• Published 17th Aug 2013
  • 3,707 Views, 568 Comments

An Earthbound Journey - ShadeJak

An Earthbound crossover of sorts. The return of an ancient evil starts a weird and crazy adventure for Rainbow Dash and her friends all around Equestria and beyond!

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Sun, Sand, and Sales

“Rarity, did you need to spend that long at the silks?” Rainbow asked with an eyeroll. “Personally I’d rather just get some water. The heat may not bother me but I’m still pretty thirsty.”

“I needed to decide which one to order once I got back home, Rainbow. It never hurts to be ahead of everypony else on what I can bring to the fashion world, after all!” The unicorn explained.

Rarity’s eyes grew starry. “Ooh! I can make a whole Saddle Arabian line first thing!” she said with a giddy cheer.

“Typical Rarity…” Applejack said. “Ah’m gonna go buy us a few a’ those apples ah saw earlier.” She added, trotting over to one of the vending stands and buying several.

“Wow… this place is pretty different from Equestria… Celestia always told me it was beautiful and I’ve always wanted to see it.” Twilight remarked, before noticing the stares. “…But yeah, we should probably go look for details on the tomb. Since we got that drawing of the Eye of Light we’ll have something to go by.” She explained.

Approaching a booth run by an older Arabian horse, Twilight floated out the picture she’d drawn and hovered it in front of herself. “Excuse me, do you know anything about—”

“Oh brother, another pony looking for that thing?” The stallion asked with an eyeroll. "Doesn’t anyone just… come to buy anything, honestly, they think ‘cause I’m older I automatically know everything about it?” He ranted.

“I’m sorry…” Twilight said. “Wait, another?” She asked.

“Yes, you’re like the third one to come by here lookin’ for information on it! Some blue unicorn with a couple jackals… ugh, normally I would never associate with a pony or horse or otherwise who hangs with those types. Desert bandits, the lot of ‘em! Love shiny stuff we gotta deal with them raidin’ this place all the time. She promised they’d leave us be if I told her though… so I admitted she’d find it in the Pyramid of the Sun south of here!” The horse explained.

“Pyramid of the Sun? So that’s what Fancy Pants and the tablet meant by a tomb.”

“No reason it shouldn’t.” The horse answered. The last great king of ancient times who ruled these parts was buried there. The passage of years, though, anything in there is about all that’s left to his name around here. That unicorn though… what could she want? She doesn’t seem the type for tomb robbery.”

“I know of her. I’m guessing those jackals are hired help. Whatever business she’s got there is probably personal.” Twilight said. “So who was the other one?” She asked, floating a few bits onto the vendor’s table.

“Hmmm… hard to describe her. She was a pony, that much I’m sure. She was kinda… sand-colored. She wore a cloth sunhat and a purple shawl, so I don’t know if she was a unicorn, pegasus, or earth pony. She had these huge red glasses but her eyes seemed kinda magenta-colored.” The horse explained.

Rainbow, overhearing this, flew over immediately. “Her mane? What color?” She asked urgently, dropping another bit on the table.

“She had it mostly under her hat but I could have sworn it was kind of a dark gray color…” The horse mused.

“Oh… my… gosh… Twi, you think A.K. Yearling’s here, too?” Rainbow asked, her eyes going starry. “I bet she’s doing research for her next book! That’s SO awesome!” She said with a joyful squeal as she pressed in on her cheeks with her hooves. “Think we’ll run into her?”

Twilight facehoofed. “I’m sure we will, Rainbow. But we’re gonna need to make sure she’s safe and get her out of there. If Trixie’s on her way to the Pyramid of the Sun with a bunch of mercenaries, she’s in danger!” She explained. This, however, only seemed to fuel the fire of Rainbow’s enthusiasm.

“We’re gonna rescue the author of Daring Do… OHMYGOSH!!!” Rainbow squealed excitedly, flying into the air and doing a few loops while the vendor and her friends stared at her.

“We need to get that artifact do-hicky, Rainbow, but yes, we do gotta make sure Ms. Yearling’s safe.” Applejack said with an eyeroll.

“Well, you’ve been most helpful, good sir. Would you be so kind as to tell us where we may find the pyramid?” Rarity asked the horse, batting her eyes.

“Uhhh, sorry, ma’am.” The horse said nervously. “I just know it’s to the south. Ask around I know a camel who likes to hang out on top of his roof knows the exact way to get there. Try otherwise you can get lost out there.”

“Well thank you for your time, sir.” Rarity said with a nod, and the four wandered about town again.

A half hour and a food and drink break later, the four spotted a camel that seemed to be meditating on top of his roof under a canvas.

Flying up, Rainbow tapped him on the turban. “Hey, ‘scuse me. Which way to the Pyramid of the Sun?

The camel did not respond, but remained seated with his eyes closed. Shaking her head, Rainbow drew in a deep breath.

“HEY WAKE UP!!!” She shouted as loudly as she could, startling the camel and causing him to topple over with a frightened yelp.

“Sheesh, what’s your problem?” The camel asked indignantly.

“Sorry about that, but you didn’t answer the first time.” Rainbow said matter-of-factly.

“Seriously, Rainbow? Twilight asked, teleporting onto the rooftop. “I’m really sorry about this, sir, my friend can be a little… reckless sometimes.” She said, glaring at Rainbow, who just rolled her eyes. “Look, one of the vendors said you’d know the way to the Pyramid of the Sun, we need to get there so we can find the Eye. It’s really important.”

“I see… just like the last few who asked.” The camel said. “Well, you’ll need a compass for that or you’ll never find it. The sands shift about a lot so you gotta keep headin’ southeast from the south gate of this city. Once you walk out, remember, keep headin’ directly southeast.” He explained. “Also, maybe it’s just a mirage but I swear I’ve been seein’ this big stone unicorn that stands on its hind legs wandering around and it asked me if I saw its key… that’s when I fainted. Sun must get to me more then I thought, huh?” He asked.

“Now you’re just talking crazy.” Rainbow muttered with an eyeroll.

“Well, thanks for your time, sir. We’ll be sure to buy a compass for the trip.” Twilight said with a smile and looking over at Rainbow Dash, who nodded and carried her back down.

“Also… if you see that sand-colored pony with the cloak and hat, tell her to be careful. There’s jackal bandits that have been scopin’ the area too!” The camel called out.

“Well, you heard him, Twi! We gotta hurry! If we don’t get to Ms. Yearling in time, the jackals will get her and we may never see another book again!” Rainbow protested, prompting a facehoof from Twilight. “…Well, the fact I’m worried about her too should be obvious enough to not have to mention, Twi.” She added as they flew back down to rejoin their friends.

“Well, if we’re going to cross a desert, I demand we get some supplies. We still have the sunglasses from Bahamare but I advise sunhats and plenty of water.” Rarity said. “All of which I will select for us, of course.”


“See, I told you to leave the selections up to me!” Rarity said with a smile as the four friends approached the outside of the gates. While Applejack did not change her hat as it had been meant for hot weather, the other three now wore wide-brimmed sunhats that complimented their coat colors, and each now carried water bottles in their saddlebags and sunglasses firmly fixed on their muzzles.

“Did the temperature just rise about fifty degrees?” Applejack asked, staring upward for a moment. It suddenly felt like San Palomino all over again. Adjusting her hat, the earth pony stared out at the vast sand dunes for a moment then back at Twilight. “So, that thing workin’, sugarcube?” She asked.

“In a moment.” Twilight said, her compass hovering in front of her as the arrows adjusted. “Just follow me and we should be fine. The pyramid is southeast… that way!” She immediately gestured in the direction they needed to go.

“Well let’s get going, then!” Rainbow declared.

About thirty minutes of walking later, the four ponies found themselves growing more and more weary, but in the distance, behind the sand dunes, was a tall stone structure with a pointed top.

“The pyramid! We… finally made it!” Rarity said, floating out her water bottle and finishing what water was left. “Hopefully we can get inside and it’ll be cooler there.”

“So say all of us…” Twilight said, panting as she took a drink from her own water bottle as well.

“Well look at that, brother of mine!” A familiar and all too cheerful voice said.

“What do we see here, brother of mine?” Another familiar and cheerful voice said.

“Why it’s our old friends, and wouldn’t you know it, it seems we’ve crossed business again!” The first voice declared.

As the four looked to the side, Applejack immediately rubbed her eyes. “Naw, not a chance. Gotta be a mirage…” She grumbled in disgust as two very familiar and unwelcome sights stood grinning at her and the others.

“Ohhhh we’re no mirage!” Flim said with a winning smile.

“You just happened across the Flimflam Brothers Desert Oasis store!” Flam declared proudly, both now wearing Saddle Arabian robes and turbans and gesturing to a large barrel behind them that had a pipe feeding into an oasis right behind them.

“Because we found…” Both began to sing, and sure enough another song number kicked in.

Opportu-ni-ty! In this sandy co-mmun-i-ty!

I’m Flim! (I’m Flam!) We’re the world-famous Flimflam Brothers!

Traveling Desert Supply Dealers extra-or-din-aaaaaare!

“How did we not notice that a second ago?” Rainbow wondered aloud after a second of awkward silence when the two unicorns finished their little number.

“Why few ever do, not even the last one or those creepy bandits noticed us right away!” Flim said proudly.

“So what’ll it be, friends? A nice drink of water from this LOVELY oasis we bought? Or maybe a little apple cider, imported STRAIGHT from Equestria?” Flam offered with a grin.

“Or maybe you’re still on that wacky quest of yours! How about a bottle rocket or two?” Flim offered.

“You have bottle rockets now?!” Twilight asked, staring agape.

“Why yes we do! Why not profit on a little world-saving, hmmm?” Flim asked, leaning in and his grin never fading. “Unfortunately we only have one big one, but we’re sure you’ll figure out something to do with it, limited time only special for twenty bits!”

The four mares looked at one-another, still trying to process what they were seeing.

“I dunno what’s crazier, the fact that these guys are here or that they’re trying to sell us that?” Rainbow asked with a facehoof.

“Well, we don’t know what we’ll be up against in there, Rainbow… we may have to bite down and buy it.” Rarity said, turning her nose up. “As much as I don’t want to from these horrid snake-oil salesponies!”

“Hey now! We’re making an honest living!” Flam protested indignantly.

“And you don’t get more honest then hanging out in the desert selling the wares every pony needs most there!” Flim added, proudly gesturing to the barrel of water and the box containing the bottle rocket. “Now the water is five bits, since we use magic to keep it fresh and cool for thirsty throats so they can enjoy the finest quality water Saddle Arabia has to offer, fit for its Sultan!”

Twilight facehoofed. “Fine. Four cups, and the bottle rocket.

“Thought you’d see it our way!” Flam said with an approving nod. “That’ll be forty bits then in total!”

“You’re jokin’, right?” Applejack asked. “Ah’m only toleratin’ ya here ‘cause we actually could use a few things after that trip across the desert, but that’s goin’ a little high, ain’t it?”

“Not at all, ma’am!” Flim said. “Supply and demand, and with the last influx of customers we’ve had believe you-me those factors are important!”

“Will this suffice? I was saving it for a project back home.” Rarity said, floating out a gem from her saddlebag and batting her eyes flirtatiously at the two stallions after lowering her shades. The two looked over the gem, then at eachother for a moment. Flim brushed back his mane and floated the gem away from Rarity as he looked it over.

“Well, I suppose this might cover it, my dear! What do you say, brother?” Flim asked.

Flam stroked his moustache with his hoof, stealing a glance at Rarity, who struck a demure pose and caused both stallions to turn and talk amongst themselves for a second.

“Well…” Flim said with a smirk. “My brother and I have decided this will pay off everything you asked for!” He said, floating four mugs under the barrel’s spout and filling them before floating them over to the four ponies, while Flam floated the bottle rocket from its box and put the gem in their bags.

Rainbow and Rarity immediately chugged down the water they’d been provided while Twilight magically shrank the bottle rocket and put it in her saddlebag before drinking her water. Applejack glared at the two brothers for a moment before drinking hers. While the cool beverage was excellent-quality water, she wasn’t about to admit it to the two stallions who tried to steal her family’s farm from under them.

“Ah still say we got ripped off.” Applejack muttered bitterly.

“Pleasure doing business!” Flim said, ignoring her remark. “I assume you’re going into that pyramid? Have fun!” He said cheerfully.

“Indeed, have fun! Use our wares well and tell your friends about the Flimflam Brothers new desert business!” Flam added, and both went back under the large palm trees they’d used for shade and got themselves some more water.

Without another word but feeling refreshed, the four friends headed towards the pyramid, leaving the oasis and its occupants behind as they drew closer to the entrance.

“Hey look!” Rainbow said, gesturing to the open doors and a dial of sorts that seemed to have been tampered with next to them. “Hope Ms. Yearling’s okay!”

“Only one way to find out.” Twilight said. “We ready girls?” She asked, floating off her shades as her friends did the same.

“Just say the world, Twilight.” Rarity answered with a confident smile.

“Ah’m ready.” Applejack said, snorting.

“Just let ‘em try and take us down!” Rainbow said proudly.

“Alright, let’s go.” Twilight ordered and the four of them headed inside.


The inside of the pyramid was lit up by several torches, its walls dusty with numerous etchings and hieroglyphs carved into it, and numerous images depicting the history of the ancient king who had been buried there. Several tracks also lay before them on the sandy floor, both made by hoof and by canine paws.

“We need to be careful. Who knows what’s in here.” Twilight said cautiously.

“Hang on.” Rainbow said, picking up a small rock in her hoof and flinging it. As it touched a tile up ahead, a pair of long spears shot out of either side of the walls next to it, criss-crossing before they retracted. “What?” She asked, noticing the stares from her friends. “I’ve read all the Daring Do books, I know what to expect in places like this!” She said with a haughty laugh.

Immediately after, however, a pair of horselike drawings on the wall seemed to look towards them and step off, two-dimensional but somehow able to move, like living pictures.

“Get back!” Twilight yelled, firing bolts of magic at them as they approached. Where her magic attacks struck, chips of some sort of paint broke off and crumbled away like dust.

“Ah got this!” Applejack said, drawing out her lasso, giving it a twirl and flinging it over the two animated murals, tying them together and giving it a squeeze. When she did, the two creatures crumbled apart, leaving piles of dust and chipped paint. “Easy as pie.” She said with a smirk as she put her lasso back in place.

A growling and several yelps were heard somewhere below them, and sounds of a struggle. Twilight looked ahead and fired a bolt of magic, and several tiles lit up.

“Whatever you do, don’t touch those! We gotta hurry and find a way down!” The unicorn said, and the four immediately leaped over the tiles lit by Twilight’s spell. Further down the hall was a stairway leading down, and upon reaching the bottom, they came to a large room down below lined with several caskets and urns. Several black, doglike creatures with thick tails and long, pointed ears and snouts wearing ragged robes and hoods that were presumably the jackal bandits stood with spears aimed down at someone or something. The four hid behind one of the large urns and fortunately had gone unnoticed, but as they peered around it to see what was going on, they saw that the jackals were surrounding a lone sand-colored, gray-maned pony with a green safari shirt and hat…

“...What the hay?!” Rainbow and Twilight muttered in unified shock and recognition at the mare.

Author's Note:

At long last, a long-awaited new chapter! Hope you all enjoyed it and the action shall be more plentiful this weekend! :twilightsmile: