• Published 17th Aug 2013
  • 3,708 Views, 568 Comments

An Earthbound Journey - ShadeJak

An Earthbound crossover of sorts. The return of an ancient evil starts a weird and crazy adventure for Rainbow Dash and her friends all around Equestria and beyond!

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Terror of the Deep

“Fifty-two bits for a SALAD are they nuts?! They didn’t even have the little carrots that I like!” Rainbow demanded angrily as she stormed out of a Bahamare diner. “Honestly, I could use that sorta money to buy at least two weeks worth of salads back home!”

“Well what did you expect, Rainbow Dash? We’re on Bahamare Island, the highest-caliber resort in Equestrian territory. All the meals here are practically Canterlot-quality, you know!” Rarity explained.

“Who CARES about that?! I wanna eat, and one carrot with a fancy sprig of parsley next to it is not in any feathering way considered a meal by ANY sane pony's standards!” Rainbow protested.

“It’s like my Aunt an’ Uncle Orange’s again,” Applejack remarked.

“It’d be the best carrot you ever had Rainbow,” Rarity said with an amused smirk, teasing her friend more.

“Eh, ah prefer apples anyway,” Applejack said. “Can we just up an’ end this squabblin’ now?”

“Yes, please do,” Twilight said. “We have food anyway and we can get more for less when we get to Saddle Arabia.”

“UGH! FINE!" Rainbow groaned. “But I better be able to get whatever I want.”

“Sure, sure. Whatever,” Twilight replied with a facehoof. “Let’s just get to the boat before it leaves."

As they approached, the bearded earth pony ship captain turned and cocked an eyebrow at them. “Passage to Saddle Arabia? Name’s Smooth Sailin’. I command the fastest and safest rides from here to the eastlands,” he said.

“Great, there’ll be four of us,” Twilight explained.

“Twenty bits per pony,” he replied.

“Uhhh we got that?” Applejack asked.

“Um, excuse me, I’m Twilight Sparkle, Celestia’s student, will that give us any leverage?” Twilight asked, showing her student identification.

“Fine, you can ride for free this once, but it’s still twenty bits for each of the other three,” the captain said after looking it over. “And that’s as low as I go. Try and understand I’m not just running a ship route, but it’s across the sea and there’s reports of a monster in those waters…”

“Wait, a monster?!” Rarity asked.

“Why yes, missy,” the captain said. “A terrible beast that’s been sinkin’ our ships lately! I dare not cross these waters lightly.”

“Well, I say bring it on!” Rainbow said. “How about we trash this monster for you if it shows and if we do, we pay half price. If not, we’ll pay you after we get to the other side. Deal?”

The captain looked her over in annoyance.

“Well, unless it’s all just some fib to rip ponies off,” Rainbow taunted with a smirk.

“No! It’s very true I swear!” the captain said. “It turned up recently! One of the ships has already been sunk by this thing yesterday!”

“An’ yet you ain’t provin’ nothin’ an’ ya seem fine to me. Maybe we should report some lyin’ around these parts,” Applejack remarked.

“I’m TELLING you! I saw the monster and it destroyed a ship! I’m just charging what this trip is worth now!” the captain protested.

“Well then if this monster’s real, ya wouldn’t mind takin’ us up on our offer,” Applejack said.

“Think, dear sir, if this ghastly monster is gone, nopony gets worried about it disrupting the trade routes and you find more work, so everypony wins,” Rarity said.

The captain facehoofed. “Fine, whatever. If you promise the payment, just show me you have it first, though,” he said.


“That took a little effort but it was worth it, I suppose. Monster or not,” Twilight said as they sat on the ship, two hours having passed on the long boat ride. The magically-powered ship moved at high speeds across the water towards the kingdom of Saddle Arabia at an excellent pace and they were certain to be there in another hour and a half.

“Indeed so, Twilight,” Rarity said. “Saddle Arabian silks are very lovely and I have been rather eager to sample a few for my next line I intend to make, darling.”

“Ever the opportunist, Rarity,” Twilight said with a smile and a shake of her head.

“Well, a lady in my line of work can’t afford to miss a single one, Twilight!” the other unicorn said.

As they continued on, the boat suddenly paused.

“What’s going on?” the captain suddenly asked, his unicorn shipmate came over and shrugged.

“Think we hit something?” The shipmate asked.

“I don’t think so. Can’t be the anchor or we’d have felt a tug,” the captain replied.

As if on command, a loud and familiar fanfare sounded off.

“What in Equestria was that?” the captain asked, looking around, noticing the collective groan from his four passengers.

“You’re about to find out,” Rainbow said, gesturing upward at a figure spiraling down from out of the sky towards the ship’s deck…

“Ahhh, I love the fresh spray of the sea on a sunny afternoon, don’t you?” Discord asked with a jolly chuckle as he slid on his sunglasses he’d made appear in his paw. “Well, now that we’re all here, why don’t you four huddle together for what you know comes next!” he said as he made his camera materialize around his neck and held it up.

“Can’t you let us be for ONE day, Discord?!” Applejack demanded.

“Nope! Now say fuzzy pickles!” Discord ordered, not losing the cheerfulness in his tone.

With a click of the camera, Discord immortalized the four ponies exasperated looks with the ship deck and the open sea behind them.

“Oooh! Perfect! Such memories I’ll cherish from this! Good luck in Saddle Arabia, my little ponies, though I’m certain we’ll meet again soon enough for more wonderful photo opportunities!” the draconequus said with a boisterous laugh as he raised his claw up and spiraled back up into the sky.

“What was that all about?” the captain asked.

“Just… don’t ask, okay?” Twilight asked.


“Captain, something hit the bottom of the ship!” the shipmate replied a half hour later.

“Oh my… think it could be the monster?” Rarity asked.

“Celestia’s mane, it has to be!” the captain shouted, terror on his face as he sawa long fin cut through the water. “In the middle of a rainstorm… this just keeps getting worse…” he said looking up at the dark skies.

“The leviathan is real?!” the shipmate asked. “I thought it was just crazy sailor-talk!”

As if to answer that, the surface broke with a mighty splash as several large tentacles emerged and grabbed onto the ship. Seconds later a snakelike head emerged, its glowing green eyes trailed purple smoke from them as it reared back and let out a terrible roar.

“This… is gonna be a problem!” the captain said, staring up at the massive beast and backing away.

“Get back!” Twilight shouted, firing a blast of magic at the creature’s mouth, causing it to recoil for a moment. “This is the monster? I’ve read about these, I thought they went extinct hundreds of years ago!”

“Well clearly this ‘un begs to differ, Twilight!” Applejack said, bucking one of its tentacles and causing it to lose its grip.

“Captain! You and your shipmate get this boat on full speed! We gotta keep moving so it’ll have a harder time knocking us over! Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack, help me handle this thing! If the legends are true, we’re in for a serious fight!” Twilight said, never taking her eyes off the beast as it lunged forward. Twilight jumped out of the way as Rainbow swooped down and struck it. The creature grunted and released its grip, diving back under.

“You heard her! Let’s move!” the captain ordered, and the shipmate charged up the engine again, causing them to start moving at full speed. Seconds later, the fin rose up again, the creature’s armored back rising above the water as it sped alongside the ship, drawing ever-closer.

“Quick! Rarity! On the offense!” Twilight said, rushing to the side of the ship and firing magic bolts at it. “Its back and chest are well-armored. Aim between the plates as best you can and we might be able to drive it back before it hits us!”

“Right away, Twilight!” Rarity replied, standing firm as she took aim with her horn, firing several magic bolts at it, one finally hitting its mark and causing the creature to swerve sideways away from the ship. The creature dove under and its four whiplike tentacles lashed out, rising up around the ship.

“EVERYPONY! TAKE OUT THOSE TENTACLES!” the captain shouted as loud as he could. Twilight hurriedly fired magic blast after magic blast at one of them, causing it to quiver and drop back into the water. Rarity backed away and did the same, blasting it just before it could slap down and it, too, slid back under. Rainbow flew around the third tentacle and using her speed and momentum, slammed into it from behind, causing it to slide back under.

Faced with the last one, Applejack steadied herself. “Okay, now what?” she asked.

“There’s a harpoon right near you!” the captain yelled. “I figured a pony can’t be too careful travelling these waters!”

Applejack rushed over and grabbing it with her teeth and flung it into the air. As it came back down, she gave it a firm buck, sending it flying through the remaining tentacle like a missile. A rumble was felt underneath as the leviathan’s tentacle hastily plummeted back under. “Phew...”

“Did we get it?” Rainbow asked.

“Doubt it! Captain, keep full speed ahead so it can’t ram us from underwater!” Twilight said.

“On it!” the captain said. As soon as the words left his mouth the full form of the beast rose from the water, leaping into the air before diving back down with a mighty splash that caused a wave to sweep towards them.

“Oh no!” Twilight quickly summoned a barrier, preventing her and the others from getting washed off the boat. The leviathan’s fin rose from the water behind them, gaining on them now as its massive head emerged, its glowing green eyes narrowing at them as it lunged forward, snapping its huge jaws at the four ponies.

“Whoa!” Twilight teleported out of the way while the others jumped back as the monster’s head crashed onto the deck, laying there for a second.

That was all Applejack and Rainbow Dash needed as both rushed forward and the former gave a fierce buck while Rainbow swooped down with a flying kick, both aimed at the creature’s face and sending it tumbling backwards into the water.

“We got anythin’ more powerful ta handle somethin’ like this?!” Applejack asked.

“Not really… wait! Our rescue flares! But if we use ‘em up…” the captain protested.

“Like we got a choice, now!” Rainbow shouted. “Where are they?”

“In a box, in the cabin of the ship!” the captain said as the creature’s fin rose up from the water again on the other side of the ship, drawing closer and closer as it swam swiftly alongside them.

“Gotcha!” Rainbow answered, flying into the cabin to find them.

“Oh no! Look out!” the shipmate shouted, noticing the creature diving under and it’s tail rising up in front of the ship and preparing to swat it.

“Horseapples!” The captain yelled, swerving the ship out of the way and nearly capsizing it as the gigantic tail swept over, tearing part of the roof off with it.

“Rarity! Come on!” Twilight ordered, and the two unicorns fired magic blasts at the beast’s tail and causing it to dive again.

Instantly a tentacle rose up, slapping down on the ship and causing it to shake violently, catapulting Twilight and Rarity into the air. Twilight hastily teleported herself back to the ship deck and watched as her friend went flying. “Rarity!”

“Ah got ‘er sugarcube!” Applejack shouted, whipping out her lasso and lashing it forward, catching Rarity around the waist and pulling her back on board before she could fall.

“Thank you, Applejack,” the unicorn said, breathing out a sigh of relief as she shook herself out of the lasso, watching the tentacle sink back into the water.

“I got the flares!” Rainbow said, emerging from the cabin.

“Bring them here!” Twilight ordered. As she said this, the leviathan’s head rose from the water again behind them, letting out a ferocious roar and reared its head back, intent to lunge again and tear the ship apart. Rainbow quickly flew over, her forehooves wrapped around the flare bundle. Immediately, Twilight used her magic and lit them. “Alright, when it opens its mouth, send them in, with any luck that’ll bring it down!”

“You can count on me, Twi!” Rainbow said with a cocky grin, grabbing up the lit flare bundle in her forehooves and spreading her wings. The leviathan’s huge jaws opened wide as it prepared to lunge, and Rainbow took to the air.

The pegasus sped forward and with all her might, flung the flares into the beast’s mouth and looped in the air to land back on the ship, her cocky smile still in place as it lunged at the ship. “Smile you son of a—” Her taunt was cut off by a fantastic explosion of fire and light erupted from the creature’s mouth, causing its head to jerk backwards, letting out an agonized howl as flames rose from its jaws before the green glow faded from its eyes and it collapsed into the sea, its belly rising up for a moment before it sank under the waves, disappearing into the distance as the ship got further and further away from it.

“YES!” Rainbow cheered.

“Yes! Yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-YES!” Twilight shouted, bouncing joyfully in place that the fight was over.

“Yee-haw!” Applejack yelled, tipping her hat while Rarity just smiled in satisfaction and nodded.

“Thank Celestia that crisis is over,” Rarity said, the captain and shipmate letting out loud sighs of relief and slowing the ship down.

“Well that was fun wasn’t it?” the captain asked. “Hey, about the fare? Free of charge. You smoked the devil of the deep, you have my thanks! And also, you probably didn’t see it but I threw a horseshoe at it at one point.”

“Eh, whatever you say. All this craziness has worn me out, so… wake me when we get there,” Rainbow said, heading down to the cabin.

“I think I’ll partake in that notion as well,” Rarity said. Twilight and Applejack exchanged a glance and followed them after.


“Welcome to Ujamare...” the captain said as his ship reached the docks. “…City of Trade in Saddle Arabia!”

As soon as the ship docked, the four friends trotted off the ramp and marveled at the sights before them. Under a cloudless, sunny sky tall buildings of yellow and white stone were all around, with domed roofs and a vast marketplace right along the docks. Horses and camels in silken garments sat on blankets that were lay about on the sand, selling urns, tapestries, jewelry, food, and other wares.

“You know, as intense as this adventure has gotten for us, I gotta admit, I am enjoying the sightseeing!” Twilight said sheepishly. “Well, we better get moving, see if we can learn anything about the tomb the museum mentioned!” she said, leading her friends into the desert city.

Author's Note:

Yay, a new chapter done overnight! My birthday went well, and thanks everyone! This new chapter is my gratitude :twilightsmile:

The leviathan inspired by this fanmade remastering of the G1 villain Squirk. Go check out the artist's other G4-ified work it's amazing! :twilightsmile:

A short chapter, I know, but here's the epic kraken battle music!