• Published 17th Aug 2013
  • 3,707 Views, 568 Comments

An Earthbound Journey - ShadeJak

An Earthbound crossover of sorts. The return of an ancient evil starts a weird and crazy adventure for Rainbow Dash and her friends all around Equestria and beyond!

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A Little R&R Please?

It had been a clear and beautiful night over Ponyville, a humble town in Equestria. Well past midnight, much of the town was asleep in their homes with not a care in the world as Luna kept a vigilant watch.

In one such home that stood out from most of the others, a cloud house that hovered over the lands, was a sleeping blue pegasus mare named Rainbow Dash, fastest young flier in Equestria, and future wonderbolt. After a long day of practice the young pegasus was exhausted and fallen asleep the moment she’d gotten home, planning to enjoy her day off from weather duty when she woke.

All was well with the world, until a loud, thunderous explosion rocked the town, startling everypony awake, including Rainbow, who sat straight up in her bed and looked down at the upside-down tortoise on her floor.

“Whoa, Tank! Did something just crash or did Pinkie Pie overload her party cannon again?!” Rainbow checked the time, it was only 1:35 AM and recalling the pink earth pony was out of town at the moment ruled out the latter possibility.

Getting up and peering out her window, she saw something smoking in the far distance, and from the looks of things, a lot of ponies were on their way over. Unfortunately most of her friends were away this weekend; Twilight and Spike were at Canterlot for some big exam, Applejack was helping on a harvest in Appleloosa, and Rarity was supposed to be delivering some outfits to a new town by the Foal Mountains with Pinkie Pie’s help. That left Fluttershy.

“Well, Tank, let’s get going,” the pegasus said, scooping the tortoise in her hooves and taking to the air.

Hoping her friend was okay, the pegasus flew towards Fluttershy’s cottage, only to find the door locked. Knocking, she heard a soft whimper from within.

“Hey, Fluttershy? You alright?” Rainbow asked.

“You hear it too?” Fluttershy’s voice asked meekly from within. “I-I don’t want to go out right now! My animals are all scared and I need to ta-ake care of them!” she insisted, her voice trembling.

“I heard something. It landed on the outskirts, I was gonna check it out and was wondering if you wanna come with?” Rainbow offered.

“No! No! I’m fine right here!” Fluttershy said, peering through her mail slot, looking extremely frightened. “Angel Bunny is really scared right now, so—“ She suddenly yelped as the sound of a light kick was heard, Angel’s eyes peered through the mail slot as he just shook his head and gestured to Fluttershy, giving a shrug that implied she was in denial. “L-look,” the yellow pegasus said. “You go out and see what it is, and tell me when you get back, okay?”

“Uhh, sure,” Rainbow replied, rolling her eyes a bit. “You stay here with Fluttershy, Tank. I’m gonna go check this out,” she said, the tortoise nodded as Fluttershy cautiously opened the door for him, and Rainbow and flew away to the source of the smoke.


”Oookay, this is getting weird,” Rainbow muttered to herself as she saw amidst several ponies, the wonderbolts were darting back and forth, keeping them away from what appeared to be a some kind of black crystalline rock in the ground. From the looks of things it’d just burst from the ground, and a strange red aura emanated from it, heating the ground around it. Flying closer, she passed the unicorns and earth ponies who looked less then pleased with being unable to take a closer look.

“Allow the Great and Powerful Trixie to see this phenomenon at once!” a familiar voice demanded

“Not gonna happen,” Spitfire’s voice answered.

“Trixie?!” Rainbow asked, flying over to where the unicorn and pegasus were arguing.

“Mind your own business, Rainbow Dash! The Great and Powerful Trixie is being barred from the view of this occurrence that she rightly deserves, and wishes to tell many ponies of it later! If you ask really nice, perhaps Trixie will tell you first,” the blue unicorn answered, turning her nose up.

“Rainbow, she one of your friends?” Spitfire asked, cocking her head.

Hardly! the pegasus thought to herself. “Uh, no!” she answered.

“She knew you. Can’t you do something about her, she’s really annoying but I gotta keep watch on things here so I can’t really apprehend her,” Spitfire said with an eyeroll.

“Ooh! Look, it’s Trixie!” Snips’ voice suddenly called out, and he came galloping over, followed by Snails.

“Hey, Trixie! It’s us! Your biggest fans!” Snails yelled as they both hurried over to their exasperated idol.

“Ugh, you stooges again!” Trixie groaned, the colts' arrival worsening her mood.

“Give them a few minutes she’s sure to wanna leave then,” Rainbow said to Spitfire, deciding she may as well leave and tell Fluttershy what went on. Turning around, she flew back towards her friend’s cottage.


“So, then there was this big black… crystal thingy there, but it was hot so nopony was allowed near it. The wonderbolts were there too!” Rainbow had ranted.

“Uh, sounds… really interesting,” Fluttershy said as she lay on her couch, Angel Bunny still consoling her. “You don’t think it means anything bad, do you, Rainbow Dash?” she asked, her blue eyes large and pleading with worry.

“Eh, aside from waking everypony up late, it doesn’t seem to be doing much,” Rainbow said with a hoofwave.

“Uh… um, if it’s not too much trouble, could you… maybe… stay the night?” the other pegasus asked, tapping her hooves together.

Rainbow sighed, knowing there was no way out of this without hurting Fluttershy’s feelings, and she did feel a need to be there for her when she was still so shook up by the crash. “Alright, sure. I’ll stay with you. Just for tonight, though, okay?”

“Oh, Rainbow Dash thank you!” Fluttershy said, hopping off the couch and hugging her friend, nearly squeezing her.

“Easy there, Fluttershy. Let’s just get to sleep alright? I’m not exactly happy my nap got interrupted either!” Rainbow said, pushing Fluttershy back and laying on the couch, earning a glare from Angel.

“Thanks, Rainbow. Angel, you come up and sleep by my bed, okay?” she asked in the sweetest way she could, getting a slight eyeroll and a shrug from the small rabbit and he hopped after her while she flew upstairs to her bed.

That big rock sure was freaky… Rainbow thought to herself as Tank ducked into his shell and dozed off near the foot of the couch. Oh, well, at least I can get back to sleep…


Two hours later…


“WHA!?!” Rainbow fell from the couch, nearly landing on Tank, who poked his head from his shell at her, then glanced at the door as somepony knocked repeated on it.

“Oh my, who could that be?” Fluttershy asked, flying down.


“They sure are persistent!” Fluttershy said.

“I’ll see who it is, sooner I get rid of ‘em the sooner I can get some shut-eye again!” Rainbow growled, trotting over to the door and pushing open the top half, smacking something in the process.

“OW!” a voice outside protested, prompting Rainbow to look outside and finding Trixie sprawled out on the ground.

“What is the meaning of this, Rainbow Dash?!” Trixie demanded. “The Great and Powerful Trixie requires your overrated but still acceptable heroic prowess and came here, having been told you went this way, and you strike her with a door!”

“Sorry,” Rainbow said insincerely, opening the rest of the door and offering to help the unicorn up, but she simply turned her head and stood herself up. “What’s this all about, Trixie, can’t a pony get a little rest?”

“Well, it’s like this. Trixie was taking those two annoying colts back to their parents, but as we were getting there, they noticed the wonderbolts driving off the crowd and leaving, no doubt to report to Princess Luna. Seizing an opportunity, the colts were most insistent on seeing the glowing rock and ran off. Trixie, wishing to ensure their safety... and perhaps to get the chance to see it for herself more closely without those wonderbolts around, chose to accompany them… then suddenly we were ambushed by animals acting very strangely and she…”

“LOST THEM?!” Rainbow snapped, causing the showmare to cringe slightly.

“It was no fault of Trixie’s! Was she the one who brought the Ursa Minor? No! Those two seem quite talented at getting themselves in trouble or bringing it with them! Trixie thought that perhaps this task would be faster accomplished with an extra set of eyes,” Trixie responded.

Rainbow scoffed. “Admit it. You’re scared and want the fastest and most awesome pony in Equestria to watch your flank,” she taunted.

“Trixie would never admit to such cowardice! She is not afraid, but merely wishes to conclude this search more quickly!” the unicorn said in an aloof tone.

“Whatever,” Rainbow said, not buying a word Trixie said. “I’ll be back later, okay Fluttershy?”

“I understand… please be careful,” Fluttershy replied softly as Rainbow began walking along.

“Just keep up!” Rainbow said as Trixie promptly straightened her hat and followed close behind.


“This’d be so much easier if I could just fly to them,” Rainbow muttered angrily. Since Trixie was no pegasus and her only reliable source of directions as to where the colts may have wandered off to, that was not an option and as a result the two had to take the trail, retracing the unicorn’s steps.

“This was when they ran off,” Trixie said, gesturing towards the lightly wooded area that lead further up the hill.

“Well then let’s go handle this. Wouldn’t want to get blamed if anything happens to ‘em, right?” Rainbow asked, causing Trixie to sneer in annoyance. Before Rainbow took five paces a few crows flew out of the trees towards them.

“Hey, guys. Look, I dunno if you know, I’m friends with Fluttershy, we’re, uh, looking for two colts so could you—“ Rainbow didn’t get to finish her words as the spiteful crows suddenly began flying around her attempting to scratch and peck at her.

Flailing about like a madmare, Rainbow swung her hooves angrily at the birds, trying to swat them away. Trixie simply watched and inched closer, but otherwise made no apparent effort to assist the pegasus in any way.

“Stupid bucking crows!” Rainbow shouted furiously, managing to smash one in the face and knocking it out, then turned and grit her teeth at the other, which cawed angrily at her and flew away. “What in Tartarus was up with those things?!” she muttered. Catching her breath, Rainbow turned and noticed Trixie laying comfortably in the grass nearby staring up at her.

"Are you quite finished with this little tussle?" Trixie asked impatiently.

“Ya know, a little help woulda been nice back there!” Rainbow shouted indignantly.

“You didn’t ask, so how was Trixie to know the fastest and most awesome pony in Equestria was in danger?” Trixie asked smugly as she got up, turning her head and earning a facehoof from the pegasus before they resumed their journey.


“I swear another snake or fox or parasprite or whatever attacks me I’m gonna feed you to it!” Rainbow grumbled to Trixie, looking noticeably more roughed up then before and wondering if she should have taken that bat she saw leaning against the wall in Fluttershy’s cottage before she left. Trixie had not been any more helpful in the skirmishes with the oddly-aggressive wildlife during their search. Snips and Snails were still nowhere to be found, but as they’d reached the hill where the black crystal rock had appeared Rainbow’s gut told her the colts were probably there. They were coming close to the crater now, and could see the red glow from the hilltop.

Sure enough, the wonderbolts and the ponies had since cleared out, and getting closer, Rainbow spread her wings and flew towards the top, ignoring Trixie’s protests as the unicorn galloped up the winding path to catch up with her.

Reaching the top and landing next to the rock, Rainbow couldn’t help but be taken in by its appearance. It was mostly rounded with a few flat edges, like a black, crystalline boulder. The heat that came off it suggested it was probably quite hot, and it seemed to have an odd red aura come from it. Trusting her common sense, Rainbow took a few steps back, and noticed two figures hiding behind a tree nearby.

“Whoa, Rainbow Dash?” one figure asked.

“Thanks for coming!” the other said, and both came out, revealing themselves to be Snips and Snails. “Wow, when we heard Trixie freaking out and running off we thought we were done for!” Snails said.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie is no coward! She did not ‘freak out’ nor flee, she merely sought an extra set of eyes to find you two when you wandered off like a couple of clueless foals!” the showmare protested.

“Well, now that everypony’s all reunited can we get back home so I can get some sleep?” Rainbow yelled angrily, still unable to believe she got dragged into this. “I had to search for you guys on hoof most of the way, got mauled by a bunch of stupid animals, and I’m sure Fluttershy’s worried about me by now, so let’s just get you two home now, alright?” the pegasus said, at the end of her patience.

As soon as the words left her mouth, however, the flash of light emitted from the crystal rock, and from it emerged a tiny, insectlike creature.

“PARASPRITE! GET IT AWAY!!” Snips shouted, jumping behind Snails who attempted to jump behind Snips, Trixie glared at the offending creature and suspended it with her magic.

“Wait… I’m not a Parasprite…” the buglike creature said in a high but slightly familiar female voice, and everypony’s faces promptly wore a shocked expression. As it flew closer, the creature seemed mechanical in design, white with gold trim, with an equine face and gossamer wings that shone in blue, green, purple, and pink.

“It… it can talk?!” Trixie stammered, releasing her hold on it out of surprise.

“What the hay…?” Rainbow asked, unable to stop staring at the tiny, buzzing thing.

“Please, you must listen!” the insect creature said to the four surprised ponies. “I have been sent to bring a grave warning from the future! The Dark King of Shadows, Sombra… he has risen again!”

“What?! Sombra?!” Rainbow asked. “Whoa there, bug-thing! Last I saw, the Crystal Heart blew him to bits! How can he have survived?”

“I cannot say, but somehow his magic and soul, remained intact and ensured his survival. Nopony knows for sure,” the bug creature answered. “The point is, I’m from a decade into the future, where Equestria and all beyond it is covered in black crystal spires… ponies suffer in slavery and insanity… and Sombra rules unopposed, his evil thoughts corrupting everything and everypony they touch. The Elements fell just as swiftly as they were too late to stop him. Luna fell next, and in her last desperate move, Celestia transferred what was left of herself into me, to go back and change this horrible fate. I believe… if a pre-emptive strike is made in the past, before Sombra’s power can fully be restored, then perhaps he can be stopped! I must meet with the Celestia of this era at once!”

“Out in Canterlot?" Rainbow asked. "Look, sure I'll get you there, just let me get these three out of my mane first, okay?” Rainbow asked. She could have sworn she heard the bug-thing sigh.

“Very well,” she muttered. “But let’s make this quick, I fear I may have been followed…”

With that, the five companions proceeded down the winding hill trail, returning towards Ponyville. Rainbow noticed the animals she’d dealt with earlier seemed to be cowering now as the talking bug led the group, a fact that admittedly annoyed her a little; how could they not waste a second’s hesitation to start fights with the awesome Rainbow Dash yet cower from a darn bug, even if it was sent by the Princess, supposedly? With a slight grunt, she shook her head and continued on.

No sooner had they made it to the foot of the hill when another flash of light appeared before them, and an odd, ponylike creature appeared before them. It wore armor that seemed to resemble metallic black crystal, with a small badge on its chest made from silvery metal substance. The visor in its helmet showed no features within except green eyes with purple fog emanating from them. The only thing he had going against him was his height; he was maybe just a few inches taller then Snails, making Rainbow suspect he was some kind of junior officer or something.

“Well, well, thought you could escape Sombra’s wrath, puny insect?” the crystalline pony asked mockingly in a high voice that confirmed Rainbow’s earlier suspicion.

“His time is limited, I have found the means to your lord’s downfall!” the bug answered.

“Fool! I will stomp you into the ground!” the armored colt said with a laugh.

“You wanna take her, you gotta deal with us!” Rainbow said, taking a stance while Snips and Snails cowered behind her and Trixie just shook her head and backed away.

Flying forward, Rainbow slammed the armored colt as hard as she could with her hoof, only to discover it’d barely phased him.

The armored pony laughed. “My turn,” he said, his jagged black horn on his helmet glowed brightly and a blast of fire came straight at the ponies.

“No!” the bug-creature shouted, raising her tiny legs and a magical barrier appeared around the ponies and herself, absorbing the flames. “Now, Darkrystal Junior, let’s see you handle THIS” the tiny horn on the buglike creature’s head glowed brightly, and a blast of magical power resembling a star flew at the armored colt, blasting him off his hooves. “Prepare for the beginning of the end of your master’s tyranny!” she declared, charging up another blast before their enemy could get back up and firing it at him. The moment the spell impacted, Darkrystal Junior let out a scream as his body exploded, leaving behind only tiny black shards that dissolved into dust shortly after.

“That was amazing!” Snips cheered.

“Incredible!” Snails added.

“Meh, I had him distracted!” Rainbow scoffed, though she would admit the little bugger didn’t do half bad.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie considers you adequate, had the situation become more dire her hoof may have been forced upon that intruder,” Trixie said with a hoofwave.

“Whatever, Trixie. Let’s just get these two back home and this little bugthing can do what she came for!” Rainbow said, pleased to see Ponyville just ahead now.

“This is only the beginning,” the bug creature warned. “Sombra’s power is already beginning to grow. The animals, ponies with negative emotions, and his servants will all attempt to stop his downfall. It’s essential we hurry!”

Author's Note:

And thus endeth chapter one of this experiment! Will the threat from the future be stopped? Will Rainbow Dash be allowed some r&r? Who else shall be drawn into this unexpected adventure?

Ponies and places are fully cast, next update hopefully next weekend!