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CH.12: Daughters of the sun and moon

~50 B.D. Everfree Forest~ (ex-everfree plains)

The final battle was soon amongst us. I myself knew that the inevitable could not be deterred for long. After nearly five hundred years of fighting and pillaging all but two females were left of the species and they were mere foals that by the time they grew up no male alicorn would be left alive. I felt a sadness in my heart for the two and went out of my way to the fathers as the mothers were now dead to ask if I may take care of them as their new mothers. By now these soldiers were not ruthless killers but warriors of past sins fighting a war given to them by their own fathers and their own fathers. They knew that soon their species would die out and felt it was only right to have their last two daughters live in peace.

The two foals I had taken with me were two complete opposites yet birthed on the same day, one from either side. One of the fillies was black coated with a blue night mane named Luna while the other was white coated and pink maned named Celestia. Not having grown up to hate each other the two of them got along as though they were sisters. It reminded me of my foal years son long ago when I would play with whatever creature came along.

No fighting was done for fifty years after I had taken the two fillies and in that time they grew up to be fine mares that I gladly call my own daughters. As I taught them in those fifty years a thought crossed my mind if it was I was this hard to teach for my mother.

Luna was the scholar of the two. Whenever I brought them a new tome to read she would hop right to it and most of the time hug it like a teddy bear. While she was the most enthusiastic of the two she was the slower one to growing maturity. She would run around trying to prank me and celestia as we worked and often succeeding. An odd hobby of hers that I was never able to figure out was that when she rode on my back she would begin to nibble on my mane always saying "but it tastes so good" when i asked her to stop.

Celestia took up the role of older sister as soon as possible always being the more responsible of the two. Whenever shores needed to be done she'd be done on time while Luna was still slacking off. Even though she acted like a born leader she was lacking in the studies department. Whenever lessons came up and luna rushed up to get started she'd have some reason to slink off and hide somewhere so she wouldn't have to learn. After learning where her hiding spots were I began to puts lessons tomes in the cubby holes so that when she went hide off she couldn't escape the books. She quickly matured into a young mare as time went on but even though she acted like an adult she could be seen every now and than holding a stuffed toy in her arms.

after the first 20 years of teaching, getting their speech and movements out of the way came flight and magic training. This is where the two of them excelled in. As if the alicornian race gave one final shove and pushed all of the greatest genes into these final two foals. These two managed both managed to fly upon their first attempts. Luna was enjoying the flight experience much more than celestia who, as we found out that day, had a slight fear of heights.

Luna however had no such thing and felt it was necessary to fly as high as possible without looking down. When she had flown as high as her wings would take her she finally took a look down and and screamed. In that moment her wings retracted and stuck to here sides as she fell horn-first towards the ground. As me and celestia looked on in horror luna accomplished something only I had done before. She broke the sound barrier. the only problem to this was this was 100 feet above us and the sound wave activated celestia's horn. As she was startled her magic began to grab unto luna and slowed her decent.

Celestia had stopped a full grown mare falling faster than terminal velocity on her first try. I knew these two had great powers in them but not to this extremity. I was proud to call them my daughters but knew that if they swayed the wrong way they would be a force to reckon with. As a precaution I decorated the room they shared cleverly hiding each of my gems, which at this point I now called the gems of harmony, around their room so that at least here the would stay within harmony and no evil spirit would harm them in their dreams.

At long last after fifty years since I had taken charge upon celestia and luna the two armies began the final fight. The two of them asked where I was going and I simply told them " I'm off to end bring about the end of something." They kept quiet at that and resigned to stay home and not follow.

Once I had flown a good distance away from the Gaian tree i took upon the form of reaper once more and hopefully for the last time. Again that feeling of hatred and chaos appeared but this time it felt distant, drawn back, as though it knew its time had come. I began to feel as though a dark omen is rising and that the end of this war will not be the end of our troubles.

When I arrived on the scene there was but two soldiers left. These were no ordinary soldiers however, these were the last two princes of the royal family. They were stuck in a magical dual their horns connected my magical energy stuck in the middle neither giving ground. This was not what made my fears grow. Beneath the line of magical of magical plasma a grayish black ooze was flowing forth from the earth. I knew of this ooze all to well and the fact that it was re-appearing now made me begin to panic. I charged in thinking that it must be attracted to the magic being given off so I should disconnect them. I flew in between the two magical beams and felt my self being pulled apart.

The smooze below me write at its prize being destroyed and lashed out at me but instead grabbed something else. The magical beams as I flew in between them began to rip me into two beings. I fell to the ground in a heap and looked up to see a black aura with a million tiny dot like stars patterning it. The smooze did not like its prize and decided to get rid of it by attacking it. This did not work as it simply passed through the aura. The aura just looked at me with a sense of fore-longing almost as though it missed being apart of me. That was until it spoke.

somehow managing to manifest teeth and even a tongue the aura said but four words that will forever be known.

"I am the nightmare"

In that instant the aura shifted its gaze back to its failed assailant. If possible I think the smooze felt some kind of fear as the nightmare approached it. The nightmare slowly overtook the smooze and began morphing it into a being of chaos and disarray. It started with simply making a mouth so that i may hear the screams of pain coming off of it. The creature it created was a mix match of parts from all creatures. When it was done the creature looked one with a grin of glee and flew off to begin it fun.

I looked at the aura and asked. "W-What was that?!"

One word. It spoke but one word before it disappeared from view. "Discord"

A/N /)^3^(\ oooohhh tia and lulu fillies are sooo cute! More revelations have appeared Discord was created by the nightmare who was in fact my own creation. What else could go wrong? not much This is the peak of the evil history of equestria. I want all of you to turn to page 274 of the mare in the moon fable and study pre-royal sisters rulings!