down I saw two foals, one alicorn filly and another, a pegasus colt. The alicorn was a vibrant green with a red mane, while the pegasus was dull yellow with a brown mane. I landed down in front of them but I noticed that the alicorn's leg was twisted in an unnatural direction, "Excuse me young ones, I noticed that you had hurt yourself. What has happened to cause you in such pain?" The pegasus answered for his friend, "Our parents sent us out here to gather some supplies for the coming winters when this big dog thing came out of nowhere and attacked us! We tried to defend ourselves and managed to scare him off, but he hit Rays here hard enough that it broke her leg," the young colt was crying at this point. With a smile I ask them "What are your names, my little ponies?"

"I'm Darkened Earth and this is Sunny Rays," the pegasus said pointing at himself and then his friend respectively.

"Good, now if you would kindly move back I may be able to help your friend okay?" He looked at me scared thinking that I would hurt Sunny but moved back allowing me to do what was necessary.

I moved towards Sunny as vines slowly wrapped around her twisted limb. I grabbed a red flower and approached Sunny’s face, "Breathe this in and the pain shall go away." She then took a breath which knocked her out instantly unconscious.

‘Now this is the hard part,' I thought to myself. Once the vines had fully wrapped around the broken limb, it turned into plant material itself. Darkened was horrified when he saw this and tried to move me away, to which thus I held him in place.

'I must slowly turn the leg back to place and then turn it back to normal,' I thought to myself in deep concentration. A green aura transmitted from my hooves and onto Sunny's leg. Once the limb was back in place, I slowly reformed the muscles, sinew and finally the skin. As Darkened saw the vines drop away, he saw that Sunny's leg had been healed thus rushing over for a deep embrace ecstatic that his friend was okay.

"Ho-how did you heal her if you aren't a unicorn?"Asked Darkened.

"That is my secret young one, now tell me where do the two of you live?"

At this point, Sunny spoke up, "We live in a village not too far from here called Trotters.

"Excellent, I was just on my way there for business. Would you two care for a ride?" I offered with a smile.

"You don't mind?!" they said over each other.

"Come let’s take you to your parents."

Once the two were safely settled, I took to the skies and made my way to Trotters, "Excuse me but what is your name miss?" This had come from Darkened beaming to be in the air like all pegasi.

"Oh? I'm surprised you haven't recognized me from the stories I hear from all the villages."

"Stories?" asked Sunny.

“She who brings the harvest, she who hatched the first dragon and gave it flight. The one who controls the skies, the earth and even the celestial bodies for her own uses," I said mysteriously. Sunny's and Darkened's eye widened as they had found out who it was they were being carried by.

"But that's not possible! Father always said that was just some story to give people hope. That such a being was too powerful to exist!" Darkened protested.

I looked sadly at him "Is that what people think of me nowadays? I put all this hard work into making a world for all beings to live in peace and I just end up becoming a fictional being? Surely the way I healed your friend proves who I am no?"

Darkened and Sunny slowly nodded, "That's true, I'm sorry for making you feel sad Goddess," murmurs Sunny.

"Thank you young one but, do not feel sorry for my predicament as it was not your fault as it was mine, I have kept my self away from the populous far too long and as such have fallen into the myths. Once I drop you off maybe we should remedy this yes?" This brightened everyone's mood as we neared the northern fields of Trotters.

As I came in for a landing, two guard looking earth stallions headed towards my direction, "Excuse me miss I'm sorry to trouble you but due to the coming winter we cannot grant outsiders shelter in our village," said the first stallion with a black coat and emerald mane. The second Stallion had a blue coat, accompanied and donned with an emerald mane.

I addressed the second stallion, "I am not here for shelter good citizens, I am only here to drop off two foals. I found them in a clearing not too far from here, their names are Sunny Rays and Darkened Earth. Where may I find their parents?"

The first stallion responded "Sunny and Darkened?! The entire village was worried when they hadn't returned! Thank you so much for bringing them back, you can find their parents near the southern fields, they live right next to each other," I smiled to them both and made my way down to the fields.

I noticed that Trotters was somewhat of a friendly town, everyone waved at the newcomer and continued on with their business smiles abound. You could feel the happiness radiating from everyone you simply couldn't smile walking through this town. I arrived at the southern end as I noticed an alicorn stallion and a unicorn stallion talking to one another frantically until they looked my way and rushed me, "MISS!" The unicorn yelled from afar.

I stopped and looked his way, I could tell from their looks that these were Sunny’s and Darkened’s fathers so I allowed them to hop down and head towards them. Once I made my way there, the unicorn addressed me, "Miss thank ya’ ever so much for bringing back my son, and his friend. We were worrying heads over haunches for their safety. Please, you should have dinner and stay the night with us. It's the least we can do to make up for it."

I looked at him and agreed, 'My work can wait a day, and nothing too bad can happen now can it?' I thought to myself as I headed inside their household.

A/N again criticism is always wanted, I especially want to know what you all think on how I did the first person view.