• Published 17th Aug 2013
  • 3,707 Views, 568 Comments

An Earthbound Journey - ShadeJak

An Earthbound crossover of sorts. The return of an ancient evil starts a weird and crazy adventure for Rainbow Dash and her friends all around Equestria and beyond!

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Thy Dungeon Mare!

“Is that… what I think it is?” Twilight uttered in disbelief.

“If you’re thinking it’s a gigantic walking unicorn statue with a horn that looks like a castle tower and is walking on its hind legs then yes, it very much is, Twilight,” Rarity replied, staring agape at the massive entity stomping by in the distance.

“Oh, checking out Dungeon Mare, huh?” A voice asked. Turning, they saw a camel trot over, though he dressed in a more tribal fashion then the last one they’d met. “Interesting sight, she is, huh? Most think her a mirage in this desert but she’s as real as I am!” He said with a laugh.

“W-what are you doing out here?” Twilight asked, confused as to where their visitor had come from.

“Oh, I camp not too far from here. I’m tasked with finding worthy challengers to try and pass her test!” The camel said. “I saw you come out the back way from the pyramid, so I’m gonna take a guess that you four might be qualified to handle the Challenge of the Dungeon Mare!” He said, citing the title in the most dramatic way possible. The four ponies stared in confusion at his odd display, which prompted a shrug from the camel. “Hey, pays the bills. Anyway, she’s actually a unicorn musician from Canterlot who has some eccentric hobbies, or so I’m told… apparently once she made an obstacle course for her school as part of a student activity project she wanted to go bigger, and I guess you can say she succeeded!” He said casually before reaching into his saddlebag and taking out a key. “Here you go! Best of luck!”

“Hey, whoa, wait a sec!” Rainbow protested. “Who cares about this whole Dungeon Mare thing? We’ve got other things going on! We don’t have time for this!”

“What adventurer does?” The camel asked. “But stories tell of great treasures and relics inside for any that make it through!

“How in the hoof can we be sure?” Twilight asked. “It’s weird though, I swear she sounds familiar…”

Before Twilight could finish her sentence, a brilliant flash of light appeared before them, and out stepped none other then Princess Celestia herself.

“Oh, well perhaps I should leave you five be.” The camel said with a nervous smile. “Majesty.” He said with a polite nod and ran off as fast as he could. Celestia watched him leave for a moment before turning her attention to Twilight.

“Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student. I see you’ve all reached Saddle Arabia with little trouble. Lovely place isn’t it?” She asked with a smirk as she looked up at the sky.

“It’s a little too hot for my taste I’m afraid.” Rarity said.

“Ah work in this kinda heat every now an’ then so it don’t bother me as much.” Applejack said proudly.

“Pardon my curiosity, Princess… but why are you here? Is it getting worse back home?” Twilight asked.

“I’m afraid so, Twilight… more of Sombra’s forces are manifesting around Equestria and that is why I have come here. My sister and I have discovered an old tome of combat spells which Starswirl the Bearded had compiled in his time that we are now training our guards in.” Celestia explained. “However there is one spell of such power that I feel you may be the only unicorn capable of mastering it. I do not wish such a possibility to go to waste when you four are the ones who are directly acting against Sombra’s goals. If this is true, it will prove useful in your fight against him and his forces.”

“Then I have to…?” Twilight began.

“Yes.” Celestia nodded. “You must return with me to Canterlot to learn and train in the spell. I will return you to your friends as soon as we have finished.”

“But…” Twilight looked over at her friends, who gave her sad but encouraging smiles.

“Go on, Twi! If it’s gonna help us then go do what ya gotta!” Applejack said.

“I’m quite capable of handling myself. You go ahead and do as the Princess says.” Rarity encouraged.

“Yeah, don’t worry about us!” Rainbow declared. “We’re not helpless without ya! I’m sure we’ll seeya again real soon!”

“O-okay… thanks, girls.” Twilight said, managing a smile then looking back at her mentor. “I’m ready.”

“Very well. Then let’s leave at once.” Celestia said, but she then paused for a moment, noticing the Dungeon Mare. “Oh my… so she has gone and done it after all!” She said with a proud smile. “Since this might take some time, why don’t you three go check that out? I can tell she’s worked very hard on it, and who knows? You may find something of use in there.” She said with a chuckle. “Well, let’s be on our way, Twilight. I promise to have you back with your friends as soon as possible.”

Celestia draped her wing over Twilight and the two vanished in another brilliant flash of light, leaving the remaining three ponies behind.

“Well…” Rainbow said, staring down at the key the camel had left behind. “Who’s up for a dungeon trot?”


Moments later the three friends stood before the massive, bipedal stone unicorn as it slowly and unknowingly stomped towards them.

“Hey! Hey you!” Rainbow shouted, taking to the air and flying towards the Dungeon Mare. “Hey!” She yelled again as loud as she could when she got in front of its ‘face’, which resembled a pony’s with two large windows for eyeholes, a small smirk carved into the muzzle for its mouth, and atop its head was a spiral tower in place of a horn with a small flag that had a picture of a golden lyre on it. “Hey! Dungeon Mare!” Rainbow yelled once more. This time, the stone pony stopped.

“WHAT DOST THOU WANT WITH THE DUNGEON MARE???” A loud female voice boomed from it, causing Rainbow to tumble backwards in the air.

“Whoa… and I thought Princess Luna could get loud…” Rainbow muttered to herself. “What ‘dost’ I want? Well, my friends and I wanna take your challenge!” She declared with a cocky smirk.

“OH MY GOSH! RAINBOW DASH IS THAT YOU?!” The Dungeon Mare bellowed in a rather alarming amount of excitement and dropping the Olde Equestrian dialogue, clapping its gigantic stone mitts together in glee.

“Do… I know you?” Rainbow asked, cocking an eyebrow.


“Got it right here. Where’s the way in?” Rainbow asked as she held it out with her hoof.

“MINE LEFT HOOF, THOU SHALT FINDETH THE WAY IN-ETH!” The Dungeon Mare said. “ENTER, BRAVE HEROES, AND PREPARE THYSELVES FOR THE CHALLENGE OF THE DUNGEON MARE!” The stone colossus shouted as Rarity and Applejack galloped over.


“This place is…” Rarity began.

“Even crazier on the inside…” Applejack finished while Rainbow hovered in the air speechless. The inside was a massive cave of some sort, made of brickwork with several torches along the walls. A grinding of gears could be faintly heard amidst the upbeat music that played from horns sticking out of the walls and before them was a sign, with two arrows on either end indicating the directions they could take at the fork in the passage. Curious, the three approach the sign and read it.

Welcome to the Challenge of the Dungeon Mare, brave heroes! To your left, you can treat yourselves to some delicious chocolate treats and take a break at the candy shop to your left, where it’s safe from any of the perils of my amazing dungeon, or begin your adventure by heading to the right! The choice lies with you, good luck!

…Lyra Heartstrings

“She’s got WAY too much free-time.” Applejack mused.

“Well, I for one could use a little snack after that fiasco with the pyramid, and perhaps a rest.” Rarity said.

“Ah guess you’re right, we best rest while we can, we dunno when Twi’ll be back.” Applejack said, albeit with some reluctance.

“Awww, fine. I guess chocolate doesn’t sound so bad.” Rainbow admitted, following her friends down the left path which lead into a well-lit candy store with numerous chocolate treats on display, as well as a magic gem-powered cooler containing what appeared to be chocolate milk bottles. At the counter was a beige-colored earth pony mare with a dark blue, pink-striped mane and tail.

“Long time no see!” The pony said with a friendly smile.

“Hello, Bon Bon… what in the world are you doing in here anyway?” Rarity asked. The other pony sighed.

“Lyra’s had this crazy idea ever since she was picked to make the obstacle course for CSGU back in Canterlot, got Whooves on board for it somehow. I figured I’d tag along and make sure she stays out of trouble since I couldn’t talk her out of it.” Bon Bon replied. “As you may have guessed business is a little slow when I’m not visiting Ujamare. I hope she outgrows this phase soon but I’m willing to be supportive until then.”

“Well if it helps, I’ll buy a few of your sweetie drop treats, and perhaps a bottle of chocolate milk.” Rarity said with a smile.

“Count me in for some, too!” Rainbow said, dropping some bits on the counter.

“Ah guess ah’ll have what they’re havin’.” Applejack said, approaching and laying some money down as well.

“Oh, no need, girls. I’ll cover this.” Rarity said, laying out a small gem. “Here, this should hopefully cover it.

“Hm, I’d say it should. Thanks, Rarity” Bon Bon said as she took the gem and placed it in a small treasure chest behind her with a gold lyre painted on it, then got out the chocolates and milk bottles. “If you need to rest while you eat, Lyra got that bench her and I used to sit on from time to time in the park back in Ponyville over in the corner, there.” She said.

“Thank you, Bon Bon.” Rarity said. “Where is Lyra anyway? We’re waiting for our friend Twilight to return from a trip, and need a way to get back to Equestria so we can reach the Hayseed Swamps.”

“Lyra’s several floors up, but you’ll have to get through the dungeon challenge to reach her.” Bon Bon said. “As for getting back, well… she did keep an odd assortment in this place, some of them donations from Dr. Whooves. Who knows? Maybe she has something in here!” The earth pony replied with a shrug. “I just wish she actually learned old-world Equestrian before trying to speak it…” she muttered with an eyeroll. “At any rate, good luck!


The brick tunnels went in a number of odd twists and turns, and every so often the three friends came across signs left by Lyra that contained some non sequitors, musings, or attempts at advice.

Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, B, A!

…Lyra Heartstrings

“Any idea what that means?” Rarity wondered, stroking her chin with her hoof as she munched on one of the chocolate treats she’d bought.

“Ah ain’t got a clue, sugarcube.” Applejack said, cocking her head as she looked over the abstract message.

“Hey, does it matter? I can fly!” Rainbow said proudly as she pushed a button on the large door ahead of them. The grinding of gears was heard as the door’s bars retracted, and the door opened. Immediately, a pie came flying out the open door and struck Rainbow in the face, knocking her from the air and to the ground. Behind the door was another sign with a message on it.

Gotcha didn’t I? Hee hee.

Always be careful when you open doors, things aren’t always what they seem!

…Lyra Heartstrings

“She’s definitely taking this way too far.” Rainbow grumbled as she licked and wiped off the whip cream and crusting from her face.

“At any rate, we best continue.” Applejack said, deciding to lead the way now. As the three continued through, Rainbow still muttering to herself about ‘stupid pies’ they came to a large room with a rotating hallway.

“Okay, how are we…” Rarity began.

“Supposed to…” Applejack continued.

“Get through that? Easy, I’ll carry you.” Rainbow said, taking to the air again, only to once again find herself on the business end of an airborne pie.

“Perhaps it was best we looked at this sign.” Rarity said, gesturing to a sign to their left they’d not noticed upon entering.

Sorry, No-Fly Zone in my insides!

…Lyra Heartstrings

“Her INSIDES?! You’re right, Rainbow, she’s takin’ this a tad too far.” Applejack muttered. “Ya okay there?” she asked her friend, trying not to laugh at the pastry-covered pegasus.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine!” Rainbow muttered, cleaning herself off again and noticing another sign.

Did you get splatted? Don’t worry! It’s all taken care of!

…Lyra Heartstrings

As if to respond to that, Rainbow was treated to a familiar sight; a bouncing fire hydrant.

“What in the hay?!” She wondered, recalling that she’d last seen it in Moonhattan and realization came over her. “Girls, WATCH OUT!”

Before anypony could react, the fire hydrant let loose with a powerful blast of water, soaking all three ponies completely but effectively washing off the pie gunk from Rainbow’s face.

The hydrant bounced about and laughed, a ridiculous grin on its face as it prepared to fire again at them.

“Oh no, you don’t!” Rainbow yelled, flying at the hydrant and knocking it over with a strong blow from her hooves.

“How… DARE YOU!!!!” Rarity shouted furiously while Applejack attempted to stifle her laughter at seeing Rarity look like a mess while taking advantage of the distraction Rainbow caused to drew out her lasso and gave it a toss, grabbing the hydrant and flinging it off the ground. The hydrant let out a giddy laughing fit, however, and spun about in the air, reeling the earth pony in like a fish on a line and sending her spinning about.

“SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH! WASH! WASH! WASH!” The hydrant cheered, pausing and sending Applejack flying as it began to hop towards Rarity again.

“Oh no, no, no, no, NO!” Rarity pleaded, stepping back. The hydrant grinned and aimed, only to be engulfed by Rarity’s magic aura and aimed upward, firing a stream of water at the ceiling. Shaking itself off, the hydrant hopped towards the unicorn, only to slip on its own spill and topple over, ‘bleeding’ water out its top.

“Well… that went better then I thought.” Rarity said as Applejack and Rainbow trotted over to the offending hydrant and glared down at it.

“Care to be joinin’ us, Rarity?” Applejack asked.

“Gladly.” Rarity said, standing next to her friends.

“On three.” Rainbow said. “One.”

“Two.” Applejack continued as the three of them turned away.

“THREE!” The hydrant shouted, spraying all three with a blast of water in the hindquarters and sending them flying. The hydrant bounced back up, giggling to itself and proceeded to hop off down the tunnels the three ponies had come from.

“Okay, lemme at ‘em!” Rainbow shouted indignantly as her friends quickly held her back.

“Ain’t worth it, Dash! We gotta get to the top’a this place an’ find Lyra!” Applejack said.

“Yes, as much as I want to beat that rude thing to scrap metal for ruining my mane, we do have other priorities.” Rarity explained. “It’s best we… move on… once I fix myself up.”

“Rarity, ya just said we had other priorities.” Applejack replied, annoyed.

“A lady always has time to touch up when she needs to, Applejack. Not that you’d know a thing about that, no offense intended.” Rarity said as she used her magic to restyle her mane and tail. “There, that didn’t take so long, did it? Though I do expect an opportunity to give myself a real cleanup when we are less occupied with navigating through a ridiculous walking dungeon pony.”

“Fine, let’s get going, then.” Rainbow said, pausing to look at another sign.

He’s so good at what he does, isn’t he? Wonder where he came from…

…Lyra Heartstrings

With a crisp buck, Rainbow sent the sign flying from where it’d been placed and stormed off further into the tunnel.


“Hm, this looks mighty tricky. We spose’ta open one box, or all them boxes, or what?” Applejack wondered as they were presented with three treasure chests and a locked door.

“I’m not falling for a trap this time.” Rainbow said, eyeing the chests suspiciously. “Hey, Rarity? Think you can open ‘em from a distance with your magic? I’ve read enough Daring Do to know what happens with these sorta things!”

“Right away, Rainbow Dash.” Rarity said, focusing her magic on the middle chest and making it open. As expected, a pie came flying out, its pan striking the ceiling at an angle and causing it to ricochet straight at Rainbow Dash before she could react, giving her the third helping of cream pie in one day and knocking her out of the air once more.

“CELESTIA-BUCKING TARTARUS!!!!” Rainbow shouted lividly as she flailed about on the ground in a fit of anger, struggling to wipe the latest set of pastry remains off of her face.

“Okay, ah gotta admit, that was too funny!” Applejack said, snickering. “Lemme give this’un a try!” The farm pony said, taking out her lasso and wrapping it around the second treasure chest and lifting it up to turn it upside-down. The lid slid open as it soared over Rainbow Dash, and another pie found its mark.

“……” The pegasus snorted angrily and gave her friend a glare that could melt through stone while Applejack just chuckled to herself, even Rarity couldn’t avoid a few giggles before the pegasus took two hooffuls of pastry cream and flung them at her friends, splatting them both in the face. The payback proved enough to make Rainbow smile a little as she cleaned herself off, her friends giving her flat yet visibly annoyed expressions.

“Well, I suppose by process of elimination that leaves the third one.” Rarity said, using her magic to clean the pie cream off of her face. Flinching, she used her magic on the final chest and nothing emerged. Approaching cautiously, Rarity saw a flask within the chest. “Oh?” She wondered, getting closer and attempting to remove it, but it didn’t budge, as if it were somehow attached to the inside of the chest. Peering in, Rarity saw a note next to it.

Ye cannot get ye flask.

…Lyra Heartstrings

“What’s wrong?” Rainbow asked.

“I can’t take the flask.” Rarity said. “Won’t tell me why, though. Honestly, you’d think she’d have the decency to inform me!” She muttered, tapping the flask with her hoof. As soon as she did, however, the flask tilted slightly, and the sound of gears grinding was heard as bars on the door retracted and it slid open to the next tunnel.

“Though I suppose we can at least be glad we are able to proceed further.” The unicorn said with a smile.

“Ah guess there’s no point in arguin’ with that.” Applejack agreed.

“I don’t normally say this but you go first this time. I’ve had it with these pies!” Rainbow muttered, licking off the last of the meringue off her face. “…Even if they don’t taste half-bad…”

Entering the next room, they crossed a long bridge and found themselves confronted by a passageway far above them, and no apparent way to reach it. Flying up, Rainbow saw the passage was sealed off by a cover of some kind.

“GOODNESS! What’s she doing keeping those things here?!” Rarity shouted, looking down over the bridge they were walking across. Down below in several pens were various Everfree monsters; including several cragadiles, a hydra, a pair of timberwolves, a manticore, and for some reason, several ducks.

“She crazy or something?!” Rainbow asked, wondering how Lyra could have acquired them.

“Hey, check this here sign out!” Applejack said, tapping a sign nearby and prompting her friends to join her and read it.

Dungeons are always full of monsters! These ones are fake and just for show, though! I sometimes use them as my audience when I’m practicing my music. It makes things more exciting that way!

…Lyra Heartstrings

The three ponies exchanged a glance before looking back down at the penned pits housing the, on closer inspection, motionless ‘monster’ dolls.

“Okay, so that problem solved… how do we get up there?” Applejack asked.

“There’s gotta be something here.” Rainbow wondered, looking at the wall and noticing some strange carvings on it which featured arrows, numbers, and letters, and another sign next to it.

When getting through a dungeon, it’s always good to remember what you learn along the way!

…Lyra Heartstrings

“What the hay is she talking about?” Rainbow asked, looking over at Applejack, who just shook her head.

“Wait, I think I have an idea…” Rarity said, cocking her head and studying the carvings, which were all on stone tiles etched into the wall. “Hmmm…” She raised her hoof and pressed the arrow pointing up twice, then the down arrow, then the left and right back and forth twice, then the B and A tiles one after the other twice.

“That weird nonsense that sign earlier said?” Applejack asked.

“Well, it was worth a shot.” Rarity said with a shrug.

“Nothin’s happenin’.” Applejack pointed out. “Hang on…” She noticed another tile that simply had the word ENTER written on it. Turning herself around and giving it a firm buck, the tile slid inward and the entire place began to shake.

“HUZZAH! THOU HAST PASSED THE CHALLENGE OF THE DUNGEON MARE! PROCEED, MY VICTORS!” The Dungeon Mare’s voice bellowed as the passage in the ceiling opened and a collapsible stairway descended and unfolded from it, and an applause track played from the horns that had been blaring out the upbeat music of the dungeon for a second.

After another exchanged, exasperated glance between the three friends, they proceeded up the steps towards whatever awaited them at the top.


Reaching the top, they found themselves in a well-lit, brick tunnel that forked into two directions, one leading straight ahead, and the other a left turn.

While some may go straight to the soul of Dungeon Mare, the way out is left to those who have proven their worth!

…Lyra Heartstrings

“Hey, you! Come on over here!” A familiar, female voice called out from the passage that led straight ahead.

As the three proceeded oneward, they were greeted with a rather unusual sight; Lyra’s face sticking out of the wall at the end of the hallway, smiling at them as a periscope slid up from her face and into the ceiling.

“Hi! Long time no see, girls!” Lyra said cheerfully. “I-I mean… YE CHALLENGERS HAVE PASSED! NOW LOOK UPON DUNGEON MARE AND—”

“Uh, Lyra? It doesn’t really work when it’s your face sticking out of the wall instead of it being a giant stone pony.” Rainbow said with an eyeroll.

“Oh… I see.” Lyra said, her ears drooping. “Well, I tried, okay?” She asked.

“And don’t take this the wrong way, Lyra but… why are you in that wall?” Rainbow asked.

“Isn’t it obvious? I made the ultimate combination of obstacle courses and ponies, all in a cool dungeon form! I’m DUNGEON MARE!” She declared proudly. “I am now one with the dungeon, I got these cool gripping mitt things, too! They’re kinda helpful when you can’t pick stuff up with your horn due to where you are.”

“So that’s what those were?” Applejack asked.

“Hey, minotaurs got ‘em.” Lyra said as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. “Anyway, did you have fun inside me?” She asked with a big smile.

“Please… Lyra… dear… don’t word it like that.” Rarity said, shifting uncomfortably.

“Oh, okay, fine!” Lyra said, her face retracting into the wall and leaving an empty hole behind. A creaking was heard from behind the wall and a hidden door opened on the side, revealing the full Lyra Heartstrings as she stepped out and joined the three ponies. “So… uh, what can I do for you?”

“Well, we need a way back to Equestria, or more accurately, the Hayseed Swamps.” Rarity explained.

“Hayseed Swamps?! Why would you wanna go there? That place is hard to find your way around in and there are monsters!” Lyra protested.

“It’s a long story, but getting through it will help us beat Sombra!” Rainbow said.

“Sombra? That evil king from the Crystal Empire?” Lyra asked, flinching.

“The one an’ only.” Applejack explained.

“I do remember Twilight leaving the school for something important a couple days back.” Lyra mused. “Well, if I can help in any way, I’ll be glad to! I think I have just the thing, actually!”

“You do?” Rarity asked, her eyes wide with delight.

“Sure, follow me, to my ‘exit hole’!” The unicorn said with a smile, prompting the other three ponies to grimace at the name she’d used before following.


“AW, COME ON!” Rainbow protested angrily when she was once again covered in pie.

“Oh, you tripped my last trap!” Lyra said with a sheepish smile. “Last-ditch security. Bon Bon makes ‘em for me!”

“How nice of her.” Rainbow deadpanned as the she shook herself off indignantly and resumed following Lyra and her friends back and to the left passage.


Reaching a large chamber resembling some kind of castle armory, with a chute on the other end of the room, Lyra gestured to several odd vehicles that lay about.

“A few of Dr. Whooves’ cast-offs he let me keep for my Dungeon Mare! I meant for them to be prizes to anypony who passes through! Since you three are the first, I’ll let you pick which one you want!” Lyra said with a smile as she floated a large, foam #1 hand onto Rainbow’s head.

“Uhhh… thanks.” Rainbow said, pushing it off and looking at the different devices. “Anything that can get us across the sea and into the Hayseed Swamps safely?” She asked.

“Ooh! I know just the one!” Lyra said excitedly as she trotted over to a large, yellow vehicle shaped like an egg, with a periscope on top and several windows on the sides. “This one he called a “submarine”. It allows for underwater travel and said it’s real easy to work! But you gotta stay near the surface to get more air every now and then.” She explained.

“Sounds like it’ll do the trick.” Applejack said. “But it’s a tad big ta carry, ain’t it? Not to mention mighty heavy-lookin’. Even you an’ Rarity can’t expect to lift it with your magic.”

“Oh, leave that to me! You three just get inside!” Lyra said with a mischievous smirk as she trotted out of the room and back the way she came. With no other choice, the three friends approached the odd water transport and climbed in, closing the top behind them.

Finding seats and Rainbow having taken the steering wheel, the three were treated to another rumbling and they felt the ground tilt. As it did, the submarine slid downward towards the chute at the end of the room and promptly fell down into the darkness below.

After two minutes of screaming in darkness, light appeared at the end of the tunnel and the submarine tumbled out into the desert. Peering through the porthole, Rarity noticed the Dungeon Mare, towering over them and facing away, their vehicle positioned behind it.

“I don’t even want to know.” Rarity said, shaking her head in disgust as the Dungeon Mare turned around and leaned over, picking their vehicle up in its massive hand and carrying them through the desert, taking colossal steps and crushing any and all opposition that came its way.

In far less time then expected; the Dungeon Mare had brought them to the coastline, which was surrounded by palm trees. As it approached, however, the three ponies felt a shake. Confused, Rainbow climbed out of the submarine and looked up at the gigantic stone pony.

“Hey! What gives?” She asked.


“That’s NOT true, Lyra! We can finally leave this ridiculous thing!” Bon Bon’s voice suddenly said from within the towering giant.

“But I don’t wanna!” Lyra’s voice whined from it. “I just got this thing and it’s soooo cool!”

A loud sigh was heard from within.

“Enough with the drama, Lyra. We’re going back to the town and taking the first boat back to Equestria once we help our friends.” Bon Bon’s voice ordered.

“Ugh. FINE…” Lyra’s voice replied.

“If I may ask, though… however are we going to get out into the water from here?” Rarity asked, poking her head out next to Rainbow’s.

After a moment of silence, Lyra spoke again.

“LEAVE SUCH MATTERS TO THY DUNGEON MARE!” She bellowed, in-character again, and the massive stone arm began to rise and rear back. It did not take long for Rarity to realize what was going on.

“Oh no… oh NO!” Rarity protested, ducking back down into the submarine, Rainbow going wide-eyed for a moment and hurriedly doing the same.

“Uh, what’s goin’ on?” Applejack asked her friends.

“You may want to hold on to something.” Rarity said urgently as she wrapped her forehooves around her seat.

“Ooh yeah! THIS is gonna be awesome!” Rainbow cheered as she eagerly waited for what was about to happen.

“Alright, but what’s about to—!!!!” Applejack did not get to finish as the three felt themselves get propelled through the air at tremendous speed, all of them screaming as they rocketed across the beach and landing in the water with a great splash.

“That was SO cool!” Rainbow shouted with a grin, offering a hoofbump to Rarity, who was shaking and staring off into space with a horrified look on her face. Applejack smirked and returned the hoofbump.

“Ah gotta admit that was kinda fun.” The earth pony said as she let go of her seat.

“Next stop, the Hayseed Swamp!” Rainbow cheered as she looked over the arrows on the controls and pressed the forward one. The sound of several propellers was head behind them, and the three ponies were soon on their way back to Equestria.

Back on land, the Dungeon Mare waved goodbye before leaning down at the trees it was caught in.

“Seriously, Lyra… I worry about you sometimes…” Bon Bon’s voice muttered from it.

Author's Note:

At long last, the next chapter is out! Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! A little longer then most chapters but I wanted to get as much fun as I could with the Dungeon Mare. Next time, it's on to the dark and dangerous Hayseed Swamps! Seeya next time! :twilightsmile:

Once again, MUSIC!