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CH.21: 7 7 7

A/N no actual fight scenes. This is to test my dramatic skills when it comes to 'certain' choices. Be brutal in the comments.

PS. secrecy be damned. I'm not going to outright tell you but im going to stop TRYING to hide certain details

~approximately 3 days later~

'Oh god not this headache again! Please tell me I didn't go drinking again. Wait it smells like anti-septics. Oh right that's what happened. I got my flank handed to me by the Nightmare and he stole Luna's body. At least I can still feel all of my limbs are intact I just hope Celestia is fairing better.' I think to myself as I come to.

I slowly turn my head to see the sleeping body of Celestia who was fairing immensely better than I. The clinic room we were in seemed strangely dark for what should have been daytime, but as I looked outside I saw the blood red circle of the cursed ecclipse the Nightmare left us as a farewell gift. It was just than that a the doctor and a robed unicorn stepped inside.

"Ah well look who's awake? It is very nice to be in your presence my dear. I've heard so many tales of the "Benevolent Goddess, Mother to all" I found it hard to be called upon to treat your wounds. Anyways as you can see while she has woken up but once since the incident the princess is healing very quickly" the doctor explained.

"And if I may ask how long has it been since the 'incident'?" I ask nicely.

"Well with the sun and moon the way it is we can't use the regular system but from what we can tell it's been about 3 days give or take half a day."

"Now seeing as we won't be able to address her highness until she wakes up how about we go over the damages you have suffered? As to why you can't move your legs is because the tendons holding the muscles together were snapped do to some kind of serrated slash. Those we were able to reconnect but will take you some time to regain feeling to till than you can either fly every where or take a wheelchair your choice. Other than that you broke 7 rib bones, your 2 fore hooves, a small fracture to the skull and managed to puncture your lungs slightly. All of this has been healed to an extent, where as the rest is up to your own body to heal."

"However throughout all of this you kept moaning about something being cut off when all of your limbs were intact so we brought in our top unicorn Moon Whirl here to do a brain scan and he found out you had a "severed spirit fragment" I'm not sure what this means so I do not know how to treat it but figured to you would know." The doctor finished dejectedly at finding something he couldn't treat.

"Do not worry yourself doctor. I know what it is you say is ailing me and there is no need to worry. It'll take but awhile to heal just like everything else. I only hope Celestia heals as well." I said solemnly. The doctor only nodded as he and his compatriot left he room. I just laid down staring at the blood circle in the sky as I drifted off to sleep.

For the next couple of days, as far as we could tell, I would wake up, stretch, get a check up, and go back to sleep. At one point Tia woke up and she was given a once over before going back to sleep. Each time we woke up in the sky would be the same blood circle as before. Ever staying, ever watching. Time stopped being called 'days' but instead 'sessions' as lack of movement from the suns ruined any chance of telling hours from days from weeks. Ponies would go to sleep for how ever long, wake up and tell the next set of ponies their session was over and repeat.

After the 25'th session we were fully healed and let out of the clinic. Tia went to collect everypony and try to organize whatever chaos was going on while I went to begin the search for Nightmare Moon. This wasn't all too hard as she wasn't trying to hide, in fact was actually trying to gather an army based at our old castle in the everfree forest.

It appeared as though, while small, the army she was gathering was very unique made up mostly of mixed bloods and outlaws. I could see the Neko, Orin Kaen of the northern grave tribes more commonly known as the 'Neko Romancer' fighting alongside two flame salamanders as they shot volley after volley of arrows into targets. I couldn't get a good look at the whole thing before they began to fire upon me forcing me to leave, but before I left I noticed three very important figures, three pegasi in fact.

On the left of the group stood a dark gray pegasus with odd red stripes adorned about his body and a black and red striped mane and tail. Most peculiar were his blood red serpent eyes.(lazy way) To his left was a deep purple pegasus adorned with a red and white mane/tail set with huge wings.(lazy way)

In the center of the group stood a tall light gray pegasus with with ripped looking wings and dull red eyes.(lazy way) I could only catch a snippet of their conversation before escaping and could only hear their names. The gray and red striped pegasus was a Captain Giro Halberd, the purple pegasus was corporal Blade Herd and the light gray pegasus in the center was name Commander Darkest Bleak. The guard captain "dark" joined Nightmare Moon's side.

I continued this process of spying for what was counted as 200 sessions. Gathering knowledge and bringing it back to Celestia as she raised an army to fend off Nightmare Moon's. This became increasingly difficult each time and soon I was no longer able to gain intelligence and was forced to research a way to save Luna from the taint.

~S. 400~

After so long I had come down to only two options. We could either use the elements of harmony and chance saving her from the taint or destroying her along with it or banishing her somewhere until we come up with a different solution. With a solemn look I headed towards the throne room to confront Celestia.

As I pushed opened the door Celestia looks down at me with worry.

"Mother what is with that look of worry? Could you not find a solution? Can we not save my sister?" Celestia asked quickly.

"I have found a solution actually. Two in fact" Celestia brightens up at this but frowns as I continued "However, they are not easy solutions. We could either chance using the elements of harmony to rid her of the Nightmare but that would come along with the chance of destroying her as well."

Celestia was horrified at the thought. "And pray tell what would option two be?" Celestia asked worridly.

"We banish her until we come up with another solution. Preferably somewhere she can't escape." I looked down knowing the only such place that would work.

Celestia was shaking as she too knew where I was talking about.

"I can't banish my sister! But I dont want to risk destroying her either..... Is their any way else we can save her? Somepony we haven't asked?" Celestia had become frantic by this point.

"Daughter I'm sorry I can't think of anywhere else that might have a solution! I've tried every tome and book of knowledge from here to the shadow-leaf forests! All across the planet I've looked and these were the only options!" My face was streaming with tears knowing we had come to the inevitable choice.

"But...but...there has to to be something we haven't tried. Wait. What about Gaia?! Have you asked her at all what we could do?!" Celestia was looking at me with with hope.

"I hadn't thought to ask because, gods can't intervene directly, but they can give wisdom. Don't get your hopes up." I said brightened knowing there might be a glint of hope out there.

I walked to the center of the room as Celestia approached me. With the two of us in the center I connected myself and Celestia to the spirit realm and sent out an energy pulse calling for Gaia. As an energy wave returned the room around us shifted to that of an open field of flowers with a vast blue sky overhead. We ourselves had shifted into our goddess' form, me with my green hair in a brown dress and celestia with her white skin was in an equally white dress with, oddly, her childish pink hair tied at the end.

In front of use were three logs and a roaring flame in the center. Sitting on one of the logs was a woman wearing a dress that shifted green, red, orange, yellow, and black at times. She simply waved her hands to the other two logs and so we sat down.

"I have come as you requested my daughter. Please tell me what worries you so that you need my assistance?" Gaia asked

"As I am sure you know the Nightmare has recently taken control over Luna and ever since I have been doing what I can to find a way to save her. I could only come down to two options. Chance using the elements but that would possibly destroy her as well OR banish her to the moon." I tell her.

"This is a horrible predicament to be in I'm sure. Do not hate me for being the bearer of ill-news but there is only one solution to your problem and that is banishment." Gaia said as Celestia began to cry.

"Is there no other option?!" Celestia said through tears.

"Unfortunately my child there is not. Fate has willed it to be that the Nightmare shall not be yours to defeat but a generation farther along. To make matters worse however you Celestia must be the one to banish your sister else the banishment be too weak to keep her at bay."

"How would mine be weaker than my mother's banishment is she not the TRUE goddess?" Celestia asked.

"That she is and in truth she is stronger than you a millionth fold but you and Luna are two beings of fate. Born of the same day and minute yet on complete opposites of the scale. You banishing her would place a cosmic chain around her soul keeping her in place until fate itself wills her free." Gaia finishes sadly while Celestia looks heartbroken.

"I am sorry I cannot be of anymore use to you my children. My only wish is that you hold no grudge to any creature following the Nightmare. As one last piece of knowledge. You never asked but it has been bothering you for years. The one by the name of Darkest Bleak is an alicorn yes. He was....in a way your brother Vinetion. Where as you were the model for all "mares" per se, he was the model for all "stallions". I wish that if you were ever to meet him never give way to this secret unless forced or he asks first." Gaia looked away ashamed at the secret.

"Mother do not be ashamed. You know what is best and it is only right that I follow your judgement. Being the bearer of bad news is but an unforseeable coincidence that only fate could have known. You have done us a great favour that is true and we do not regret it. Come now Celestia we have preparations to be made." I say to Celestia stoicly losing all emotion.

Celestia just sat their and cried. "I...I don't think I an do it. I...I..." Celestia just began to cry more.

"Daughter you go on ahead, let me talk to Celestia for a awhile?" Gaia said acting motherly. I simply nodded and disappeared from the grove back into the castle as my pony form reformed.

"Dear please dry your eyes. I know what you must do is incredibly hard but you must trust the fates. No matter how harsh they make life seem it always follow a certain plan that ends well for all beings. I'm going to tell you something but you must understand something very important. Gods and Goddesses follow certain cosmic rules that even we as all powerful beings cannot break."

"Your mother Vinetion and the Nightmare are also bound by these rules to a certain extent such as they are not allowed to fight mortal in their immortal form. If we were not bound by these laws I could come down and destroy the very idea of the Nightmare from all existence without harming a hair on Luna's head but I am not allowed to directly intervene."

"The main law, if you must know, that is causing all of this trouble is that "Immortals may not destroy other immortals". Immortals can only be killed by other immortals but the consequence for this is anything from instant destruction by the universal forces to loss of immortality. Vinetion knows about these laws and is why she has been having so much trouble finding a solution."

Celestia looked towards Gaia with a mixture of sadness and understanding knowing the grief her mother must have felt at her inability to do anything. As she wiped her tears away she said "She certainly is the strongest pony out there to be able handle such a situation and not bat an eye."

Gaia simply shook her head, "Do not misunderstand child. While she does not show it she is being torn up inside and soon it will come to a boil and I fear it may even kill her. The sadness of eternity weighs heavy on any beings soul and only those who know such grief could help them where as unfortunately there are few who could. You must go now as your mother has gathered your forces. I know it'll be hard but when you banish her tell her I'm sorry I couldn't help."

Celestia simply got up and walked to the end of the grove and came back into the castle back in her pony for to come face to face with Vinetion and the royal guard. As she had been talking to Gaia longer than she thought the assault plan was already discussed and soon the forces flew their way to the castle of Nightmare Moon in the everfree forest.

As we touched down we were assaulted immediately by various forces of nature. The Neko Orin Caen marched forward behind a battalion of skeletal Diamond dogs which were quickly demolished by our first wave of soldiers. As we neared the main entrance of the castle two pegasi stood in front of us. They were General Giro Halberd and Corporal Blade Herd.

"We shall not allow you to advance any farther!" Giro shouted as he summoned a pair of floating shadow halberds.

"May the reign of the night princess live long and strong!" Blade shouted as he burst into a black flame form of himself and ran forward.

I decided to take on Giro as Celestia took Blade. While against normal ponies these two would be very formidable but against us two battle hardened ponies they were no match as the were knocked out by us smashing them together. As we smashed open the doors to the castle in the center stood Nightmare Moon with Commander Bleak off to the side. To prevent interuptions I wrapped Bleak in vines and and stabbed his wings with two large rose thorns.

Nightmare Moon looked upon him in disgust, "tch, And here you were supposed to be the royal guard captain and can't even protect yourself. So tell me what do you plan to do now?" Nightmare Moon asked smugly.

Never looking at her directly I pulled the elements out and used them to bind paralyze Nightmare Moon to the spot. Caught unawares at being immobolized instead of destroyed Nightmare Moon began to look afraid. Firing a ray upwards Celestia broke a hole in the roof to reveal the blood circle directly overhead. With but one look Celestia said "Gaia gives you her apologies for not helping more" and with that she fired a beam of white light at Nightmare Moon turning her into a white ball that shot towards the moon. As a bright flash could be seen the moon quickly made it ways back to the other side of the planet realigning its movements.

As the bright rays of the sun shined down the forces Nightmare Moon had created laid down their arms and gave up. Following what Gaia had asked upon me all of the creatures were let go and give and medical help they needed. As we headed in to heal up Bleak he had disappeared to who knows where and we moved on. The two ponies Giro and Blade asked to join the Royal guard to which they were added as the forces could use such warriors.

It was found out that Giron was banished from his tribe due to being not only a mixed blood but a multi-blood of serpent, neko, dragon, pony, and gryphon. With this came a multitude of different elements he could use but Shadows were the only ones he was proficient at. The other pony, Blade Herd, was of the flame tribes but was unique in that he was a tribal mix of Grave and flame which is why all of his flames were black and why his flame form is black as well.

Weeks passed and the nations were brought back to peace. With time and research the time difference was soon found out between the Nightmare Moon reign.

7 months, 7 days, 7 hours.

A/N ok so I lied. I wasn't out of ideas I've just needed some rest. 3 days with only 2 hours sleep total is not good